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LOYC_FDT_ACTN - FDT Action Table

LOYC_FDT_ACTN_T - Language table for FDT Action Table

LOYC_FDT_ACT_ATT - Actions Attribute Table for BRFP

LOYC_FDT_APPL - Application Table for BRFP

LOYC_FDT_ATTR - Attribute Table for BRFP

LOYC_FDT_BO - Business Objects table for BRFP

LOYC_FDT_RES_ATT - Result Attribute Table for BRFP

LOYDV_FDT_ACTN - Generated Table for View

LOYD_FDT_ACTNS - Actions table for FDT

LOYD_FDT_ACT_SET - Action set for rule

LOYD_FDT_PLCY_T - text table

LOYD_FDT_POLICY - Policy Table

LOYD_FDT_RULE - Rule Table

LOYD_FDT_RULESET - Ruleset table

LOYD_FDT_RULE_T - Rule Text Table

LOYD_FDT_R_SET_T - Ruleset Text Table

LOYS_FDTRULE_QUERY_RANGES - Query structure for FDT Rule Queries

LOYS_FDT_ACTIONSET - Attribute structure for Actionset

LOYS_FDT_ACTION_CTXT - Action context



LOYS_FDT_ACTION_RET - Action context

LOYS_FDT_ACT_PARAM - Action Parameter Structure

LOYS_FDT_ATTRIBUTE - Atribute set for a rule

LOYS_FDT_CONDITION - Condition structure for FDT API buffer

LOYS_FDT_COND_HEADER - Conditionheader structure for APIs

LOYS_FDT_CONSTANT - Constant Expression in FDT

LOYS_FDT_CREATE_CHANGE_INFO - Date : create change info

LOYS_FDT_CREATE_CTXT - Rule Create context

LOYS_FDT_ERROR - Error Structure for Rule and Errors

LOYS_FDT_GUID - Structure for guids

LOYS_FDT_IL_PARAM_ATTR - RulePolicy IL: RuleActionParam Attr Structure

LOYS_FDT_IL_PLCY_ATTR - Attribute structure of Rule Policy

LOYS_FDT_IL_POLICY_BUFFER - Buffer for Rule Policy.

LOYS_FDT_IL_RSET_ATTR - Attribute structure of Ruleset

LOYS_FDT_IL_RSET_BUFFER - Buffer for Ruleset

LOYS_FDT_IL_RULE_ATTR - Attribute Structure of Rule

LOYS_FDT_IL_RULE_BUFFER - Buffer structure for Rule Attributes

LOYS_FDT_IL_RULE_KEY - Status of rule ( Uploaded to buffer/Modified)

LOYS_FDT_IL_RULE_RESULT_ATTR - Structure for Rule Search Result

LOYS_FDT_IL_STMNT_ATTR - Attribute structure of Statement

LOYS_FDT_QUERY_CTXT - Rule and function structure

LOYS_FDT_QUERY_RANGE - Range structure for usage in select options

LOYS_FDT_RULEACTION - Buffer structure for actions

LOYS_FDT_RULEACTIONSET - Action set for a rule

LOYS_FDT_RULE_ACTION - Used in Create/read of a rule for action

LOYS_FDT_RULE_CELL - A Cell in the Rule DT

LOYS_FDT_RULE_CONDITION - Conditions of a cell in decision table

LOYS_FDT_RULE_CTXT - Structure for Rule context.

LOYS_FDT_RULE_FUNC - Rule and function structure

LOYS_FDT_RULE_PARAMETER - Parameter value structure

LOYS_FDT_RULE_RESULT_CELL - Result structure for a rule

LOYS_FDT_RULE_RSLT - Structure for Rule Context

LOYS_LPE_ATTR_NAME_VALUE - Attribute name value

LOYS_LPE_FDT_RULE_RSLT - Structure for rule context

LOYS_TERRATTR_CUST - Include Structure for Customer Specific Attributes

LOYT_ATTR_NAME_VALUE - Attribute name value

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