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Display SAP table details

MSSSCHEMALIST - List of schema names

MSSSCHEMASTATS - MS SQL Server: info on table size for all schemas

MSSSCHJOBS - List of sql agent jobs scheduled for the next X days

MSSSCOPCONFIG - Database scoped configurations

MSSSERIA - MSSQL: Serialization Format of RAT Data

MSSSERVER - MS SQL Server: Information

MSSSHOWCONOUT - Output of dbcc showcontig

MSSSNAPHIS - MS SQL Server MSQSNAP table history list

MSSSOURCE - MS SQL Server: Stored Procedures Source Code

MSSSPNAMES - List of stored procedure names for which to create a summary

MSSSPVERS - MS SQL Server: Database Release and Stored Proc. Revision

MSSSPWHO - MS SQL Server: Online user status

MSSSQLSETUP - Comments returned from sp sap_mon_sqlsetup and then level

MSSSQLSTMT - SQL definition statement text

MSSST04COUNTERS - Collection of key performance counters displayed in ST04

MSSST04LST - MS SQL Server: ST04 Main Screen Display Structure

MSSSTORAGE - MSSQL-Specific Storage Parameters for Tables and Indexes

MSSSTRUC - MSSQL: Structure of RAT Output Field String

MSSSUBPARA - MS SQL Server: Table of Substituted Profile Parameters

MSSSYSNAMESTRUC - Name of an MS SQL Server Object

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