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LOPD_RES - Results structure for LOPD LOG

LOPD_S_RES - Simple log for reorganising LOPD access

LOPL_LOCATION_BULK_REQUEST - Location ERP Bulk Request Asynchronous Message

LOPL_LOCATION_BULK_REQUEST_MES - Location Bulk Request Message Data Type

LOPL_LOCATION_REQUEST - Location Request Asynchronous Message

LOPL_LOCATION_REQUEST_MESSAGE - Location Request Message Data Type

LOPL_LOCATION_REQUEST_MESSAGE1 - Proxy Structure (Generated)

LOPL_LOCATION_REQUEST_MESSAGE2 - Proxy Structure (Generated)

LOPL_LOCATION_REQUEST_MESSAGE3 - Proxy Structure (Generated)

LOPL_LOCATION_REQUEST_MESSAGE4 - Proxy Structure (Generated)

LOPURVAP_07M1_01 - Generated Table for View

LOPURVAP_07M1_02 - Generated Table for View

LOP_C_CAT - Logistical Option Category

LOP_C_CATT - Description Logistical Option Category

LOP_C_CAT_I - Fields of Logistical Option Category

LOP_C_DECL_ASGN - Assign Declaration Date Categories to Group

LOP_C_DECL_CAT - Declaration date category

LOP_C_DECL_CATT - Description of Declaration Date category

LOP_C_DECL_GRP - Group for Declaration Date Category

LOP_C_DECL_GRPT - Description of Group for Declaration Date Category

LOP_C_GRP - Group for Logistical Option Categories

LOP_C_GRPT - Description of Group for Logistical Option Categories

LOP_C_GRP_ASGN - Assign Logistical Option Categories to Group

LOP_C_MAIN - Logistical Option: General Settings

LOP_C_TXTGRP - Group for Text ID

LOP_C_TXTGRPID - Text ID's in Group

LOP_C_TXTGRPT - Description of Group for Text ID

LOP_D_LIST_HD - Option list header

LOP_D_LIST_IT - Option list items

LOP_D_MASTER_HD - Option list header as master data

LOP_D_MASTER_IT - Option List items as master data

LOP_S_ADMIN - Administration data

LOP_S_ARCH_KEY - Key for Archive

LOP_S_BW_EXTRACT_EMB - Extraction Structure for Logistical Option Embedded List

LOP_S_BW_EXTRACT_MASTER - Extraction Structure for Logistical Option Master Lists

LOP_S_CAT_DISP - Logistical Option Category Structure for Display

LOP_S_CONVEXIT_DYN_DATA - Conv. exit for the dynamical data of the option list item

LOP_S_CURSOR_POSITION - Cursor Position Data for LOPT ALVs

LOP_S_C_CATT_KEY - Key of table LOP_C_CATT


LOP_S_DECL_DATA_ALL - All fields for the Declaration Date

LOP_S_DECL_DATA_CUST_ENH - Customer fields for Declaration Date

LOP_S_DECL_DATA_STD - Standard Data for Declaration Date

LOP_S_DISPLAY_HELP - Help Structure for Display

LOP_S_DOC_CAT_H - Document item key + option category

LOP_S_DOC_CAT_I - Option list item key

LOP_S_DOC_CHG - Changes per document

LOP_S_DOC_ITEM_CHG - Changes per document item and option category


LOP_S_DOC_ITEM_KEY_CAT - Document item key and option category

LOP_S_DOC_ITEM_TO_GROUP - Assignment of logistical option group to document item key

LOP_S_DOC_KEY - Key of a document

LOP_S_DOC_KEY_REF - Document key or reference

LOP_S_DOC_KEY_REF_TEXT - Document key or reference and text key

LOP_S_DOC_REF - Document item key or reference

LOP_S_DOC_REF_CAT - Key of a document or reference + category

LOP_S_DOC_REF_CAT_EMBEDDED - Key of a document or reference + category + embedded list

LOP_S_DOC_REF_CAT_EMB_EXT - Keys of the option list + embedded list interface

LOP_S_DOC_REF_CAT_GUID - Key of a document or reference + category + GUID

LOP_S_DOC_REF_CAT_KEYS - Key of a document or reference + category + Guid

LOP_S_DOC_REF_CAT_MASTER - Key of a document or reference + category + master list

LOP_S_DOC_REF_CAT_VAL_STRING - List Value as String (with Key)

LOP_S_DOC_REF_KEY - Key of a document or reference

LOP_S_DOC_REF_TO_GROUP - Assignment of document item or reference to group

LOP_S_DOC_REF_TO_SIDE - Assignment of document item or reference to side

LOP_S_DOC_SIDE - Document and Side

LOP_S_DOC_TEXT_KEY_CHG - Document Key for Text Changes

LOP_S_EDITOR_VIEW_PERS - Personalization Editor

LOP_S_EMBEDDED_CAT - Logistical Option Embedded Category

LOP_S_EMBEDDED_CAT_DISP - Logistical Option Embedded Category Display Structure

LOP_S_EMBEDDED_TREE_DISP - Display Structure Embedded Tree (Default)

LOP_S_EMBEDDED_TREE_DISP_2 - Display Structure Embedded Tree (2nd)

LOP_S_EMBEDDED_TREE_DISP_ADMIN - Display Structure Embedded Tree (Admin Data)

LOP_S_EMBEDDED_TREE_DISP_DATE - Display Structure Embedded Tree (Declaration Date)

LOP_S_EMBEDDED_TREE_GENERAL - General Content of Embedded Tree Display Structures

LOP_S_EMB_HEAD_STRING - Logistical Option Embedded Header as String

LOP_S_EMB_LIST_STATUS - Logistical Option: Embedded List Status

LOP_S_EVENT_DATE_DATA - Data for the Event Date

LOP_S_EXEC_DATA - Option Exercising Data

LOP_S_EXEC_DATA_DISP - LOP Execution PopUp Disp

LOP_S_FCODE_EXCLUDE - Excluded Function Codes

LOP_S_FIELDCAT_DATA - Data of the fieldcatalog

LOP_S_FIELDNAME_INDEX - Field Name + Index

LOP_S_FIELDS_CONV - Logistical Options Structure for Tree Conversion Exit

LOP_S_FIELD_PROPERTY - Field Properties

LOP_S_HD_DOC_H - History: Embedded option list header (document related)

LOP_S_HD_MAST_H - History: Option list header (master data)

LOP_S_HD_REF_H - History: Embedded option list header (reference related)

LOP_S_ITEM_COPY_MAP - Mapping between source and target item

LOP_S_IT_DOC_H - History: Option list items (document related)

LOP_S_IT_MAST_H - History: Option list items (master data)

LOP_S_IT_REF_H - History: Option list items (reference related)

LOP_S_KEY_MAP - map two document keys onto each other

LOP_S_LIST_CALL - Logistical Option List Call Data

LOP_S_LIST_DATA_ALL - Option fields in option items

LOP_S_LIST_DATA_CUST_ENH - Customer fields for option item

LOP_S_LIST_DATA_DYN - Dynamic option list data

LOP_S_LIST_DATA_DYN_ADDON - Dynamic addon data for option list

LOP_S_LIST_DATA_DYN_ALL - Dynamic data for option list

LOP_S_LIST_DATA_STD - Standard data

LOP_S_LIST_DISP - Logistical Option List Display Structure

LOP_S_LIST_EMBEDDED_REF - Option list GUID + embedded list

LOP_S_LIST_EVENT_KEY - Business Key for Option List Events

LOP_S_LIST_FIELDS_ALL - All fields for logistical option lists

LOP_S_LIST_HD_COM - Embedded option list header communication structure

LOP_S_LIST_HD_COM_DOC_H - History: Embedded option list header (document related)

LOP_S_LIST_HD_COM_REF_H - History: Embedded option list header (reference related)

LOP_S_LIST_HD_DATA - Option list header data

LOP_S_LIST_HD_DYN - Dynamic fields of embedded option list header

LOP_S_LIST_IT - Option list item data

LOP_S_LIST_IT_COM - Communication structure for option list items

LOP_S_LIST_IT_COM_DOC_H - History: Option list items (document related)

LOP_S_LIST_IT_COM_REF_H - History: Option list items (reference related)

LOP_S_LIST_IT_DYN - Dynamic fields of option list items

LOP_S_LIST_IT_KEY - Option list key

LOP_S_LIST_MASTER_DATA - Master Data Header

LOP_S_LIST_TEXT - Dynamic Texts for Option Lists

LOP_S_LIST_TEXT_ADDON - Addon for dynamic texts (option list)

LOP_S_LIST_TEXT_DYN - Dynamic texts for option lists

LOP_S_LOCK_MASTER - Structure for locking

LOP_S_MAIN_TEXT_KEY - Key for a Text

LOP_S_MASTER_CAT_EXT - Master List Data + Master List Interface

LOP_S_MASTER_CHG - Changes for logistical option list (master data)

LOP_S_MASTER_HD_COM - Option list header as master data communication structure

LOP_S_MASTER_HD_COM_H - History: Option list header (master data)

LOP_S_MASTER_HD_DISP - Logistical Option Master Data Header Display Structure

LOP_S_MASTER_HD_DYN - Dynamic fields for option list header as master data

LOP_S_MASTER_HD_SEL - Option list headers (master data)

LOP_S_MASTER_I - Item key of option list as master data

LOP_S_MASTER_IT_COM_H - History: Option list items (master data)

LOP_S_MASTER_TEXT_KEY_CHG - Option List number for Text Changes

LOP_S_MASTER_TREE_DISP - Display Structure Master Tree (default)

LOP_S_MASTER_TREE_DISP_2 - Display Structure Master Tree (2nd)

LOP_S_MASTER_TREE_DISP_ADMIN - Display Structur Master Tree (Admin Data)

LOP_S_MASTER_VALUE_STRING - Master List Value as String


LOP_S_MESSAGE_DISP - Message Display Structure


LOP_S_NO_DISP - Logistical Option Number Structure For Display

LOP_S_NO_MAP - Map option list number (for master data)

LOP_S_NO_TO_GUID - Option list master number to GUID

LOP_S_REFERENCE - Reference object

LOP_S_REF_CAT - Reference and option category

LOP_S_REF_CAT_CHG - Changes per option category for reference GUID

LOP_S_REF_CAT_H - Reference + option category

LOP_S_REF_CAT_I - Reference + option category + option counter

LOP_S_REF_CHG - Changes per reference GUID

LOP_S_REF_GUID_TEXT_KEY_CHG - Reference Guid for Text Changes

LOP_S_REF_GUID_TO_GROUP - Assignment of logistical option group to reference GUID

LOP_S_REF_SIDE - Side and Reference


LOP_S_SCREEN_TITLE - Structure for Dynamic Call-up of Title Bar

LOP_S_SIDE_CAT - Side and Logistical Option Category

LOP_S_SIDE_CAT_ID - Side + Logistical Option Category + ID

LOP_S_STRING_HD - Header String / Description

LOP_S_TDID - Text ID + Text

LOP_S_TDNAME_TO_COUNT - Item Text Name to Option Counter

LOP_S_TDOBJECT_CDTXT - Text changes per Text object

LOP_S_TECH_RELATION - Technical relationship of option category fields

LOP_S_TEXT_KEY - Key for a Text

LOP_S_TEXT_KEY_MAIN - Main key for a Text

LOP_S_TEXT_LIST_SEL - Selection of List Texts

LOP_S_TEXT_VALUE_SEL - Selection Of Value Texts

LOP_S_TOGGLE_INFO_TEXT - Info Text for Toggle Mode

LOP_S_TREE_COLUMN - Tree Control Column: Info

LOP_S_TREE_COLUMN_FCAT - LOP Tree Control: Field Catalog

LOP_S_TREE_DISP_STRUCTURES - Tree Control: Display Structures

LOP_S_TREE_ITEM - Tree Control: Attributes of a Item

LOP_S_TREE_MODE - Tree Control Mode Structur

LOP_S_TREE_NODE - Tree Control: Attributes of a Node

LOP_S_TREE_VARIANT - LOP Tree: Variant Column Info

LOP_S_TXT_SEL - Selection of Texts

LOP_S_UI_PERS - Personalization Structure Logistcal Options User Interface

LOP_S_UI_PERS_EMBEDDED - Personalization Include Structure Embedded UI

LOP_S_UI_PERS_HEIGHT - Personalization Include Structure Sash Height

LOP_S_UI_PERS_MASTER - Personalization Include Structure Master Data Maintenance

LOP_S_UI_PERS_TEXT - Personalization Include Structure Text Control

LOP_S_VALUE_DISP - Logistical Option Value Display Structure

LOP_S_VALUE_STRING - Logistical Option Value as String

LOP_V_C_CAT - Generated Table for View

LOP_V_C_CAT_I - Generated Table for View

LOP_V_C_DECL_ASG - Generated Table for View

LOP_V_C_DECL_CAT - Generated Table for View

LOP_V_C_DECL_GRP - Generated Table for View

LOP_V_C_GRP - Generated Table for View

LOP_V_C_GRP_ASGN - Generated Table for View

LOP_V_C_MAIN - Generated Table for View

LOP_V_C_TXTGRP - Generated Table for View

LOP_V_C_TXTGRPID - Generated Table for View

LOP_V_TTXID - Generated Table for View

LOP_V_TTXID_IT - Generated Table for View

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