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E1OIB_H_VMR - Header segment

E1OIB_PHY_PAR_VMR_1 - Physical parameters for VMR

E1OIB_PHY_PAR_VMR_2 - Remaining Physical parameters for VMR

E1OIB_PHY_VMR - Physical parameters

E1OIJ05_PCF_HEAD - Production and Consumption Segment-Header

E1OIJ05_PCF_ITEM - Production and Consumption Segment-Item

E1OIJNOM02 - Nomination header data

E1OIJNOM03 - TSW: Header Text / Reasoncode

E1OIJNOM04 - Nomination Item

E1OIJNOM05 - TSW: Item Text / Reasoncode

E1OIJNOM06 - Nomination Events

E1OIJNOM07 - TSW: Event Text

E1OIJNOM08 - Nomination Material Balance

E1OIJNOM09 - TSW (&TD) Stages

E1OIJNOM10 - Nomination Header Reference Documents

E1OIJNOM11 - Nomination Item Reference Documents

E1OIJNOM12 - Nomination Header status

E1OIJNOM13 - Nomination Item status

E1OIJNOM14 - Nomination Sub item

E1OIJNOM15 - Nomination sub item events

E1OIJTKTHET_I - IS-OIL TSW Inbound Ticket Header Event Text Data

E1OIJTKTHET_O - IS-OIL TSW outbound Ticket Header Event Text Data

E1OIJTKTHE_I - IS-OIL TSW Inbound Ticket Header Event Data

E1OIJTKTHE_O - IS-OIL TSW outbound Ticket Header Event Data

E1OIJTKTHT_I - IS-OIL TSW Inbound Ticket Header Text Data

E1OIJTKTH_I - IS-OIL TSW Inbound Ticket Header Data

E1OIJTKTH_O - IS-OIL TSW outbound Ticket Header Data

E1OIJTKTIDF_O - IS-OIL TSW outbound Ticket Item Document Flow Data

E1OIJTKTIET_I - IS-OIL TSW Inbound Ticket Item Event Text Data

E1OIJTKTIET_O - IS-OIL TSW outbound Ticket Item Event Text Data

E1OIJTKTIE_I - IS-OIL TSW Inbound Ticket Item Event Data

E1OIJTKTIE_O - IS-OIL TSW outbound Ticket Item Event Data

E1OIJTKTI_I - IS-OIL TSW Inbound Ticket Item Data

E1OIJTKTI_O - IS-OIL TSW outbound Ticket Item Data

E1OIJTKTI_O1_1 - IS-OIL TSW Inbound Ticket Item Conversion Parameters Part 1

E1OIJTKTI_O1_2 - IS-OIL TSW Inbound Ticket Item Conversion Parameters Part 2

E1OIJTKTI_O2 - IS-OIL TSW Inbound Ticket Item Additional Quantities

E1OIJTKTSI - IS-OIL TSW Inbound Ticket Sub Item Data

E1OIJTKTSI_O - IS-OIL TSW Outbound Ticket Sub Item Data

E1OIK01 - IDoc: Oil Document header general data

E1OIK02 - IDoc: Oil Document header reference documents

E1OIK03 - IDoc: Oil Document header date segments

E1OIK12 - IDoc: Oil Document header reference data

E1OIK14 - IDoc: Oil Document header organizational data

E1OIK21 - IDoc: Oil Document header quantity segments

E1OIKA1 - IDoc: Oil Document header partner information

E1OIKA2 - IDoc: Oil Document header partner additional data

E1OIKT1 - IDoc: Oil Document header text ID

E1OIKT2 - IDoc: Oil Document header texts

E1OIL51 - Storage object schedule line

E1OILBH - Header for IS-Oil replenishmewnt order

E1OILBK - Header for IS-Oil replenishment order





E1OILCM - ISOIL TD Compartment Rack Meter

E1OILDH - IS-Oil TD driver header data

E1OILDL - IS-Oil TD Driver license data

E1OILDS - IS-Oil TD Driver shift data

E1OILDV - TPI: Driver/Vehicle-Assignment

E1OILFQ - TD-F Assignment of document quantities from OIGFIIQ

E1OILGM - TAS Receipts / Material movements

E1OILIH - TAS / IS-Oil Store phys. inventory header segment

E1OILII - TAS / IS-Oil Store phys. inventory item segment

E1OILK0 - IS-OIL/TAS: document header data

E1OILK1 - IS-OIL Customer master Append KNA1

E1OILKV - IS-OIL customer master Append KNVV

E1OILL1 - IS-OIL Vendor master Append LFM1

E1OILLD - IS-Oil / TAS / Loading relatd data from depot

E1OILLH - Segment containing OIKLIDW

E1OILLI - IS-OIL/TAS: LID Document Data

E1OILMA - IS-OIL Material Master Append MARA

E1OILMC - IS-OIL Material Master Append MARC

E1OILMW - IS-OIL Material Master Append MBEW

E1OILO0 - Header extension for PO OIL case

E1OILO1 - RO item core data

E1OILO2 - RO item OIL extension

E1OILP0 - IS/OIL-TAS: Doc.item data

E1OILPC - Site Control - sales times

E1OILPL - Oil extensions to general location

E1OILPM - Storage object material assignment

E1OILPS - Storage objects

E1OILPU - Master customer oil extension

E1OILPX - Site control - process controls

E1OILQH - IS-OIL/TAS: Quantity schedule header

E1OILQS - IS-OIL/TAS: Quantity schedule scheduling

E1OILQT - IS-Oil / TAS / Loading related data from depot / Astm qty

E1OILRCHS0001_ALL - Settlement Header

E1OILRCHS0001_GMCIF - Settlement Header

E1OILRCHS0002_ALL - Aggregation by Processing Location - Header

E1OILRCHS0002_GMCIF - Aggregation by Processing Location - Header

E1OILRCHS0003_ALL - Aggregation by Currency-Header

E1OILRCHS0003_GMCIF - Aggregation by Currency-Header

E1OILRCHS0004_ALL - Transaction Information Header

E1OILRCHS0004_GMCIF - Transaction Information Header

E1OILRCHS0005_ALL - Transaction Item information

E1OILRCHS0006_ALL - Transaction Information - Footer

E1OILRCHS0007_ALL - Aggregation by Currency - Footer

E1OILRCHS0007_GMCIF - Aggregation by Currency - Footer

E1OILRCHS0008_ALL - Aggregation by Processing Location - Footer

E1OILRCHS0009_ALL - Settlement Footer

E1OILRCHS0009_GMCIF - Settlement Footer

E1OILRM - IS-OIL TD rack meter data

E1OILS0 - TPI: Sales Order Item split quantities

E1OILS1 - TD shipment history

E1OILS2 - Shipment assignment of doc items to stages

E1OILS3 - Quantity per material/vehicle in shipment

E1OILS4 - storage objekt segment for item storage objekt assignment

E1OILSA - Partner in TD-Shipment

E1OILSC - Shipment compartment specific data

E1OILSE - Shipment event segment

E1OILSF - Shipment driver segment (-> no append,#494441)

E1OILSH - IS-Oil Shipmnet Header Segment (New Fields for Dang. Goods)

E1OILSI - Shipment item data

E1OILSM - Material in Shipment

E1OILSP - Shipment item position

E1OILSQ - Shipment item OIGSVMQ, OIGSVMQM, OIGSVMQO1(->no App,#494441)

E1OILST - TD Shipment stages

E1OILSV - Shipment specific vehicle data (-> no append,#494441)

E1OILSZ - Shipment event text lines

E1OILT1 - TAS Load information ( main ) / (-> no append,#494441)

E1OILT2 - TAS Additional UOM

E1OILT3 - TAS Load information ( shipment enhancement )

E1OILT4 - Additional quantities in alternative UOMs

E1OILTC - ISOIL TD Transport Unit Master Data

E1OILTH - ISOIL TD Transport Unit Data, Header

E1OILTW - OIL-BDRP: Time windows for a location

E1OILU2 - OIL-TSW Carrier Ticket Information : Nom. File Card

E1OILVH - IS-OIl TD Vehivle Master Data

E1OILVL - IS-OIL TD Vehicle Master Data Licenses

E1OIP01 - IDoc: Oil Document item general data

E1OIP02 - IDoc: Oil Document item reference documents

E1OIP03 - IDoc: Oil Document item date segments

E1OIP12 - IDoc: Oil Document item reference data

E1OIP14 - IDoc: Oil Document item organizational data

E1OIP19 - IDoc: Oil Document item identification

E1OIP21 - IDoc: Oil Document item quantity segments

E1OIPA1 - IDoc: Oil Document item partner information

E1OIPA2 - IDoc: Oil Document item partner additional data

E1OIPC1 - IDoc: Oil Document item ASTM conversion parameters

E1OIPT1 - IDoc: Oil Document item text ID

E1OIPT2 - IDoc: Oil Document item texts

E1OIS01 - IDoc: Summary general data

E1OIUAF - WBS (Work Breakdown Structure) Element Master Data

E1OIUC1 - Component Typification Detail

E1OIUC2 - IS-OIL E&P Custom Plant Allocation Method Detail

E1OIUCA - IS-OIL E&P Chemical Analysis Header IDOC Segment

E1OIUCD - IS-OIL E&P Chemical Analysis Component Details IDOC Segments

E1OIUCG - IS-OIL E&P Chemical Analysis Gas Properties Details IDOC Seg

E1OIUCL - IS-OIL E&P Chemical Analysis Liquid Properties Detail IDOC

E1OIUCP - IS-OIL E&P Custom Plant Allocation Methods Header

E1OIUCT - IS-OIL E&P Component Typification Header IDOC Segment

E1OIUD1 - IS-OIL E&P Delivery Network Allocation Profile Detail Seg.

E1OIUD2 - IS-OIL E&P Delivery Network Status Detail IDOC Segment

E1OIUD3 - IS-OIL E&PDownhole Comingled Well Completion Cross Reference

E1OIUDA - IS-OIL E&P Delivery Network Allocation Profile IDOC Segment

E1OIUDC - IS-OIL E&P Downhole Commingled Well Completion IDOC Segment

E1OIUDD - IS-OIL E&P Delivery Network Links

E1OIUDE - IS-OIL E&P Delivery Network Variable Data IDOC (new)

E1OIUDM - IS-OIL E&P Cross-reference for MP and DOI

E1OIUDN - IS-OIL E&P Delivery Network IDOC Segment

E1OIUDP - IS-OIL E&P Delivery Network Theoretical Calculation Method

E1OIUDS - IS-OIL E&P Delivery Network Status Header IDOC Segment

E1OIUDV - IS-OIL E&P Delivery Network Variable Data IDOC

E1OIUDW - IS-OIL E&P DOI/WC Cross Reference

E1OIUF1 - IS-OIL E&P Formula Rules Maintenance Detail IDOC Segment

E1OIUF2 - Formular Rules DW

E1OIUFL - IS-OIL E&P Field Data

E1OIUFR - IS-OIL E&P Formula Rules Maintenance Header IDOC Segment

E1OIUM1 - IS-OIL E&P Meas Point Alloc Profile Detail IDOC Segment

E1OIUM3 - Measurement Point Liquid Throughput

E1OIUMA - IS-OIL E&P: Measurement Point Allocation Base IDOC Segment

E1OIUMB - IS-OIL E&P: Measurement Point Transporter Xref IDOC Segment

E1OIUMD - IS-OIL E&P: Measurement Point Variable Data IDOC Segment

E1OIUMF - IS-OIL E&P Measurement Point Allocation Profile IDOC Segment

E1OIUMH - IS-OIL E&P Measurement Point Heating Value IDOC Segment

E1OIUMP - IS-OIL E&P Measurement Points IDOC Segment

E1OIUMR - IS-OIL E&P Measurement Point Reproduced Materials IDOC Segm

E1OIUMU - Measure Point Fuel Use Specification IDOC SegmenT

E1OIUMV - IS-OIL E&P: Measurement Point Volumetric Data

E1OIUNC - IS-OIL E&P Nomination Change

E1OIUNC2 - IS OIL E&P Nom Change Detail

E1OIUND - IS-OIL E&P Nomination Change D

E1OIUNS - IS OIL E&P Nomination Change Summary

E1OIUOD - IS-OIL E&P Original Nomination Detail


E1OIUOS - IS OIL E&P Original Nomination Summary

E1OIUP1 - Production Prior Period Notification Delivery Ntwk Det. Tbl

E1OIUP2 - E&P Contract to Gas Plant Allocation Method Xref Detail

E1OIUPA - E&P Contract to Gas Plant Allocation Method Xref Header

E1OIUPM - IS-OIL E&P Platform Maintenance IDOC Segment

E1OIUPP - IS-OIL E&P Prior Period Notification Header

E1OIUR1 - IS-OIL E&P Reservoir Zone IDOC Segment

E1OIURV - IS-OIL E&P: Reservoir IDOC Segment

E1OIURW - IS-OIL E&P Regulatory Reporting Reallocated Well Completions

E1OIUW1 - IS-OIL E&P WC Downtime Reason IDOC Segment

E1OIUW2 - E&P: Well Completion Offset Lease

E1OIUW3 - IS-OIL E&P Well Completion Supply Source Detail IDOC Segment

E1OIUW4 - Well Test Detail - Measurement document item - external view

E1OIUWA - IS-OIL E&P Well Completion Allocation Base IDOC Segment

E1OIUWB - IS-OIL E&P: Well Completion Transporter Xref IDOC Segment

E1OIUWC - IS-OIL E&P Well Completion IDOC Segment

E1OIUWD - IS-OIL E&P Well Completion Downtime IDOC Segment

E1OIUWE - IS-OIL E&P Well IDOC Segment (new)

E1OIUWH - IS-OIL E&P Well Completion Heating Value IDOC Segment

E1OIUWI - IS-OIL E&P Well Completion Disposition Volumes IDOC

E1OIUWL - IS-OIL E&P Well IDOC Segment

E1OIUWO - IS-OIL E&P: Well Completion Offset Lease IDOC Segment

E1OIUWP - Well Completion Theoretical Calc. Method (no Append,#494441)

E1OIUWR - IS-OIL E&P Well Completion Reproduced Materials IDOC Segment

E1OIUWS - IS-OIL E&P Well Completion Supply Source Dated Header IDOC

E1OIUWT - IS-OIL E&P Well Test IDOC Segment

E1OIUWV - IS-OIL E&P Well Completion Variable Data IDOC Segment

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