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IBKK0_ALV - BCA: General ALV Fields

IBKK0_CHACCUR_SELECTION_SCREEN - Fields for Selection Screen Conversion Report

IBKK0_PARAMETERS - BCA: General Report Parameters

IBKK20 - Business Partner: Further Data for BCA

IBKK20PRC - Business Partner: Further Data for BCA

IBKK20SRC - Business Partner: Further Data for BCA

IBKK20_DI - Business Partner: Further Data for BCA

IBKK21_ALIAS - Structure Alias Name BP

IBKK21_DYNP - Structure of BP Alias

IBKK21_S1 - Business Partner Aliases

IBKK40 - BCA: General Data Plus Status Information

IBKK40S - BCA: Status Information

IBKK40_ACCNT_CLS - Account Closure Master Data

IBKK40_S - Current Account Master Data: General

IBKK40_S1 - Current Account Master Data: Administration

IBKK40_S2 - Current Account Master Data: General (DI)

IBKK40_S2_DI - Current Account Master Data: General (DI)

IBKK40_S3 - Current Account Master Data: Initial Screen

IBKK40_S3_DI - Current Account Master Data: Initial Screen

IBKK41 - BCA: Account Numbers

IBKK42 - Structure for Current Account Operative Data

IBKK42CC_S - BCA Account Master Data: Currency Changeover

IBKK42CC_S1 - BCA Account Master Data: Currency Changeover

IBKK42K - Complete Account Key

IBKK42_CC_BTE - Structure Interface BTE 00011420

IBKK42_S1 - Currenct Account Master Data: Operative Data (Init. Screen)

IBKK42_S2 - Current Account Master Data: Operative Data (not DI)

IBKK42_S3 - Current Account Master Data: Operative Data (DI)

IBKK42_S4 - Current Account Master Data: Op. Data - SEPA Limits (DI)

IBKK43CLOS - BCA: Screen Fields for Reference Account Balancing

IBKK43DELE - BCA: Screen Fields for Reference Account/Account Closure

IBKK43_REF - Structure of Reference Accounts for Balancing

IBKK43_S - BCA: Reference Accounts

IBKK43_S1 - BCA: Reference Accounts (not DI)

IBKK43_S2 - BCA: Reference Accounts (DI)

IBKK43_S2_DI - BCA: Reference Accounts (DI)

IBKK43_S3 - BCA: Payment Notes Account Closure

IBKK45_OLDNEW - BKK45 old and new values during migration for display

IBKK45_OLDNEW_ADDR - BKK45 old and new address descriptions during migration

IBKK45_S - Relationship: Current Account - Business Partner

IBKK45_S_DI - Relationship: Current Account - Business Partner for DI

IBKK47 - BCA: Structure for Direct Debit Orders

IBKK47_S - BCA: Direct Debit Orders

IBKK47_S_DI - BCA: Direct Debit Orders

IBKK48_DYN - Screen Structure for Breakdown Vostro/Nostro Account

IBKK48_S1 - Control Indicator for Account Balancing (not DI)

IBKK48_S2 - Control Indicator for Account Balancing (DI)

IBKK4Z - Help Structure: Account Data

IBKK4_ACCNT - Structure for accounts

IBKK50 - BCA: Task and Screen Fields

IBKK50_INITIAL - BCA: Task and Screen Fields

IBKK50_S - Account balance

IBKK52 - BCA: Structrue for Business partenr Assignm. (Table Control)

IBKK52LDB - BCA: Structure for Business Partner Assignment (Log. DB)

IBKK53 - BCA: Structure for Block Overview (Table Control)

IBKK54 - BCA: Structure for Account Balancing

IBKK55 - BCA: Structure for Direct Debit Orders (Table Control)

IBKK56_AC - Structure for Account Resubmission (Table Control)

IBKK58 - Structure BKK58 Plus Status Data

IBKK58_PRINT - Correspondence and printing fields for Term deposits

IBKK6S0 - Account Hierarchy: Structure for Screen Fields

IBKK6S1 - Account Hierarchy: Structure for Screen Fields

IBKK6S2 - Account Hierarchy: Structure for Account Checks

IBKK6S3 - Account Hierarchy:Structure for Screen Fields Initial Screen

IBKK6S4 - Account Hierarchy: General Fields

IBKK6S5 - Screen Fields Initial Screen Cash Concentration

IBKK6S6 - Cash Concentration: Structure for Screen Fields (Screen 110)

IBKK6S7 - Cash Concentration: Structure for Screen Fields (Screen 120)

IBKK6S8 - Cash Concentration: Carry Forwards Determined

IBKK6S9 - Account Hierarchy: Structure for Screen Fields Account Usage

IBKK6SA - Cash Concentration: Due Accounts

IBKK6SB - Account Hierarchy: Structure for Account Usage Statement

IBKK6SB_COMBO - Account Hierarchy: Structure for Account Usage Statement

IBKK6SC - Structure for Initial Screen Change Documents Acct.Hierarchy

IBKK6SCALV - Strucure for Transferring Change Documents to List Tool

IBKK6SCDH - Change Documents Hierarchies Header Information

IBKK6SCDP - Change Documents Hierarchies Position Information

IBKK6SD - Screen 730 Reassign Accounts

IBKK6SE - Account Hierarchy: Structure for Transferring New Accounts

IBKK6SEXT_ACC - BCA: Screen Fields for External Root Account

IBKK6SF - Screen Fields for Exchange of Account in Hierarchy

IBKK6SG - Account Hierarchy: Transfer Structure Interval Root Accounts

IBKK6SICMETHOD - Screen Structure for Assignment Pool Method - Hierarchy

IBKK6SPOST - Payment Transaction Info for Cash Concentration Orders

IBKK6SSUBACCNTS - Subaccounts of a Hierarchy

IBKK80 - Candidates Condition Area Assignment

IBKK81 - General Data Bank Condition

IBKK81_DI - General Data Bank Condition

IBKK82 - General Data Bank Condition Position

IBKK82_US - Combined Flexible Balance Data For Bank Condition Position

IBKK85 - General Data Bank Account Individual Condition Position

IBKK85_US - Combined Flexible Balance Data For Bank Condition Position

IBKK86 - User data

IBKK86_DI - User data for DI

IBKK90 - Structure for Condition Categories

IBKK91 - Structure for Condition Overview : Condition

IBKK92 - Structure for Condition Overview : Position

IBKK92_US - Combined Flexible Balance Data For Bank Condition Position

IBKK93 - Structure for Oldest Prior Period Posting

IBKK94 - Structure for Further Balancing Postings from Customer

IBKK98 - Structure for Radio Button Standard/Individual Condition

IBKK99 - Structure for Header Information Condition Maintenance

IBKK9A - Screen Fields Field Control Conditions

IBKK9ARCH01 - Log Display for Archiving Balance Carry Forwards

IBKK9ARCH02 - Log Display for Archiving Value Date Transaction Figures

IBKK9ARCH03 - Log Display for Archiving Balancing Data

IBKK9ARCH04 - Log Display for Archiving Balancing Detail Data

IBKK9B - Screen Fields Internal Field Control Conditions

IBKK9C - Structure for Date Check

IBKK9D - Structure Field Control Conditions

IBKK9E - Structure Internal Default for Field Control Conditions

IBKK9H - Import Structure for Reading Settlement Balancing Det. Data

IBKK9I - Export Structure for Reading Settlmt. Balan. Interest.D.Dta

IBKK9IERR - Export Structure for Reading Settlmt. Balan. Detail Data

IBKK9J - Structure for BCA92 Settlement Balancing

IBKK9K - Report Parameters for Account Balancing Data Output

IBKK9L - Structure for Charge Conditions

IBKK9M - Structure Balance Carry Forward

IBKK9N - Condition Differentiation Values

IBKK9O - Structure for Transaction Charges

IBKK9P - Screen Fields for Account Balancing (Interest and Charges)

IBKK9Q - Transfer Structure for Account Balancing Det.Data Inter.Scle

IBKK9R - Task Fields for Account Balancing

IBKK9S - Accounts to be Restarted

IBKK9T - Settled Accounts

IBKK9V - Account Balancing: Incorrect Accounts (Internal Numbers)

IBKK9W - Account Balancing: Incorrect Accounts (External Numbers)

IBKK9W1 - Capital Yield Tax: Notify Locked Accounts

IBKK9_92_DI - Account Balancing (Interest and Charges): Relevant for DI

IBKK9_92_NODI - Account Balancing (Interest and Charges):Not Relevant for DI

IBKK9_BAL_POST - Posting Daily Balance

IBKK9_BAL_VAL - Value Date Daily Balance

IBKK9_DECRE - Export Structure Debit/Credit Amounts + Balance (External)

IBKK9_DECRE_ERROR - Export Structure: Incorrect Accounts (External Acct. Number)

IBKK9_DECRE_ERROR_INT - Export Structure: Incorrect Accounts (Internal Acct. Number)

IBKK9_DECRE_IMPORT - Import Structure Balances: Internal Account Numbers

IBKK9_DECRE_IMPORT_EXT - Import Structure Balances: External Account Numbers

IBKK9_DECRE_INT - Export Structure Debit/Credit + Balance / Internal Acct. No.

IBKK9_DECRE_POST - Export Structure Posting Deb./Cred. Amounts + Balance (Ext.)

IBKK9_DECRE_POST_INT - Export Structure Post. Deb./Cred. + Post.Bal. /Int. Acct. No

IBKK9_DECRE_VAL - Export Structure Value Date Deb/Cred Amts. + Balance (Ext.)

IBKK9_DECRE_VAL_INT - Export Structure Val.Dt.Deb/Cred + Val.Dt.Bal./Int.Acct.No.

IBKK9_DI1 - External Data Transfer: Large Structure

IBKK9_DI2 - External Data Transfer Account Balancing: Small Structure

IBKK9_DI2_SEND_TEST - Sender Structure External Data Transfer Acct Balancing: Test

IBKK9_IC0 - Bank Area and Internal Acct Number for Interest Compensation

IBKK9_IC1 - Bk. Area, Acct, Graph No., ...for Interest Compensation

IBKK9_IC2 - Graph Number for Interest Compensation

IBKK9_IC3 - Interest Compensation: Pool Members for Header Account

IBKK9_IC4 - General Time Interval for an Account

IBKK9_IC5 - Date Category for Period (Posting Date, Value Date, ...)

IBKK9_IC6 - Bank Area and Internal Acct Number for Interest Compensation

IBKK9_RM_AVG_INT_IMPORT - Import Risk Management for Average Interest Rate

IBKK9_SCR_FLDS - Screen fields of BCA

IBKK9_STC_EXPORT - Export Single Transaction Costing

IBKK9_STC_EXPORT_SEM - Export Single Transaction Profit and Loss from BCA

IBKK9_STC_IMPORT - Import Single Transaction Costing

IBKKA1 - Interface for Position Methods

IBKKA10 - BCA: Display Fields of Stack Data

IBKKA2 - External Part of Interface for Position Methods

IBKKA3 - Guaran. Amount

IBKKA4 - Structure for Table Control Position Types Check

IBKKA4_S - Current Account: Position Types Checks

IBKKA5 - Display Fields for Data on Check Status

IBKKA5_S - Status Fields of an Available Stack in Position Management

IBKKA6 - Display Fields for Change in Check Status Data

IBKKA6_S - Status Fields of a Stack in Position Management

IBKKA7 - Display Fields for Data of a Stack in Position Management

IBKKA8 - Display Fields in Stack Management

IBKKA9 - Display Fields for Change of Check Stack Data

IBKKACHVAL - Fields for Authorization Check in Position Management

IBKKACNALV - BCA: Account Master Data for ABAP List Viewer

IBKKACNLDB - BCA: Account Master Data Operational

IBKKACNTBAL - Transfer Structure Account Balance for Account in RFC

IBKKACONLY - BCA: General Structure Consisting Only of Account

IBKKAKEYEX - External Key of a Position

IBKKAKEYIN - Internal Key of a Position

IBKKAOPT - Screen Fields for Maintenance of Position Types Per Account

IBKKAPIEXP - API: Export Structure for Payment Items (BCA)

IBKKAPIIMP - API: Import Structure for Payment Items (BCA)

IBKKAPISTA - API: Export Structure Payment Item with Processing Status

IBKKARCH - Structure for Various Archiving Fields

IBKKARCHCUTOFF - Archiving Time Periods

IBKKARCHDATE - Archiving Date of a Data Object

IBKKARCHINTV - Archived period

IBKKARCHPERIOD - Period in the Archive

IBKKARCHSTATISTIC - Statistical Data for Archiving

IBKKASTAT - Status Field of a Position

IBKKATABEX - BCA: Transfer Structure of Created Checks (External)

IBKKBADIEX - Data Transfer Balances: External

IBKKBADIIN - Data Transfer Balances: Internal

IBKKBAL - Structure for Account Balance

IBKKBALNOTAC - BCA: Account Data in Bank Statement Header

IBKKBALNOTAD - Balance Notification: Recipients' Addresses

IBKKBALNOTCTRL - Control Indicator for Balance Notification

IBKKBALNOTHD - BCA:External Interface for Bal. Notification Data (Header)

IBKKBALNOT_LIST - Display Structure of Balance Notification

IBKKBALNOT_RET - Return Structure for Balance Notification

IBKKBALNO_ARCHOUT - Log Display for Archiving Balance Notification

IBKKBANKAD - Bank Statement: Address of Bank

IBKKBAPI - General Data for BCA BAPIs

IBKKBAPIAC - BAPI: Fields for Accounts

IBKKBAPIACEXT - BAPI:Fields for Accounts with Amounts without Decimal

IBKKBAPIHY - BAPI: Structure for account hierarchy

IBKKBAPIPARTNER - Business Partner with Name and Address

IBKKBAPIPARTNERADDR - Business Partner Addresses - Account

IBKKBAPISSO1 - BAPI: Complete structure of a Standing Order

IBKKBAPITSO2 - BAPI: Structure for List of Standing Orders for Account

IBKKBAPITSONT - BAPI: Table of Payment Notes Lines

IBKKBAPTA1 - BAPI: Structure for S.F.P. Balance

IBKKBAPTA1EXT - Structure for Subject to Final Payment Balance ISO

IBKKBAPTA2 - BAPI: Structure for Limit Data

IBKKBAPTA3 - BAPI: Structure Account Data

IBKKBAPTA3EXT - BAPI: Structure for Account Data ISO

IBKKBAPTAB - BAPI: Structure for Account List for PT System

IBKKBAPTAC - BAPI: List of Business Partners for an Account

IBKKBAPTAD - BAPI: List of Accounts to be Processed

IBKKBAPTAE - BAPI: List of Business Partners for Accounts

IBKKBAPTBU - BAPI: Business Partner Structure

IBKKBAPTH1 - BAPI: Structure for Hierarchy

IBKKBAPTH2 - BAPI: Structure for Hierarchy (Payment Notes)

IBKKBAPTPAYMNOTE - BCA: Payment Notes (External Display)

IBKKBAPTPI - BAPI: Structure for Turnover List

IBKKBAPTPN - BAPI: Structure of Payment Notes Data

IBKKBAPTPYNOT - BCA: New Payment Notes (External Display)

IBKKBKPF01 - BCA: Structure for FI-BKPF Fields Relevant to BCA

IBKKBKPF01_BCA - Structure - BCA-Relev. FI-BKPF Fields Corresp. to IBKKBSEG01

IBKKBKSTAC - BCA: Account Data in Bank Statement Header

IBKKBKSTAC_EXT - BCA: Account Data in Bank Statement Header (Ext. Display)

IBKKBKSTAD - Bank Statement: Addresses of Bank Statement Recipients

IBKKBKSTAD_BINT - BCA: Internal Bank Addresses

IBKKBKSTAD_INT - BCA: Internal Bank Addresses

IBKKBKSTCH - BCA: Currency Conversion Data in Bank Statement Header

IBKKBKSTCL - Data from Account Balancings Since Last Bank Statement

IBKKBKSTCL_EXT - Data from Account Balancings Since Last Bank Statement

IBKKBKSTCTRL - Control Parameters for Bank Statement Creation

IBKKBKSTGP - BCA: Name Data of a BP (for Bank Statement)

IBKKBKSTHD - BCA: External Interface for Bank Statement Data (Header)

IBKKBKSTHD_EXT - BCA: External Interface for Bank Statement Data (Header)

IBKKBKSTHY - BCA: Interface for Bank Statement Data (Hierarchy-Info)

IBKKBKSTIT - BCA: External Interface for Bank Statement (Turnovers)

IBKKBKSTITAI - BKK: Interface for Bank Statement (Info Item)

IBKKBKSTIT_EXT - BCA: External Interface for Bank Statement (Turnovers)

IBKKBKSTLI - BCA: Interface for Bank Statement Data (Limit)

IBKKBKSTLI_EXT - BCA: External Interface for Bank Statement Data (Limit)

IBKKBKSTNT - Bank Statment: Payment Notes

IBKKBKSTOUT - BCA: Fields for Bank Statement Form

IBKKBKSTOUT_PDF - BCA: Fields for Bank Statement Form

IBKKBKSTPD - BCA: General Data of a BP (for Bank Statement)

IBKKBKSTPN - BCA: Name Data of a Natural Person

IBKKBKSTPO - BCA: Name Data of an Organization

IBKKBKST_CORRREC_PRODFEAT - product/version combination is active for corresp recipient

IBKKBKST_SCR_PARAMETER - Selection Parameters for Bank Statement Run (Display)

IBKKBSEG01 - BCA: Structure for FI-BSEG Fields Relevant for BCA

IBKKBSEG02 - BCA: Structure - FI-BSEG Fields (w/o BKPF Keys) Relevant BCA

IBKKBSEG02_BCA - Structure - BCA-Relev. FI-BSEG Fields Corresp. to IBKKBSEG02

IBKKBSEG02_BCA_CS - Structure - BCA-Relev. FI-BSEG Fields Corresp. to IBKKBSEG02

IBKKBSEG02_CS - BCA: Structure - FI-BSEG Fields (w/o BKPF Keys) Relevant BCA

IBKKBUKRS1 - BCA: Company Code Data

IBKKBUTXT - Postingtext: Translation

IBKKC01_CT - GL: Table FI Key with Counter for Lock BKKCO1

IBKKC01_DETAIL - GL: Display FI Key Detail Data

IBKKC01_DT - GL: Data FI Key with Date and Counter

IBKKC02 - GL: Internal Posting Totals (with Com.Code)

IBKKC02_VALUT - G/L: Internal Posting Totals (with CoCode) - Value Date

IBKKC10 - Structure for BKKC10

IBKKC30_DETAIL - Balance Sheet Preparation Detail Data

IBKKCARCH01 - Log Data for BCA General Ledger Data Archiving

IBKKCARCH02 - Log Data for BCA GL Balance Archiving

IBKKCASHB_ADD - Information on Check Block: Address Data

IBKKCASHB_BL - Information on Check Blocks: Check Information

IBKKCASHB_HD - Information on the Check Blocks: Header Data

IBKKCHCUR - BCA: Account Structure for Currency Changeover

IBKKCHDOC1 - Structure for determining field values per time interval

IBKKCHEQUE - Set Transfer Structure to Status

IBKKCHEQ_ACCNT - Check Data Structure Including Account Number


IBKKCNTERR - Errortypes in function modules

IBKKCVA - Transfer Structure for IVA Entries and Valuations


IBKKCVA_LIST - Transfer Structure for IVA Valuations and External Statement

IBKKCVA_PROTOCOL - Log Output Structure for Individual Value Adjustment

IBKKE1 - Structure for Table Control Limits

IBKKE1BAPI - BAPI - Current Account: Limits

IBKKE1_CHDOC - BCA Limit: Change Document Structure

IBKKE1_EXT - Structure for Table Control External Limit

IBKKE1_EXT_POOL - Structure for Table Control External Pool Limit

IBKKE1_EXT_SINGLE - Structure for Display External Limit

IBKKE1_INT - Structure for Table Control Internal Limit

IBKKE1_INT_POOL - Structure for Table Control Internal Pool Limit

IBKKE1_INT_SINGLE - Structure for Display Internal Limit

IBKKE1_OTHERS - Structure for Table Control for other Limit Categories

IBKKE1_OTHERS_POOL - Structure for Table Control for other Pool Limit Categories

IBKKE1_OVD - Structure for Table Control Overdraft Limit

IBKKE1_OVD_POOL - Structure for Table Control Overdraft Limit - Pool

IBKKE1_OVD_SINGLE - Structure for Display Overdraft Limit

IBKKE1_POOL_EXT_SINGLE - Structure for Display External Pool Limit

IBKKE1_POOL_INT_SINGLE - Structure for Display Internal Pool Limit

IBKKE1_POOL_OVD_SINGLE - Structure for Display Overdraft Limit - Pool

IBKKE1_S1 - Bank Current Accounts: Limits (also DI)

IBKKE1_S1_DI - Bank Current Accounts: Limits (also DI)

IBKKE1_S2 - Bank Current Accounts: Limits (not DI)

IBKKE1_SORT_CUR - Limits: Structure for Group Change, Sequences to Lim_CUR

IBKKE2 - Transfer Structure for Reading Limits

IBKKE3 - Limit Categories to be Checked

IBKKE4 - Limit Categories Data

IBKKENARCH - Log Display for Archiving Payment Order Enrichment Data

IBKKEVLIM_ARCH01 - Log Data for BCA SEPA Limit Event Archiving

IBKKF4PAORN - Structure for Search Help: Payment/Forward Order

IBKKFAADM - Administration Data for Allowance Management



IBKKFOREXP - Import Structure for Transaction Figures Update

IBKKG3 - Structure of Transaction Type

IBKKG31 - Transaction Type with Attributes and Description

IBKKG3_S - Attributes of Transaction Type

IBKKG9 - Structure for Return Reasons

IBKKGLACCR - BCA: Structure - BCA-Relevant Fields Doc.Lines Currency Info

IBKKGLACGL - BCA: Structure for BCA-Relevant Fields Document Lines

IBKKGLACHE - BCA: Structure for BCA-Relevant FI Document Header

IBKKGLACTX - Document Taxes (Batch Input Structure)

IBKKGLADM - Admin. Data BCA Document (Payment Item, Payment Order)

IBKKGLC5 - Structure for Displaying RFBKLC5

IBKKGLPP - Structure for Displaying RFBKGLPP

IBKKGL_ALV_DINP - Open/Close List Output for Reconciliation Keys Leg.Data Tran

IBKKGL_DNP_REP_BP - Screen Fields for Report Balance Sheet Preparation

IBKKGL_DNP_REP_DINP - Screen Fields for Legacy Data Transfer Report

IBKKGL_DNP_REP_IA - Fields for Detailed Statement Report Interest Acc/Def

IBKKGL_DNP_REP_TRF - Screen Fields for General Ledger Transfer Report

IBKKGL_DNP_REP_VA - Screen Fields for Posting Report Individual Value Adjustment

IBKKIARCH01 - Log Display for Archiving Payment Items

IBKKIHBHLP - Help Structure for IHB

IBKKIHBHLP1 - Help Structure for IHB

IBKKITADM - Admin. Data BCA Document (Payment Item, Payment Order)

IBKKITDIEX - Data Transfer Payment Item: External

IBKKITDIIN - Data Transfer Payment Item: Internal

IBKKITGL - Gen. Ledger: Payment Item Data

IBKKKPFSEG - BCA: Structure - FI Document Fields (BKPF+BSEG) Relevant BCA



IBKKKPFSEG_CS - BCA: Structure - FI Document Fields (BKPF+BSEG) Relevant BCA

IBKKM1 - BCA: Structure for Balancing ID

IBKKM10 - BCA: Additional Parameters for Account Balancing Call-Up

IBKKM11 - Additional Parameters for Cash Concentration Call Up

IBKKM12 - Balancing Parameters to be Checked for Mass Run Admin.

IBKKM13 - (Selection) Parameters for Bank Statement Creation

IBKKM14 - Control Parameters for Mass Data Processing

IBKKM15 - Data on Mass Balancing Category

IBKKM16 - Issuing Data on Bank Statement Header

IBKKM17 - Screen Structure for Balancing Data Output

IBKKM18 - Help Structure for Transfer Parameters Reference Fields

IBKKM19 - Account in New Start or Skip Table

IBKKM2 - Structure for Table Control Account Balancing

IBKKM2_S - Account Time Periods

IBKKM2_S_DI - Account Time Periods for DI

IBKKM3 - BCA: Balancing Parameters

IBKKM4 - BCA: Flow Data for Account Balancing

IBKKM5 - BCA: Transfer Data for Balancing

IBKKM6 - BCA: Header Data for Bank Statement (Internal)

IBKKM7 - BCA: Master Data for Account Time Periods

IBKKM8 - BCA: Return Structure for Bank Statement Administration

IBKKM9 - BCA: Balancing Transfer Structure

IBKKMACC - Account key

IBKKMACCINPROC - Display Fields of Accounts Being Edited by Mass Run

IBKKMARCH01 - Display Detail Log Statement Archiving

IBKKMBALNOT_PARAM - (Selection) Parameters during Creation of Bal. Notification

IBKKMBALNOT_RET - Return Structure for Balance Notification

IBKKMBANKSTATPARAM - Parameters for Bank Statement Creation

IBKKMCTRLFLAGS - Control Flags for Mass Runs

IBKKMDISPOBJECTS - Objects in Parallel Processing

IBKKMESG - Structure for Transferring Error Messages

IBKKMHY - Key Account Hierarchy (Parallel Processing)

IBKKMINTVID - Key to an Interval for Parallel Processing

IBKKMJOBKEY - Key to a Background Job

IBKKMJOBSGROUP - Number of Jobs per Server Group

IBKKMJOBSHOST - Number of Jobs per Host


IBKKMLOCKDATA - Data on Display of Block Data (Mass Runs)

IBKKMLOCKDISPLAY - Display Data for Blocked Accounts

IBKKMPAOBJECT - Object for Parallel Processing

IBKKMPOSTC - Posting Categories for Processes

IBKKMREPCHAIN - Output Structure for Status Data on a Processing Chain

IBKKMREPCHAINHD - Status Data on a Processing Chain (Header)

IBKKMRUN - Interface for Mass Run Administration

IBKKMRUNBKKRS - Bank Areas of a Mass Run

IBKKMRUNINFO - Display Fields for Mass Run Data

IBKKMRUNKEY - Key Fields of a Mass Run

IBKKMT_EXT - Structure for bkkterm with acnum_Ext

IBKKM_ROOT_LEVEL - Corresponding Root and Hierarchy Level of an Element

IBKKOVRADDRESS - Tolerated Overdraft: Account Holders' Addresses etc.

IBKKOVRADR_BINT - Tolerated Overdraft: Bank-Internal Addresses

IBKKOVR_ACCOUNTS - Data on Overdrawn Accounts (Tolerated Overdraft)

IBKKOVR_NOTIFY - Notification-Relevant Data on Overdrawn Accounts

IBKKPARCH01 - Log Display for Archiving Payment Orders

IBKKPAYFM_ARCHOUT - Log Display for Archiving of Payment Forms

IBKKPAYMEX_ARCH - Archiving EFT Management Outgoing Payment Transactions

IBKKPAYMEX_ARCH01 - Log Display for Outgoing Payments

IBKKPAYMEX_HD - Header of EFT Management: Outgoing Payment Transactions

IBKKPAYMEX_IT - EFT Management: Items in Outgoing Payment Transactions

IBKKPAYMEX_ITCL - EFT Management: Items in Outgoing Payment Transactions

IBKKPAYMEX_IT_KEY - EFT Management: Items in Outgoing Payment Transactions - Key

IBKKPAYMIN_ARCH - Archiving EFT Management Imported Items

IBKKPAYMIN_ARCH01 - Log Display for Imported Items

IBKKPAYMIN_ILM - Payment Items in Incoming Payment Transactions

IBKKPAYMIN_IT - Payment Items in Incoming Payment Transactions

IBKKPAYMIN_KEY - Key of Header Table of EFT Management

IBKKPAYM_DE_DTAUS - Strucutre of DTAUS Format and CHAR String

IBKKPDO - Parameter documentation

IBKKPOADMIN - Administration Data of a Payment Order for Dual Control

IBKKPOEXT - Help Structure for Output of Incorrect Orders

IBKKPOGISA - EDI Payments: Reporting Data to Clearing, Segm. E1IDMU5

IBKKPOGISH - EDI Payments: Reporting Data to Clearing, Segm E1IDKU6

IBKKPOGISL - EDI Payments: Reporting Data to Clearing, Seg. E1IDT02

IBKKPOGISP - EDI Payments: Reporting Data to Clearing, Segm. E1EDLA1

IBKKPOHD - Structure for Payment Order - Header Data

IBKKPOHD_TMP - Structure of Planned Payment Order - Header Data

IBKKPOIT - Structure for Payment Order - Item Data

IBKKPOIT_TMP - Structure of Planned Payment Order - Item Data

IBKKPOIT_TMP_DP - Structure for Planned Order - Item Data with Posting Date

IBKKPOMND - Structure for PO with Mandate details

IBKKPONT - Structure for Payment Order - Payment Notes

IBKKPONT_TMP - Structure of Planned Payment Order - Payment Details

IBKKPOREFA - References for EDI Payments, Position, Amount Segment

IBKKPOREFD - References to EDI Payments, Item, Date Segment

IBKKPOREFL - References for EDI Payments, Header Data, Long Texts

IBKKPOREFN - References for EDI Payments, Header Data, Doc.Number Segment

IBKKPOREFR - References for EDI Payments, Position, Ref. Data Segment

IBKKPO_RCG - Transfer Structure: Payment Order, Recipient

IBKKPO_RCV - Transfer Structure: Payment Order, Recipient

IBKKPO_RCX - Transfer Structure: Payment Order, Recipient

IBKKPO_SND - Transfer structure: Payment Order, Sender

IBKKPO_SNG - Transfer structure: Payment Order, Sender

IBKKPO_SNX - Transfer structure: Payment Order, Sender

IBKKPRENOTE_ARCH01 - Log Data for BCA Prenote Archiving

IBKKRFCACCCL - Transfer Structure Reference Acct for Acct Closure per RFC

IBKKRFCPONT - RFC Import Structure for Payment Notes Data

IBKKRFCPORCV - RFC Import Structure for Receiver

IBKKRFCPOSND - RFC Import Structure for Ordering Party

IBKKRS_PROJ_TBKK01F - BCA: Assignment Bank Area <-> Company Code

IBKKRTRNPN - Fields for Payment Notes for Returns

IBKKSO - BCA: General Data and Status Info Standing Order

IBKKSOARCH01 - Log Display for Archiving Standing Orders

IBKKSONT1 - Standing Order Payment Notes with Change Indicator

IBKKSONT_S1 - Application of Funds for Standing Order

IBKKSOS - BCA: Status Information Standing Order

IBKKSO_DI_H2 - Direct Input Standing Order: Substructure of Header

IBKKSO_DI_HD - Direct input Standing Order: Header

IBKKSO_DI_INT - Direct Input Standing Order: Internal Transfer Structure

IBKKSO_DI_NT - Direct Input Standing Order: Payment Notes

IBKKSO_DI_S1 - Direct Input Standing Order: Standing Order

IBKKSO_DI_SO - Direct Input Standing Order

IBKKSO_S1 - Standing Order: Initial Screen

IBKKSO_S2 - Standing Order: Relevant for DI

IBKKSO_S3 - Standing Order: Not relevant for DI

IBKKSO_S4 - Standing Order: Amounts

IBKKSO_S4EXT - Standing Order: Amounts (External)

IBKKSO_S6 - Standing Order: Variable Execution

IBKKSO_S6EXT - Standing Order: Variable Execution

IBKKSPAYMNOTE - BCA: Payment Notes (Internal Display)

IBKKSPYDOCNOS - BCA: Document Numbers of Payment Notes - New Creation

IBKKSPYNOT - BCA: Payment Notes

IBKKSPYNOTE - BCA: Payment Notes

IBKKSPYNOTREF - BCA: Reference Fields for Payment Notes

IBKKSTACKAC - BCA: Account Data in Scheck Stack Management

IBKKSTACKAD - Address Data in Check Management

IBKKSTACKPD - BCA: General Data of a BP (for Check Printing)

IBKKSTACKPN - BCA: Name Data of a Natural Person (for Check Printing)

IBKKSTACKPO - BCA: Name Data of an Organization (for Check Printing)

IBKKTBKK03 - Method Category and Parameter Number for Check Method Callup

IBKKTERMKEY - Structure of Key Fields for BKKTERM table

IBKKTFI02 - Function Module for Call Up Time

IBKKWHTAX1 - Import Structure for Capital Yield Tax (CYT) Calculation

IBKKWHTAX2 - Export Structure for Capital Yield Tax (CYT) Calculation

IBKKWHTAX3 - Export Structure for Capital Yield Tax Calculation (BAPI)

IBKKWHTAX4 - Other Data Interface BCA Int.Inc.Tax

IBKKXERRTYPE - Errortypes in function modules

IBKK_ACCNT - BCA: Country-Specific Settings for Account Number

IBKK_ACCNT_API_ACCNT_LIST - Business Partner Account List

IBKK_ACCNT_ARCH - View structure for archived accounts



IBKK_ACCNT_LIMIT_BALANCE - Current Balance and Limits


IBKK_ACCNT_LIST_INT - Account List of a business partner

IBKK_ACCNT_LOCKS_INT - Lock on Account


IBKK_ACCNT_PERIOD_INT - Account Periodicities

IBKK_ACCOUNT - Account structure

IBKK_ACCOVR_COND - Conditions Relevant for Tolerated Overdrafts

IBKK_ACCST - Bank Statement Data (Interface)

IBKK_ACCT_DATES - Structure for postings preparation

IBKK_ACC_DATA - BCA: Account Data Interface

IBKK_ACC_OVR_S1 - Account Information for Overdrawn Accounts: Special

IBKK_ACEXT - External account number

IBKK_ACEXTA - External Account Number (+ SWIFT and BKS)

IBKK_ACINT - Internal account number


IBKK_AMACI - Amount in Account Currency (Internal -> PL9)

IBKK_AMITE - Amounts in Account Currency (External ->CHAR 25)

IBKK_AMITI - Amounts in Account Currency (Internal -> PL9)

IBKK_ARCH_REPLINES - Output Structure for Overview Log

IBKK_ARCH_SELPARAMS - Selection Parameters for BCA Archiving Programs

IBKK_BALNOT - Data for Balance Notification

IBKK_BALNOT_ADDR - Return Structure of Balance Notification Recipient

IBKK_BAL_CTRL_INT - Control Indicator for Account Balancing


IBKK_BA_INT_DATA - Structure Val.Dt Deb/Cred Amts. + Val.Dt. Balance + Interest

IBKK_BKKITNTC - Structure for Table Control: Deposits with Notice LockPeriod

IBKK_BKKRS - Data Bank Area Tables

IBKK_BKST - Data for bank statement

IBKK_BUPA - BAPI: List of Business Partners for Accounts

IBKK_BUS_PARTNER_INT - Account Business Partner Relationship

IBKK_CASHB - Screen Fields for Means of Payment Management (General Part)

IBKK_CHECKS_INT - Account: Checks

IBKK_CHEQ - Screen Fields for Check Administration (General Part)

IBKK_CLEAR - Information from a Clearing Center

IBKK_CLOPD - BCA: Screen Structure for Setting Balancing Date

IBKK_COND_FOR_BKST - Display Structure of Conditions for Bank Statement

IBKK_COND_FOR_BKST_SECOND - Display Structure of Conditions for Bank Statement

IBKK_CORR_REC_ADDR - Structure for Correspondence Receiver and Address data

IBKK_COUNTER - Number of Units per Client

IBKK_CURR_CHANGE_OVER_INT - Account Currency Change

IBKK_DEFAULT_MULT_TEXT - Product Default Values (with Texts)

IBKK_DEFAULT_TEXT - Dafault Value with Texts

IBKK_DEPOSIT_DATA - BCA Master Data: Operative Data for Deposit Banking


IBKK_DI_A1 - Direct Input Account: General Master Data

IBKK_DI_A2 - Direct Input Account: Operative Master Data

IBKK_DI_AC - Direct Input Account:

IBKK_DI_AC_INT - Direct Input Account: Internal Transfer Structure

IBKK_DI_AL - Direct Input Account: Internal Transfer Structure

IBKK_DI_BA - Direct Input Account: Account Balancing Control Indicator

IBKK_DI_BKK42_NTC - Direct Input Structure for BKK42_NTC Table

IBKK_DI_BKK58 - Direct Input Structure for Table BKK58

IBKK_DI_BKKITNTC - Direct Input Structure for BKKITNTC Table

IBKK_DI_BKKNTC - Direct Input Structure for BKKNTC and BKKVRS Table

IBKK_DI_BKKTERM - Direct Input Structure for Table BKKTERM

IBKK_DI_BP - Direct Input Account: Business Partner

IBKK_DI_CC - Direct Input: Currency Changeover

IBKK_DI_CH - Direct Input Account: Position Type Checks

IBKK_DI_CL - Direct Input Account: Periodic Account Balancing

IBKK_DI_CONDITION_HD - Condition Overview

IBKK_DI_CONDITION_IT - Condition Overview: Position

IBKK_DI_COND_HD - Condition Overview

IBKK_DI_COND_IT - Condition Overview: Position

IBKK_DI_CORRESPONDENCE - Direct input fields for Correspondence data

IBKK_DI_DD - Direct Input Account: Direct Debit Orders

IBKK_DI_H2 - Direct Input Account: Substructure for Header

IBKK_DI_HD - Direct Input Account: Header

IBKK_DI_LI - Direct Input Account: Limits

IBKK_DI_LO - Direct Input Account: Blocks


IBKK_DI_NOTICE - Fields for Communication: Sales Texts

IBKK_DI_RF - Direct Input Account: Reference Accounts

IBKK_DI_RS - Direct Input: Resubmission

IBKK_DPLST - GL: Detail List Postings Balance Sheet Preparation

IBKK_DTADA - Structure of the A Record in EFT Format

IBKK_DTADC - Domestic DME Diskette Data Record C (Paymnt Exchange Record)

IBKK_DTADE - Domestic DME Diskette Data Rec.E(Data Carrier Trailer Label)

IBKK_DYN_BAL - BCA: Screen Structure: Account Balances (Post.Date/Val.Date)

IBKK_DYN_BP_ACCHOLD - BCA: Structure for Screen: Account Holder

IBKK_DYN_BP_BKSTREC - BCA: Structure for Table Control: Bank Statement Recipient

IBKK_DYN_BP_OTHERS - BCA: Structure for Table Control (Other Business Partners)

IBKK_DYN_CF_NAMES - Screen Structure Customer Fields

IBKK_DYN_CORRREC - Correspondence Receiver Screen Structure

IBKK_DYN_ENTRY - BCA: Screen Structure: Initial Screen

IBKK_DYN_HY_ROOT - BCA: Include Structure for Screen Fields Hierarchy

IBKK_DYN_HY_ROOT_CC - BCA: Screen Structure: Root Account Cash Concentration

IBKK_DYN_HY_ROOT_IC - BCA: Screen Structure: Root Account Interest Compensation

IBKK_DYN_PER_AB - BCA: Structure for Sub-Screen: Time Periods Acct Balancing

IBKK_DYN_PER_BN - BCA: Sub-Screen Structure: Time Periods Balance Notification

IBKK_DYN_PER_BS - BCA: Structure for Sub-Screen: Time Periods Bank Statement

IBKK_DYN_PER_CC - BCA: Structure for Sub-Screen: Time Periods Cash Concentrat.

IBKK_DYN_POPUP_BP - Dialog Box for BP Role Selection on Initial Screen

IBKK_DYN_REF_AB_INT_IND - BCA: Screen Structure: Internal Ref. Account Acct Balancing

IBKK_DYN_REF_ACBAL - BCA: Screen: Selection Reference Account Account Balancing

IBKK_DYN_REF_ACBAL_DISPLAY - BCA: Screen Structure: Display Ref. Acct Account Balancing

IBKK_DYN_REF_ACBAL_EXT - BCA: Screen Structure: External Ref. Account Acct Balancing

IBKK_DYN_REF_ACBAL_INT - BCA: Screen Structure: Internal Ref. Account Acct Balancing

IBKK_DYN_REF_A_TERM - BCA: Screen for Selection of Capital Reference Account

IBKK_DYN_REF_A_TERM_DISPLAY - BCA: Screen Structure for Displaying Capital Reference Acct

IBKK_DYN_REF_A_TERM_EXT - BCA: Screen Structure for External Capital Reference Account

IBKK_DYN_REF_A_TERM_INT - BCA: Screen Structure for Internal Capital Reference Account

IBKK_DYN_REF_CLOS - BCA: Screen: Selection Reference Account Account Closure

IBKK_DYN_REF_CLOS_DISPLAY - BCA: Screen Structure: Display Ref. Acct Account Closure

IBKK_DYN_REF_CLOS_EXT - BCA: Screen Structure: External Ref. Account Acct Balancing

IBKK_DYN_REF_CLOS_INT - BCA: Screen Structure: Internal Ref. Account Acct Closure

IBKK_DYN_REF_TERM - BCA: Screen for Selection of Capital Reference Account

IBKK_DYN_REF_TERM_DISPLAY - BCA: Screen Structure for Displaying Capital Reference Acct

IBKK_DYN_REF_TERM_EXT - BCA: Screen Structure for External Capital Reference Account

IBKK_DYN_REF_TERM_INT - BCA: Screen Structure for Internal Capital Reference Account

IBKK_DYN_VA - Screen Structure for Individual Value Adjustment

IBKK_ELG - Fields for Controlling Deposit Banking

IBKK_EVENT - Event for Open BCA (split into process and event)

IBKK_EXT_KEY - BCA: Interface Key Fields (External View)

IBKK_EXT_VIEW - Structure External Account View

IBKK_F4_ACEXT - Structure for Search Help for External Account Numbers

IBKK_FA_AI - Amounts for Interest Penalty Calculation

IBKK_FA_DIALOG - Screen Structure for Allowances on Account

IBKK_FA_TC_DIALOG - Table Control for Available Amounts in Online Entry for Acct

IBKK_FA_USED - Utilization of Allowance Amounts

IBKK_FIKEY - GL: Posting Total PT for Transfer FI (BKKCO2)


IBKK_FUT_DECRE_POST - Export Structure Val. Date Deb./Cred. Amounts + Bal. (ext.)

IBKK_FUT_DECRE_VAL - Export Structure Val. Date Deb./Cred. Amounts + Bal. (ext.)

IBKK_GLACC - GL: Constant Values ACC Fields during Transfer FI

IBKK_GLASS - Acct. Assignment Fields GL Acct. Assignment

IBKK_GLBAL - GL: Total Postings Payment Items for Bal. Sheet Preparation

IBKK_GLMFI - Error Messages from FI per Document/Reconciliation Key

IBKK_GLSFI - FI Document/Posting Totals in FI for a Reconciliation Key

IBKK_GL_BALANCE - Balance from FI GL Accounts

IBKK_GL_BALANCE_BCA - Balance from FI GL Accounts

IBKK_GL_BALANCE_CS - Balance from FI GL Accounts

IBKK_IND_CONDITIONS_INT - Individual Condition: Header

IBKK_IND_COND_POS_INT - Individual Condition: Position

IBKK_INPPD - BCA: Screen Structure for Setting Posting Date

IBKK_INT_KEY - BCA: Interface Key Fields

IBKK_ITDDY - Screen Fields for Payment Item

IBKK_ITEDY - Initial Screen Fields Payment Item

IBKK_ITEM - Payment Item

IBKK_ITGL - GL: Post Payment Item

IBKK_IT_AI - Posting Decision: Interest Penalty

IBKK_IT_INFO - Structure for Additional Item Information

IBKK_IT_INFO_REFNO - Structure for Additional Item Information

IBKK_JUMP - Aggregated Keys Account/BP etc.

IBKK_LIM_DATA - BCA: Interface Limit Data (Use in Group Change)

IBKK_MIN_DEP - Structure of Minimum Deposit by Each Product

IBKK_MISC - Reference Structure for Other Fields

IBKK_NAME - Name for Name Comparison

IBKK_NEWNOTE - structure for new paymnotes in open_fi_perform_00010036_e

IBKK_NEWPOS - Structure for Creating New Document Positions

IBKK_NEWPOS_S - Additional Positions of a Payment Item BTE 10036

IBKK_NOITEM_REP_INAC - Statement of the Individual Items of an Interest Acc./Def.

IBKK_NOTE - Payment notes Data (Internal)

IBKK_NOTICE_DIALOG - Notice: Notice Periods + Minimum Deposit

IBKK_NO_ITEM - Payment Item

IBKK_NT - BCA: Structure for Payment Notes (Table Control)

IBKK_NTC - Structure for Partial Amount and Full Amount Notice

IBKK_NTC_BL - Notice: Payment Item Number + BKKITNTC

IBKK_OBJECTS - Key Fields for BCA Objects

IBKK_OP_MDATA_INT - Account Operative Data

IBKK_PARTNER_KEYS - Business Partner Structure



IBKK_PAYM_DEF - Payment Transactions Default Values

IBKK_PDGEN - Screen Structure Payment Order: Header, General Fields

IBKK_PDINF - BCA / Payment Transactions: Administration Information

IBKK_PDREC - Screen Structure Payment Order: Recipients

IBKK_PDRKY - Screen Structure Payment Order: Return Keys

IBKK_PDSND - Screen Structure Payment Order: Sender

IBKK_PDTXT - BCA/ Internally Initiated PT: Screen Structure Text Fields

IBKK_PDYN1 - Remaining Screen Fields Payment Order

IBKK_PERIOD - Calculation Period

IBKK_PI_DYN_ADD - Screen Payment Item: Additional Data

IBKK_PI_DYN_ADMIN - Screen Payment Item: Administration Data

IBKK_PI_DYN_BASIC - Screen Payment Item: Base Data (Account, Amounts)

IBKK_PI_DYN_GL - Payment Item Screen: General Ledger Information

IBKK_PI_DYN_GL_ACTION - Payment Item Screen: General Ledger Action

IBKK_PI_DYN_HEADER - Screen Payment Item: Header Data

IBKK_PI_DYN_REFERENCE - Screen Payment Item: Reference Data

IBKK_PI_DYN_START - Screen Payment Item: Initial Screen

IBKK_PODDY - Screen Fields for Payment Order

IBKK_PODUM - Help Fields for Payment Order

IBKK_POEDY - Initial Screen Fields for Payment Order

IBKK_PO_DYN_ADMIN - Screen Payment Order: Administration Data

IBKK_PO_DYN_AU - Screen Fields for Completion of Automatic Forward Order

IBKK_PO_DYN_AU_RCV - Screen Fields for Automatic Forward Order of Recipient

IBKK_PO_DYN_AU_SND - Screen Fields for Automatic Forward Order of Ordering Party

IBKK_PO_DYN_HEADER - Screen Payment Order: Header

IBKK_PO_DYN_NOTE - BCA: Structure for Payment Notes (Table Control)

IBKK_PO_DYN_OVERVIEW_RCV - Payment Order Screen: Overview Screen Recipients

IBKK_PO_DYN_OVERVIEW_SND - Screen Payment Order: Overview Screen Ordering Party

IBKK_PO_DYN_OVERVIEW_TAB - Payment Order Screen: Overview Screen Recipients

IBKK_PO_DYN_RECEIVER - Screen Payment Order: Detail Recipients

IBKK_PO_DYN_SENDER - Screen Payment Order: Detail Ordering Party

IBKK_PO_DYN_START - Screen Payment Order: Initial Screen

IBKK_PO_XCHKR - PO Check: Indicator Partial Checks Completed with Errors

IBKK_PPROC - Import Structure for Result of Postprocessing (BAPI)

IBKK_PPROC_ITM - Import Structure for Result of Postprocessing Turn. (BAPI)

IBKK_PPROC_RCV - Import Structure for Result of Postprocessing Rec. (BAPI)

IBKK_PRENOTE_REF - Prenote Reference

IBKK_PROCG - Import Structure for Result of Postprocessing (BAPI)

IBKK_PRODUCT - Control Attributes of the Product

IBKK_PSTBK - Import Structure for Post Sender, Receiver, Clearing (BCA)

IBKK_PSTCL - Import Structure for Post Clearing (BAPI)

IBKK_PSTCLA - BAPI: Import Structure for Post Clearing (+ SWIFT and BKS)

IBKK_PSTIT - Import Structure for Post Item

IBKK_PSTPI - Import Structure for Post Item (BAPI)

IBKK_PSTPIA - Import Structure for Post Item (BAPI) + SWIFT and BKS

IBKK_PSTRC - Import Structure for Post Receiver (BAPI)

IBKK_PSTRCA - Import Structure for Post Receiver (BAPI)

IBKK_PSTSD - Import Structure for Post Sender (BAPI)

IBKK_PSTSDA - BAPI: Import Structure for Post Sender (+ SWIFT and BKS)

IBKK_PSTSDA2 - Table Type for Structure IBKK_PSTSDA with Item No

IBKK_PSTSDAX - BAPI: Import Structure for Post Sender (+ SWIFT and BKS)

IBKK_PYDAT - Date Details

IBKK_PYNOT - Payment Notes Data (External)

IBKK_RATE_S1 - Structure: Operative Data for Installment Savings

IBKK_REFNO - Reference Numbers

IBKK_REFNOPAYM - Reference Numbers of External Payment Transaction System

IBKK_REFPO - Reference Payment Order Details

IBKK_REF_ACCOUNT_INT - Account: Reference Account

IBKK_REF_CPD - Reference Information for Returns from the CpD Account

IBKK_RETKY - PT: Return Key/Text for Selection

IBKK_RNG_ACNUM_EXT - BCA: Structure External Account Numbers (RANGE)

IBKK_RNG_ACNUM_INT - BCA: Structure Internal Account Numbers (RANGE)

IBKK_RNG_BKKRS - BCA: Structure Bank Area (RANGE)

IBKK_RNG_PRODINT - BCA: Range Structure for Internal Product ID

IBKK_RNG_RLTYP - BCA: Structure BP Role Category (RANGE)

IBKK_RNG_SONO - BCA: Range for Standing Order Numbers

IBKK_R_ACNUM_INT - Structure for Range Table Category Internal Account Numbers

IBKK_R_BELNR - Structure for Range Table Category Document Number (FKBX)

IBKK_R_BELNR_BCA - Structure for Range Table Category Document Number (BCA)

IBKK_R_BKKRS - Structure for Range Table Category Bank Area

IBKK_R_BLART - Structure for Range Table Category Document Type

IBKK_R_BLART_BCA - Structure for Range Table Category Document Type (BCA)

IBKK_R_BUDAT - Structure for Range Table Category Posting Date

IBKK_R_BUDAT_BCA - Structure for Range Table Category Posting Date (BCA)

IBKK_R_BUZEI - Structure for Range Table Category Document Line (FKBX)

IBKK_R_BUZEI_BCA - Structure for Range Table Category Company Code (BCA)

IBKK_R_DAT - Structure of a range table for a character (4) field

IBKK_R_DATE_POST - Structure for Range Table Category Posting Date

IBKK_R_FIKEY - Structure for Range Table Category Reconciliation Key

IBKK_R_GJAHR - Structure for Range Table Category Fiscal Year (FKBX)

IBKK_R_GJAHR_BCA - Structure for Range Table Category Fiscal Year (BCA)

IBKK_R_GSBER - Structure for Range Table Category Business Area

IBKK_R_GSBER_BCA - Structure for Range Table Category Business Area (BCA)

IBKK_R_HKONT - Structure for Range Table Category GL Account

IBKK_R_HKONT_BCA - Structure for Range Table Category GL Account (BCA)

IBKK_SBKKC30 - Structure Fields Tab. BKKC30 (except key)

IBKK_SBKKIT - Data Structure of Tables BKKIT and BKKITENQ

IBKK_SBKKTMP_SEARCH - Search Help for Planned Payment Item

IBKK_SENDER_ADR - Structure for Address of Party Doing Bank Transfer

IBKK_SNO_ITEM - Payment Item

IBKK_SO1 - Structure for Initial Screen Standing Order

IBKK_SO2 - Structure for Data Screen Standing Order

IBKK_SO3 - Structure for Payment Order: Standing Order

IBKK_SONT - Panment Notes Standing Order

IBKK_SONT2 - BCA: Structure for Payment Notes (Table Control)

IBKK_SOSEL - Screen Fields for Selection Screen Standing Orders

IBKK_SO_DYN_ACCNT - Structure for Table Control Standing Orders on Account

IBKK_STACK_PLACE - Display Fields of Check Stack Locations

IBKK_STACK_STATE - Status Fields of a Stack in Position Management

IBKK_STAT_ADRESS_INT - Account Balancing: Address

IBKK_STAT_ADRESS_INTINT - Account Balancing: Internal Address

IBKK_STAT_BAL_DATA_INT - Account Statement: Balancing Data

IBKK_STAT_HEADER_INT - Account Statement: Header

IBKK_STAT_PAYNOTES_INT - Account Statement: Payment Notes

IBKK_STAT_TRN_OVR_INT - Account Statement: Turn Over


IBKK_STD_COND_POS_INT - Condition Position

IBKK_STR_ACCNT_ENQ - Account to Be Enqueued

IBKK_STR_ACCNT_FOREIGN_ENQ - Account with Foreign Enqueue

IBKK_STR_ITEM_SEPA - SEPA structure for payment items

IBKK_STR_MANDATE_SDD - SEPA Direct Debit structure

IBKK_STR_MND_CONTRACT - BKK:SEPA Mandate Contract Details

IBKK_STR_PRENOTE_ADMIN - Prenote Administration Details


IBKK_STR_PRENOTE_CHECK_ERR - Prenote Checks Errors


IBKK_STR_PRENOTE_KEY - Structure for Prenote Key Fields

IBKK_STR_PRENOTE_PI_DETAILS - Payment Items Details for Prenote

IBKK_STR_RECONC_SUM_EXT - Structure for Reconciliation sums

IBKK_STR_RECONC_UNIT - Reconciliation Unit

IBKK_STR_UCI_DUE_DATE - Include Structure for SEPA Direct Debit Fields

IBKK_SYPO - Posting Date of Bank Areas

IBKK_TAMITE - Amounts in Transaction Currency (External -> CHAR 25)

IBKK_TAMITI - Amounts in Transaction Currency (Internal -> PL 9)

IBKK_TC_BUPA_RLTYP_EXT - Business Partner Role Category for Total Commitment

IBKK_TC_IDNUM - External Partner Number

IBKK_TC_LIST - Total Commitment Business Partner in BCA

IBKK_TD_COND - Term for Fixed-Term Deposit: Condition Data

IBKK_TD_ROLLOVER - Term of Fixed-Term Deposit: Rollover Data

IBKK_TD_S1 - Structure: Operative Data for Fixed-Term Deposit

IBKK_TD_S2 - Historic Data for Fixed-Term Deposit

IBKK_TERM_ACBAL - Structure of Terms in Account Balancing

IBKK_TERM_APPLOGCONTEXT - Saves Context for Term Agreement Reports

IBKK_TRANS_RCV - Receiver Data for external transfer item

IBKK_TRNS_TYPE_DIA - Transaction Type

IBKK_TRNS_TYPE_RCV - Mapping Transaction Type and Counter Transaction Type

IBKK_TRPOP - BCA: Structure for Transfer Posting Dialog Box

IBKK_USED_FA - Online Structure of Utilized Allowance Amounts

IBKK_XCHECK_ITEM - Structure for Checks and Results for Payment Items

IBKK_XCHK - Disposition: Indicator Deactivating Partial Checks

IBKK_XCHKR - Item Check: Indicator Partial Checks Ended with Errors

Return Table index