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DTLIDOKCR - Set of conflicts for renaming the links to data elem. docu.

DTLIDOKI - Docu index for renaming the links to data element docu.

DTL_MT_STATE - Load status of tables of a mass transfer (for API / DTL)

DTL_MT_STATISTICS - Structure for statistics concerning progress of processing

DTL_PRECALC_OBJ - Precalculation tables for TDMS


DTL_RULECODE_FROM_PCL - structure for rule code from PCL (CNVMBTPCLSTRUCRC)

DTL_RULE_PARAMETERS - rule paramters, including rule name (= CNVMBTPCLSTRUCRP)

DTL_SEMAPHORE_INFO - Structure for semaphore values of SNDR, RCVR and DTL systems

DTL_SEMAPHORE_PRCT - % value applied to sender, receiver, or conv. system load

DTL_S_CONDITION - MWB API: Range or Filter Condition

DTL_S_FILTER - Filter Set (List of Conditions for one Filter/Range)

DTL_XPRA_INFO - XPRA info exchange structure (for buffer extraction)

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