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FIPAY_S_TROBJ_GTS - Trigger Objects for Supplementary Information to GTS

FIPAY_T042_GTS - SAP GTS Check - Activation in FI

FIPAY_TROBJ_GTS - Trigger Objects for Supplementary Information to SAP GTS

FIPDCKW_BREASONS - Check bounced reasons

FIPDCKW_BREASONT - Bounced reason texts

FIPDCKW_CHECKREP - Check repository (Kuwait)

FIPDCKW_S_DASHBOARD - Kuwait Post Dated Checks dashboard structure

FIPDCKW_USERS - Kuwait Check Responsible Users

FIPDCKW_V_BREASO - Generated Table for View

FIPDCKW_V_CHEREP - Generated Table for View

FIPDCKW_V_USERS - Generated Table for View

FIPDCOMC_PRDEV - Maintain printers for users to Oman PDC

FIPDCOMC_PRPAR - Parameters for Oman PDC printing

FIPDCOMC_SGL - PDC special G/L indicator

FIPDCOM_LOG - Oman PDC Printing log

FIPDCOM_S_HEAD - Header for Oman PDC



FIPDCOM_S_LOG - Oman PDC lines

FIPDCOM_V_PRDEV - Generated Table for View

FIPDCOM_V_PRPAR - Generated Table for View

FIPDCOM_V_SGL - Generated Table for View

FIPEX_STRUC - Subfields Commitment Item

FIPE_EBOOK_FILENAME_INPUT - Peru Electronic Books File Name Pattern

FIPH_ATC_CODE - Alphanumeric Tax Code for Philippines

FIPH_ATC_CODET - Text Table for Alphanumeric Tax Code for Philippines

FIPH_IDTY_CODE - Table for Phillipine Alphanumeric Tax Code

FIPH_IDTY_CODET - Text table for Phillipine Alphanumeric Tax Code

FIPH_SPLIT_DATE - Split Date to Year and Month

FIPH_VAT_SLSP_DATE - PH VAT Summary List Date Format

FIPLC_VAT_TAXMAP - Map Tax Code for SAF-T PL VAT Document Type

FIPLC_VAT_TYPMAP - Map Document Type to SAF-T PL VAT Document Type

FIPLD_ALT_ACCTS - SAFT PL: Maintain Alternate Accounts

FIPLD_BANK_H - SAFT PL: Bank reporting Header

FIPLD_BANK_I - SAFT PL: Bank reporting Items

FIPLD_BANK_S - SAFT PL: Bank statement header

FIPLD_BANK_SUM - SAFT PL: Bank reporting Summary

FIPLD_BC - SAFT: Identifying Business Cases

FIPLD_BD_SPLGL - Maintain Special GL Indicator

FIPLD_FIDOC_H - SAFT: FI Transaction Document Header

FIPLD_FIDOC_I - SAFT: FI Transaction Document Item

FIPLD_FIDOC_IGL - SAFT: FI Transaction Document Item: New General Ledger

FIPLD_FIDOC_T - SAFT: FI Transaction Totals Records

FIPLD_FISUMMARY - SAFT: FI Transaction Summary Information

FIPLD_GENERIC - SAFT : Generic Customization

FIPLD_GOODS_H - SAFT PL: Goods Movement Header

FIPLD_GOODS_I - SAFT PL:Goods Movement Line Items

FIPLD_GOODS_SUM - SAFT:MM: XML Goods movement Transaction Count and Summary

FIPLD_IMAT - SAFT PL : Tax Like materials

FIPLD_INVSUMCURR - SAF-T PL: Invoice Summary Information by Currency

FIPLD_INVSUMMARY - SAF-T PL: Invioce Summary Information

FIPLD_MATPRE - SAFT PL : prefix for material numbers

FIPLD_MFI - SAFT : Manual FI Invoices

FIPLD_MMINVCNT - SAFT:MM: XML Invoice Transaction Count and Summary

FIPLD_MMINVDEL - SAFT: E Invoices from MM module(Delivery)

FIPLD_MMINVTAX - SAFT:MM: TAX Information for E-XML MM invoice for PL

FIPLD_MMINV_H - SAFT:MM: Header table for XML Purchase Invoice

FIPLD_MMINV_I - SAFT:MM: Item Details for XML Purchase Invoice

FIPLD_MOVCATEG - SAF-T PL: Good movement category

FIPLD_MOVCATEGT - SAF-T PL: Good movement category

FIPLD_MOVTYPE - SAF-T PL: Relevant movement types

FIPLD_PAYM - SAFT : Payment Mechanism

FIPLD_PAY_INFO - SAFT: Table to store Payment Information

FIPLD_SALESOFC - SAFT : Sales offices for SAF-T Reporting

FIPLD_SDDP_SO_I - SAFT: Down payment data for invoices from SD

FIPLD_SDGEN - SAFT: Invoice Type for SD

FIPLD_SDINV_H - SAFT: Invoices from SD/FI module (Header)

FIPLD_SDINV_I - SAFT: Invoices from SD/FI module (Item)

FIPLD_SDTAX_SUM - SAFT: Tax Summary for SD/FI invoices

FIPLD_TAX_DATA - Tax Details for SAFT-PL

FIPLD_USER_HIST - SAFT: User history for extraction details

FIPLD_VAT_H - VAT header extractor - SAFT-PL

FIPLD_VAT_I - VAT item extractor - SAFT-PL

FIPLD_VAT_SUM - VAT Summary extractor - SAFT-PL

FIPLD_VOC_IDF - Identifying VAT on Cash Information for Bussiness Partner

FIPLV_GENERIC - Generated Table for View

FIPLV_MFI - Generated Table for View

FIPLV_MOVCATEG - Generated Table for View

FIPLV_MOVTYPE - Generated Table for View

FIPLV_T005 - Generated Table for View

FIPLV_TAX_DATA - Generated Table for View

FIPLV_VAT_TAXMAP - Generated Table for View

FIPLV_VAT_TYPMAP - Generated Table for View

FIPL_S_BC_ADDN - SAFT: Business Cases Additional Fields

FIPL_S_CONT - SAF-T PL Customer Master Contact Information

FIPL_S_CUSTOMER_LINEITM - Customer Line items

FIPL_S_CUSTOMER_LINEITM_GLACC - Customer GL Account level for line items

FIPL_S_CUSTOMER_TRIALBAL - Customer Trial Balances

FIPL_S_DATE_RANGE - Struture for date range table

FIPL_S_DOWNLOAD - SAFT:Store and Download via FTWN

FIPL_S_ECSL_BODY - Polish EC sales list - Body

FIPL_S_EXTRACTION - Extraction data

FIPL_S_FITRANS_H - SAFT : FI Transaction Header Information

FIPL_S_FRMTS_DMEE - Format Specific Structure for DMEE EC Sales Poland

FIPL_S_GLACC_LINEITM - G/L Account Line items

FIPL_S_GLACC_TRIALBAL - G/L Account Trial Balances

FIPL_S_ITEM_VALUE - Line amount

FIPL_S_LINEITM_FLDS - Line item reports - common fields

FIPL_S_MFI - Additional Fields

FIPL_S_OINV_BRF_ITEMS - Overdue Invoices - BRF item

FIPL_S_OINV_DATA - Overdue Invoices - ALV Table

FIPL_S_OINV_HEADER - Overdue Invoices - ALV Header

FIPL_S_OINV_ITEM - Ovedue Invoices - line item

FIPL_S_OINV_ITM_LOG - Overdue Invoices ACR Reported Item Log

FIPL_S_PRODUCTS - SAFT: List of all Products

FIPL_S_SAFT_BANK - SAF-T : Bank Statement




FIPL_S_SDINV_H - SAFT: Invoices from SD/FI module (Header)

FIPL_S_SDINV_I - SAFT: Invoices from SD/FI module(Item)

FIPL_S_SUPPLIER_LINEITM - Supplier Line items

FIPL_S_SUPPLIER_LINEITM_GLACC - Supplier GL Account level for line items

FIPL_S_SUPPLIER_TRIALBAL - Supplier Trial Balances

FIPL_S_TB_LI_HEADER - Header for TrialBalance and Lineitem reports

FIPL_S_TB_LI_HEADER_DOC_SPEC - Document specific header for TrialBalance and Lineitem rep.

FIPL_S_TRIALBAL_AMOUNTS - Amount fields for Trial Balance reports

FIPOEXT - Help structure for line items to be generated automatically

FIPOS_TRANSFER - Transfer-Commitment Items

FIPR_PARTPROD - Assignment Version Partial Product

FIPR_PRODUCT - Product, Master Data

FIPR_PRODUCTT - Product Description

FIPR_PRODV - Version of a Prodcut, Master Data

FIPR_VA - Version Attribute

FIPR_VA_FLD - Version Attribute Category Field

FIPR_VA_FLDM - Version Attribute Category Field: Multiple Value Fields

FIPR_VA_FLDVAL - Version Attribute Category Field: Value Restriction

FIPR_VA_VALUE - Version Attribute Category List

FIPR_VA_VALUE2 - Version Attribute Category Matrix

FIPTC_ATCODE - AT Codes for Portugal

FIPTC_ATTXCODE - Mapping of Tax Code to AT Code for Portugal

FIPTC_BD_SPLGL - Maintain Special GL Indicator for Bad Debts (Portugal)

FIPTC_DOC_EXC - Configuration of special documents to exclude from SAF-T

FIPTC_INV_SHIPTO - SAF-T PT Sales Invoices as Outbound Deliveries

FIPTC_SB_FYV - SAFT: Self Billing - Fiscal Year Variant for Vendors

FIPTC_TAXOACC - Taxonomy Account Configuration

FIPTC_TAXOCODE - Taxonomy Codes

FIPTC_TAXOCODE_T - Taxonomy Codes Description

FIPTI_TAXOCODE - Taxonomy Codes

FIPTV_ATCODE - Generated Table for View

FIPTV_ATTXCODE - Generated Table for View

FIPTV_BD_SPLGL - Generated Table for View

FIPTV_SB_FYV - Generated Table for View

FIPTV_TAXOACC - Generated Table for View

FIPTV_TAXOCODE - Generated Table for View

FIPT_D_ST_ASSIGN - Assign Stamp Tax Attributes to Tax Codes

FIPT_D_ST_CODE - Define Official Codes for Stamp Taxes

FIPT_D_ST_CODE_T - Define Official Codes Dependent text for Stamp Taxes

FIPT_D_ST_EXEMPT - Exemption Codes for Stamp Taxes

FIPT_D_ST_EXEM_T - Define Official Codes Dependent text for Exemption Code

FIPT_PRI_RECEIPT - Portugal: Payment Receipts for SAFT

FIPT_S_ECSL_CSV - Portuguese EC sales list - CSV output file

FIPT_S_ECSL_DECL_HEADER - Portuguese EC sales list - Header Line 2

FIPT_S_ECSL_DECL_TRAILER - Portuguese EC sales list - Trailer Line 2

FIPT_S_ECSL_FILE_HEADER - Portuguese EC sales list - Header Line 1

FIPT_S_ECSL_FILE_TRAILER - Portuguese EC sales list - Trailer Line 3

FIPT_S_ECSL_REPORT_DATA - Portuguese EC sales list - BRF+ function report data

FIPT_S_ECSL_REPORT_DATA_V1 - Portuguese EC sales list - BRF+ function report data - V1

FIPT_S_ECSL_SUM_DECL_DETAIL - Portuguese EC sales list - Body Line

FIPT_S_ECSL_SUM_DECL_HEADER - Portuguese EC sales list - Header Line 3

FIPT_S_ECSL_SUM_DECL_TRAILER - Portuguese EC sales list - Trailer Line 1

FIPT_S_GLAVR_ALV - Field Catalog for GLAVR Reporting with ALV

FIPT_S_VAT_ANNUAL_LM - PT: Structure for Annex L or M

FIPT_V_ST_ASSIGN - Generated Table for View

FIPT_V_ST_CODE - Generated Table for View

FIPT_V_ST_EXEMPT - Generated Table for View

FIPYXXD_INSTMT - Bank Statement File Identification Table

FIP_C_BAL_BADI - Customer defined assignment of access type per BAdI

FIP_C_BAL_CONF - Text table for client dependent access type

FIP_C_BAL_CONF_T - Customer defined global assignment of access type

FIP_C_BI_SYSTEM - Logical System for BI Data Extraction

FIP_C_BUFFERING - Customizing table for buffering data

FIP_C_DSTRGY - Customizing table for distribution strategies

FIP_C_DSTRGY_T - Text table for distribution strategies

FIP_C_FAIRSHARE - Customizing table for fair share rules

FIP_C_FAIRSHAR_T - Text table for fair share rules

FIP_C_OL - customizing table for procurement list

FIP_C_RNDSTGY - Customizing table for rounding strategies

FIP_C_RNDSTGY_T - Text table for fair share rules

FIP_C_STQTY_DET - Customizing table for stock quantity determination

FIP_C_SUBST - Customizing Table Substitution Material

FIP_D_BUFFER_OOQ - Table containing the Open Order Quantities buffered data

FIP_D_CONTR - Contract Data

FIP_D_DRD - Relationships between supplying plant, material and recipien

FIP_D_FORECAST - Buffer table for daily forecast values

FIP_D_MAT - FIP AoR Material Table

FIP_D_MAT_RCPNT - Relationship Material and Recipients in FIP

FIP_D_MR - Material range

FIP_D_MR_ITEM - Material Range Item

FIP_D_ORDER_LINE - Order lines for FIP

FIP_D_PDT_TO_CUS - Internal planned delivery time from suppl. Plant to customer

FIP_D_PDT_TO_DC - External planned delivery time from vendor to suppl. plant

FIP_D_PDT_TO_ST - Internal planned delivery time from suppl. plant to store

FIP_D_PROMO - Promotion data

FIP_D_PROMO_T - Promotion data Texts

FIP_D_QUOTA - Quotation Data

FIP_D_RCPNT - Recipients for FIP

FIP_D_SP - Supply Plants for FIP

FIP_D_SP_MAT - Relationship Supply Plants and Material for FIP

FIP_D_SP_MAT_RCP - Relationship supplying plant, material, recipient for FIP

FIP_D_SP_MAT_VDR - Relationship Supplying Plant, Material and Vendor for FIP

FIP_D_SP_PUR - FIP -- Area of Responsibility -- Purchasing table

FIP_D_SP_RCPNT - Relationship Supply Plant and Recipient

FIP_D_SP_VENDOR - Relationship Supply Plants and Vendors for FIP

FIP_D_STAT_DATA - Table containing Material and Statistical Type entries

FIP_D_STAT_DQ - Table containing the Past Delivery Quantity statistical data

FIP_D_STAT_PER - Table containing default Statistical Data Periods

FIP_D_STAT_POQ - Table containing the Past Purchase Order Quantity stat. data

FIP_D_STAT_REL - Statistical Data Relationship Table between Data and Periods

FIP_D_STAT_ROQ - Table containing the Recipient Order Quantity stat. data

FIP_D_STAT_SQ - Table containing the Past Sales Quantity statistical data

FIP_D_STAT_TYPES - Table containing the Statistical Data Types

FIP_D_STAT_TYPET - Statistical Types Text Table

FIP_D_SUBST_C - Customizing Table Extension Logic

FIP_D_S_PRICES - Buffer table for sales prices information

FIP_D_S_PRICE_SP - Buffer table for sales prices of supplying plant to receipie

FIP_D_S_PRICE_ST - Buffer table for sales prices of a Store to end customers

FIP_D_UPD_DAT_SP - Date for last update of transactional buffer data for a SPLT

FIP_D_VENDOR - Vendors for FIP

FIP_D_WORKLIST - Worklist Substitution during Goods Receipt

FIP_I_ACC_TYPES - Backend Abstraction Layer Access Types

FIP_I_ACC_TYP_T - Text table for access types

FIP_RS_RP_DOC_ITEM_GR - Range Structure Type: Document Item Number Goods Receipt

FIP_RS_RP_DOC_ITEM_PROC - Range Structure Type: Document Item Number Procurement

FIP_RS_RP_DOC_NUMBER_GR - Range Structure Type: Document Number Goods Receipt

FIP_RS_RP_DOC_NUMBER_PROC - Range Structure Type: Document Number Procurement

FIP_RS_RP_DOC_YEAR - Range Structure Type: Document Year

FIP_RS_RP_ERNAM - Range Structure Type: Person who created the Object

FIP_RS_RP_ITEM_COUNTER - Range Structure Type: Sequence Number

FIP_RS_RP_ITEM_TYPE - Range Structure Type: Item Type

FIP_RS_RP_MATNR_ALT - Range Structure Type: Alternative Material Number

FIP_RS_RP_MATNR_PROC - Range Structure Type: Material Number Procurement

FIP_RS_RP_QUANTITY_ALT - Range Structure Type: Quantity Alternative Product

FIP_RS_RP_QUANTITY_GR - Range Structure Type: Quantity Goods Receipt

FIP_RS_RP_QUANTITY_PROC - Range Structure Type: Quantity Procurement

FIP_RS_RP_UOM_ALT - Range Structure Type: Unit of Measure alternative Product

FIP_RS_RP_UOM_GR - Range Structure Type: Unit of Measure Goods Receipt

FIP_RS_RP_UOM_PROC - Range Structure Type: Unit of Measure Procurement



FIP_S_AEDAT_RANGE - Range: Last Changed On

FIP_S_AKTRN_RANGE - Range: Promotion

FIP_S_AOR_BUFFER - Structure to store AoR objects

FIP_S_ART_BUFF - Buffer Articles

FIP_S_ATTYP_RANGE - Range: Material Category

FIP_S_AUART_RANGE - Range: Sales Document Type

FIP_S_AUDAT_RANGE - Range: Document Date (Date Received/Sent)

FIP_S_BAL_CURRENCY - Structure that respresents currency

FIP_S_BAL_MATERIAL - All data for BO material required by FIP

FIP_S_BAL_MATERIAL_COMP - Components of a structured material

FIP_S_BAL_MATERIAL_DOCUMENT - FIP structure for material document

FIP_S_BAL_MATERIAL_FOLUP - Follow-Up/Replacement Relationships to Original Material

FIP_S_BAL_MATERIAL_ID - Structure containing a material ID

FIP_S_BAL_MATERIAL_UOM - Unit of measure for material

FIP_S_BAL_MATERIAL_VAR - Variants of a generic material

FIP_S_BAL_MAT_ID_RANGE - Range of material ID

FIP_S_BAL_PLANT_ID_RANGE - Range of plant id

FIP_S_BAL_PO_ITEM_TYPE - Structure to represent PO Item Type

FIP_S_BAL_PO_TYPE - Structure to represent a PO Type

FIP_S_BAL_RECIPIENT_NUM_RANGE - Range of recipient numbers

FIP_S_BAL_SUPPLIER_ID_RANGE - Range of supplier id

FIP_S_BEDAT_RANGE - Range: Purchase Order Date

FIP_S_BI_QUERY - WREX_QUERY structure for BI

FIP_S_BI_VARIANTS - BI Query Variants

FIP_S_BI_WREX_DATA - WREX_DATA for BI data retrieval

FIP_S_BKGRP_RANGE - Range: Purchasing Group

FIP_S_BSART_RANGE - Range: Order Type (Purchasing)

FIP_S_BSTAE_RANGE - Range: Confirmation Control Key

FIP_S_BSTYP_RANGE - Range: Purchasing document category

FIP_S_BUFFER_OOQ - Statistical Data Return Structure

FIP_S_BUKRS_RANGE - Range: Company Code

FIP_S_BUYER - Structure for FIP Buyer

FIP_S_BUYER_DETAILS - Fip Buyer Details


FIP_S_BUYER_MATERIAL - Material basic structure.

FIP_S_BUYER_VENDOR - Buyer - Vendor ID data

FIP_S_BWART_RANGE - Range: Movement type (inventory management)

FIP_S_CAT_BUFF - Buffer Categories

FIP_S_CD_POWL - POWL Structure for Customer Demands

FIP_S_CITY_RANGE - Structure of range of cities

FIP_S_CONTACT_PERSON - Structure of Contact Person

FIP_S_CPO_PARAMETER - Create Collective PO: Control and Selection Parameter

FIP_S_DISTRIBUTION_STRATEGY - Distribution strategy customizing structure

FIP_S_DIST_PARAM - FIP Distribution related paramaters

FIP_S_DL_ITEM - Item structure of the DL

FIP_S_DL_MATERIAL - Material Structure for DL

FIP_S_DL_TABLE - Table of the Distribution List UI

FIP_S_DOC_CHANGES_RANGE - Range for Document change number

FIP_S_DRD - Return Structure for DRD

FIP_S_DRD_KUNNR - DRD Recipients

FIP_S_DRD_LEVEL - DRD Material Level Combination

FIP_S_DRD_WERKS - Recipients for DRD

FIP_S_EAN11_RANGE - Range: International Article Number (EAN/UPC)

FIP_S_EBDAT_RANGE - Range: Purchasing Document Date

FIP_S_EBELN_RANGE - Range: Purchasing Document Number

FIP_S_EBELP_RANGE - Range: Item Number of Purchasing Document

FIP_S_EINDT_RANGE - Range: Item delivery date

FIP_S_EKGRP - Structure for table of Purchasing Groups

FIP_S_EKGRP_EKNAM - Purchasing Group and Description

FIP_S_EKGRP_RANGE - Range: Purchasing group

FIP_S_EKKO_EKORG - Selection parameter for purchasing organisation

FIP_S_EKKO_KEY - Key for Table EKKO for Mass Accessing

FIP_S_EKORG - Structure for table of Purchasing Organzations

FIP_S_EKORG_EKNAM - Structure for purchasing organisation ID and Name

FIP_S_EKORG_PDT - PLanned delivery time for purchase group

FIP_S_EKORG_RANGE - Range: Purchasing organization

FIP_S_ELIKZ_RANGE - Range: 'Delivery Completed' Indicator

FIP_S_ELOEK_RANGE - Range: Deletion indicator in purchasing document

FIP_S_EQUK - FIP Quota File: Header

FIP_S_EQUP - FIP Quota File: Position

FIP_S_ERDAT_RANGE - Range: Date on which record was created

FIP_S_ERNAM_RANGE - Range: Sales Organization

FIP_S_ERZET_RANGE - Range of Entry Time

FIP_S_FAIRSHARE_RULE - Fair share rule customizing structure

FIP_S_FORECAST - Forecast Values

FIP_S_FORECAST_INFO - **to be deleted

FIP_S_GI_DELIVERY_DATE - contains GI and delivery date for combination of SP/MAT/RCPT

FIP_S_GR_POWL - POWL Structure for Goods Receipt

FIP_S_HOURS_OPEN - Structure for the time store is open

FIP_S_IDNLF_RANGE - Range: Material Number Used by Vendor

FIP_S_INPUT_PDT_EXT - Input data to determin the external planned delivery time

FIP_S_INPUT_PDT_INT - Input data to determine the internal planned delivery time

FIP_S_KNTTP_RANGE - Range: Account assignment category

FIP_S_KUNNR_RANGE - Range: Sold-to party

FIP_S_LGORT_RANGE - Range: Storage location

FIP_S_LIFNR - Range: Vendor Account

FIP_S_LIFNR_RANGE - Range: Vendor Account


FIP_S_LOEKZ_RANGE - Range: Deletion indicator in purchasing document

FIP_S_LTSNR_RANGE - Range: Vendor Subrange

FIP_S_MAKTX_RANGE - Range: Material Description

FIP_S_MAT - Structure of material

FIP_S_MATERIAL_ALL_INFO - Material Information



FIP_S_MATERIAL_COMMON_DATA - Data Common to all Material Relations

FIP_S_MATERIAL_DETAILS - Material Master Settings (Detailed Data)

FIP_S_MATERIAL_NOTE - Structure of the notes to a material

FIP_S_MATERIAL_RCPT_PDT - Material Recipient Relationship for Order Lines retrieval

FIP_S_MATERIAL_RECIPIENT_UI - Material Recipient UI Structure

FIP_S_MATERIAL_RECIP_RELATE - Recipient-Material Relational Information

FIP_S_MATERIAL_SALES_PRICE - Material Sales Prices min, avg and max for PL/DL

FIP_S_MATERIAL_SP_RELATE - Supply Plant-Material Relational Information

FIP_S_MATERIAL_VENDOR_RELATE - Vendor-Material Relational Information

FIP_S_MATERIAL_VENDOR_UI - Data required for Material - Vendors UI

FIP_S_MATKL_RANGE - Range: Material Group

FIP_S_MATNR_KU_RANGE - Range: Material Number Used by Customer

FIP_S_MATNR_RANGE - Range: Material Number

FIP_S_MAT_AGG_DATA - Aggregated Info on Material-DeliveryDate - data portion

FIP_S_MAT_DD_HORIZON - FIP sturcture -- Material, Delivery Date, Horizon

FIP_S_MAT_MONITOR - Material Monitor

FIP_S_MAT_MONITOR_SCR - Material Monitor UI

FIP_S_MAT_STYPE - Statistical Types for Material - Supplying Plant relation

FIP_S_MAT_STYPE_UI - Statistical Types for Material - Supplying Plant relation

FIP_S_MAT_V_R_SP_RELATE - Relational data to material, supplier, recipient, sp

FIP_S_MR_ITEM_BASIC - Item in the material range screen

FIP_S_MR_ITEM_EXTENDED - Item in the material range screen

FIP_S_MR_ITEM_UI - Item in the material range screen

FIP_S_MTART_MTBEZ - Material type and description

FIP_S_MTART_RANGE - Range: Material Type

FIP_S_MV_ADDRESS - Address FIP Structure

FIP_S_MV_CONTACT_DATA - Generic Structure for Contact Information

FIP_S_ORDER_ID - Order type and Order ID of FIP related orders

FIP_S_ORDER_ID_RANGE - Range: Material Number

FIP_S_ORDER_LINE - Document Structure

FIP_S_ORDER_LINE_X - FIP order line data change parameter

FIP_S_PDT_TO_CUS - Internal planned delivery time from suppl. plant to customer

FIP_S_PDT_TO_DC - External planned delivery time from vendor to supp. plant

FIP_S_PDT_TO_ST - Internal planned delivery time from suppl. plant to store

FIP_S_PD_POWL - POWL Structure for Plant Demands

FIP_S_PLANT - Structure for Saving a Plant

FIP_S_PLANT_RANGE - Range for plants

FIP_S_PL_CPO_LINE - structue used to gather cpo information for PL

FIP_S_PL_FORECAST - Forecast information for PL

FIP_S_PL_ITEM - Item structure of the PL; includes what the user can enter

FIP_S_PL_MATERIAL - Structure of the material table of Procurement List

FIP_S_PL_MAT_DELIV_DATE - Structure of the material table of Procurement List

FIP_S_PL_MAT_RCPNT - All the material recipient relation for a DC

FIP_S_PL_MAT_VENDOR - All the material vendor relation for a DC

FIP_S_PL_ORDER_LINE - PL's representation of FIP_S_ORDER_LINE

FIP_S_PL_RCPNT_NUM_PER_MAT - store how many active rcpnt per mat (per splt plant)

FIP_S_PL_RECIPIENT_SALES_PRICE - Recipient Sales Prices for PL

FIP_S_PL_SALES_PRICE - Sales price structure used in FIP procurement list

FIP_S_PL_STOCK_DATA - Current stock of materials for PL

FIP_S_PL_VENDOR - Structure of the vendor table of the Procurement List

FIP_S_PL_VENDOR_DELIV_DATE - Structure of the vendor table of the Procurement List

FIP_S_PPA_INFO - Product procurement arrangementt information

FIP_S_PROCURASSGN_TO_MERCHDIST - Procurement Assignment and Merchandise Distribution relation

FIP_S_PROMOTION - Structure type for promotions and their descriptions

FIP_S_PROMOTION_ASSIGNMENT - Material Promotions in stores or at customers

FIP_S_PROMOTION_HEAD_EXT - Enhanced Promotion head

FIP_S_PROMOTION_INFO - ** to be deleted

FIP_S_PSTYP_RANGE - Range: Item category in purchasing document

FIP_S_PURCHASE_ORDER - Purchase Order Structure

FIP_S_PURCHASE_PRICE_DETAILS - Pricing Data for Purchase Org/ Purchase Group

FIP_S_PURCHASING - FIP Purchasing Organization and Group


FIP_S_PUR_GRP_BASIC - Purchasing group ID and name

FIP_S_PUR_ORG_BASIC - Purchasing organization ID and name

FIP_S_QUNUM - Numbers of quota arrangement

FIP_S_RANGE - Range Structure for FIP POWL

FIP_S_RCPT_M_SP_RELATE - Relational data to recipient,material,sp

FIP_S_RCPT_ORDER_ITEM - Line of Recipient for Distribution

FIP_S_RCPT_QUOTA_DATA - Recipient Quota Data

FIP_S_RCPT_QUOTA_DATA_SAVE - Structure to Save Recipent Quota Data

FIP_S_RECIPIENT - Structure with recipient

FIP_S_RECIPIENT_ACTIVE - Recipients and the Status (active-non-active)

FIP_S_RECIPIENT_ALL_INFO - Recipient Information


FIP_S_RECIPIENT_DETAILS - Recipient Master Settings (Detailed Data)

FIP_S_RECIPIENT_DRD - Recipients from Delivery Relationship Determination

FIP_S_RECIPIENT_ERP - Structure with recipient

FIP_S_RECIPIENT_PDT - Structure with recipient

FIP_S_RECIPIENT_SALES_PRICE - Recipient Sales Prices for PL/DL

FIP_S_RECIPIENT_VTWEG - Recipient Distribution channel

FIP_S_REPLACEMENT_MAT - Retail Replacement Material

FIP_S_REPLACEMENT_MATERIAL - Retail Replacement Material

FIP_S_RESWK_RANGE - Range: Supplying (issuing) plant in case of stock transport

FIP_S_ROUNDING_STRATEGY - Rounding strategy customizing structure

FIP_S_RP_DOC_ITEM_GR - Structure Type: Document Item Goods Receipt

FIP_S_RP_DOC_ITEM_PROC - Structure Type: Document Item Number Procurement

FIP_S_RP_DOC_NUMBER_GR - Structure Type: Document Number Goods Receipt

FIP_S_RP_DOC_NUMBER_PROC - Structure Type: Document Number Procurement

FIP_S_RP_DOC_YEAR - Structure Type: Document Year

FIP_S_RP_ERNAM - Structure Type: Name of the Person who created the Object

FIP_S_RP_FOLUP_TYP_A - Structure Type: Follow-Up Relationsship to org. Product

FIP_S_RP_ITEM_COUNTER - Structure Type: Sequence Number

FIP_S_RP_ITEM_TYPE - Structure Type: Item Type

FIP_S_RP_MATNR_ALT - Structure Type: Alternative Material Number

FIP_S_RP_MATNR_PROC - Structure Type: Material Number Procurement

FIP_S_RP_MSG - Structure Type: Messages with Structure from Appl. Log

FIP_S_RP_QUANTITY_ALT - Structure Type: Quantity alternative Product

FIP_S_RP_QUANTITY_GR - Structure Type: Quantity Goods Receipt

FIP_S_RP_QUANTITY_PROC - Structure Type: Quantity Procurement

FIP_S_RP_UOM_ALT - Structure Type: Unit of measure alternative Product

FIP_S_RP_UOM_GR - Structure Type: Unit of Measure Goods Receipt

FIP_S_RP_UOM_PROC - Structure Type: Unit of Measure Procurement

FIP_S_RP_WORKLIST - Structure Type: Worklist Substitution GR

FIP_S_RP_WORKLIST_KEY - Structure Type: Key Data for Substitution Worklist GR

FIP_S_SAISJ_RANGE - Range: Season Year

FIP_S_SAISO_RANGE - Range: Season Category

FIP_S_SALES_ORDER - Sales Order Structure

FIP_S_SALES_PRICE - Sales_Price_Strucutre

FIP_S_SALES_PRICE_INPUT - Sales Price Importing

FIP_S_SO_CONDITION_TYPES - Sales Order Conditon Types

FIP_S_SO_GROUP - Sales Document Group

FIP_S_SO_REJECTION_REASONS - Sales Order Rejection Reasons

FIP_S_SO_TYPE - Sales Document Types

FIP_S_SP - Selected purchasing org/grps for supplying plants

FIP_S_SPART_RANGE - Range: Division

FIP_S_SP_MATERIAL_UI - Data Required for Supply Plant - Materials

FIP_S_SP_M_R_V_RELATE - Relational data to sp,material,recipient,suplier

FIP_S_SP_PUR - Selected purchasing org/grps for supplying plants

FIP_S_SP_PURCHASING - Supplying plant and purchasing information

FIP_S_SP_PUR_DETAILS - Selected purchasing org/grps for suplg plants (with names)

FIP_S_SP_RECIPIENT_UI - Combined data for recipients in DC Master (UI Structure)

FIP_S_SP_VDR_PURCHASE_DATA - Supplying Plant - Vendor Purchase Information

FIP_S_SP_VENDOR_UI - Supply Plant master Vendor UI Structure

FIP_S_STATISTICAL_DATA - Statistical Types for Material - Supplying Plant relation

FIP_S_STAT_DQ - Statistical Data Return Structure

FIP_S_STAT_PERIODS - Period Data for Statistical Information

FIP_S_STAT_PERIODS_UI - Period Data for Statistical Information

FIP_S_STAT_POQ - Statistical Data Return Structure

FIP_S_STAT_ROQ - Statistical Data Return Structure

FIP_S_STAT_SQ - Statistical Data Return Structure

FIP_S_STAT_TYPES - Statistical Data Types

FIP_S_STOCK_DATA - Current stock of materials

FIP_S_STOCK_TYPES - Stock types to determine material stock

FIP_S_SUPLG_PLANT_ALL_INFO - Supplying Plant Information

FIP_S_SUPLG_PLANT_BASIC - FIP distribution center

FIP_S_SUPLG_PLANT_DETAILS - Supplying Plant Settings (Detailed Data)

FIP_S_SUPLG_PLANT_DETAILS_UI - Supply Plant Settings (Detailed Data)


FIP_S_T024E_VALID - Purchasing Organisations

FIP_S_T024W - Valid Purchasing Organisations for Plant

FIP_S_TXZ01_RANGE - Range: Short Text

FIP_S_UI_CPO_LINE - UI structure used to display cpo info

FIP_S_UI_FORECAST - UI display structure of the Forecast data

FIP_S_UI_MAT_AGG_DATA - UI Aggregated Info on Material-DeliveryDate - data portion

FIP_S_UI_ORDER_LINE - UI display structure of order line

FIP_S_UI_PROMOTION - UI promotion data display structure

FIP_S_UI_SALES_PRICE - UI structure to display the sales price

FIP_S_UNAME_RANGE - Range: Structure of the username

FIP_S_UNIT_CONVERSION - Unit Conversion Structure

FIP_S_VALID_PURCH_ORG - Purchasing Organisations

FIP_S_VALID_PURCH_ORG_PLANT - Valid Purchasing Organizations for Plant

FIP_S_VBELN_RANGE - Range: Sales and Distribution Document Number

FIP_S_VBUK_KEY - Key for Table VBUK for Mass Accessing

FIP_S_VDATU_RANGE - Range: Requested Delivery Date

FIP_S_VENDOR - Structure with vendor number

FIP_S_VENDORQUOTA_INFO - Information about vendor quotation provided by the backend

FIP_S_VENDOR_ALL_INFO - Vendor Information


FIP_S_VENDOR_CONTACT - Structure that represents the vendor contact info

FIP_S_VENDOR_DETAILS - Vendor Master Settings (Detailed Data)

FIP_S_VENDOR_M_SP_RELATE - Relational data to supplier,material,sp

FIP_S_VENDOR_NAME_RANGE - Range for vendor name

FIP_S_VKGRP_RANGE - Range: Sales group

FIP_S_VKORG_RANGE - Range: Sales Organization

FIP_S_VTWEG_RANGE - Range: Distribution Channel

FIP_S_WEPOS_RANGE - Range: Goods Receipt Indicator

FIP_S_WERKS - Structure for plants, store or distribution center

FIP_S_WERKS_EKORG - Plant, purchasing organization, purchasing group

FIP_S_WERKS_EKORG_EKOTX - Table of plant and purchasing organization with name

FIP_S_WERKS_RANGE - Range: Plant

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