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LTRME_TASK_DETAILS - Task details for exception handling

LTRMM_LLOCT - Site structure for monitoring

LTRM_ACTUAL_WORK - Actual data of Task Confirmation

LTRM_ACTUAL_WORK_CUST - Customer data in Actual work

LTRM_ADMIN - Administration for TRM

LTRM_BASE_QTY - Quantity Information to report back to host (in base UOM)

LTRM_EXCEPTION - Structure for exception during task execution

LTRM_HOST_ACTUAL_DATA - Actual data of Task Confirmation

LTRM_HU - HU - Source/Destination not detailed

LTRM_RANGE_C10 - Structure of a Range Table for a (10) Character Field

LTRM_RANGE_C12 - Structure of a Range Table for a Ten Character Field

LTRM_RANGE_C2 - Structure of a Range Table for a 2-Character Field

LTRM_RANGE_C20 - Structure of a Range Table for a Character (20) Field

LTRM_RANGE_C22 - Structure of a Range Table for a 22 Character Field

LTRM_RANGE_C4 - Structure of a range table for a character (4) field

LTRM_SRCDST - Definition of source/dest node

LTRM_TASK_RSTYP - Resource type for task creation

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