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LTR2_ANA2_AO - LTR2 Analysis: Analysis Object Identifier

LTR2_ANA2_CFG - LTR2 Analysis: General Configuration

LTR2_ANA2_CFM - LTR2 Analysis: Confirm status of analysis results

LTR2_ANA2_CRSLT - LTR2 Analysis: Comprehensive analysis result

LTR2_ATTR - LTR2 Attributes

LTR2_BO - LTR2 Business Object

LTR2_BO_DOCU - LTR2 Business Object Documentations

LTR2_BO_DOCUT - LTR2 Business Object Documentation Texts

LTR2_BO_FUNC - LTR2 Business Object Functions

LTR2_BO_FUNCT - LTR2 BO Function Texts

LTR2_CM - LTR2 Content Module

LTR2_CM_BO - LTR2 Business Objects in Content Module

LTR2_CM_BOP - LTR2 Business Objects property in Content Module

LTR2_CM_DMOD - LTR2 Data Model in Content Module

LTR2_CM_DMODP - LTR2 Data Model property in Content Module

LTR2_CM_DMODTB - LTR2 Table in Content Module

LTR2_CM_DMODTP - LTR2 Table property in Content Module

LTR2_CM_FLT2 - LTR2 Filters 2 in a content module

LTR2_CM_FLT2CMP - LTR2 Filter Assignment to Table Fields

LTR2_CM_FLT2PRED - LTR2 Filter 2 predecessor filters

LTR2_CM_FLT2PRP - LTR2 Parameters for filter 2 predecessor filter rule

LTR2_CM_FLT2RP - LTR2 Parameters for producing filter rule

LTR2_CM_MWBTA - LTR2 Table-based MWB generation parameters

LTR2_CM_MWBTB - LTR2 Object-based MWB generation parameters

LTR2_CM_NROBJ - LTR2 Number Range Object Settings in Content Module

LTR2_CM_OBT_REPO - LTR2 OBT Reports in an content module

LTR2_CM_OBT_REPP - LTR2 OBT Report parameters in a content module

LTR2_CM_PARAM - LTR2 Parameters in content module

LTR2_CM_PRESEL - LTR2 table preselection settings in Content Module

LTR2_CM_RAS - LTR2 Rule Assignment in a content module

LTR2_CM_TAB_DEP - LTR2 Table dependency in a content module

LTR2_CM_TRUL_BUS - LTR2 Orchestrate Business Logic TRules inside Content Module

LTR2_CM_TRUL_TEC - LTR2 Orchestrate Technical TRules Inside CM

LTR2_CM_TSD_COMP - LTR2 Table Scope Definition by appl. component in a CM

LTR2_CM_TSD_DEVC - LTR2 Table Scope Definition by package name in a CM

LTR2_CM_TSD_PKTY - LTR2 Table Scope Definition by package type in a CM

LTR2_CM_TSD_PROP - LTR2 Table Scope Definition by table properties in a CM

LTR2_CM_TSD_TAB - LTR2 Table Scope Definition by table name in a CM

LTR2_CM_TSEL - LTR2 Data Model Selection in Content Module

LTR2_CM_TSELCOD - LTR2 Preselection Code in Content Module

LTR2_DBTAB - LTR2 Interface Object DB Table

LTR2_DSCR_ADR - Scrambling Data: Address

LTR2_DSCR_ADRP - Scrambling Data: Persons Address

LTR2_DSCR_BP - Scrambling Data: Business Partner

LTR2_DSCR_BP_DATA - Business Partner Scrambling Data

LTR2_DSCR_BUT0ID - LTR2: BP / Ext Pernr

LTR2_DSCR_CUST - Scrambling Data: Customer

LTR2_DSCR_GEN - Scrambling Data: Generic

LTR2_DSCR_MAP - Scrambling Data: Value Mapping

LTR2_DSCR_PERS - Scrambling Data: Person


LTR2_DSCR_TIBAN - Scrambling Data: IBAN

LTR2_DSCR_TPAR - Data Scrambling: TPAR

LTR2_DSCR_USRDAT - TDP: generic Storage for Save and Restore User Data

LTR2_DSCR_US_ALIAS - LTR2: User / User Alias


LTR2_DSCR_VEND - Scrambling Data: Vendor

LTR2_ES_COL_REST - Column restriction

LTR2_ES_CUST - LTR2 ES Customizing

LTR2_ES_FILE_DATA - Structure for file data

LTR2_ES_INDX - Table for storing Transformation Summary

LTR2_ES_KB_SYNC - Synchronization Status between KB Tool and ES

LTR2_ES_KB_S_RANGE - LTR2_KB Generic Range

LTR2_ES_TS_S - Transformation Summary Download

LTR2_FILTER2 - LTR2 Filter 2

LTR2_FILTER2_DOM - Filter Domain

LTR2_FILTER2_ROL - Filter Roll

LTR2_FILTER2_TAB - Filtered Table Fields

LTR2_FUMO - LTR2 Interface Object Function Module

LTR2_HINT - LTR2 Hints

LTR2_IOBJ - LTR2 Interface Object

LTR2_IOBJ_PAR - LTR2 Interface Object Parameters

LTR2_IOBJ_PART - LTR2 Interface Object Parameter Texts

LTR2_KB_ACTLP - LTR2 KB: Table storing neccessary Log. Flds for FS

LTR2_KB_ACTLPATH - Path of Containment

LTR2_KB_ACTLPOD - Org Derivation Parameter Container

LTR2_KB_ACTLPODP - Path of Containment (Org Derivation)

LTR2_KB_ACTNBIND - Binding Action Object to Logical Field

LTR2_KB_ACTNOBJ - Action Object

LTR2_KB_ACTNOMAP - Actual mapping Parameters from an acion Object

LTR2_KB_BASE - Base Table containing all LTR2 KB Objects

LTR2_KB_BASENAME - Base Table containing all LTR2 KB Objects

LTR2_KB_BASETYPE - extension of LTR2_KB_BASE storing deviating type definitions

LTR2_KB_BASEVAL - Validity for a certain entity

LTR2_KB_CLUSTER - Cluster for Storing Data for LTR2 KB Objects

LTR2_KB_CMP_DEP - Dependencies between Objects (needed for copy)

LTR2_KB_CMP_OBJ - Objects Participating in a comparison

LTR2_KB_CMP_RES - Comparsion Result Cluster

LTR2_KB_CMP_RUN - Comparison Run

LTR2_KB_CONCAT - Concatenated Containment

LTR2_KB_CONCSEG - Concatenated Containment - Segement

LTR2_KB_COND - Condition assigned to a fieldstructure

LTR2_KB_CONDVALU - Condition For Containment

LTR2_KB_CONTAINM - Containment of Info in Field Structure

LTR2_KB_CONTCODE - Containment - Free Code

LTR2_KB_CONTOBJ - Containment - Contained Objects

LTR2_KB_C_ATOOL - Customizing for connected Action Tools

LTR2_KB_C_MTOOL - Configured Migration Tools

LTR2_KB_C_ODTOOL - Configured Org Derivation Tools

LTR2_KB_C_VALDTY - Validity Options

LTR2_KB_DOCU - Documenttion

LTR2_KB_FMALP - LTR2 KB: Table storing neccessary Log. Flds for FS

LTR2_KB_FMALPMAP - Formal Parameters - when logf assigned to spec tabf

LTR2_KB_FMAP - Manual Field Mapping

LTR2_KB_FS - Field Structure

LTR2_KB_FSDOMA - Field Structure - Assigned Domains

LTR2_KB_FSDTEL - Data Element Assignment

LTR2_KB_FSGENRTO - RTO information

LTR2_KB_FSGENST - Generation status of field structures

LTR2_KB_FSTABF - Field Structure - Table field assignment

LTR2_KB_FS_ALL - Generated Table for View

LTR2_KB_FS_ASSP - Field Structure Assigned to a tablefield

LTR2_KB_FS_ASST - Field Structure Assigned to a tablefield

LTR2_KB_FS_ASSTE - Field Structure - Excluded specific assignments

LTR2_KB_FS_HLP - Generated Table for View


LTR2_KB_FS_TRANS - Generated Table for View

LTR2_KB_GEN_PARA - Generic parameters

LTR2_KB_INT_LOG - Intran Log

LTR2_KB_INT_LOGC - Logging of Example Data for Intran Log

LTR2_KB_LOCKTAB - Table containing locked GUIDs

LTR2_KB_LOGF - Logical Fields

LTR2_KB_LOGFH - Logical Field - Header Tables and Fields

LTR2_KB_LOGFT - Language dependent

LTR2_KB_LOGF_HLP - Generated Table for View

LTR2_KB_MT_ACTVT - Migration tool activities

LTR2_KB_MT_CONFG - Migration Tool Configurations

LTR2_KB_MT_RTO - Migration Tool RTO configurations

LTR2_KB_OBJPROXY - Table to Store Logical Field and Field Structure Proxy

LTR2_KB_OD_DATA - Org Derivation DATA

LTR2_KB_OD_MVIEW - Generated Table for View

LTR2_KB_OD_MV_UN - Generated Table for View

LTR2_KB_PARAMS - Parameter Table

LTR2_KB_PC_ACTHD - LTR2 KB: Process Control - Activity Header Table

LTR2_KB_PC_ACTPA - LTR2 KB: Process Control - Activity Parameters



LTR2_KB_PC_GLOBAL_VALUES - LTR2 KB: Process Control - Global Values

LTR2_KB_PC_MESSAGE - LTR2 KB: Process Control - Message Structure

LTR2_KB_PC_MSGLG - LTR2 KB: Process Control - Messages log (internal)

LTR2_KB_PC_RUNHD - LTR2 KB: Process Control - Run Header Table

LTR2_KB_PC_RUNLN - LTR2 KB: Process Control - Run Lines Table

LTR2_KB_PC_RUNLN_S - LTR2 KB: Process Control - RUN line

LTR2_KB_PC_RUNLP - LTR2 KB: Process Control - Activity Header Table

LTR2_KB_PC_RUNPR - LTR2 KB: Process Control - Run Protocol and Status Details

LTR2_KB_PC_RUNPS - LTR2 KB: Process Control - Prior Steps

LTR2_KB_PROJ - Project

LTR2_KB_PROJ_HLP - Generated Table for View

LTR2_KB_PROJ_MID - LTR2_KB: Migration Identifiers in a project

LTR2_KB_PROJ_SYS - Stores the system types for the various system roles in prj

LTR2_KB_PROJ_USR - LTR2 KB: Table storing authorizations in a project

LTR2_KB_STATUS - General status management of LTR2_KB

LTR2_KB_S_ACTION_TOOLS - Structure to store action tool names

LTR2_KB_S_ALLOWED_VALUE - Allowed Values

LTR2_KB_S_AO_KEY_PARAMETERS - Action object key parameter values

LTR2_KB_S_API_MESSAGE - Message Store for API

LTR2_KB_S_API_RULE_ASSIGNMENT - Display Rule Assignment to table field

LTR2_KB_S_ASS_LOGF_TOOL_PARAMS - Tool parameters for assigned logical field

LTR2_KB_S_ATOOLS_SETTINGS - Action Tools Settings


LTR2_KB_S_CNV_RELEVANT_WRKLIST - CNV relevant worklist

LTR2_KB_S_COMPARE_RESULT - Result of a Comparison

LTR2_KB_S_CONDITION_INFO - Condition information

LTR2_KB_S_COND_PARAM_VALUE - Parameter Values in Condition

LTR2_KB_S_CONTAINMENT_INFO - Containment information

LTR2_KB_S_CONTAINMENT_PATH - Path of containment

LTR2_KB_S_DISP_ACTION_OBJECT - Display Structure Action Objects

LTR2_KB_S_DISP_ACTLPS - Display Actual Parameters

LTR2_KB_S_DISP_AO_BINDING - Display Structure Binding Logical Field to Action Object

LTR2_KB_S_DISP_AO_PARAMETERS - Display Structure Parameters

LTR2_KB_S_DISP_AO_PARAMS_SIMPL - Simple Display Structure for Action Object Parameters

LTR2_KB_S_DISP_AO_TOP - Display Structure Action Object

LTR2_KB_S_DISP_CMP_OBJ - Display Structure Object Comparison

LTR2_KB_S_DISP_CNV_LOGIC_GEN - Display Structure Code Generation

LTR2_KB_S_DISP_COMPARE_RESULT - Display Structure Compare Result

LTR2_KB_S_DISP_CONCAT_DECL - Display Structure Declaration of Concat Containment

LTR2_KB_S_DISP_CONCAT_IMPL - Display Structure Declaration of Concat Containment

LTR2_KB_S_DISP_CONDITION_ALL - Display all Conditions


LTR2_KB_S_DISP_CONTAINMENT_DYN - Display Structure Containment

LTR2_KB_S_DISP_CONTAINMENT_FIX - Display Structure Containment

LTR2_KB_S_DISP_CONTAINMENT_OBJ - Display Structure Containment Object

LTR2_KB_S_DISP_CONTAINMENT_PAR - Display Structure Parameters of Field Structure

LTR2_KB_S_DISP_CONTENT_PREVIEW - Content Preview of Logical Field

LTR2_KB_S_DISP_FIELD_STRUCTURE - Display Structure for Logical Fields

LTR2_KB_S_DISP_FMALP_GENERAL - Display Structure main parameter attributes

LTR2_KB_S_DISP_FMALP_PARAMAP - Display Structure Formal Parameter Map

LTR2_KB_S_DISP_FSC_TREE - Tree Display Structure choosing containment

LTR2_KB_S_DISP_FS_ASSIGN_EXCL - Display Structure from assignment excluded field structures

LTR2_KB_S_DISP_FS_ASSP - Display assigned parameters of field structure assignment

LTR2_KB_S_DISP_FS_PARAMS - Display Structure Parameters

LTR2_KB_S_DISP_FS_RULE_NAME - Display Structure Rule Names for Fieldstructures

LTR2_KB_S_DISP_LOGF_PARAMS - Display Structure Parameters

LTR2_KB_S_DISP_LOGICAL_FIELD - Display Structure for Logical Fields

LTR2_KB_S_DISP_MIGIDENT - Migration Ident

LTR2_KB_S_DISP_PARAM_STORE - Display Structure Parameter Store

LTR2_KB_S_DISP_PROJECT - Display Structure Project

LTR2_KB_S_DISP_RULE_ASSIGNMENT - Display Rule Assignment to table field

LTR2_KB_S_DISP_RULE_PROP_PROV - Display rule proposal provider results


LTR2_KB_S_FIELD_STRUC_MATCH - Match for field structure

LTR2_KB_S_FORMALP_ACTUALP_MAP - Mapping - Formal Parameter to Actual parameter


LTR2_KB_S_FS_BY_NAME - Structure for field structure by name

LTR2_KB_S_FS_CONTAINS_FS - Field structure contained in a field structure

LTR2_KB_S_FS_CONTAINS_LOGF - Logical fields contained in a field structure

LTR2_KB_S_FS_DOMAIN - Domains assigned to a fieldstructure

LTR2_KB_S_FS_DTEL - Assigned Data elements to Fieldstructure

LTR2_KB_S_FS_LIST - Field structure list

LTR2_KB_S_FS_TABF - Tablefields assigned to fieldstructure




LTR2_KB_S_INCLUDES - Structure for storing generated includes

LTR2_KB_S_INCONS_VALIDITY - inconsistent logical field and field structure validity


LTR2_KB_S_LOGF_FROM_TABF - Logical field names based on header table fields

LTR2_KB_S_MIGTOOL_VARIABLES - Migration Tool Variables

LTR2_KB_S_MTOOLS_SETTINGS - Migration Tool Settings

LTR2_KB_S_MT_ACTIVITIES - Migration tool activities

LTR2_KB_S_MT_COPY - Old/New MT for copying from ES


LTR2_KB_S_MT_REPOSITORY - Migration tool repository

LTR2_KB_S_MT_RTO - Migration tool RTO information

LTR2_KB_S_MT_RULE_PARAMETERS - MT rule parameters

LTR2_KB_S_MT_RULE_PROPOSAL_INF - MT rule proposal information

LTR2_KB_S_MT_VARIABLES - Migration Tool Variables

LTR2_KB_S_MT_VAR_INFO - MT variable info

LTR2_KB_S_NAME_VALUE - Name Value Pair Structure

LTR2_KB_S_OBJECT_BASIC - Object information

LTR2_KB_S_OBJECT_TYPE_INFO - Object type information

LTR2_KB_S_OD_MANAGER_OUTALV - ALV Output Structur for OD Manager

LTR2_KB_S_OD_WHERE_USED_OUTALV - Where Used List in Org Derivation Manager

LTR2_KB_S_ORG_DERIV_DATA - Org deriv data

LTR2_KB_S_PARAMETER_NAME - Parameter Name Structure

LTR2_KB_S_PARAM_DESCRIPTION - Structure for Parameter + Description

LTR2_KB_S_PARAM_VALUE - Name Value Pair Structure

LTR2_KB_S_PC_CLUST_KEY - Structure for cluster database key

LTR2_KB_S_PC_RUNID - Structure for runid range table

LTR2_KB_S_POPUP_WITH_ICON - Popup with Icon

LTR2_KB_S_PROJ_SYS_GEN - Structure for receiving system types involved in the project

LTR2_KB_S_RANGE - LTR2_KB Generic Range

LTR2_KB_S_RANGE_NAME - Structure for range name

LTR2_KB_S_RELEVANT_TYPES - Relevant types

LTR2_KB_S_RTO_CODE_TEMPLATE - Structure for code template

LTR2_KB_S_RTO_DISP_RESULTS - RTO display results


LTR2_KB_S_RTO_LOGS - Structure for RTO logs

LTR2_KB_S_RTO_STATUS_INFO - Status information

LTR2_KB_S_RTO_TR_GEN_RESULTS - Trule generation result set

LTR2_KB_S_RTO_TR_TABLE_TECH - Trule table for technical

LTR2_KB_S_SELECT - Select table

LTR2_KB_S_SHLP_TMPL_PROJ - Structure for template project search help

LTR2_KB_S_STATUS_OUT - Structure for status management for output

LTR2_KB_S_STATUS_OUT_ALV - Status Management ALV Grid

LTR2_KB_S_SYSTEM_TYPES - System Types Structure

LTR2_KB_S_TABLE - Structuree with tabname

LTR2_KB_S_TABLEFIELD_VALIDITY - Action Object validity only for specific fields

LTR2_KB_S_TABLEPOOL_RULES - Table pool rule information

LTR2_KB_S_TABS_WITH_RELEASE - Table names with release information

LTR2_KB_S_TAB_COUNT - Alv Table Count

LTR2_KB_S_TRULE_EVAL - structure for trule evaluation

LTR2_KB_S_USAGE - Usage of an object

LTR2_KB_S_USAGE_DEEP - Deep usage


LTR2_KB_TABLES - Tablepool LTR2 KB

LTR2_KB_TFIELDS - Tablefields (DDIC) LTR2_KB

LTR2_KB_USRPARA - User Parameters

LTR2_KB_VARSTOR - Storage of Variables

LTR2_MBO - LTR2 Main Business Object

LTR2_MBO_USR - LTR2 Main Business Object


LTR2_OBTSCENR_CM - LTR2 Content Module List inside Scenario

LTR2_OBTSCENR_DS - LTR2 Dataset switch flag Inside OBT-Scenario

LTR2_OD - LTR2 Object Definition

LTR2_ODATA_CE_S_ACTION - Transfer Run Action


LTR2_ODATA_CE_S_COND_CHECK - Condition check structure






LTR2_ODATA_CE_S_PRECONDITION - Precondition check structure

LTR2_ODATA_CE_S_RESULT - Function Result

LTR2_ODATA_CE_S_STEP - Transfer Run Step

LTR2_ODATA_CE_S_SUB_ACTION - Transfer Run Sub Action

LTR2_ODATA_CE_S_SUMMARY_DOC - Summary Document


LTR2_ODATA_CE_S_TRANSFERRUN_PH - Phaseof transferrun


LTR2_OD_DCAT - LTR2 Data Categories of Object Definitions

LTR2_OD_DMOD - LTR2 Object Definition: Data Model

LTR2_OD_DMOD_STR - LTR2 Object Definition: Data Model Structure

LTR2_OD_PROD - LTR2 Assigned Products of Object Definitions

LTR2_OR_S_PARAMLIST - Parameter properties

LTR2_RAS - LTR2 Rule Assignment Set

LTR2_RASDOM - LTR2 RAS: Rule assignment on domains

LTR2_RASDOMP - LTR2 RAS: Rule assignment parameters on domains

LTR2_RASROL - LTR2 RAS: Rule assignment on data elements

LTR2_RASROLP - LTR2 RAS: Rule assignment parameters on data elements

LTR2_RASTAB - LTR2 RAS: Rules for table fields

LTR2_RASTABP - LTR2 RAS: Rule parameters for table fields

LTR2_RN_ADMIN - LTR2 RN: Main table of Renumbering

LTR2_RN_LOG_IVAL - LTR2 RN: Log Message for Invalid Number

LTR2_RN_MAPMGR - LTR2 RN: Manage mapping related info

LTR2_RN_MAPVAL - LTR2 RN: Renumbering value mappings

LTR2_RN_MAXUSED - LTR2 RN: Temp table for Renumbering maximum used value

LTR2_RN_NRIV_EXT - LTR2 RN: Number intervals and comparison result

LTR2_ROBJ - LTR2 Repository Object

LTR2_ROBJ_ATTR - LTR2 Repository Object Attributes

LTR2_ROBJ_ATTRT - LTR2 Repository Object Attributes

LTR2_ROBJ_CHG - LTR2 Repository Object Change Log

LTR2_ROBJ_DEL - LTR2 Repository Object Deletions

LTR2_ROBJ_LACC - LTR2 Logged access for selected object types

LTR2_ROBJ_LCHG - LTR2 Indextable for changed ROBJ

LTR2_ROBJ_ROX - LTR2 Repository Object Extension Data


LTR2_SBO - LTR2 Sub Business Object

LTR2_SBO_DIFF - LTR2 Differentiation of Sub Business Object

LTR2_SBO_DIFFR - LTR2 Differentiation Ranges of Sub Business Object

LTR2_SCNTEST - OBT Scenario Test

LTR2_SL - LTR2 Step List

LTR2_SL_FLD - LTR2 Additional Fields in Step List

LTR2_SL_FLDUSR - LTR2 Additional Fields in Step List (user-specific settings)

LTR2_SL_FLDVAL - LTR2 Field Values and Formatting in Step List

LTR2_SL_REP - LTR2 OBT-Report in Step List

LTR2_SL_REPPAR - LTR2 Execution Parameter for OBT-Report in Step List

LTR2_SL_REPPRED - LTR2 Step List: Predecessor Control of OBT-Reports

LTR2_SL_SCHED - Steplist Scheduler Runs

LTR2_SL_SCHEDEX - Steplist ExecGUIDs in Scheduler Run

LTR2_SL_STEPEX - Step execution data

LTR2_SL_STEPRT - Step Runtimes

LTR2_SL_SYSSTATS - Step List System Statistics for Runtime Estimation

LTR2_SL_S_EXECUTIONS - Step Executions

LTR2_SL_S_FLD - Additional Field in Step List

LTR2_SL_S_FLDVAL - Field Value in Step List

LTR2_SL_S_FLDVAL_ATTR - Attributes for value of fields

LTR2_SL_S_FLD_ATTR - Field Attributes in a Step List

LTR2_SL_S_FLD_ATTR_GEN - General Field Attributes in a Step List

LTR2_SL_S_FLD_ATTR_USR - User-specific Field Attributes in a Step List

LTR2_SL_S_OVERALL_STEP_STATUS - Step Status in Step List Overall Status

LTR2_SL_S_RETENTION - Retention setting for step

LTR2_SL_S_RT_PHASE - Estimated runtime of a phase

LTR2_SL_S_RT_STEP - Estimated runtime of a step

LTR2_SL_S_RUNNING_RUNS - Active step list schedulers

LTR2_SL_S_SCHED_EXECGUID - Execution GUID processed by scheduler

LTR2_SL_S_TSLOT - Time Slot

LTR2_SL_S_TSLOT_MAPPING - Timeslot Mappinng

LTR2_SL_TSLOT - LTR2 Time Slots in Step List

LTR2_STRLINK - LTR2 Structure Links

LTR2_STRLINK_COD - LTR2 Coding for Structure Links

LTR2_STRLINK_FLC - LTR2 Structure Code Link Fields

LTR2_STRLINK_FLD - LTR2 Structure Link Fields

LTR2_STRLINK_FLX - LTR2 Fix Values of Fields in Structure Links

LTR2_STR_BO - Structure for BO

LTR2_STR_BO_PROPERTIES - Structure for BO properties

LTR2_STR_DATAMODEL - Structure for Datamodel

LTR2_STR_DMOD_PROPERTIES - Structure for datamodel properties

LTR2_STR_DTEL - Structure for RAS - Data Element

LTR2_STR_GENERAL_INFO - Structure for general information of a package

LTR2_STR_MWB_DETAIL_INFO - Structure for MWB detail information

LTR2_STR_MWB_INFO - Structure information for MWB package information

LTR2_STR_RAS - Structure for RAS

LTR2_STR_RAS_DOMA - Structure for RAS - Domain

LTR2_STR_RAS_DTEL - Structure for RAS - Data Element

LTR2_STR_RAS_PARAMETER - Structure Type for RAS - Parameter

LTR2_STR_RAS_TABL - Structure for RAS - Table

LTR2_STR_SELECTION_CRITERIA - Structure for selection criteria

LTR2_STR_STRUCTURE_LINK - Structure for DMOD Structure Link

LTR2_STR_SYSTEM_INFO - Structure for system informations

LTR2_STR_TABLE_DIFFS - Structure for Differentiation in a Sub Business Object

LTR2_STR_TABLE_FIELDS - Structure for table fields

LTR2_STR_TABLE_GLOBAL - Structure for table information (global)

LTR2_STR_TABLE_INFO - Structure for table info

LTR2_STR_TABLE_OF_DMOD - Structure for table of Datamodel

LTR2_STR_TABLE_STRUCTURE - Structure for table structure

LTR2_STR_TECH_ENV_DETAIL - Structure for installed packages

LTR2_STR_TECH_ENV_OVERVIEW - Structure for technical environment information

LTR2_STR_TRULE - Structure for Transformation Rule information

LTR2_STR_TRULE_ASGNM - Structure for Transformation Rule assignment

LTR2_STR_TRULE_LIST - Structure for Transformation Rule list

LTR2_STR_TRULE_SPEC_ASGNM - Structure for Transformation Rule assignment informations

LTR2_SYS_PARDEF - LTR2 Parameter Definitions for System Settings

LTR2_SYS_PARDEFT - LTR2 Text for System Parameter Definition

LTR2_SYS_SETTING - LTR2: Systemwide Settings for OBT

LTR2_S_ANA2_FLD_DIFF - LTR2 Analysis: Table DDIC difference information

LTR2_S_ANA2_IDX_DIFF - LTR2 Analysis: Index difference between sender and receiver

LTR2_S_ANA2_TAB_COND - LTR2 Analysis: Condition table content result

LTR2_S_ANA2_TBOD_WS - LTR2 Analysis: BO information and result

LTR2_S_ANA2_TTAB - LTR2 Analysis: Comprehensive analysis result

LTR2_S_ANA2_TTAB_WS - LTR2 Analysis: Comprehensive result with ES specific info

LTR2_S_ANA2_WS - LTR2 Analysis: ES specific infomation

LTR2_S_APPL_COMP_NAME - LTR2 Application component and name


LTR2_S_ASSIGNED_USER - LTR2 User assigned to a repository object

LTR2_S_ATTR_SH - Structure for attribute search help

LTR2_S_BO - Business object

LTR2_S_BOREL_TREENODE - LTR2 Tree node for BO relationships

LTR2_S_BO_DATA - LTR2 Business Object Data

LTR2_S_BO_DOCU - LTR2 Documentation of a Business Object

LTR2_S_BO_FUNC - LTR2 Function of a Business Object

LTR2_S_BO_PROPERTIES - Structure for BO properties

LTR2_S_CACHE_ITAB - Cache Parameter

LTR2_S_CACHE_PARAM - Cache Parameter

LTR2_S_CM_BO - Structure for Business Objects property in Content Module

LTR2_S_CM_BO_DATA - LTR2 Business Object Data of Content Module

LTR2_S_CM_BO_ITEM - LTR2: Item in a Content Module Business Object

LTR2_S_CM_COPY - Attributes to be set when Content Module is copied

LTR2_S_CM_CREATE - Attributes to be set when Content Module is created

LTR2_S_CM_DMOD - LTR2 Data Model in Content Module

LTR2_S_CM_DMODT - LTR2 Table in Content Module

LTR2_S_CM_FLT2CMP - Filter assignment to table fields on DMOD

LTR2_S_CM_FLT2_DATA - Structure for Filter 2 Data in Content Module

LTR2_S_CM_FLT2_PRED - Structure for Filter 2 Predecessor a in Content Module

LTR2_S_CM_MWB - common fields of MWB Settings

LTR2_S_CM_MWBA_DATA - LTR2 Table-based MWB field catalog

LTR2_S_CM_MWBB_DATA - LTR2 Object-based MWB field catalog

LTR2_S_CM_OBT_REPT - LTR2 OBT Report in Content Module

LTR2_S_CM_OBT_REPTP - LTR2 Additional Program Parameter

LTR2_S_CM_ORCH_BUS - Structure for Business Logic Trule

LTR2_S_CM_ORCH_TEC - Structure for Technical Trules

LTR2_S_CM_PRESEL - structure for table preselection setting

LTR2_S_CM_RAS_DATA - Structure for RAS Data in Content Module

LTR2_S_CM_SHELP - Search Help Structure for Content Module

LTR2_S_CM_TAB_DEP - LTR2 table dependency definition

LTR2_S_COPY_MAP - Copy mapping structure

LTR2_S_COPY_PREREQUISITE - Object that is a prerequisite for copying

LTR2_S_DIFF - LTR2 Single Differentiation in a Sub Business Object

LTR2_S_DIFF_RANGE - LTR2 Differentiation Range Line in a Sub Business Object

LTR2_S_DMOD_SH - Search Help for Data Model

LTR2_S_DMOD_STR - LTR2 OD Data Model Structure Table

LTR2_S_DMOD_TAB - LTR2: Table in a Work Set

LTR2_S_DSCR_DOM_MAP - LTR2: Domname / Mapping

LTR2_S_DSCR_MAP - LTR2: MAP relevant Field

LTR2_S_DSCR_MAP_OLD_NEW - LTR2: MAP relevant Field

LTR2_S_DS_CONV - LTR2 Data Set Conversion

LTR2_S_DS_CONVPACK_ATTR - LTR2 Data Set Conversion Package

LTR2_S_DS_CONV_ATTR - LTR2 Data Set Conversion

LTR2_S_DS_CONV_ATTR_FLD - LTR2 Data Set Conversion Settings (Field Level)

LTR2_S_DS_CONV_FIELD - Structure for Conversion settings for a table field

LTR2_S_DS_CONV_TABLE - Structure for Conversion settings in a hierarchy of tables

LTR2_S_DS_CONV_TABLE_TRULE - Assigned TRules to a table

LTR2_S_DS_IOBT - LTR2 iOBT properties on WSPOS

LTR2_S_DS_IOBT_ATTR - LTR2 iOBT properties

LTR2_S_DS_MWBGEN - LTR2 Data Set MWB Generation

LTR2_S_DS_MWBGENTA - Data Set MWBGEN Table-based

LTR2_S_DS_MWBGENTA_ATTR - Data Set MWBGEN Attributes on Table Level

LTR2_S_DS_MWBGENTB - Data Set MWBGEN Table-based

LTR2_S_DS_MWBGENTB_ATTR - Data Set MWBGEN Table-based: Attributes

LTR2_S_DS_MWBGEN_ATTR - LTR2 Data Set MWB Generation


LTR2_S_DS_PE - LTR2 Data Set Posting Engine

LTR2_S_DS_PM_PROC_STATUS - Processing status

LTR2_S_DS_PRESEL - LTR2 Presel properties on WSPOS

LTR2_S_DS_PRESEL_ADDFLD - OBT: Preselection 2 additional fields

LTR2_S_DS_PRESEL_ATTR - LTR2 Presel properties

LTR2_S_DS_TECHSEL - LTR2 Technical selection properties on WSPOS

LTR2_S_DS_TECHSEL_ATTR - LTR2 Technical selection properties

LTR2_S_ES_BO_GEN - Worklist with BO, DMOD, and tables

LTR2_S_ES_DOCUMENT_BO_DATA - LTR2 summary document business object data

LTR2_S_ES_DOCUMENT_CHECK - LTR2 summary document system check

LTR2_S_ES_DOCUMENT_TASK - ES summary additional tasks and info

LTR2_S_ES_GEN_LAYOUT - Structure for Generic Layout


LTR2_S_ES_KB_MT_COPY - Old/New MT for copying from ES

LTR2_S_ES_KB_RULE_ASSIGNMENT - Display Rule Assignment to table field

LTR2_S_ES_KB_STATUS_OUT - Status Message from Knowledge Base

LTR2_S_ES_KB_TABLES - Struture Interface for Tablepool LTR2 KB

LTR2_S_ES_KB_TABLE_SYNC_STATUS - Synchronization Status Information

LTR2_S_ES_NAVI - Navigation Structure for Data Exchange

LTR2_S_ES_OVERVIEW - Data for Embedded Specification Overview

LTR2_S_ES_REPORT_PROJSCOPE - LTR2 Data to report ES project scope

LTR2_S_ES_REPORT_TABLE_DIFF - LTR2 Difference between Tables



LTR2_S_ES_SUMMARY - LTR2 embedded specification summary values

LTR2_S_ES_SUMMARY_PERSONALDATA - Personal-related data

LTR2_S_FCAT_TRULE_MAINTENANCE - Structure for field catalog for TRule maintenance

LTR2_S_FIELDNAME_RANGE - Range Structure for Tables

LTR2_S_FILTER2_DOMAIN - Filter Domain

LTR2_S_FILTER2_PRED - Filter predecessor

LTR2_S_FILTER2_ROLL - Filter Roll

LTR2_S_FILTER2_TABFLD - Filtered Table Field

LTR2_S_FILTER2_VALUE - Relevant value in a filter

LTR2_S_FILTER2_WHUSED_COLLECT - Where-used for filters assigned to collections

LTR2_S_FILTER2_WHUSED_PRED - Where-used for predecessor filters of other filters

LTR2_S_FILTER2_WHUSED_SELECT - Where-used for filters assigned to selections

LTR2_S_FILTER2_WSP - Filter assignment to table fields on WSPOS

LTR2_S_FILTER2_WSPC - Assignment of filters to tables on WSPOS

LTR2_S_FILTER_INFO - LTR2 Filter information

LTR2_S_FLT2_VALUE - Filter values

LTR2_S_HINT - LTR2 Hints

LTR2_S_IOBJ_PAR - LTR2 Interface Object Parameter

LTR2_S_IOBJ_TECHDATA - Technical data

LTR2_S_KEY_BUFFER - LTR2 Structure for Key Buffer


LTR2_S_LINKED_BOS - Linked business objects

LTR2_S_LINKED_TABLE_PROPERTIES - Properties for a linked table

LTR2_S_LINK_CODE - LTR2 Structure Links Code Line

LTR2_S_LINK_FIELD - LTR2 Field Mapping in a Structure Link

LTR2_S_LINK_SIGNATURE - LTR2 Structure Code Link Signature

LTR2_S_LKUP - Data for a lookup

LTR2_S_LKUP_CONS_TARGET - Consuming target of a lookup

LTR2_S_LKUP_FIELD - Field information of a lookup

LTR2_S_LKUP_MAP - Lookup mapping data

LTR2_S_LKUP_MAP_FLAG - Lookup mapping data

LTR2_S_LKUP_PRED - Predecessor of a lookup

LTR2_S_OBTSCENR_CM - LTR2 content module List inside Scenario

LTR2_S_OBTSCENR_DS - LTR2 Dataset switch flag Inside OBT-Scenario

LTR2_S_OD_CREATION - Creation Structure for an OD

LTR2_S_OD_PROPERTIES - Structure for OD Properties

LTR2_S_OD_TABLE_CREATION - Structure for OD table creation

LTR2_S_OD_TABLE_FIELD_MAPPING - Strucutre for field mapping

LTR2_S_OD_TABLE_PROPERTIES - Structure for Table properties

LTR2_S_PACKID_RANGE - Range Structure for PCL Package

LTR2_S_PARAM - Parameter name and value pair

LTR2_S_PARID - LTR2 Parameter Identifier

LTR2_S_PCL_USER - User registered in PCL

LTR2_S_PS_CODE - LTR2 Preselection Coding Line

LTR2_S_RAS2WS_FLD - LTR2 Rule parameters assigned to table fields

LTR2_S_RAS2WS_FLDRULE - LTR2 Rule assigned to table fields

LTR2_S_RAS2WS_FLDRULEP - LTR2 Rule parameters assigned to table fields

LTR2_S_RAS_DOMAIN - LTR2 Rule assignment on domains

LTR2_S_RAS_DOMAINP - LTR2 Rule assignment parameters on domains

LTR2_S_RAS_DOMAINP_DAT - LTR2 Rule assignment parameters on domains - non-keys

LTR2_S_RAS_DOMAINP_KEY - LTR2 Rule assignment parameters on domains - keys

LTR2_S_RAS_DOMAIN_KEY - LTR2 Rule assignment on domains - key components

LTR2_S_RAS_DOM_DAT - LTR2 Rule assignment on domain - non-key components

LTR2_S_RAS_ROLL - LTR2 Rule assignment on data elements

LTR2_S_RAS_ROLLP - LTR2 Rule assignment parameters on data elements

LTR2_S_RAS_ROLLP_DAT - LTR2 Rule assignment parameters on data elements - non-keys

LTR2_S_RAS_ROLLP_KEY - LTR2 Rule assignment parameters on domains - keys

LTR2_S_RAS_ROLL_DAT - LTR2 Rule assignment on data elements - non-key components

LTR2_S_RAS_ROLL_KEY - LTR2 Rule assignment on data elements - key components

LTR2_S_RAS_TABFLD - LTR2 Rule assignment to table fields

LTR2_S_RAS_TABFLDP - LTR2 Rule assignment parameters for table fields

LTR2_S_RAS_TABFLDP_DAT - LTR2 Rule assignment parameters for table fields - non-key

LTR2_S_RAS_TABFLDP_KEY - LTR2 Rule assignment parameters for table fields - key

LTR2_S_RAS_TABFLD_DAT - LTR2 Rule assignment to table fields - non-key components

LTR2_S_RAS_TABFLD_KEY - LTR2 Rule assignment to table fields - key components

LTR2_S_RN_CFG - LTR2 RN: Number range object configuration

LTR2_S_RN_MAP_MODE - LTR2 RN: Mapping mode

LTR2_S_RN_NROBJ_DATA - LTR2 RN: Number range object data

LTR2_S_RN_NROBJ_DATA2 - LTR2 RN: Number range object data

LTR2_S_RN_NROBJ_DATA_UI - LTR2 RN: Number Range Object data for UI

LTR2_S_RN_NROBJ_DATA_UI2 - LTR2 RN: Number Range Object data for UI

LTR2_S_RN_NROBJ_KEYS - LTR2 RN: Key fields of number range object

LTR2_S_ROBJ_ATTR - LTR2 Attribute assigned to a business object

LTR2_S_ROBJ_DESCR - Repository Object Description

LTR2_S_ROBJ_GUID_RANGE - Range Structure for LTR Object GUID


LTR2_S_ROBJ_NAMESPACE_RANGE - Range Structure for COT Namespace

LTR2_S_ROBJ_NAME_RANGE - Range Structure for LTR Object Name

LTR2_S_ROBJ_SESSION_INFO - Session Information on Repository Objects

LTR2_S_SEL_DATA_TABLE - LTR2 Selected data table

LTR2_S_SEL_PROP - LTR2 Utilities Selection Properties

LTR2_S_SL_DEPENDENCIES - Step List: Dependencies

LTR2_S_SL_GLOBAL_PARAM - Step List: Global Parameters

LTR2_S_SL_SCHEDULED - Information about scheduled job

LTR2_S_TABNAME_RANGE - Range Structure for Tables

LTR2_S_TAB_TSD_CHK - Check Result of Tables against TSD

LTR2_S_TAB_TSD_REASON - Table relevance reason regarding TSD


LTR2_S_TDP_CONFIGURATION_F4 - TDP list of configurations F4 help

LTR2_S_TDP_FIELD - LTR2 TDP Field Information


LTR2_S_TDP_TABLE - LTR2 TDP Table information

LTR2_S_TECHSEL_FIELD - LTR2 Technical Selection Field

LTR2_S_TECHSEL_TABLE - LTR2 Technical Selection Table

LTR2_S_TPM_ROBJ - Repository Object Properties in TPM Management

LTR2_S_TPM_TASK - Task Data in a Transport Request

LTR2_S_TPM_TRULE - Results of TRule transport

LTR2_S_TRULES_COPY_STATUS - TRule copy status

LTR2_S_TRULES_DELETION_STATUS - TRule deletion status

LTR2_S_TRULE_PARAM_SUPPLY - LTR2 Supply of a parameter of a transformation rule

LTR2_S_TS - Structure for table LTR2_TS

LTR2_S_TSELEX - Expressions for Selections

LTR2_S_UI_ANA2_ORG_TREE - Structure for Business Object Tree in a Content Module

LTR2_S_UI_ANAWB_SYNC - TBOD synchronization information

LTR2_S_UI_ANAWB_TLINKS - Structure used to build the condition links in ANAWB


LTR2_S_WORK_CONTEXT - LTR2 Work Context Data

LTR2_S_WSPOS_RANGE - Range Structure for WSPOS

LTR2_S_WS_BO - LTR2 Business Object in a Work Set

LTR2_S_WS_CHGUSR - LTR2 User/Date/Time of last changes

LTR2_S_WS_COLLECT - Table in data model from which data is collected

LTR2_S_WS_CREATE - Attributes to be set when Workset is created

LTR2_S_WS_DATASET - LTR2 Data set in a work set

LTR2_S_WS_DS - LTR2 Structure of valid datasets for Transformation Method

LTR2_S_WS_FILTER2 - Filter properties in a workset

LTR2_S_WS_ITEM - LTR2: Item in a Work Set

LTR2_S_WS_KB_DATA - LTR2 Header Data for Knowledge DataSet

LTR2_S_WS_ORGSEL_BUKRS - LTR2 Company Code for org-dependent selection

LTR2_S_WS_ORGSEL_KOKRS - LTR2 Controlling Area for org-dependent selection

LTR2_S_WS_ORGSEL_WERKS - LTR2 Plant for org-dependent selection

LTR2_S_WS_PACK_SHELP - Search Help Structure for Workset (Based on Package)

LTR2_S_WS_PARAM - LTR2 Workset Parameter Values

LTR2_S_WS_RANGE - Range Structure for WS

LTR2_S_WS_RASDOM - LTR2 RAS domain data in a work set

LTR2_S_WS_RASDOMP - LTR2 RAS domain parameter data in a work set

LTR2_S_WS_RASROL - LTR2 RAS data element data in a work set

LTR2_S_WS_RASROLP - LTR2 RAS data element parameter data in a work set

LTR2_S_WS_RASTAB - LTR2 RAS table field data in a work set

LTR2_S_WS_RASTABP - LTR2 RAS table field parameter data in a work set

LTR2_S_WS_RAS_USAGE - LTR2 Attributes for RAS usage in work set

LTR2_S_WS_RFC - RFC Data for Workset

LTR2_S_WS_RFC_ATTR - RFC Data for Workset

LTR2_S_WS_SHELP - Search Help Structure for Workset

LTR2_S_WS_TABID - LTR2 Table Identifiers per Workset Position for a Data Model

LTR2_S_WS_TABLE - LTR2 Table contained via Data Model in a Work Set

LTR2_S_WS_TABLE_ACTIVATION - LTR2 Tables to activate/deactivate

LTR2_S_WS_TABLE_DMOD_COUNT - Number of tables in a data model at WSPOS

LTR2_S_WS_TMETHOD - LTR2 Transformation method of repository object in work set

LTR2_S_WS_TRULE_RFCDEST - RFC destination for TRules in non-PCL scenario

LTR2_S_WS_TRULE_USAGE - Usage if TRULES in workset

LTR2_S_WS_TR_REPO - LTR2 Transformation Rule Repository in Work Set

LTR2_S_WS_TSD_COMP - Table Scope Definition: Application Components

LTR2_S_WS_TSD_DEVC - Table Scope Definition: Packages

LTR2_S_WS_TSD_PKTY - Table Scope Definition: Package Types

LTR2_S_WS_TSD_PROP - Table Scope Definition: Table Properties

LTR2_S_WS_TSD_TAB - Table Scope Definition: Table Names

LTR2_S_WS_USER - Authorized user


LTR2_T1_S_ADRC - OBT Test Data: Adresses

LTR2_T1_S_CRMLIFNR - OBT Test Data: Mapping Vendor - Business Partner

LTR2_T1_S_KNA1 - OBT Test Data: Customer Master

LTR2_T1_S_KNAS - OBT Test Data: VAT Registration

LTR2_T1_S_KNB1 - OBT Test Data: Customer Master (Company Code)

LTR2_T1_S_KNB4 - OBT Test Data: Customer Payment History

LTR2_T1_S_KNZA - OBT Test Data: Customer Master (Alternative Payer)

LTR2_T1_S_LFA1 - OBT Test Data: Vendor Master

LTR2_T1_S_LFAS - OBT Test Data: Vendor VAT Numbers

LTR2_T1_S_LFAT - OBT Test Data: Vendor Tax Groupings

LTR2_T1_S_WYT1 - OBT Test Data: Vendor Subrange

LTR2_T1_S_WYT1T - OBT Test Data: Vendor Subrange Description

LTR2_TAB_BO - Structure for BO

LTR2_TS - LTR2 Transformation Summaries

LTR2_UI_ES_S_CLONE_DATA - Rule copy and clone across repositories



LTR2_UI_ES_TR_ADD_REPO - Structure to Add Repositories to ES

LTR2_UI_ES_TR_MNG - Structure for Manage Additional Repositories

LTR2_UI_S_ACT_DATASETS - Structure for active data sets

LTR2_UI_S_ADD_BO_DMOD - Structure for Adding BO / DMOD in ES

LTR2_UI_S_ANA2_CVER - Software components CVER UI structure

LTR2_UI_S_ANA2_FLD_DIFF - DDIC diff UI structure

LTR2_UI_S_ANA2_IDX_DIFF - IDX diff UI structure

LTR2_UI_S_ANA2_SBO_DIFF - Sub business object differentiation UI structure

LTR2_UI_S_ANA2_TBOD_WS - Analysis cockpit business object list UI structure

LTR2_UI_S_ANA2_TTAB_WS - Analysis cockpit table list UI structure

LTR2_UI_S_APPL_COMP - Structure for application component search help

LTR2_UI_S_BO_APPROVAL - Structure for BO Approval

LTR2_UI_S_BO_CREATION - Creation of business object

LTR2_UI_S_BO_DOCU - Structure for UI represenation of BO docu

LTR2_UI_S_BO_FUNC - Structure for UI Represenation of functions

LTR2_UI_S_BO_SH - Search Help for Main Business Object

LTR2_UI_S_BO_TREE_NODE - Structure for BO Tree node

LTR2_UI_S_BO_TREE_SETTINGS - Setting for business object tree

LTR2_UI_S_CM_BO_ITEM_NODE - Structure for Business Object Tree in a Content Module

LTR2_UI_S_CM_BO_SELECTED - Structure for selected Business Object in a Content Module

LTR2_UI_S_CM_BO_TREE - Structure for Business Object Tree in a Content Module

LTR2_UI_S_CM_BO_UPD_ITEM - Structure for Updating Items for Business Object

LTR2_UI_S_CM_FIELD_FILTER - UI Structure for Filter assignment to table fields

LTR2_UI_S_CM_FLT2 - Structure for Filters 2 in a Content Module

LTR2_UI_S_CM_MWB - Field catalog structrue for MWB

LTR2_UI_S_CM_OBT_REPT - Structure for Additional Program UI in a Content Module

LTR2_UI_S_CM_OBT_REPT_SHELP - Search help structure for CM Additional Report

LTR2_UI_S_CM_PARAM - Structure for ES parameters

LTR2_UI_S_CM_PRESEL - Structure for Preselection Settings in a Content Module

LTR2_UI_S_CM_RAS - Structure for Rule Assignment Sets in a Content Module

LTR2_UI_S_CM_TAB_DEP - UI Structure for Table Dependency Definition

LTR2_UI_S_CM_TRUL_BUS - Field catalog structrue for Business logic Trule

LTR2_UI_S_CM_TRUL_TEC - Structure for Technical Logical Trules in a Content Module

LTR2_UI_S_CM_WUL - Structure for Content Module Where Used List

LTR2_UI_S_CODING_LINE - Structure for where line

LTR2_UI_S_COLLECTION - ES Structure for data collection

LTR2_UI_S_COL_TREE_NODE - A general column tree node


LTR2_UI_S_DIFF - Strtucture for Differentiation UI Representation

LTR2_UI_S_DMOD_STR - Table for DMOD Tables

LTR2_UI_S_DMOD_TABLE_SH - Table search help

LTR2_UI_S_DOCU_TYPE_DESCR - Structure for doku type description

LTR2_UI_S_ES_AUTH_USER - LTR2 User assigned to a repository object

LTR2_UI_S_ES_COLLECTION - ES Structure for data collection

LTR2_UI_S_ES_COL_RESTRICTION - ES column visibility

LTR2_UI_S_ES_DMOD_PRESEL - Preselection Table for WSPOS DMODS

LTR2_UI_S_ES_FILTER2 - Structure for ES Filters assigned to tables

LTR2_UI_S_ES_FLT2 - Structure for OBT filter2

LTR2_UI_S_ES_FLT2VAL - Structure for ES Filter2 Settings

LTR2_UI_S_ES_ITEM - Structure for work set item table represenation

LTR2_UI_S_ES_ITEM_NODE - Structure for Embedded Specification Work Set Items


LTR2_UI_S_ES_MAINT_PARAM - Parameters on UI for RAS/WS

LTR2_UI_S_ES_PM_STATUS_ID_SH - Search help for PM Status

LTR2_UI_S_ES_PM_STATUS_SH - Search help for PM Status

LTR2_UI_S_ES_PRESEL_PREDEC - Preselection sequence for predecessors

LTR2_UI_S_ES_PROPERTIES - Structure for ES general properties

LTR2_UI_S_ES_RAS - Rule Assignment Sets assigned to an ES

LTR2_UI_S_ES_RASCOMMON - Common RAS fields

LTR2_UI_S_ES_RASCOMMON2 - Common RAS fields(for LTS_ES_RAS)

LTR2_UI_S_ES_RASDOM - RAS Data on domain level

LTR2_UI_S_ES_RASDOM2 - SLO_BJ:rule assignment:domain

LTR2_UI_S_ES_RASLINE - Structure to show a RAS line in ALV grid

LTR2_UI_S_ES_RASMNT - Rule assignment dialog structure

LTR2_UI_S_ES_RASP - RAS Parameter

LTR2_UI_S_ES_RASROL - RAS Data on domain level

LTR2_UI_S_ES_RASROL2 - SLO_BJ:rule assignment:Data elements

LTR2_UI_S_ES_RASTAB - RAS Data on domain level

LTR2_UI_S_ES_RASTAB2 - SLO_BJ:rule assignment:table field

LTR2_UI_S_ES_RAS_TOWS - Rule assignment set structure to be added to ws

LTR2_UI_S_ES_REPORT - Settings for ES Report generation

LTR2_UI_S_ES_RFC_SYS_INFO - RFC System Information

LTR2_UI_S_ES_TAB_COUNT - Table count Table

LTR2_UI_S_ES_TAB_TREE_NODE - Node of a table tree

LTR2_UI_S_ES_TECHNICAL - Technical information on an embedded specification

LTR2_UI_S_ES_TRULE_FIELD_MAP - Trule Field Mapping

LTR2_UI_S_ES_VALUE_TYP - SLO-BJ:search help structure for type of value assigned

LTR2_UI_S_ES_WSPOS_TMETHOD_SEL - Selection for Transfer Method

LTR2_UI_S_FILTER - Structure for Filter

LTR2_UI_S_FILTER2_0100 - UI fields for screen 0100 of LTR2_UI_FILTER2

LTR2_UI_S_FILTER2_0200 - UI fields for screen 0200 of LTR2_UI_FILTER2

LTR2_UI_S_FILTER2_0300 - UI fields for screen 0300 of LTR2_UI_FILTER2

LTR2_UI_S_FILTER2_PRED_0100 - Filter UI: Line in the predecessor table

LTR2_UI_S_GRAPHICS_SETTINGS - Settings for ES graphics

LTR2_UI_S_HEADER_ES - Step List: Header Structure for Embedded Specification

LTR2_UI_S_HEADER_GEN - Step List: Header Structure for Generic Display

LTR2_UI_S_HEADER_PCL - Step List: Header Structure for PCL Call



LTR2_UI_S_LINK_FIELD - Field mapping for a link

LTR2_UI_S_LINK_SIGNATURE - Link signature UI representation

LTR2_UI_S_NROBJ - Number Range Objects

LTR2_UI_S_NS_ICONS - Name space icons

LTR2_UI_S_OBTSCN_CM - Structure for Content Module List in Scenario

LTR2_UI_S_OBTSCN_DS - Structure for Data Sets list in OBT-Scenario

LTR2_UI_S_OBTSCN_SHELP - Serach help structure for OBT Scenario

LTR2_UI_S_OBTSCN_TRANS_CM - Structure for tansporting CM in Scenario

LTR2_UI_S_OD_TREE_NODE - Structure for OD Tree Node

LTR2_UI_S_PARENT_TABLE_SH - Parent Table Search Help

LTR2_UI_S_PROD_SH - Search help for products

LTR2_UI_S_RAS2ES_FLDRULE - Rule Assignment Set to ES

LTR2_UI_S_RASCOMMON - Common RAS fields

LTR2_UI_S_RASDOM - RAS Data on domain level

LTR2_UI_S_RASP - RAS Parameter

LTR2_UI_S_RASROL - RAS Data on domain level

LTR2_UI_S_RASTAB - RAS Data on tabfield level

LTR2_UI_S_RAS_HEAD_INFO - Structure for RAS head information

LTR2_UI_S_RFCDEST - Structure for RFC Destination search help

LTR2_UI_S_RFC_INFO - RFC Destination Information

LTR2_UI_S_RFC_TECHNICAL - Technical information for RFC destination dialog

LTR2_UI_S_SEARCH - Search Structure

LTR2_UI_S_SELECTION_COMMON - Common fields for selection

LTR2_UI_S_SELECTION_FIELD - Structure for field

LTR2_UI_S_SELECTION_FILTER - Structure for filter

LTR2_UI_S_SELECTION_SELVAR - Structure for selection variant

LTR2_UI_S_SEL_DMOD_TAB - Selection Structure for DMOD Tables

LTR2_UI_S_SEL_IOBJ - Structure to select an interface object

LTR2_UI_S_SEL_TREE_NODE - Node of selection tree

LTR2_UI_S_SHELP - Search help UI structure


LTR2_UI_S_STRLINK - Structure for Link table


LTR2_UI_S_TABLE_SEL - Strucutre for table selections

LTR2_UI_S_TABLE_SEL_PROPERTIES - Properties for table selection

LTR2_UI_S_TABLE_TABID_SH - Search help for table

LTR2_UI_S_TAB_FIELD_SH - Search Help for Table field

LTR2_UI_S_TAB_SEL_TABLE_SH - Structure for table serach help


LTR2_UI_S_TPM_ALV - ALV Grid Data for selecting OBT Objects

LTR2_UI_S_TPM_ALV_UPLOAD - ALV Grid Data for selecting OBT Objects (upload)

LTR2_UI_S_TPM_TRANSPORT - Transport options

LTR2_UI_S_TPM_TRANSPORT_NMSP - Transport Namespace

LTR2_UI_S_WHERE_LINE - Structure for where line

LTR2_UTILS_S_AUTH - LTR2: Authorization Object Data

LTR2_UTILS_THASH - LTR2 Buffered Hash Values for DDIC Tables

LTR2_VALUE_TYPE - Type of value assigned to rule parameter

LTR2_WN_CONV - LTR2 Data Set: Conversion

LTR2_WN_CONVPACK - LTR2 Data Set: Table-wise CWB generation parameters

LTR2_WN_CONV_FLD - LTR2 Data Set: Conversion Settings for Fields

LTR2_WN_FLT2 - LTR2 Data Set: Filter

LTR2_WN_FLT2PRED - LTR2 Data Set: Filter

LTR2_WN_FLT2PRP - LTR2 Data Set: Filter

LTR2_WN_FLT2RP - LTR2 Data Set: Filter

LTR2_WN_FLT2VAL - LTR2 Data Set: Filter

LTR2_WN_FLT2WSP - LTR2 Data Set: Filter

LTR2_WN_FLT2WSPC - LTR2 Data Set: Filter

LTR2_WN_IOBT - LTR2 Data Set: Incremental OBT

LTR2_WN_KB - LTR2 DS Snapshot: Knowledge Base Header Data

LTR2_WN_KB_TEC - LTR2 DS Snapshot: Knowledge Base Header Data (Technical)

LTR2_WN_LKUP - LTR2 Work Set: Lookups Snapshot

LTR2_WN_LKUP_CNS - LTR2 Work Set: Lookup Consumers Snapshot

LTR2_WN_LKUP_CRP - LTR2 Work Set: Lookup Consuming Rule Parameter Snapshot

LTR2_WN_LKUP_FLD - LTR2 Work Set: Lookup Fields Snapshot

LTR2_WN_LKUP_PRE - LTR2 Work Set: Lookup Predecessors Snapshot

LTR2_WN_LKUP_PRP - LTR2 Work Set: Lookup Producing Rule Parameter Snapshot

LTR2_WN_MWB - LTR2 Data Set: MWB Data

LTR2_WN_MWBGENTA - LTR2 Data Set: Table-wise MWB generation parameters

LTR2_WN_MWBGENTB - LTR2 Data Set: Table-based MWB generation parameters

LTR2_WN_PARAM - Snapshot: ES specific parameters

LTR2_WN_PE - LTR2 DS Snapshot: Posting Engine

LTR2_WN_PM - LTR2 DS Snapshot: Project Management

LTR2_WN_PM_PSTAT - LTR2 Data Set: Project Management Processing States

LTR2_WN_PRESEL - LTR2 Data Set: Table-wise MWB generation parameters

LTR2_WN_PS2FLD - OBT: Preselection 2 additional fields

LTR2_WN_ROBJ - LTR2 Repository Objects in Work Set

LTR2_WN_TRULE - LTR2 Data Set: Transformation Rules

LTR2_WN_TRULEPAR - LTR2 Data Set: Transformation Rule Parameters

LTR2_WN_TR_EV - LTR2 Data Set: Transformation Rules

LTR2_WN_TR_REPO - LTR2 Snapshots of Transformation Rule Repositories of ES

LTR2_WN_TSEL - LTR2 DS Snapshot: Technical Selection on a Table

LTR2_WN_TSELCOD - LTR2 DS Snapshot: Technical Selection Settings on WSPOS

LTR2_WN_TSELCOL - LTR2 Data Set: Filter

LTR2_WN_TSELEX - LTR2 DS Snapshot: Technical Selection Expressions on a Table

LTR2_WN_TSELEXC - LTR2 Data Set: Filter

LTR2_WN_TSELWSP - LTR2 DS Snapshot: Technical Selection Settings on WSPOS

LTR2_WN_USERS - LTR2 Repository Objects in Work Set

LTR2_WS - LTR2 Work Set

LTR2_WS_CONV - LTR2 Data Set: Conversion Settings for Tables

LTR2_WS_CONVPACK - LTR2 Data Set: Table-wise CWB generation parameters

LTR2_WS_CONV_FLD - LTR2 Data Set: Conversion Settings for Fields

LTR2_WS_DS - LTR2 Data Sets in Work Set

LTR2_WS_FLT2 - Usage of a filter in WS

LTR2_WS_FLT2PRED - Filter predecessor filters

LTR2_WS_FLT2PRP - Parameters for predecessor filter rule

LTR2_WS_FLT2RP - Parameters for producing filter rule

LTR2_WS_FLT2VAL - Values of filter in WS

LTR2_WS_FLT2WSP - Filter assignment to table fields

LTR2_WS_FLT2WSPC - Filter assignment to linked table fields

LTR2_WS_IOBT - LTR2 Data Set: Incremental OBT

LTR2_WS_KB - LTR2 Data Set: Knowledge Base Header Data

LTR2_WS_KB_TEC - LTR2 Data Set: Knowledge Base Header Data (Technical)

LTR2_WS_LKUP - LTR2 Work Set: Lookups

LTR2_WS_LKUP_CNS - LTR2 Work Set: Lookup Consumers

LTR2_WS_LKUP_CRP - LTR2 Work Set: Lookup Consuming Rule Parameter

LTR2_WS_LKUP_FLD - LTR2 Work Set: Lookup Fields

LTR2_WS_LKUP_LK - LTR2: Lookup Table Mapping (only for lock-object)

LTR2_WS_LKUP_LOG - LTR2 Work Set: Lookup Change Log

LTR2_WS_LKUP_MAP - LTR2: Lookup Table Mapping

LTR2_WS_LKUP_PRE - LTR2 Work Set: Lookup Predecessors

LTR2_WS_LKUP_PRP - LTR2 Work Set: Lookup Producing Rule Parameter

LTR2_WS_LOCKEXCP - LTR2 Work Set: Exceptions to global work set lock

LTR2_WS_MWB - LTR2 Data Set: MWB Data

LTR2_WS_MWBGENRV - LTR2: Reservation Table for MWB Object Names

LTR2_WS_MWBGENTA - LTR2 Data Set: Table-wise MWB generation parameters

LTR2_WS_MWBGENTB - LTR2 Data Set: Table-based MWB generation parameters

LTR2_WS_NRNUMTRF - LTR2 Numbers Transferred by Work Sets (Log)

LTR2_WS_PARAM - ES specific parameters

LTR2_WS_PE - LTR2 Data Set: Posting Engine

LTR2_WS_PM - LTR2 Data Set: Project Management

LTR2_WS_PM_PSTAT - LTR2 Data Set: Project Management Processing States

LTR2_WS_PRESEL - LTR2 Data Set: Table-wise MWB generation parameters

LTR2_WS_PS2FLD - OBT: Preselection 2 additional fields

LTR2_WS_RASDOM - LTR2 Work Set: Rule assignment on domains

LTR2_WS_RASDOMP - LTR2 Work Set: Rule assignment parameters on domains

LTR2_WS_RASROL - LTR2 Work Set: Rule assignment on data elements

LTR2_WS_RASROLP - LTR2 Work Set: Rule assignment parameters on data elements


LTR2_WS_RASSTAT - LTR2 Status of Rule Assignment for Workset

LTR2_WS_RASTAB - LTR2 Work Set: Rule assignment on table fields

LTR2_WS_RASTABP - LTR2 Work Set: Rule assignment parameters on table fields

LTR2_WS_RFC - Work Set: RFC destinations for TRules for stand-alone WS

LTR2_WS_ROBJ - LTR2 Repository Objects in Work Set

LTR2_WS_ROBJ_A_V - Generated Table for View

LTR2_WS_TRULE - LTR2 Data Set: Transformation Rules

LTR2_WS_TRULEPAR - LTR2 Data Set: Transformation Rule Parameters

LTR2_WS_TR_EV - LTR2 Data Set: Transformation Rules

LTR2_WS_TR_REPO - LTR2 Transformation Rule Repositories of ES

LTR2_WS_TSD_COMP - Table Scope Definition: include/exclude by appl. component

LTR2_WS_TSD_DEVC - Table Scope Definition: include/exclude by package name

LTR2_WS_TSD_PKTY - Table Scope Definition: include/exclude by package type

LTR2_WS_TSD_PROP - Table Scope Definition: table properties

LTR2_WS_TSD_TAB - Table Scope Definition: include/exclude by table name

LTR2_WS_TSEL - LTR2 Data Set: Technical Selection on a Table

LTR2_WS_TSELCOD - LTR2 Data Set: Technical Selection Settings on WSPOS

LTR2_WS_TSELCOL - Preselection information

LTR2_WS_TSELEX - LTR2 Data Set: Technical Selection Expressions on a Table

LTR2_WS_TSELEXC - Additional selection criteria

LTR2_WS_TSELWSP - LTR2 Data Set: Technical Selection Settings on WSPOS

LTR2_WS_USERS - LTR2 Repository Objects in Work Set

LTR2_WS_VALCPLOG - LTR2 Work Set Value Copy Log

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