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MCQADDON - Interface for add-ons

MCQALS - Insp.lot: interface to QIS

MCQALSADD - Additional structure: insp.lot

MCQALSB - QIS: communication structure for insp.lot

MCQALSB_BW - Inspection lot with cancellation flag

MCQALSUSR - User structure: insp.lot

MCQALSX - Inspection lot

MCQALS_ADMIN - Comm structure: Inspection lot: Local timestamp

MCQALS_CH - QMIS charac. data-inspection results

MCQALS_CHAR - Comm. structure: Inspection lot - characteristics

MCQALS_CHAR_CUST - Comm. structure: Inspection lots - char. on customer

MCQALS_CHAR_INT - Comm. structure: Inspection lot - char. internal reference

MCQALS_CHAR_MAT - Comm. structure: Inspection lot - char. on material

MCQALS_CHAR_SUPL - Comm. structure: Inspection lot - char. on vendor

MCQALS_CTRL - Comm. structure: Inspection lots - controlling data

MCQALS_KFG - Interface structure for inspection lot extraction: Key figs

MCQALS_SYSTEM - Comm. structure: Inspection lot - system

MCQALTB_BW - Comm. structure: Part lot with cancellation flag

MCQALTX - Comm. structure: Part lot

MCQALT_CHAR - Comm. structure: Inspection lots - characteristics

MCQAPO - Insp. operation: Communication structure

MCQAPOB - Insp. operation: Communication structure

MCQAPOB_BW - Inspection operation

MCQAPOX - Insp. operation: Communication structure

MCQAPO_CH - Insp. operation: Summarization characs.

MCQAPP - Insp. point: Communication structure

MCQAPPB - Insp. point: Communication structure

MCQAPPB_BW - Insp. point: Communication structure

MCQAPPX - Insp. point: Communication structure

MCQAPP_CH - Insp. point: Summarization characs.

MCQAPP_CHAR - Comm. structure: Inspection point - characteristics

MCQAQR - Insp. result-sample/charac.: Communication structure

MCQAQRB - Insp. result-sample/charac.: Communication structure

MCQAQRB_BW - Comm. structure: Inspection results with cancellation flag

MCQAQRX - Insp. result-sample/charac.: Communication structure

MCQAQR_CH - Insp. result-sample/charac.: Summarization characs.

MCQAQR_CHAR - Comm. structure: Inspection results - characteristics

MCQAQR_EX1 - Structure enhancement for QMIS

MCQAQR_FG - Insp. result-sample/charac.: Scores

MCQAQR_KYF - Comm. structure: Inspection results - key figures

MCQAVE - Usage decision: interface to QIS

MCQAVEADD - Additional structure

MCQAVEB - QIS: communication structure for the usage decision

MCQAVEB_BW - Usage decision with cancellation indicator

MCQAVEUSR - User structure: usage decision

MCQAVEX - Usage decision

MCQAVEX_KFG - Interface structure usage decision: Key figures

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