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DTAM100 - SWIFT Format User Exit Structure MT100

DTAM100C - Total Sums in Each Currency for Transfer to OPEN FI

DTAM100H - SWIFT Format MT100 User Exit Structure (Header)

DTAM100S - Check Totals for Copying to User Exit MT100 (Header/Trailer)

DTAM100T - SWIFT Format User Exit MT100 Structure (Trailer)

DTAM100V - Structure of Internal Table Tab_dtam100v for User Exit MT100

DTAM100X - Append Structure for MT100

DTAM200 - SWIFT Format User Exit Structure MT200

DTAM202 - SWIFT Format MT202 User Exit Structure

DTAM210 - SWIFT Format MT210 User Exit Structure

DTAM2XXH - SWIFT Format MT2XX User Exit Structure (Header)

DTAM2XXS - Check Totals for Transfer to User Exit MT2XX(Header/Trailer)

DTAM2XXT - SWIFT Format MT2XX User Exit Structure (Trailer)

DTAM300 - Structure User Exit SWIFT Format MT300 (new)

DTAM300H - Structure User Exit SWIFT format MT3xx (Header)

DTAM300S - Check totals for trans. to User-Exit MT3xx (header/trailer)

DTAM300T - Structure User-Exit SWIFT-Format MT3xx (Trailer)

DTAM320 - Structure for User Exit SWIFT Format MT320 (Old and New)

DTAMAU0 - Australia BECS Header Record - Structure for User Exit

DTAMAU1 - Australia BECS Detail Record - Structure for User Exit

DTAMBE4 - Domestic DME User Exit Structure (Belgium)

DTAMBE5 - Foreign DME User Exit Structure (Belgium)

DTAMBE6 - DOM80 DME User Exit Structure (Belgium)

DTAMCHB - SAD Switzerland User Exit Transfer Structure TA826

DTAMCHC - SAD Switzerland User Exit Transfer Structure TA827

DTAMCHD - SAD Switzerland User Exit Transfer Structure TA830

DTAMCHE - SAD Switzerland User Exit Transfer Structure TA832

DTAMCHF - SAD Switzerland User Exit Transfer Structure TA870

DTAMCHI - SAD Switzerland User Exit Transfer Structure TA05

DTAMCHK - SAD Switzerland User Exit Transfer Structure TA11

DTAMCHL - SAD Switzerland User Exit Transfer Structure TA48

DTAMCHN - SAD Switzerland User Exit Transfer Structure TA12

DTAMCHO - SAD Switzerland User Exit Transfer Structure TA14

DTAMCHP - SAD Switzerland User Exit Transfer Structure TA25

DTAMDEA - Domestic DME (Germany) User Exit Structure Data Record A

DTAMDEC - German Domestic DME User Exit Structure Data Record C

DTAMDET - German Foreign DME User Exit Structure Data Record T

DTAMFRA - User Exit Structure DME France Foreign Record A

DTAMFRB - User Exit Structure DME France Foreign Records B - E

DTAMHK1 - Autopay Header Payment File Hong Kong (User Exit)

DTAMHK2 - Autopay Detail Payment File Hong Kong

DTAMJP - Japanese DME Foreign Payment Format (for Modifications)

DTAMNLB - User Exit Structure Domestic DME Netherlands Format BGC

DTAMNLC - User Exit Structure Domestic DME Netherlands Format ClieOp02

DTAMNZ2 - New Zealand MTS - Transaction Record

DTAMT100 - Structure of the Internal Table DTA_MT100 for Format Filling

DTAMUSADD - User Exit Structure for ACH Addenda Record

DTAMUSBC - User Exit Structure for ACH Batch Control Record

DTAMUSBH - User Exit Structure for ACH Batch Header Record

DTAMUSCCD - User Exit Structure for ACH CCD Record

DTAMUSCTX - User Exit Structure for ACH CTX Record

DTAMUSFH - User Exit Structure for ACH File Header Record

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