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FMS1081DET_S - FMSF1081 SF1081 interface details

FMS1081_DET - FMS1081 Detail Records

FMS1081_DET_FUNDS - FMS1081 Funds Customer Agency

FMS1081_FNDS_BILLAG - FMS1081 Billing Agency Appn of Funds

FMS200D - Transfer Interface for Parallels S200 (Submit)

FMS200D_X - List Output for RFFMS200_BATCH_X

FMS200P - Parallelling of RFFMS200

FMS200P_X - Job Management RFFMS200_BATCH_X

FMS200_OLD_AUGBL - RFFMS200_OLD Structure for Cleared FI Documents

FMS200_OLD_BSEG - RFFMS200_OLD Structure for FI Data

FMS200_OLD_CONTROL_DATA - RFFMS200_OLD Structure for Update Control

FMS200_OLD_FIKEY - Internal Data Structure RFFMS200_OLD

FMS200_OLD_LEDGER - Internal Data Structure RFFMS200_OLD


FMSAKFPO - TRFM: G/L account with commitment item control data

FMSAMNAICSEXC - CCR Vendor NAICS Exception Structure

FMSAMNUMERICS - CCR Vendor Numerics Structure

FMSAMSBABUSTYP - CCR Vendor SBA Business Types Structure



FMSAMVENDORPOC - SAM Vendor Points of Contact

FMSAMVENDOR_CORP - PSM-FG: CCR Vendor Corporate Information (SAM UEI)

FMSAMVENDOR_DISR - PSM-FG: Disaster Response Contractor Areas Served (SAM UEI)

FMSAMVENDOR_EXEC - PSM-FG: CCR Executive Compensation (SAM UEI)

FMSAMVENDOR_EXTC - PSM-FG: CCR Vendor External Certifications (SAM UEI)


FMSAMVENDOR_GS - PSM-FG: Goods and Services (SAM UEI)



FMSAMVENDOR_POC - CCR Vendor Points of Contact (SAM UEI)

FMSAMVENDOR_PROC - PSM-FG: Admin., civil or criminal proceedings (SAM UEI)

FMSAP - Function Modules belonging to SAP Applications

FMSAPDISRESP - CCR Vendor Disaster Response Code Structure

FMSAPF048 - Archivable FI Documents (Check FM Payment Selection)

FMSAPF048B - Non-Archivable FI Documents (Check FM Payment Selection)

FMSAPF048B_OUT - Reporting Table for Initial Archiving Run

FMSAVE_RET - Save Retention Period for Archived Document

FMSD07 - Days Results List: FM-FI Bank/Clearing Account Comparison

FMSDLOG - Rebuild FM Open Item Log

FMSELMAX - Additional Selection Restrictions

FMSE_ACCOUNT_BYID_Q_S - Message Type for FundsManagementAccountByIDQuery (sync)

FMSE_ACCOUNT_BYID_R_S - Message Type for FundsManagementAccountByIDResponse (sync)

FMSE_ACCOUNT_CHGC_S - Message Type for FundsManagementAccountChangeConfirmation (s

FMSE_ACCOUNT_CHGR_S - Message Type for FundsManagementAccountChangeRequest (sync)

FMSE_ACCOUNT_CRTC_S - Message Type for FundsManagementAccountCreateConfirmation (s

FMSE_ACCOUNT_CRTR_S - Message Type for FundsManagementAccountCreateRequest (sync)

FMSE_ACCOUNT_SIBYELEM_Q_S - Message Type for FundsManagementAccountSimpleByElementsQuery

FMSE_ACCOUNT_SIBYELEM_R_S - Message Type for FundsManagementAccountSimpleByElementsRespo

FMSE_ACCOUNT_UPDC_S - Message Type for FundsManagementAccountERPUpdateConfirmati

FMSE_ACCOUNT_UPDR_S - Message Type for FundsManagementAccountERPUpdateRequest (s

FMSE_AVC - FM Availability Control Register

FMSE_BDGTDOCERPBSCDATA_Q_S - Message type for BudgetDocumentERPBasicDataByBasicDataQueryM

FMSE_BDGTDOCERPBSCDATA_R_S - Message type for BudgetDocumentERPBasicDataByBasicDataRespon

FMSE_BDGTDOCERPBYIDQUERY_SYNC - Message type for BudgetDocumentERPByIDQueryMessage_sync

FMSE_BDGTDOC_ERPBYIDRESP_SYNC - Message type for BudgetDocumentERPByIDResponseMessage_sync

FMSE_BDGTREGERP_ITM_BYEL_Q_S - Message type for BudgetRegisterERPItemByElementsQueryMessage

FMSE_BDGTREGERP_ITM_BYEL_R_S - Message type for BudgetRegisterERPItemByElementsResponseMess

FMSE_BDGT_AVCR_ERP_ITMBYEL_Q_S - MT for BudgetAvailabilityControlRegisterERPItemByElemtsQry_s

FMSE_BDGT_AVCR_ERP_ITMBYEL_R_S - MT for BudgetAvailabilityControlRegisterERPItemByElemtsRsp_s

FMSE_BDGT_DOC_ERCRT_CONF_S_V2 - Message Type for BudgetDocumentERPCreateConfirmation_V2 sync

FMSE_BDGT_STRUC_CONF_S_EXTERN - Structure for Buget Structure Confirmation

FMSE_BDGT_STRUC_RPLCTN_CONF - Budget Structure Replication Confirmation

FMSE_BDGT_STRUC_RPLCT_CONF_MSG - MDT for Budget Structure Replication Confirmation

FMSE_BDGT_STRUC_S_DIMPART - SOA service for budget structure

FMSE_BDGT_STRUC_S_EXTERN - SOA Structure for Budget Structure (flat or Multi level)

FMSE_BDGT_STRUC_S_HIERARCHY - Hierarchy for SOA service

FMSE_BDGT_STRUC_S_KEY - Budget Structure key for SOA

FMSE_BUDGETDOCERP_CRTC_S_V1 - Message type for BudgetDocumentERPCreateConfirmationMessage_

FMSE_BUDGETDOCERP_CRTR_S_V1 - Message type for BudgetDocumentERPCreateRequestMessage_sync_

FMSE_BUDGETDOC_ERPCANCLNCRTC_S - Message type for BudgetDocERPCancellationCreateConfirm_syn

FMSE_BUDGETDOC_ERPCANCLNCRTR_S - Message type for BudgetDocERPCancellationCreateRequest_syn

FMSE_BUDGET_DOCERPBYIDQRY_S_V1 - Message Type for BugetDocumentERPByIDQuery_V1 (sync)

FMSE_BUDGET_DOCERPBYIDRSP_S_V1 - Message Type for BudgetDocumentERPByIDResponse_V1 (sync)

FMSE_BUDGET_DOCUMENT_CRTC_S - Message type for BudgetDocumentCreateConfirmation

FMSE_BUDGET_DOCUMENT_CRTR_S - Message Type for BudgetDocumentCreateRequest

FMSE_BUDGET_DOC_ERPCREATE_S_V2 - Message Type for BudgetDocumentERPCreateRequest_V2 (sync)

FMSE_BUDGET_STRUC_REPLICAT_REQ - MT for Budget Structure Replication

FMSE_BUDGET_STRUC_RPLCT_CONF - Confirmation of Budget Structure Replication

FMSE_CENTREERP_CHGC_S - MT for FundsManagementCentreERPChangeConfirmation_sync

FMSE_CENTREERP_CHGR_S - MT for FundsManagementCentreERPChangeRequest_sync

FMSE_CENTREERP_CRTC_S - MT for FundsManagementCentreERPCreateConfirmation_sync

FMSE_CENTREERP_CRTR_S - MT for FundsManagementCentreERPCreateRequest_sync

FMSE_CENTREERP_UPDC_S - MT for FundsManagementCentreERPUpdateConfirmation_sync

FMSE_CENTREERP_UPDR_S - MT for FundsManagementCentreERPUpdateRequest_sync

FMSE_CMMT_ITEM - Enterprise Service Commitment Item Structure

FMSE_CMMT_ITEM_DATA - Data of Commitment Item (Enterprise Services)

FMSE_CMMT_ITEM_KEY - Commitment Item Key

FMSE_CMMT_ITEM_TEXT - Texts for Commitment Items (Enterprise Services)

FMSE_FCTR_ATTR - Funds Centre Attributes

FMSE_FCTR_TEXT - Funds Centre Text

FMSE_FM_CENTREERP_BYID_R_S - MT for FundsManagementCentreERPByIDResponseMessage_sync

FMSE_FM_CENTREERP_SIBYELEM_R_S - MT for FundsManagementCentreERPSimpleByElementsResponseMes

FMSE_FM_CENTRE_BYID_Q_S - MT for FundsManagementCentreERPByIDQueryMessage_sync

FMSE_FM_CENTRE_SIBYELEM_Q_S - MT for FundsManagementCentreERPSimpleByElementsQueryMessag

FMSE_FUNCAREA_BYID_Q_S - Message Type for FundsManagementFunctionalAreaByIDQuery (syn

FMSE_FUNCAREA_BYID_R_S - Message Type for FundsManagementFunctionalAreaByIDResponse (

FMSE_FUNCAREA_CHGC_S - Message Type for FundsManagementFunctionalAreaChangeConfirma

FMSE_FUNCAREA_CHGR_S - Message Type for FundsManagementFunctionalAreaChangeRequest

FMSE_FUNCAREA_CRTC_S - Message Type for FundsManagementFunctionalAreaCreateConfirma

FMSE_FUNCAREA_CRTR_S - Message Type for FundsManagementFunctionalAreaCreateRequest

FMSE_FUNCAREA_SIBYELEM_Q_S - Message Type for FundsManagementFunctionalAreaSimpleByElemen

FMSE_FUNCAREA_SIBYELEM_R_S - Message Type for FundsManagementFunctionalAreaSimpleByElemen

FMSE_FUNCTIONALAREAERP_UPDC_S - Message Type for FundsManagementFunctionalAreaERPUpdateCon

FMSE_FUNCTIONALAREAERP_UPDR_S - Message Type for FundsManagementFunctionalAreaERPUpdateReque

FMSE_FUNDERP_UPDC_S - Message Type for FundsManagementFundERPUpdateConfirmation

FMSE_FUNDERP_UPDR_S - Message Type for FundsManagementFundERPUpdateRequest (sync)

FMSE_FUNDSCMMTDOCERPBSCDATQ_S - Message type for FundsCommitmentDocERPByBasicDataQuery_syn

FMSE_FUNDSCMMTDOCERPBSCDATR_S - Message ty for FundsCommitmentDocERPBscDatByBasicDataRsp_s

FMSE_FUNDSCMMTDOCERPBYIDQ_S - Message type for FundsCommitmentDocumentERPByIDQuery _sync

FMSE_FUNDSCMMTDOCERPBYIDQ_S1 - Message type for FundsCommitmentDocumentERPByIDQuery (sync)

FMSE_FUNDSCMMTDOCERPBYIDR_S - Message type for FundsCommitmentDocumentERPByIDResponse _s

FMSE_FUNDSCMMTDOCERPBYIDR_S1 - Message type for FundsCommitmentDocumentERPByIDResponse (syn

FMSE_FUNDSCMMTDOCERPCPLTEC_S - Message type for FundsCommitmentDocumentERPCompleteConf_s

FMSE_FUNDSCMMTDOCERPCPLTER_S - Message type for FundsCommitmentDocumentERPCompleteReq_syn

FMSE_FUNDSCMMTDOCERPUPDCONF_S1 - Message type for FundsCommitmentDocumentERPUpdateConfirmatio

FMSE_FUNDSCMMTDOCERPUPDREC_S - Message type for FundsCommitmentDocumentERPUpdateConfirm_s

FMSE_FUNDSCMMTDOCERPUPDREQ_S - Message type for FundsCommitmentDocumentERPUpdateRequest_s

FMSE_FUNDSCMMTDOCERPUPDREQ_S1 - Message type for FundsCommitmentDocumentERPUpdateRequest (sy

FMSE_FUNDS_CMMT_DOCERPCRTR_S - Message type for FundsCommitmentDocumentERPCreateRequest_syn

FMSE_FUNDS_CMMT_DOCERPCRTR_S1 - Message type for FundsCommitmentDocumentERPCreateRequest (sy

FMSE_FUNDS_COMMT_DOCERPCRTC_S - Message type for FundsCommitmentDocumentERPCreateConfirmatio

FMSE_FUNDS_COMMT_DOCERPCRTC_S1 - Message type for FundsCommitmentDocumentERPCreateConfirmatio

FMSE_FUND_BYID_QUERY - Message Type for FundsManagementFundByIDQuery

FMSE_FUND_BYID_RESPONSE - Message Type for FundsManagementFundByIDResponse

FMSE_FUND_CHG_CONFIRMATION - FundsManagementFundChangeConfirmation

FMSE_FUND_CHG_REQUEST - Message Type for FundsManagementFundChangeRequest

FMSE_FUND_CRT_CONFIRMATION - Message Type for FundsManagementFundCreateConfirmation

FMSE_FUND_CRT_REQUEST - Message Type for FundsManagementFundCreateRequest

FMSE_FUND_SIBYELEM_QUERY - Message Type for FundsManagementFundSimpleByElementsQuery

FMSE_FUND_SIBYELEM_RESPONSE - Message Type for FundsManagementFundSimpleByElementsResponse

FMSE_HIE_S_DESCRIPTION - Description of hierarchy ID SOA service

FMSE_HIE_S_ID - Hierarchy ID definition

FMSE_HIE_S_NODE - Node for budget structure

FMSE_PROGRAMERP_UPDC_S - Message type for FundsManagementProgramERPUpdateConfirmation

FMSE_PROGRAMERP_UPDR_S - Message type for FundsManagementProgramERPUpdateRequestMessa

FMSE_PROGRAM_BYID_QUERY - Message Type for FundsManagementProgramByIDQuery

FMSE_PROGRAM_BYID_RESPONSE - Message Type for FundsManagementProgramByIDResponse

FMSE_PROGRAM_CHG_CONFIRMATION - Message Type for FundsManagementProgramChangeConfirmation

FMSE_PROGRAM_CHG_REQUEST - Message Type for FundsManagementProgramChangeRequest

FMSE_PROGRAM_CRT_CONFIRMATION - Message Type FundsManagementProgramCreateConfirmation

FMSE_PROGRAM_CRT_REQUEST - Message Type for FundsManagementProgramCreateRequest

FMSE_PROGRAM_SIBYELEM_QUERY - Message Type for FundsManagementProgramSimpleByElementsQuery

FMSE_PROGRAM_SIBYELEM_RESPONSE - Message Type for FundsManagementProgramSimpleByElementsRespo

FMSE_SERVICE_GROUP - Structure for service group

FMSF1080 - US Federal PDF SF1080 Interface Structure

FMSF1080_DET - FMS1080 Detail Records

FMSF1080_DET_ACCT - FMS1080 Acctg Detail Records

FMSF1080_S - FMSF1080 SF1080 interface

FMSF1081 - US Federal Smart Form 1081 Interface Structure

FMSF1081_P - US Federal Smart Form 1081 Interface Structure

FMSF1081_S - FMSF1081 SF1081 interface

FMSG - Logical Database Navigation Selection

FMSGLCLASS - Classification for SGL accounts

FMSG_FMF - Navigation Selection Logical Database FMF

FMSG_FMFBCS - Navigation Selection Logical Database FMF_BCS

FMSHD0400 - FMSHERLOCK Structure for Screen 0400

FMSHD300 - FMSHERLOCK Structure for Screen 300

FMSHD_GRID - Structure of Internal Table in FMSherlock Screen 200

FMSHERLOCK - Clarification List (Payments to be Clarified)

FMSHERLOCKSTATUS - Value Table for Processing Status of Clarification Cases

FMSHERLOCKSTATUT - Descriptor for Clarification Status (processing status)


FMSHERLOCK_GRID_STRUC - FMSHERLOCK Structure for Grid Control Screen 200

FMSHG0400_1 - Grid Screen 400 Customer Data

FMSHG0400_2 - Grid Screen 400 FEBEP Data

FMSHG0400_3 - Grid Screen 400 BSID Data

FMSIGNPREP - Sign Handling for Plan Data

FMSLALL - Transfer Structure for Mass Selection

FMSLBLNKDIM - FM Selection Tool. Allowed BLANK value dimensions

FMSLBSP - Transfer Structure for Mass Selection: Budget Structure

FMSLFBDP - Transfer Structure for Mass Selection: Budget Period

FMSLFCTR - Transfer Structure for Mass Selection: Funds Center

FMSLFFBP - Transfer Structure for Mass Selection: Fund + Budget period

FMSLFFND - Transfer Structure for Mass Selection: Fund

FMSLFIELDS - Transfer Structure for Mass Selection: Add. List Fields

FMSLFPEX - Transfer Structure for Mass Selection: Commitment Item

FMSLHEADER - Transfer Structure for Mass Selection: List Headers

FMSLPARA - Transfer Structure for Mass Selection: Preassigned Fields

FMSLTRP - Transfer Struct. for Mass Selection: Master Data Combination

FMSNHHINTG - Integration of Collective Budget Adminisration with Budget

FMSNLINK - Assignment of SN-BUSTL to Collective Expenditure

FMSNREL - FM Account Assignment Assigned to Collective Expenditures

FMSNRULE - Collective Expenditure Rules

FMSNRULEC - Change Documents for Collective Budget Rules

FMSP - Copy FMSU table order to project

FMSPLITA - Actual line item table

FMSPLITC - Object table 2

FMSPLITO - Object table 1

FMSPLITP - Plan line items table

FMSPLITT - Summary table

FMSPLIT_APROF - Action Profile for Rule-Based Account Distributions

FMSPLIT_APROFT - Action Profile texts for Rule-Based Account Distributions

FMSPLIT_APROF_A - Actions in Rule-Based Account Distributions Action Profile

FMSPLIT_AUTG - Authorization groups for Rule-Based Account Distributions

FMSPLIT_AUTG_T - Authorization groups for Rule-Based Account Distributions


FMSPLIT_DERIVE - Derivation Structure for Rule-Based Account Distributions

FMSPLIT_DERIVE_TEMP - Derivation Structure for Rule-Based Account Distributions

FMSPLIT_DIST - Distribution methods for Rule-Based Account Distributions

FMSPLIT_DISTT - Distribution method texts for Rule-Based Account Distribut'n

FMSPLIT_FPROF - Field Profile for Rule-Based Account Distributions

FMSPLIT_FPROFT - Field Profile texts for Rule-Based Account Distributions

FMSPLIT_FPROF_F - Fields in a Rule-Based Account Distributions Field Profile

FMSPLIT_GROUP - Rule Group for Rule-Based Account Distributions

FMSPLIT_GROUPT - Rule Group texts for Rule-Based Account Distributions

FMSPLIT_OUTPUT_FLDS - List of modifiable fields for Rule-Based Account Distribut'n

FMSPLIT_RESULT - Result data from Rule-Based Account Distributions (internal)

FMSPLIT_RESULTS - Result data from Rule-Based Account Distributions (internal)

FMSPLIT_RESULTS_COBL - Result data from Rule-Based Account Distributions (COBL)

FMSPLIT_RESULTS_TEMP - Result data from Rule-Based Account Distributions (internal)

FMSPLIT_RESULT_COBL - Result data from Rule-Based Account Distributions (COBL)

FMSPLIT_RESULT_TEMP - Result data from Rule-Based Account Distributions (internal)

FMSPLIT_RULE - Distribution Rule for Rule-Based Account Distributions

FMSPLIT_RULET - Distribution Rule names for Rule-Based Account Distributions

FMSPLIT_RULETP - Rule type for Rule-Based Account Distributions

FMSPLIT_RULETPT - Rule type for Rule-Based Account Distributions

FMSPLIT_SPLIT - Distributions for Rule-Based Account Distributions

FMSPLIT_VALUES - Assignment field values for Rule-Based Account Distribution

FMSP_ACTION_PROFILE - Action profile for Rule-Based Account Distributions

FMSP_ACTION_PROFILE_ACTION - Actions in an Rule-Based Account Distribution action profile

FMSP_BAL_CONTEXT - Context values for messages from Rule-Based Account Distrib.

FMSP_CATSCO - Fields for Rule based distribution in CATSCO

FMSP_CATSPM - Fields for Rule based distribution in CATSPM

FMSP_CATSPS - Fields for Rule based distribution in CATSPS

FMSP_FIELD_PROFILE - Field profile for Rule-Based Account Distributions

FMSP_FIELD_PROFILE_FIELDS - Field in a field profile for Rule-Based Account Distribution

FMSP_GROUP - Structure for Rule-Based Account Distribut'n Rule Group data

FMSP_MSG_PARAM - Edit structure for message parameter help for action profile

FMSP_RESULT_DIST_RE_CORE - Split result for real esrtate integration

FMSP_RULE - Distribution rule for Rule-Based Account Distributions

FMSP_RULE_EDIT - Editing structure for Rule-Based Account Distribution Rule

FMSP_RULE_RESULT - One split result from Rule-Based Account Distribution

FMSP_RULE_RESULT_TEMP - One split result from Rule-Based Account Distribution

FMSP_SPLIT - Distribution settings for Rule-Based Account Distributions

FMSP_SPLITVAL - Distribution values for Rule-Based Account Distributions

FMSP_SPLIT_FIELDS - PSM Fields used in multiple account splitting

FMSP_TRACE_HEADER - Header data about an account assignment distribution trace

FMSP_TRACE_STEP - Trace data for an account assignment distribution step

FMSTATDEF - Budgeting status definition

FMSTATDEFT - Texts for Budgeting Status

FMSTATUS - FIFM: Status for FIFM Account Assignment Objects

FMSTBERICHT - Standard Reports in Cash Budget Management

FMSTBERICHTH - Header Structure for Standard Reporting

FMSTXDRID - SAPscript Programming Interface: Ranges for Text IDs

FMSU - FI-FM Totals Records

FMSU1 - FI-FM Financial Data Totals Records

FMSUA - FI-FM Totals Records - All Periods

FMS_BP_AIF_PAYLOAD - Structure for AIF Payload (Budget Period)

FMS_BP_DRF - Budget Period Data

FMS_BP_DRF_BO_KEY - Structure for DRF Business Object Key (Budget Period)

FMS_BP_DRF_FILTER - DRF Filter for Budget Period Replication

FMS_FUNDS_CENTER_AIF_PAYLOAD - Structure for AIF Payload (Funds Center)

FMS_FUNDS_CENTER_DRF - Funds Center Data

FMS_FUNDS_CENTER_DRF_BO_KEY - Structure for DRF Business Object Key (Funds Center)

FMS_FUNDS_CENTER_DRF_FILTER - DRF Filter for Funds Center Replication

FMS_FUND_AIF_PAYLOAD - Structure of AIF Payload(Fund)

FMS_FUND_DRF - Fund Data 

FMS_FUND_DRF_FILTER - Drf Filter for Fund Replication


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