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DPRACO_HR_OBJECT - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000

DPRACO_ROLE - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000

DPRACO_USER - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000

DPRACO_USER_GROUP - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000

DPRCGPL_PROJECT_CD - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000

DPRCGPL_TASK_CD - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000

DPRCGPL_TEXT_CD - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000

DPRDPR_APPROVAL_CD - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000

DPRDPR_BUPA_DIST - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000

DPRDPR_BUPA_FAVO_CD - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000

DPRDPR_BUPA_LINK_CD - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000

DPRDPR_CHECKLIST_H - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000

DPRDPR_CHECKLIST_I - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000

DPRDPR_CHECKLIST_R - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000

DPRDPR_COLL_LINK_CD - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000

DPRDPR_CTRLPLAN_H - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000

DPRDPR_CTRLPLAN_L - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000

DPRDPR_CTRLPLAN_V - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000

DPRDPR_CTRLPLN_I_CD - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000

DPRDPR_DOCUMENT - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000

DPRDPR_ENL_CD - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000

DPRDPR_IND_APRVL_CD - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000

DPRDPR_OBJLINK_CD - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000

DPRDPR_PART - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000

DPRDPR_PART_DIST - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000

DPRDPR_PHASE - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000

DPRDPR_PROJECT - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000

DPRDPR_PRO_PHASE_CD - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000

DPRDPR_SKILL - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000

DPRDPR_TASK - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000

DPREVE_THRESHOLD_VL - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000

DPROF - Listpainter Profile

DPROW - Structure: Forecast Values for Change Document

DPR_ABS_URL - Absolute URL for Project Management Call

DPR_APPL_VIEW - Application Views When Accessing Project Management


DPR_APPROVAL_CD - Change Document Structure for DPR_APPROVAL


DPR_AREA_T - Project Area Text

DPR_BAPI_ACO_ACT - Matching Table of Authorization Activities BAPI <-> ACO

DPR_BAPI_BUS_TRA - Business Transaction Match BAPI <-> DPR

DPR_BUPA_DIST - Distribute Required Capacity of a Business Partner Link

DPR_BUPA_FAVO - List of Favorites (Business Partner)

DPR_BUPA_FAVO_CD - Change Document Structure for DPR_BUPA_FAVO

DPR_BUPA_LINK - Role-Business Partner Links

DPR_BUPA_LINK_CD - Change Document Structure for DPR_BUPA_LINK

DPR_BW_APPROVAL - Dev. Projects: Extract Structure Approval Attributes

DPR_BW_APPROVAL_ORG - Dev. Projects: Extract Structure Approval Attributes (Org.)

DPR_BW_BUPA_LINKS - Dev. Projects: Role - Business Partner Links

DPR_BW_BUPA_LINKS_ORG - Dev. Projects: Role - Business Partner Links (Original)

DPR_BW_CHECKLIST - Dev. Projects: Extract Structure Checklist Attributes

DPR_BW_CHECKLIST_ITEM - Dev. Projects: Extract Structure Checklist Item Attributes

DPR_BW_CHECKLIST_ORG - Dev. Proj.: Extract Struct. for Checklist Attributes (Org.)

DPR_BW_DATE - Dev. Projects: Extract Structure Date Attributes

DPR_BW_DATE_ORG - Dev. Proj.: Extract Structure Date Attributes (Original)

DPR_BW_DOCUMENTS - Dev. Projects: Extract Structure Document Attributes

DPR_BW_DOCUMENTS_LINKS - Dev. Projects: Extract Structure for Document Links

DPR_BW_DQ_DS - cProjects BW: Object Cat./DataSource/DataSource Type Assign.

DPR_BW_DQ_GUID_COLLECTION - Dev. Proj.: Delta Queue - Buffer for Relevant Objects

DPR_BW_HIERARCHY_ATTR - Dev. Projects: Hierarchy Display As Master Data

DPR_BW_IND_APPROVAL - Dev. Projects: Extract Structure for Individual Approval

DPR_BW_IND_APPROVAL_ORG - Dev. Proj.: Extract Struct. Individual Approvals (Original)

DPR_BW_MAP_ID - Dev. Proj. : Mapping GUIDs with the Hierarchy ID

DPR_BW_OBJLINK - Dev. Projects: Extract Structure Object Link

DPR_BW_OBJLINK_ORG - Dev. Projects: Extract Struct. Objekt Links (Original)

DPR_BW_OBJ_RESOURCE_LINK - Proj. Mgmt. : Extraction Structure for Res. Assignment

DPR_BW_OBJ_RESOURCE_LINK_ORG - Proj. Mgmt. : Extr. f. Resource Assignment to Objects

DPR_BW_PARENT_PROJECT - BW cProjects: Project Definition Attributes for Delta Queue

DPR_BW_PART - Dev. Projects: Extract Structure Role Attributes

DPR_BW_PART_LINKS - Dev. Projects: Extract Structure for Object Role Assignment

DPR_BW_PART_LINKS_ORG - Dev. Projects: Extract Role Assignment for Objects (Orig.)

DPR_BW_PHASE - Dev. Projects: Extract Structure Phase Attributes

DPR_BW_PHASE_ORG - Dev. Proj.: Extract Structure for Phase Attributes (Org.)

DPR_BW_PROJECT - Dev. Projects: Extract Structure for Proj. Def. Attributes

DPR_BW_PROJECT_ORG - Dev. Proj.: Extract Structure for Project Attributes (Org.)

DPR_BW_PROJECT_SEL - Structure of Buffer Table with Selected Projects

DPR_BW_PRO_PHASE_SEL - Structure of Buffer Table with Selected Phases

DPR_BW_RESOURCE - Business Partner External ID in WFM

DPR_BW_SYSSTAT - Customizing: BW Status Mapping / OLTP System Status

DPR_BW_SYSSTATUS - Customizing: BW Status Mapping / OLTP System Status

DPR_BW_TASK - Dev. Projects: Extract Structure for Task Attributes

DPR_BW_TEXTS - Dev. Projects: Extract Structure for Proj. Mgmt. Object Tex

DPR_BW_TEXTS_CLH_TYPE - Dev. Projects: Extract Structure for Checklist Type Texts

DPR_BW_TEXTS_DATE_SET - Dev. Projects: Extract Structure for Date Type Texts

DPR_BW_TEXTS_PART_ROLE - Dev. Projects: Extract Structure for Role Texts

DPR_BW_TEXTS_PHASE_TYPE - Dev. Projects: Extract Structure for Phase Type Texts

DPR_BW_TEXTS_PRIORITY - Dev. Projects: Extract Structure for Priority Texts

DPR_BW_TEXTS_PRO_CATEGORY - Dev. Projects: Extract Structure for Project Category Texts

DPR_BW_TEXTS_PRO_CAUSE - Dev. Projects: Extract Structure for Project Reason Texts

DPR_BW_TEXTS_PRO_TYPE - Dev. Projects: Extract Structure for Project Type Texts

DPR_BW_TEXTS_RATE - Dev. Projects: Extract Structure for Project Type Texts

DPR_BW_TEXTS_STATUS - Dev. Projects: Extract Structure for Status Texts

DPR_BW_TEXTS_TASK_TYPE - Dev. Projects: Extract Structure for Task Type Texts

DPR_BW_TEXTS_VERSIONS - Proj. Mgmt. : Extract Structure Version Texts

DPR_BW_USERSTAT - Customizing: BW Status Mapping / OLTP User Status

DPR_BW_USRSTATUS - Customizing: BW Status Mapping / OLTP User Status

DPR_BW_VRSN_ATTR - Extraction Structure for cProjects Version Extraction

DPR_CATS_ENRICH - Work Structure with Enrich Fields

DPR_CATS_RET_DATA - Return confirmed data from CATSDB

DPR_CATS_SEL_DATA - Selection data for record selection from CATSDB

DPR_CATS_TASK_SEL_DATA - Selection data for record selection from CATSDB

DPR_CATS_WORKLIST - Work Structure with Worklist Fields

DPR_CAUSE - Reason for Project

DPR_CAUSE_CO - Texts for Project Reason

DPR_CAUSE_T - Texts for Project Reason

DPR_CAUSE_T_CO - Texts for Project Reason

DPR_CHECKLIST_H - Checklist Header

DPR_CHECKLIST_I - Checklist Items

DPR_CHECKLIST_R - Checklist References

DPR_CHECKL_H_SES_SEARCH_PARM - Search parameters of Checklist header by search engine

DPR_CHKL_I_SES_SEARCH_PARM - Search parameters of project by search engine

DPR_CI_FGROUPS - cProjects: Field Groups for Customer Fields per Proj.Element

DPR_CI_FGROUPS_T - cProjects: Field Group Label for Customer Fields per Proj.El

DPR_CI_FGRP_FLD - cProjects: Assignment of Customer Fields to Field Groups

DPR_CI_FGRP_FLDT - cProjects: Texts from Customer Fields for Field Groups

DPR_CI_OTYP_CHNG - cProjects: Customer Fields - Alias per Obj.Cat. of Proj. Pl.

DPR_CI_PROJ_FGRP - cProjects: Field Groups per Project Type

DPR_CI_STR_OTYP - cProjects: Project Elements with Customer Fields

DPR_CI_STR_OTYPT - cProjects: Texts for Obj. Cats (Proj. Element w. Cust.Field)

DPR_CI_UIOP_SHLP - cProjects: UI Options Supported per Search Help Type

DPR_CLH_TYPE - Checklist Type

DPR_CLH_TYPE_P - Customizing: Checklist Type per Project Type

DPR_CLH_TYPE_T - Texts for Checklist Type

DPR_CMAIN_SOAP_XMLREQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)

DPR_CMAIN_SOAP_XMLREQUEST_RESP - Proxy Structure (Generated)

DPR_COLL_LINK - DPR Application Object Link - Collaboration

DPR_COLL_LINK_CD - Structure for Collaboration Change Documents

DPR_COLL_RFCDEST - RFC Destinations for cFolders Systems

DPR_COMMON_ENQ - Project Management: General Lock Object

DPR_CONF_DET - Project Management Confirmation: Detail Fields of Tasks

DPR_CONF_LI - Project Management Confirmation: Line Item

DPR_CPR_CHECKLIST_FIELDS - Project Management checklist related attributes

DPR_CPR_CHECKLIST_IMP - Project Management checklist related attributes

DPR_CPR_CHECKLIST_ITEM_FIELDS - Project Management checklist item related attributes

DPR_CPR_PHASE_FIELDS - Project Management Phase relate attributes

DPR_CPR_PROJECT_FIELDS - Project Management project related attributes

DPR_CPR_ROLE_FIELDS - Project Management role related attributes

DPR_CPR_TASK_FIELDS - Project Management task related attributes

DPR_CPR_TASK_IMP - Project Management task related attributes

DPR_CP_BADI01 - Control Plan: Filter Values for BAdI Object Creation

DPR_CP_BADI01_T - Text Table for DPR_CP_BADI01

DPR_CP_BAPI1012_CHA_C - Inspection Characteristics in CREATE-BAPI for Insp. Plans

DPR_CP_BAPI1012_MTK_C - Material-Task List Assignment in CREATE_BAPI for Insp. Plans

DPR_CP_BAPI1012_OPR_C - Control Plan: Operations in CREATE-BAPI for Insp. Plans

DPR_CP_BAPI1191_CHA_C - Inspection Characteristics in CREATE-BAPI for Insp. Plans

DPR_CP_BAPI1191_MTK_C - Material-Task List Assignment in CREATE_BAPI for Insp. Plans

DPR_CP_BAPI1191_OPR_C - Control Plan: Operations in CREATE-BAPI for Insp. Plans

DPR_CP_BAPI1191_TSK_C - Task List Header Data in CREATE-BAPI for Inspection Plans

DPR_CP_FIELDTEXT - Control Plan: Field Label Characteristics

DPR_CP_ITEM - Master Data Table for Control Plan Characteristics

DPR_CP_ITEM_SYS - Source System for Control Plan Characteristics

DPR_CP_ITEM_T - Master Data Table for Control Plan Characteristics Texts

DPR_CP_PROC - Process Steps in Control Plan

DPR_CP_PROC_T - Texts: Control Plan Process Step

DPR_CP_SAMPLE - Samples in Control Plan

DPR_CP_SAMPLE_T - Texts: Samples in Control Plan

DPR_CP_STAGE - Control Plan: Category/Categories (Header Level)

DPR_CP_STAGE_T - Texts: Stage/Category

DPR_CP_SYSTEM - Test Systems in Control Plan

DPR_CP_SYSTEM_T - Texts: Test Systems in Control Plan

DPR_CP_TOOL - Tools, Machines, Etc. in Control Plan

DPR_CP_TOOL_T - Texts: Tools, Machines, Etc. in Control Plan

DPR_CR_ADD_USER_TO_ROOM_IN_DOC - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_CR_ADD_USER_TO_ROOM_OUT_DO - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_CR_ARRAY_OF_OPERATION_FAIL - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_CR_ARRAY_OF_PARAMETER - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_CR_ARRAY_OF_PERF_ON_METHOD - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_CR_ARRAY_OF_ROLE - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_CR_ARRAY_OF_ROLE1 - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_CR_ARRAY_OF_ROOM_INFO - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_CR_ARRAY_OF_ROOM_INFO1 - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_CR_ARRAY_OF_ROOM_PARAMETER - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_CR_ARRAY_OF_STATISTIC_ON_M - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_CR_ARRAY_OF_STRING - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_CR_ARRAY_OF_TEMPLATE - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_CR_ARRAY_OF_TEMPLATE1 - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_CR_ARRAY_OF_USER_ROLE_ASS1 - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_CR_ARRAY_OF_USER_ROLE_ASSI - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_CR_BUILD_INFO_ROOM - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_CR_CFG_STORE_ROOM - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_CR_CONFIG_STORE - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_CR_CREATE_ROOM_IN_DOC - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_CR_CREATE_ROOM_OUT_DOC - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_CR_DELETE_ROOM_IN_DOC - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_CR_DELETE_ROOM_OUT_DOC - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_CR_GET_ALL_ROOM_CATEGORIE1 - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_CR_GET_ALL_ROOM_CATEGORIES - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_CR_GET_BUILD_INFO_IN_DOC - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_CR_GET_BUILD_INFO_OUT_DOC - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_CR_GET_EXTERNAL_ROOM_ACCE1 - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_CR_GET_EXTERNAL_ROOM_ACCES - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_CR_GET_GLOBAL_CFG_IN_DOC - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_CR_GET_GLOBAL_CFG_OUT_DOC - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_CR_GET_GLOBAL_CONFIG_IN_DO - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_CR_GET_GLOBAL_CONFIG_OUT_D - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_CR_GET_GLOBAL_PERF_IN_DOC - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_CR_GET_GLOBAL_PERF_OUT_DOC - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_CR_GET_GLOBAL_STATISTIC_IN - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_CR_GET_GLOBAL_STATISTIC_OU - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_CR_GET_INTERNAL_ROOM_ACCE1 - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_CR_GET_INTERNAL_ROOM_ACCES - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_CR_GET_MODEL_VERSION_NO_IN - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_CR_GET_MODEL_VERSION_NO_OU - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_CR_GET_MODEL_VERSION_STRI1 - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_CR_GET_MODEL_VERSION_STRIN - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_CR_GET_MODEL_XML_CONTENT_I - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_CR_GET_MODEL_XML_CONTENT_O - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_CR_GET_MODEL_XSD_CONTENT_I - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_CR_GET_MODEL_XSD_CONTENT_O - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_CR_GET_PORTAL_USER_IDS_IN - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_CR_GET_PORTAL_USER_IDS_OUT - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_CR_GET_PORTAL_USER_ID_IN_D - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_CR_GET_PORTAL_USER_ID_OUT - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_CR_GET_ROOMS_IN_DOC - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_CR_GET_ROOMS_OUT_DOC - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_CR_GET_ROOM_INFO_IN_DOC - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_CR_GET_ROOM_INFO_OUT_DOC - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_CR_GET_ROOM_OWNER_IN_DOC - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_CR_GET_ROOM_OWNER_OUT_DOC - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_CR_GET_ROOM_USERS_IN_DOC - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_CR_GET_ROOM_USERS_OUT_DOC - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_CR_GET_SESSION_PERF_IN_DOC - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_CR_GET_SESSION_PERF_OUT_DO - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_CR_GET_SESSION_STATISTIC_I - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_CR_GET_SESSION_STATISTIC_O - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_CR_GET_TEMPLATE_FOR_ROOM_I - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_CR_GET_TEMPLATE_FOR_ROOM_O - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_CR_GET_TEMPLATE_IDS_IN_DOC - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_CR_GET_TEMPLATE_IDS_OUT_DO - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_CR_GET_TEMPLATE_IN_DOC - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_CR_GET_TEMPLATE_OUT_DOC - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_CR_INCOMPLETE_ROOM_LOOKUP - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_CR_INCOMPLETE_TEMPLATE_LOO - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_CR_INCOMPLETE_USER_LOOKUP - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_CR_INVALID_PARAMETER_EXCEP - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_CR_LOCK_ROOM_IN_DOC - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_CR_LOCK_ROOM_OUT_DOC - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_CR_OPERATION_FAILED_EXCEPT - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_CR_PARAMETER - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_CR_PERF_ON_BEAN_ROOM - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_CR_PERF_ON_METHOD_ROOM - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_CR_PERF_STORE_ROOM - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_CR_PING_DATA - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_CR_PING_DATA_ROOM - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_CR_PING_IN_DOC - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_CR_PING_OUT_DOC - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_CR_REMOVE_USER_FROM_ROOM_I - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_CR_REMOVE_USER_FROM_ROOM_O - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_CR_RESET_GLOBAL_PERF_IN_DO - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_CR_RESET_GLOBAL_PERF_OUT_D - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_CR_RESET_GLOBAL_STATISTIC - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_CR_RESET_GLOBAL_STATISTIC1 - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_CR_RESET_SESSION_PERF_IN_D - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_CR_RESET_SESSION_PERF_OUT - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_CR_RESET_SESSION_STATISTI1 - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_CR_RESET_SESSION_STATISTIC - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_CR_ROLE - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_CR_ROLE1 - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_CR_ROOM_INFO - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_CR_ROOM_INFO1 - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_CR_ROOM_PARAMETER - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_CR_ROOM_TYPE - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_CR_ROOM_TYPE1 - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_CR_SET_GLOBAL_CFG_IN_DOC - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_CR_SET_GLOBAL_CFG_OUT_DOC - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_CR_SET_GLOBAL_CONFIG_IN_DO - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_CR_SET_GLOBAL_CONFIG_OUT_D - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_CR_SET_ROOM_USERS_IN_DOC - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_CR_SET_ROOM_USERS_OUT_DOC - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_CR_STATISTIC - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_CR_STATISTIC_ON_BEAN - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_CR_STATISTIC_ON_METHOD - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_CR_TEMPLATE - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_CR_TEMPLATE1 - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_CR_UNLOCK_ROOM_IN_DOC - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_CR_UNLOCK_ROOM_OUT_DOC - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_CR_USER_ROLE_ASSIGNMENT - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_CR_USER_ROLE_ASSIGNMENT1 - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_CTRLPLAN_H - Control Plan: Header

DPR_CTRLPLAN_I - Control Plan: Characteristics Within Control Plan

DPR_CTRLPLAN_L - Control Plan Links

DPR_CTRLPLAN_V - Control Plan: Versions

DPR_CTRLPLN_I_CD - Change Document Structure for Control Plan: Items

DPR_CUST_TABC - Definition of Customer-Defined Tab Pages

DPR_DASHBOARD - Dashboard Data for Project

DPR_DATE_SET - Date Type for Additional Display in Graphic

DPR_DATE_SET_T - Text for Date Type

DPR_DEMO - Table for Demo-Implementation of Customer-Specific Subsystem

DPR_DIST_VAL - Make Settings for Distribution

DPR_DOCUMENT - Project Management Application Object Link - EDMS Document


DPR_ENL_CD - Change Document Structure for DPR_ENTITY_LINK

DPR_ENTITY_LINK - Role Assignments

DPR_EVAL_EXTRACT - Customizing for Extracts for Project Type

DPR_FC - Field Control

DPR_FC_AI - Field Control Information in Accordance with Authorization

DPR_FC_AI_FG - Group Field Control Information in Acc. with Authorization

DPR_FC_CI - Field Control Information Depending on Conditions

DPR_FC_CI_FG - Group Field Control Information in Acc. with Authorization

DPR_FC_COND - Conditions for Determining Field Control Information

DPR_FC_COND_T - Text Table: Conditions in Field Control

DPR_FC_FC_OBJTYP - Field Control: Object Categories per Field Control Profile

DPR_FC_FG - Field Control in Project Management: Group Fields

DPR_FC_FG_T - Text Table: Field Group in Field Control

DPR_FC_FLD_IN_FG - Assign Fields to Field Groups in Field Control

DPR_FC_MAP - Field Control: Map Internal Fields to External Fields

DPR_FC_OBJTYPE - Field Control: Object Categories

DPR_FC_OBJTYPE_T - Field Control: Object Categories (Text Table)

DPR_FC_T - Text Table for Field Control

DPR_FIELD_DETAIL - Field Structure configuration

DPR_FIELD_MAP - Mapping of BPS field to cProjects field

DPR_FIN_GECCO_CU - Accounting Integration Using Cost Collector in ERP System

DPR_FIN_INT_SCEN - Scenario for Accounting Integration

DPR_FIN_INT_S_T - Text Table for Accounting Integration Scenario

DPR_FIN_XML_PERS - Persistence Table for XML Data

DPR_FORM - Forms

DPR_FORMFP - PDF Print Forms

DPR_FORMFP_PRTYP - PDF Print Templates per Project Type

DPR_FORM_PRTYP - Print Templates per Project Type

DPR_GUID_PROJECT_ID - Relation between Project ID and CGPL GUID and CGPL Ext. ID

DPR_HIERHE - Interface: Requested Hierarchies for 3.0A (Without IDOC)

DPR_HIERHE_S - Interface: Requested Hierarchies for 3.0A (Without IDOC)

DPR_HIERNO - Interface: Elements of a Hierarchy

DPR_IND_APPROVAL - Individual Approval

DPR_IND_APRVL_CD - Individual Approval Attribute

DPR_IPPE_TS_CKL_ITEM_DETAILS - iPPE-Specific Detail Data for a Checklist Item

DPR_IPPE_TS_RFC_STATUS - Structure for cProjects Status Text (Long)

DPR_IPPE_TS_TASK_DETAILS - iPPE-Specific Detail Data for a cProjects Task

DPR_LANGUAGES - Languages Supported in Project Management


DPR_LOCATION_T - Text for Project Location

DPR_LOGB_PARAM - Table for Activation of Logbook Parameters

DPR_MAP_RULES - Mapping Rules for Field Mapping Conversions

DPR_MAP_RULES_T - Mapping Rules for Field Mapping Conversions

DPR_MSPREQUEST_EXCEPTION - Proxy Structure (Generated)

DPR_MSPREQUEST_EXCEPTIONS - The collection of exceptions associated with the calendar.



DPR_MSPREQUEST_RESPONSE_ASSIGN - The collection of assignments that make up the project.

DPR_MSPREQUEST_RESPONSE_AVAIL1 - MSP availability of a resource

DPR_MSPREQUEST_RESPONSE_AVAILA - A collection of periods during which resource is available





DPR_MSPREQUEST_RESPONSE_CALEND - collection of calendars





DPR_MSPREQUEST_RESPONSE_EXTEND - The collection of extended attribute (custom field)


DPR_MSPREQUEST_RESPONSE_MASKS - The table of entries that define the outline code mask.




DPR_MSPREQUEST_RESPONSE_OUTLIN - The collection of outline code definitions


DPR_MSPREQUEST_RESPONSE_PROJEC - The project is the top level element of the document.


DPR_MSPREQUEST_RESPONSE_RATES - A collection of periods and the rates


DPR_MSPREQUEST_RESPONSE_RESOUR - The collection of resources that make up the project.



DPR_MSPREQUEST_RESPONSE_TASKS - The collection of tasks that make up the project.

DPR_MSPREQUEST_RESPONSE_TIME_P - Defines a contiguous set of exception days

DPR_MSPREQUEST_RESPONSE_VALUE - When values of extended attributes are specified

DPR_MSPREQUEST_RESPONSE_VALUE1 - The individual values.

DPR_MSPREQUEST_RESPONSE_VALUE2 - Proxy Structure (generated)

DPR_MSPREQUEST_RESPONSE_VALUES - The values of the table associated with this outline code.


DPR_MSPREQUEST_RESPONSE_WBSMAS - The table of entries that define the outline code mask.


DPR_MSPREQUEST_RESPONSE_WEEK_D - The collection of Weekdays that defines this calendar


DPR_MSPREQUEST_RESPONSE_WORKIN - The collection of working times that define the time worked


DPR_MSPREQUEST_WORK_WEEK - Proxy Structure (Generated)

DPR_MSPREQUEST_WORK_WEEKS - The collection of effective work weeks associated with the

DPR_MSP_ENT_FIELDS - Enterprise Fields in MSP Client4

DPR_MSP_EXT_ATTR - Mapping of extended attributes field name and field id

DPR_MSP_EXT_ATTR_INT - MSP Extended Attribute Intermediate Structure

DPR_MSP_EXT_ATTR_VAL_INT - Value List of MSP Extended Attribute

DPR_MSP_OUT_CODE_INT - MSP Outline Code Intermediate Structure

DPR_MSP_OUT_CODE_MASK_INT - Masks for MSP Outline Codes

DPR_MSP_OUT_CODE_VAL_INT - Value List of MSP Outline Code

DPR_MSP_PROJECT_DATA_INT - Project Header Data

DPR_MSP_PROJECT_FIELDS - MS Project related attributes


DPR_MSP_RESASSGN_INT - Resource Assignments

DPR_MSP_RESOURCES_INT - Modified MSP Resources

DPR_MSP_RESOURCE_FIELDS - MSP Resource related attributes


DPR_MSP_TASKS_INT - The collection of tasks that make up the project

DPR_MSP_TASK_FIELDS - MSP Task related attributes

DPR_MSP_TASK_HEADER_INT - The collection of tasks that make up the project

DPR_OBJLINK - Object Link

DPR_OBJLINK_CD - Object Links Structure for Change Documents

DPR_OBJLINK_MPM - Inter-Project Link (Multi-Project Management)

DPR_OBJLINK_SC - Object Link to SRM Shopping Carts

DPR_OBJLINK_SCPO - Purchase Order and Purchase Order Item for SRM Shopping Cart

DPR_OBJLINK_SC_I - Items for SRM Shopping Cart

DPR_OBJLINK_SHLP - Search via the Internal Id of the linked Object

DPR_OBL_CATEGORY - Category for Object Types of Object Links

DPR_OBL_CATEG_T - Description of Object Type

DPR_OBL_ENTITY - Forbid Project Element Types for Object Link Type

DPR_OBL_OBGRP - Group of Object Types

DPR_OBL_OBGRP_T - Name of Grouping of Object Types

DPR_OBL_OBTYP - Properties of Object Link to Object Type

DPR_OBL_OBTYP_T - Description of Object Type

DPR_OBL_OOL_TYPE - Operative Object Link Type

DPR_OBL_SRCH - OBL: Search helps for an object type

DPR_OLR3_TS_TAB_ID - Fields for Internal and External Key Description

DPR_PART - Project Participants

DPR_PART_DIST - Distribute Required Capacity to Project Role

DPR_PART_Q - Role Qualifications

DPR_PART_ROLE - Customizing: Roles

DPR_PART_ROLE_A - Customizing: Authorizations for Project Roles

DPR_PART_ROLE_P - Customizing: Project Role per Project Type

DPR_PART_ROLE_PR - Project Participant Roles

DPR_PART_ROLE_T - Customizing: Project Roles

DPR_PC - Project Charter


DPR_PHASE_SES_SEARCH_PARM - Search parameters of project by search engine

DPR_PHA_TYPE - Phase Type

DPR_PHA_TYPE_P - Customizing: Phase Type per Project Type

DPR_PHA_TYPE_T - Texts for Phase Type


DPR_PRIORITY_T - Description of priority

DPR_PROCESS - Processes

DPR_PROCESS_T - Texts for Processes

DPR_PROJECT - Project Definition

DPR_PROJ_IO_OLD - Projects with 'Old' IO Scenario

DPR_PROJ_SES_SEARCH_PARM - Search parameters of Project by search engine

DPR_PRO_CATEG - Project Category

DPR_PRO_CATEG_T - Texts for Project Categories

DPR_PRO_PHASE_CD - Change Document Structure for Deleting and Adding Phases

DPR_PRO_TYPE - Project Type

DPR_PRO_TYPE_C - Project Type

DPR_PRO_TYPE_T - Texts for Project Type

DPR_PRO_TYPE_T_C - Texts for Project Type

DPR_PS_ACT_ELEMENT_FIELDS - PLM PS activity elements related attributes

DPR_PS_ACT_MILESTONE_FIELDS - R/3 PS Activity Milestone attributes

DPR_PS_MILESTONE_FIELDS - PLM PS milestone related attributes

DPR_PS_NETWORK_FIELDS - PLM PS network related attributes

DPR_PS_NET_ACT_FIELDS - PLM PS network activity related attributes

DPR_PS_PROJECT_DATA_INT - SAP PLM PS Project Definition Data

DPR_PS_PROJECT_FIELDS - PLM PS project attributes


DPR_PS_ROLES_INT - The collection of roles that make up the project

DPR_PS_ROLE_HEADER_INT - PS Structure for Activity Elements

DPR_PS_WBS_FIELDS - PLM PS Work breakdown structure related attributes


DPR_R3DMS_TS_CACHE - Cache for Folders (or Documents)

DPR_R3DMS_TS_DOCCONTENT_4_GUID - Row for Binary Doc. Content (such as SDOKCNTBIN but w. GUID)

DPR_R3DMS_TS_DOCUMENT_UI_LIST - R3DMS:Document Display in Table View

DPR_R3DMS_TS_DOC_TYPES - Project Management: DMS Document Type with Description

DPR_R3DMS_TS_DOST_EXT_ID - External Key for Processing Bill of Material Items

DPR_R3DMS_TS_DOST_EXT_ID_ERROR - External Key for Processing Bill of Mat. Items Incl.BAPIRET2

DPR_R3DMS_TS_DPR_OBJLINK_UPD - Corresponds to DPR_OBJLINK with Update Indicator

DPR_R3DMS_TS_DRAW - Structure with Fields for External Key of Document

DPR_R3DMS_TS_DRAW_EXT_ID - Structure with Fields for External Key of Document

DPR_R3DMS_TS_FOLDER - Structure for Folders (or Documents)

DPR_R3DMS_TS_FREE_TEXT_MSG - Messages for CGPL Application Log

DPR_R3DMS_TS_GUID_COLLECTION - Update Information for New Document Links

DPR_R3DMS_TS_OBJLINK - Structure for R3DMS Object Link

DPR_R3DMS_TS_OBJLINK_ERROR - Structure for R3DMS Object Link Incl. BAPIRET2

DPR_R3DMS_TS_OBJTYP_TEXT - Project Management: Texts for Object Categories

DPR_R3DMS_TS_PARENT_DOST_EXTID - Structure with Fields for External Key of Document


DPR_R3DMS_TS_RAW2550 - Structure: Data Blocks for Original Data


DPR_R3DMS_TS_UPPER_ELEMENTS - Superior Project Elements

DPR_RATES - Customizing: Cost/Revenue Rates for Project Roles

DPR_RATES_CALC - Customizing: Mapping of Cost/Revenue Rates for Roles

DPR_RATES_CO - Customizing: Cost/Revenue Rates for Project Roles

DPR_RATES_MAP - Customizing: Validity/Details of Cost/Revenue Rates

DPR_RATES_T - Customizing: Cost/Revenue Rates for Project Roles

DPR_RATES_T_CO - Customizing: Cost/Revenue Rates for Project Roles

DPR_RELATION - Structure for parent-child relations

DPR_ROLE_FUNC - Customizing: Role Functions

DPR_ROLE_FUNC_T - Customizing: Texts for Role Functions

DPR_SCHEDULE_IND - Status of Scheduling Data

DPR_SCX_ACCOUNTING_OBJECT_SET - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_SCX_ACCOUNTING_OBJECT_SET1 - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_SCX_ADDRESS - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_SCX_ADDRESS_COMMUNICATION - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_SCX_ADDRESS_EMAIL - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_SCX_ADDRESS_FACSIMILE - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_SCX_ADDRESS_MOBILE_PHONE - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_SCX_ADDRESS_OFFICE - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_SCX_ADDRESS_TELEPHONE - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_SCX_ADDRESS_WEB - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_SCX_ADR_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_SCX_AMOUNT - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_SCX_AMOUNT_ACC_OBJECT_SET - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_SCX_ATTACHMENT - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_SCX_BTD_ID - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_SCX_BTD_INTERNAL_ID - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_SCX_BTD_ITEM_ID - Proxy Datenelement (generiert)

DPR_SCX_BTD_ITEM_INTERNAL_ID - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_SCX_BTD_REFERENCE - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_SCX_CATALOGUE_ID - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_SCX_CATALOGUE_REFERENCE - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_SCX_CONTACT_PERS_INT_ID - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_SCX_COST_CENTRE_ID - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_SCX_DATE_TIME_PERIOD - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_SCX_DESCRIPTION - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_SCX_EMAIL_ADDRESS - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_SCX_EXCHANGE_FAULT_DATA - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_SCX_EXCHANGE_LOG_DATA - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_SCX_GENERAL_LEDGER_ACC_ID - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_SCX_GEO_COORDINATES - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_SCX_INT_BTD_LOCATION - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_SCX_INT_BTD_PARTY - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_SCX_INT_BTD_PRODUCT - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_SCX_INT_BTD_PRODUCT_CAT - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_SCX_INT_CONTACT_PERSON - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_SCX_LOCATION_INTERNAL_ID - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_SCX_LOCATION_STANDARD_ID - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_SCX_MEASURE - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_SCX_PARTY_INTERNAL_ID - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_SCX_PARTY_STANDARD_ID - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_SCX_PERSON_NAME - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_SCX_PERSON_NAME_AFFIX - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_SCX_PERSON_NAME_FAMILY - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_SCX_PHONE_NUMBER - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_SCX_PRC - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_SCX_PRC_ITEM - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_SCX_PRC_ITEM_PO - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_SCX_PRC_ITEM_PO_ITEM - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_SCX_PRC_MESSAGE - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_SCX_PRICE - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_SCX_PRODUCT_CAT_INT_ID - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_SCX_PRODUCT_INTERNAL_ID - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_SCX_PRODUCT_STANDARD_ID - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_SCX_PROD_CATEGORY_STD_ID - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_SCX_PROJECT_ELEMENT_ASSIGN - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_SCX_PROJECT_ELEMENT_ID - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_SCX_PROJECT_ID - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_SCX_PROJECT_REFERENCE - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_SCX_PR_CONFIRMATION - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_SCX_PR_MESSAGE - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_SCX_PR_REQUEST - Proxy Struktur ( generiert) und

DPR_SCX_PURCHASE_REQUEST - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_SCX_PURCHASE_REQUEST_ITEM - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_SCX_QUANTITY - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_SCX_REGION_CODE - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_SCX_SACK_INFO - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_SCX_SACK_INFORMATION - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_SCX_SACK_INFO_MESSAGE - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_SCX_SACK_ITEM_INFO - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_SCX_SACK_ITEM_PRICE - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_SCX_TAX_JUR_CODE - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_SCX_TS_PR_ITEM_SCHED_LINE - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

DPR_SEARCH_HELP - cProject Search Help Customizing

DPR_SKILL - Qualification Requirements

DPR_SOAP_XMLREQUEST - Proxy Structure (generated)

DPR_SOAP_XMLREQUEST_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (generated)

DPR_SRM_CAT_DEST - Source System for SRM Categories

DPR_SRM_PROD_CA - Table of SRM Product Categories

DPR_SRM_PROD_CAT - Language-Dependent Texts of SRM Product Categories

DPR_TASK - Tasks

DPR_TASK_SES_SEARCH_PARM - Search parameters of Task by search engine

DPR_TIMEPHASED_DATA_TYPE - The definition of the time phased data block.

DPR_TIME_UNITS - Maintenance of Application Time Units

DPR_TOP_LVL_OBJ - Top Level Object Types

DPR_TOP_LVL_OBJT - Text Table for Top-Level Objects

DPR_TSK_TYPE - Task Type

DPR_TSK_TYPE_P - Customizing: Task Type per Project Type

DPR_TSK_TYPE_T - Texts for Task Type

DPR_TS_ALERT_RECIPIENT - Alert Recipient with E-Mail Address, User Name and Language

DPR_TS_ALLOCATION_DERIVED_ATTR - Structure: Determined Assignment Information

DPR_TS_API_ACTIVITY - API: Activity for Authorization Check

DPR_TS_API_APPLICATION - Instance of IF_DPR_PROVIDER (Application-Dependent)

DPR_TS_API_APPROVAL_O - API: Approval Attributes

DPR_TS_API_APPROVAL_O_DATA - API: Approval Attributes


DPR_TS_API_APPROVAL_T - API: Attributes for Approval in Template

DPR_TS_API_APPROVAL_T_DATA - API: Attributes for Approval in Template

DPR_TS_API_APPROVAL_T_KEY - API: Key of Approval in Template

DPR_TS_API_AUTHORIZATION - API: Attributes of Authorization Object

DPR_TS_API_AUTHORIZATION_COM - API: Link Authorization Object / Reference Object

DPR_TS_API_AUTHORIZATION_DATA - API: Attributes of Authorization Object

DPR_TS_API_AUTHORIZATION_KEY - API: Key of Authorization Object

DPR_TS_API_AUTH_ACTIVITY - API: Structure for Activities in Authorization Check

DPR_TS_API_AUTH_ACTIVITY_DATA - API: Attributes for Activities in Authorization Check

DPR_TS_API_AUTH_ACTIVITY_KEY - API: Key for Activities in Authorization Check

DPR_TS_API_AUX_DATES - API: Structure for Bo Node: Additional Dates for Object

DPR_TS_API_AUX_DATES_DATA - API: Attributes for Bo Node: Additional Dates for Object

DPR_TS_API_AUX_DATES_KEY - API: Key for Bo Node: Additional Dates for Object

DPR_TS_API_BUPA - API: Key for Business Partner

DPR_TS_API_BUPA_DATA - API: Attributes of Business Partner

DPR_TS_API_BUPA_DIST - API: Structure of Distribution to BUPA Link

DPR_TS_API_BUPA_DIST_DATA - API: Attributes of Distribution to BUPA Link

DPR_TS_API_BUPA_DIST_KEY - API: Keys of Distribution to BUPA Link

DPR_TS_API_BUPA_FAVO - API: Structure of Candidates for a Role

DPR_TS_API_BUPA_FAVO_DATA - API: Attributes of Candidates for a Role

DPR_TS_API_BUPA_FAVO_KEY - API: Key of Candidates for a Role

DPR_TS_API_BUPA_KEY - API: Key for Business Partner

DPR_TS_API_BUPA_LINK_O - API: Structure of Bupa Links to a Role

DPR_TS_API_BUPA_LINK_O_DATA - API: Attributes of Bupa Links to a Role

DPR_TS_API_BUPA_LINK_O_KEY - API: Key of Bupa Links to a Role

DPR_TS_API_CD_ASSIGN - API: Structure of Change Documents of Task Assignment

DPR_TS_API_CD_ASSIGN_DATA - API: Attributes of Change Documents of Task Assignment

DPR_TS_API_CD_ASSIGN_KEY - API: Key for Change Documents of Task Assignments

DPR_TS_API_CD_AUTH - API: Structure of Change Documents of Authorizations

DPR_TS_API_CD_AUTH_DATA - API: Attributes of Authorization Change Documents

DPR_TS_API_CD_AUTH_KEY - API: Key for Change Documents of Authorizations

DPR_TS_API_CD_CAP_PLAN - API: Structure of Capacity Planning Change Documents

DPR_TS_API_CD_CAP_PLAN_DATA - API: Attributes of Capacity Planning Change Documents

DPR_TS_API_CD_CAP_PLAN_KEY - API: Key for Capacity Planning Change Documents

DPR_TS_API_CD_FIN_PLAN - API: Structure of Financial Planning Change Documents

DPR_TS_API_CD_FIN_PLAN_DATA - API: Attributes of Financial Planning Change Documents

DPR_TS_API_CD_FIN_PLAN_KEY - API: Key for Financial Planning Change Documents

DPR_TS_API_CD_META - API: Structure of Metadata Change Documents

DPR_TS_API_CD_META_DATA - API: Attributes of Metadata Change Documents

DPR_TS_API_CD_META_KEY - API: Key for Metadata Change Documents

DPR_TS_API_CD_OBJ_LINK - API: Structure of Change Documents of Object Links

DPR_TS_API_CD_OBJ_LINK_DATA - API: Attributes of Change Documents of Object Links

DPR_TS_API_CD_OBJ_LINK_KEY - API: Key for Change Documents of Object Links

DPR_TS_API_CD_RES_ASSIGN - API: Structure of Change Documents of Resource Assignment

DPR_TS_API_CD_RES_ASSIGN_DATA - API: Attributes of Change Documents of Resource Assignment

DPR_TS_API_CD_RES_ASSIGN_KEY - API: Key for Change Documents of Resource Assignment

DPR_TS_API_CD_RES_META - API: Structure of Change Documents of Res/Metadata

DPR_TS_API_CD_RES_META_DATA - API: Attributes of Change Documents of Res/Metadata

DPR_TS_API_CD_RES_META_KEY - API: Key for Change Documents of Res/Metadata

DPR_TS_API_CD_RM - API: Structure of Change Documents for Risk Management

DPR_TS_API_CD_RM_DATA - API: Attributes of Change Document for Risk Management

DPR_TS_API_CD_RM_KEY - API: Key for Change Documents of Risk Management

DPR_TS_API_CD_STATUS - API: Structure of Change Documents Status

DPR_TS_API_CD_STATUS_DATA - API: Attributes of Change Documents Status

DPR_TS_API_CD_STATUS_KEY - API: Key for Change Documents Status

DPR_TS_API_CGPL_HIERARCHY - cgpl hierarchy structure for direct DB read

DPR_TS_API_CHECKLIST_O - API: Attributes of Checklist Header

DPR_TS_API_CHECKLIST_O_DATA - API: Checklist Attributes


DPR_TS_API_CHECKLIST_T - API: Structure for Checklist Template

DPR_TS_API_CHECKLIST_T_DATA - API: Attributes of Checklist Template

DPR_TS_API_CHECKLIST_T_KEY - API: Key of Checklist Template

DPR_TS_API_CKLITEM_O - API: Structure for Checklist Item

DPR_TS_API_CKLITEM_O_DATA - API: Attributes of Checklist Item

DPR_TS_API_CKLITEM_O_KEY - API: Key of Checklist Item

DPR_TS_API_CKLITEM_T - API: Structure for Checklist Item in Template

DPR_TS_API_CKLITEM_T_DATA - API: Attributes of Checklist Item in Template

DPR_TS_API_CKLITEM_T_KEY - API: Key of Checklist Item in Template

DPR_TS_API_CKL_REF_O - API: Attributes of Checklist Reference

DPR_TS_API_CKL_REF_O_DATA - API: Attributes of Checklist Reference

DPR_TS_API_CKL_REF_O_KEY - API: Key of Checklist Reference

DPR_TS_API_CNTRL_PLAN_I_O_DATA - API: Attributes for Control Plan Characteristics

DPR_TS_API_CNTRL_PLAN_I_O_KEY - API: Key for Control Plan Characteristics

DPR_TS_API_CNTRL_PLAN_I_T_DATA - API: Attributes for Control Plan Characteristics in Template

DPR_TS_API_CNTRL_PLAN_I_T_KEY - API: Key for Control Plan Characteristics in Template

DPR_TS_API_CNTRL_PLAN_V_DATA_T - API: Attributes for Control Plan Version in a Template

DPR_TS_API_CNTRL_PLAN_V_KEY_T - API: Key for Control Plan Version in a Template

DPR_TS_API_CNTRL_PLAN_V_O - API: Structure for Control Plan Version

DPR_TS_API_CNTRL_PLAN_V_O_DATA - API: Attributes for Control Plan Version

DPR_TS_API_CNTRL_PLAN_V_O_KEY - API: Key for Control Plan Version

DPR_TS_API_CNTRL_PLAN_V_T - API: Structure for Control Plan Version in a Template

DPR_TS_API_COLLABORATION - API: Structure of Collaboration Assignment

DPR_TS_API_COLLABORATION_DATA - API: Attributes of Collaboration Assignment

DPR_TS_API_COLLABORATION_KEY - API: Key of Collaboration Assignment

DPR_TS_API_COLLABORATION_TREE - General Collaboration Tree Information

DPR_TS_API_CONTROL_PLAN_ITEM_O - API: Structure for Control Plan Characteristics

DPR_TS_API_CONTROL_PLAN_ITEM_T - API: Structure for Control Plan Characteristics in Template

DPR_TS_API_CONTROL_PLAN_O - API: Structure of Control Plan Header

DPR_TS_API_CONTROL_PLAN_O_DATA - API: Attributes of Control Plan Header

DPR_TS_API_CONTROL_PLAN_O_KEY - API: Key for Control Plan Header

DPR_TS_API_CONTROL_PLAN_T - API: Structure of Control Plan Template

DPR_TS_API_CONTROL_PLAN_T_DATA - API: Attributes of Control Plan Template

DPR_TS_API_CONTROL_PLAN_T_KEY - API: Key for Control Plan Template

DPR_TS_API_DOCUMENT - API: Structure for Documents

DPR_TS_API_DOCUMENT_DATA - API Attributes for Documents

DPR_TS_API_DOCUMENT_KEY - API: Key for Documents

DPR_TS_API_DOC_CONTENT - API: Structure for Document Content

DPR_TS_API_DOC_CONTENT_DATA - API Attributes for Document Content

DPR_TS_API_DOC_CONTENT_KEY - API: Key for Document Content

DPR_TS_API_DOC_VERSION - API: Structure for Document Version

DPR_TS_API_DOC_VERSION_DATA - API: Attributes of Document Version

DPR_TS_API_DOC_VERSION_KEY - API: Key for Document Version

DPR_TS_API_ENTITY_LINK_O - API: Structure of Entity Links to a Role

DPR_TS_API_ENTITY_LINK_O_DATA - API: Attributes of Entity Links to a Role

DPR_TS_API_ENTITY_LINK_O_KEY - API: Key of Entity Links to a Role

DPR_TS_API_EVA_FAVORITES - API: Structure for Favorites Evaluation

DPR_TS_API_EVA_FAVORITES_DATA - API: Attributes of Favorites Evaluation

DPR_TS_API_EVA_FAVORITES_KEY - API: Key of Favorites Evaluation

DPR_TS_API_EVE_ATTRIBUTES - API: Attributes of Evaluation

DPR_TS_API_EVE_TREE - API: Structure for Node in Evaluation Tree

DPR_TS_API_EXTRACT_INFO - Extract Information

DPR_TS_API_FAVORITES - API: Structure for Favorites List

DPR_TS_API_FAVORITES_DATA - API: Attributes of Favorites


DPR_TS_API_GUID_TASK - Structure for Task (GUID and Reference)

DPR_TS_API_IND_APPROVAL_O - API: Structure for Individual Approval

DPR_TS_API_IND_APPROVAL_O_DATA - API: Attributes of Individual Approval

DPR_TS_API_IND_APPROVAL_O_KEY - API: Key for Individual Approval

DPR_TS_API_IND_APPROVAL_SIGN - Sign Individual Approval

DPR_TS_API_IND_APPROVAL_T - API: Structure of Individual Approval in Template

DPR_TS_API_IND_APPROVAL_T_DATA - API: Attributes of Individual Approval in Template

DPR_TS_API_IND_APPROVAL_T_KEY - API: Key for Individual Approval in Template

DPR_TS_API_INT2EXT_MAP - Field Name Mapping from Back-End for API

DPR_TS_API_LINKED_OBJECT - API: Attributes of Linked Object

DPR_TS_API_LINKED_OBJECT_DATA - API: Attributes of Linked Object


DPR_TS_API_LONGTEXT - API: Attributes of Long Text

DPR_TS_API_LONGTEXT_DATA - API: Attributes of Long Text


DPR_TS_API_MY_TASK - Structure for optimized task retrieval with CDS


DPR_TS_API_NOTE - API: Attributes of Note

DPR_TS_API_NOTE_DATA - API: Attributes of Note


DPR_TS_API_NOTE_QUERY - API: Export Structure for Note Query

DPR_TS_API_OBJECT_LINK - API: Attributes of Object Link

DPR_TS_API_OBJECT_LINK_DATA - API: Attributes of Object Link

DPR_TS_API_OBJECT_LINK_DETAIL - API: Attributes of object link with linked object data


DPR_TS_API_OBJ_CREATE_W_TEMP - API: Structure for Creating an Object with a Template

DPR_TS_API_OBL_ID_FIELDS_VALUE - Structure with Field Descriptions and Values

DPR_TS_API_PARTICIPANT - API: Attributes of a Role


DPR_TS_API_PARTICIPANT_KEY - API: Attributes of a Role

DPR_TS_API_PART_CONF_DATE - API: Confirmation of role by date

DPR_TS_API_PART_CONF_DATE_DATA - API: Role confirmation by Date - Data

DPR_TS_API_PART_CONF_DATE_KEY - API: Role confirmation by Date - Key

DPR_TS_API_PART_DIST - API: Structure of Distribution to Role

DPR_TS_API_PART_DIST_DATA - API: Attributes of Distribution to Role

DPR_TS_API_PART_DIST_KEY - API: Keys of Distribution to Role

DPR_TS_API_PC - API: Approval Attributes

DPR_TS_API_PC_DATA - API: Project Charter Attributes

DPR_TS_API_PC_KEY - API: Project Charter Key

DPR_TS_API_PHASE_O - API: Attributes of a Phase

DPR_TS_API_PHASE_O_DATA - API: Attributes of a Phase


DPR_TS_API_PHASE_T - API: Attributes of a Phase

DPR_TS_API_PHASE_T_DATA - API: Attributes of Phase in Template

DPR_TS_API_PHASE_T_KEY - API: Key of Phase in Template

DPR_TS_API_PROJECT_O - API: Structure of Project Definition

DPR_TS_API_PROJECT_O_DATA - API: Attributes of Project Definition

DPR_TS_API_PROJECT_O_KEY - API: Key of Project Definition

DPR_TS_API_PROJECT_T - API: Structure of Project Template

DPR_TS_API_PROJECT_T_DATA - API: Attributes of Project Template

DPR_TS_API_PROJECT_T_KEY - API: Key of Project Template

DPR_TS_API_PROJ_TO_BE_COMPARED - Information About Projects to Be Compared

DPR_TS_API_PSS_BUPAS_LEAN - PSS: Structure (Lean) for Transferring Business Partners

DPR_TS_API_PSS_BUPA_LINK_O - PSS: Structure of Business Partner Links with a Role

DPR_TS_API_PSS_CALENDAR - PSS: Name-Value Pair Calendar

DPR_TS_API_PSS_CHECKLIST_LEAN - PSS: Structure for Checklists/Checklist Types (Lean)

DPR_TS_API_PSS_CHECKLIST_O - PSS: Checklist Structure

DPR_TS_API_PSS_CHKLITEM_O - PSS: Structure of Checklist Item

DPR_TS_API_PSS_CONSTR_FIN_TYPE - PSS Name-Value Pair Time Constraint - Finish Date

DPR_TS_API_PSS_CONSTR_STA_TYPE - PSS Name-Value Pair Time Constraint - Start Date

DPR_TS_API_PSS_DOCUMENT - PSS: Structure of Document

DPR_TS_API_PSS_EMAIL_FAV_LIST - PSS: Structure of Favorites List (Store Email Recipients)

DPR_TS_API_PSS_EMAIL_TEXT - PSS: Structure of E-Mail Text

DPR_TS_API_PSS_LONGTEXT - PSS: Structure for Transferring Long Text

DPR_TS_API_PSS_MESSAGE - PSS: Structure of Messages

DPR_TS_API_PSS_OBJECT_GUIDTYPE - PSS: Structure with Object GUID and Object Category


DPR_TS_API_PSS_PARTICIPANT_L - PSS: Structure (Lean) for Project Roles

DPR_TS_API_PSS_PATH - PSS: Structure for Transferring a Concatenated Path

DPR_TS_API_PSS_PHASE_O - PSS: Structure of Phase

DPR_TS_API_PSS_PROJECT_O - PSS: Structure of Project Definition

DPR_TS_API_PSS_PROJECT_O_LEAN - PSS: Structure of Project Definition

DPR_TS_API_PSS_PRO_TEMPLATE - PSS Name-Value Pair Project Template

DPR_TS_API_PSS_PRO_TYPE - PSS Name-Value Pair Project Type

DPR_TS_API_PSS_RESPONSIBLE - PSS: Structure for Transferring 1 to n Persons Responsible

DPR_TS_API_PSS_RESULT_CKLITEM - PSS: Name-Value Pair Result Checklist Item

DPR_TS_API_PSS_ROLE_TYPE - PSS Name-Value Pair Role Type

DPR_TS_API_PSS_SHLP_NAME - PSS Name-Value Pair Search Help

DPR_TS_API_PSS_STATUS - PSS: Structure for Transferring a Concatenated Status

DPR_TS_API_PSS_TASK_O - PSS: Structure of Task

DPR_TS_API_PSS_TASK_TYPE - PSS: Structure for Transferring All Task Types

DPR_TS_API_PSS_TIME_UNIT - PSS: Name-Value Pair Time Units

DPR_TS_API_PSS_URL - URL for cProjects

DPR_TS_API_RELATIONSHIP - API: Structure of Relationship Between Tasks

DPR_TS_API_RELATIONSHIP_DATA - API: Attributes of Relationship Between Tasks

DPR_TS_API_RELATIONSHIP_KEY - API: Key of Relationship Between Tasks


DPR_TS_API_RESPONSIBLE - API: Attributes of Person Responsible

DPR_TS_API_RESPONSIBLES - API: Structure with Attributes of Persons Responsible

DPR_TS_API_RESPONSIBLE_DATA - API: Attributes of Person Responsible

DPR_TS_API_RESPONSIBLE_KEY - API: Key for Person Responsible


DPR_TS_API_ROOT_USER - API: Structure for User Settings

DPR_TS_API_ROOT_USER_DATA - API: User-Specific Settings

DPR_TS_API_ROOT_USER_KEY - API: Key of Root Object (User)

DPR_TS_API_SEVERITY - API: Structure for Severities

DPR_TS_API_SEVERITY_AUTO - API: Attributes: Automatic Threshold Value Violation

DPR_TS_API_SEVERITY_AUTO_DATA - API: Attributes of Automatic Threshold Value Violation

DPR_TS_API_SEVERITY_AUTO_KEY - API: Key of Automatic Threshold Value Violation

DPR_TS_API_SEVERITY_DATA - API: Attributes of Severities


DPR_TS_API_SHORTTEXT - API: Structure of Short Text

DPR_TS_API_SHORTTEXT_DATA - API: Attributes of Short Text


DPR_TS_API_SKILL - API: Structures of Qualification Requirement

DPR_TS_API_SKILL_DATA - API: Attributes of Qualification Requirement

DPR_TS_API_SKILL_KEY - API: Key of Qualification Requirement

DPR_TS_API_STAFFING_PROCESS - Set Staffing Manager or Candidate Manager

DPR_TS_API_STATUS - API: Attributes of Status


DPR_TS_API_SUBPROJECT - Data of subproject of a task

DPR_TS_API_SUBSTITUTE - API: Structure for Business Object Substitute Handling

DPR_TS_API_SUBSTITUTES_USER - Projects with Substitutes for a User

DPR_TS_API_SUBSTITUTE_ACO_REF - Reference to ACO Collection of Substitute for a User

DPR_TS_API_SUBSTITUTE_DATA - API: Attributes for Business Object Substitute Handling

DPR_TS_API_SUBSTITUTE_KEY - API: Key for Business Object Substitute


DPR_TS_API_SUBSTITUTE_USER - Substitute Objects for a User

DPR_TS_API_TASK_O - API: Attributes of Task

DPR_TS_API_TASK_O_DATA - API: Attributes of Task


DPR_TS_API_TASK_T - API: Attributes of Task

DPR_TS_API_TASK_T_DATA - API: Attributes of Task in Template

DPR_TS_API_TASK_T_KEY - API: Key of Task in Template

DPR_TS_API_TEMPLATE_2_RFC_DEST - Collaboration: Template for RFC Destination

DPR_TS_API_URL - URL for Project Management call

DPR_TS_API_USER_GROUP - API: Structure for User Group

DPR_TS_API_USER_GROUP_DATA - API: Attributes of User Group

DPR_TS_API_USER_GROUP_KEY - API: Key for BO Node User Group

DPR_TS_API_USER_GRP_FAVORITES - API: Structure for Favorites List

DPR_TS_API_USER_GRP_FAVO_DATA - API: Attributes of User Group Favorites

DPR_TS_API_USER_GRP_FAVO_KEY - API: Key of User Group Favorites

DPR_TS_API_USR_SUBST_RELATION - API: Structure for User - Substitute relation

DPR_TS_API_VERSION_COMPARE - API: Structure for Version Comparison

DPR_TS_API_VERSION_HEADER - API: Attributes of Version Header

DPR_TS_API_VERSION_HEADER_DATA - API: Attributes of Version Header


DPR_TS_API_VRSN_HDR_LTEXT - API: Attributes of Version Header Long Text

DPR_TS_API_VRSN_HDR_LTEXT_DATA - API: Attributes of Version Header Long Text

DPR_TS_API_VRSN_HDR_LTEXT_KEY - API: Key of Version Header Long Text

DPR_TS_API_VRSN_HDR_STEXT - API: Attributes of Version Header Short Text

DPR_TS_API_VRSN_HDR_STEXT_DATA - API: Attributes of Version Header Short Text

DPR_TS_API_VRSN_HDR_STEXT_KEY - API: Key of Version Header Short Text

DPR_TS_APPL_OBJECT_MANAGER - Application Object Manager According to Application

DPR_TS_APPL_OBJECT_W_SORT_NO - Application object with sort number

DPR_TS_APPL_VIEW_FLAGS - Application Views to Be Displayed

DPR_TS_APPROVAL_ADM - Approval Attribute (Administration Data/Internal Data)

DPR_TS_APPROVAL_ATTR - Include for Approval Attribute

DPR_TS_APPROVAL_ATTR_NO_STRING - Include for Approval Attribute Without Strings

DPR_TS_APPROVAL_ATTR_STRING - Include for Approval Attribute with Strings

DPR_TS_APPROVAL_CHG - Modifiable Approval Attributes

DPR_TS_APPROVAL_CONTROL - Approval Management


DPR_TS_APPROVAL_DIS - Non-Modifiable Approval Attributes

DPR_TS_APPROVAL_DOCUMENT - Include for Approval Document

DPR_TS_APPROVAL_DOCUMENT_SIGN - Include for Certifiable Approval Document

DPR_TS_APPROVAL_EXT - Approval Attributes (External)

DPR_TS_APPROVAL_EXTENDED_ATTR - Include for Enhanced Attributes for Approval

DPR_TS_APPROVAL_INT - Approval Attributes (Internal)


DPR_TS_AREA_WITH_TEXT - Area with Text

DPR_TS_ASSIGNMENTS - Buffer for Attribute Assignments


DPR_TS_ATTR_VALUE_SETS - Listbox Value Sets for Attribute Names

DPR_TS_AUDIT_PROXY_EXT_ID - Fields for Internal Audit Key

DPR_TS_AUDIT_PROXY_INT_ID - Fields for Internal Audit Key

DPR_TS_AUTHORITY_INFORMATION - User-Specific Authorizations for Object

DPR_TS_AUTHORIZATION_COMPARE - Authorization Key + Structure for Field Comparison

DPR_TS_AUX_DATES - Additional Dates for Project Element

DPR_TS_AVAILABLE_BUPA - Availability Dates of a BuPa for Target Capacity

DPR_TS_BADI_INSTANCE_BUFFER - BAdI Instances According to Filter Value and BAdI Type

DPR_TS_BADI_INSTANCE_BUFFER2 - BAdI Instances According to Filter Value and BAdI Type

DPR_TS_BADI_OBJ_GANTT_ATTR - Attributes for filter and color control in MPMon Aggregation

DPR_TS_BAPI_AUTH - Structure of Instantiated Object Categories for AUTH-BAPI

DPR_TS_BAPI_AUTH_ACTIVITY - Permitted BAPI and ACO Authorization Activity

DPR_TS_BAPI_BUS_TRANS - Structure of Instantiated Object Category for Bus.Trans BAPI

DPR_TS_BAPI_BUS_TRANSACTION - BAPI and DPR Business Transaction for Object Category

DPR_TS_BAPI_DESCRIPTION_GUID - Long Text with Language and GUID

DPR_TS_BAPI_DESCRIPTION_PART - Structure of Long Text Portions of 255 Characters

DPR_TS_BAPI_DOCU_HIERARCHY - Folder or Document Record in Document Hierarchy

DPR_TS_BAPI_OBTYPE_CHECK - Fields for Reconciling GUID and CGPL Object Category


DPR_TS_BAPI_PROJ_DEF_DETAIL - Project Definition Fields with GUID

DPR_TS_BAPI_RAW_LINE - Proj. Mgmt BAPI: RAW Line of Length 255

DPR_TS_BAPI_SHLP - Structure of Instantiated Search Helps for SHLP-BAPI

DPR_TS_BAPI_STATUS_GUID - Information per Status with GUID (BAPI)



DPR_TS_BP_ENTITY - Structure for Data from View V_DPR_BP_ENTITY

DPR_TS_BUPA_CALENDAR_ID - Availability for a Bupa ( Intervals )

DPR_TS_BUPA_DATA - Business Partner Data

DPR_TS_BUPA_DIST_ADM - Attributes of Distribution to Bupa (Administration Data)

DPR_TS_BUPA_DIST_ADT_DATA - Distribution to BupaLink: Include for Abstract Data Type

DPR_TS_BUPA_DIST_ASGMNT - Distribution to a Bupa Link (Attributes of Assignment)

DPR_TS_BUPA_DIST_ATTR - Attributes of Distribution of a Business Partner Link

DPR_TS_BUPA_DIST_ATTR_NO_TABLE - Attributes of Distribution to BupaLink (Independent of Time)

DPR_TS_BUPA_DIST_ATTR_TABLE - Attributes of Distribution to Bupa Link (Time-Dependent)

DPR_TS_BUPA_DIST_BK - Table Type for Distribution to BuPa Link with Booking Type

DPR_TS_BUPA_DIST_CHG - Distribution in BUPA Link

DPR_TS_BUPA_DIST_DAT - Data for Distribution in BUPA Link

DPR_TS_BUPA_DIST_DATA_REF - Data for Distributing Required Capacity f. Business Partners

DPR_TS_BUPA_DIST_DIS - Distribution in BUPA Link

DPR_TS_BUPA_DIST_EXT - Distribution to Bupa Link (External Attributes)

DPR_TS_BUPA_DIST_INT - Distribution to Bupa Link (Internal Attributes)

DPR_TS_BUPA_DIST_PRT - Data for Distribution in BUPA Link

DPR_TS_BUPA_FAVO_ADM - Attributes of Favorite (Admin./Internal Data)

DPR_TS_BUPA_FAVO_ATTR - Attributes of Favorites List for Roles

DPR_TS_BUPA_FAVO_ATTR_NS - Favorites List Attribute for Roles (Without String)

DPR_TS_BUPA_FAVO_ATTR_S - Favorites List Attribute for Roles (String)

DPR_TS_BUPA_FAVO_CHG - Favorites (Business Partner) of a Role

DPR_TS_BUPA_FAVO_DAT - Data for Favorites of a Role

DPR_TS_BUPA_FAVO_DIS - Favorites (Business Partner) of a Role

DPR_TS_BUPA_FAVO_EXT - Favorites (Business Partner) of a Role

DPR_TS_BUPA_FAVO_EXTENDED_ATTR - Include for Enhanced Attributes: Role Favorites

DPR_TS_BUPA_FAVO_INT - Attributes of Favorites of a Role (Internal)

DPR_TS_BUPA_FAVO_PRT - Data for Favorites of a Role

DPR_TS_BUPA_LINK_ADM - Attributes of Linked Business Partners (Admin./Intern. Data)

DPR_TS_BUPA_LINK_CHG - Attributes of Business Partner Links to a Role

DPR_TS_BUPA_LINK_DAT - Data for Business Partner Link of a Role

DPR_TS_BUPA_LINK_DIS - Attributes of Business Partner Links to a Role

DPR_TS_BUPA_LINK_EXT - Attributes of Business Partner Links to a Role (External)

DPR_TS_BUPA_LINK_INT - Attributes of Entity Links to Role (Internal)

DPR_TS_BUPA_LINK_INTERVALS - Possible Assingment Interval

DPR_TS_BUPA_LINK_PRT - Data for Business Partner Link of a Role

DPR_TS_BUPA_REF_ATTR - Attributes of Business Partner Links to a Role

DPR_TS_BUPA_REF_ATTR_NS - Business Partner Links Attribute with a Role (w/o String)

DPR_TS_BUPA_REF_ATTR_S - Business Partner Links Attribute with a Role (String)

DPR_TS_BUPA_REF_EXTENDED_ATTR - Include for Enhanced Attribute: Business Partner Link

DPR_TS_BUSINESS_OBJECT_KEY - Development Projects: Business Objekts Key (BOR)

DPR_TS_BUTTONGROUP_ITEM - Attribute Structure of Button Group Item

DPR_TS_BU_PARTNER_EXT - Business Partner External Display

DPR_TS_CALC_BUPA_LINK_CO - Costing: Ressources

DPR_TS_CALC_BUPA_LINK_CO_CS - Costing: Ressources

DPR_TS_CALC_PART_CO - Costing: Project Participants/Roles

DPR_TS_CALC_PART_CO_CS - Costing: Project Participants/Roles

DPR_TS_CALC_PART_LINK_CO - Costing: Roles/Resources

DPR_TS_CALC_PART_LINK_CO_CS - Costing: Roles/Resources

DPR_TS_CALC_PROJECT_CO - Costing: Projects

DPR_TS_CALC_PROTOCOL_H - Log for Replication of Cost/Revenue Rates (Header)

DPR_TS_CALC_PROTOCOL_I - Log for Replication of Cost/Revenue Rates (Item)

DPR_TS_CALC_REQUEST_DEBUG - ERP System Acc: Costing Request (Debugging Structure)

DPR_TS_CALC_RESULT_CO - Costing: Results

DPR_TS_CALC_RESULT_CO_CS - Costing: Results

DPR_TS_CALC_TASK_CO - Costing: Tasks

DPR_TS_CALC_TASK_CO_CS - Costing: Tasks

DPR_TS_CALENDAR_ID - Interval for Calendar ID and Hours per Day

DPR_TS_CAPACITY_ALLOCATION - Structure: Assignment Betw. Objects According to Time Frame

DPR_TS_CAPACITY_ALLOC_OBJ - Structure: Assignment Betw. Objects According to Time Frame

DPR_TS_CAPACITY_DATA - Capacity Data (Assignment Requirement/Available Capacity)

DPR_TS_CAPACITY_EXT - Capacity Structure

DPR_TS_CD_ASSIGN - Structure for Assigning Tasks in Change Documents

DPR_TS_CD_ASSIGN_T - Structure for Change Documents of Role/Task Assignments

DPR_TS_CD_AUTH - Structure for Displaying Change Document Authorizations

DPR_TS_CD_CAP_PLAN - Structure for Capacity Planning Values

DPR_TS_CD_FIN_PLAN - Structure for Financial Planning Values

DPR_TS_CD_META - Structure for Metadata Table

DPR_TS_CD_OBJECT_LINK - Structure: Change Document Object Links

DPR_TS_CD_RES_META - Structure for Change Documents Table Resource/Metadata

DPR_TS_CD_STATUS - Structure for Change Documents of Status

DPR_TS_CD_STATUS_C - Change Documents Status + Change Name

DPR_TS_CFX_OBJECT - Link CFX GUID with Instance


DPR_TS_CGPL_DATES_EXT - Date Fields of CGPL in External Display

DPR_TS_CGPL_DATES_INT - Date Field of CGPL in Internal Display

DPR_TS_CHANGE_DOC_DATA - Data for Change Document (Table Name + Old/New)

DPR_TS_CHCKLST_H_EXTENDED_ATTR - Include for Extended Attributes of Checklist Header

DPR_TS_CHCKLST_I_EXTENDED_ATTR - Include for Extended Attributes of Checklist Item

DPR_TS_CHCKLST_R_EXTENDED_ATTR - Include for Extended Attributes of Checklist References

DPR_TS_CHECKITEM_EXT_COMP_EXCL - Checklist Item Attributes (External, not for Comparison)

DPR_TS_CHECKLIST_ADM - Checklist Header Attributes (Admin. Data/Internal Data)

DPR_TS_CHECKLIST_CHG - Modifiable Attributes of Checklist Header


DPR_TS_CHECKLIST_DIS - Non-Modifiable Attributes of Checklist Header

DPR_TS_CHECKLIST_EXT - Checklist Header in External Display

DPR_TS_CHECKLIST_EXT_COMP_EXCL - Checklist Attributes (External, not for Comparison)

DPR_TS_CHECKLIST_HEADER_ATTR - Include for Checklist Header Attributes

DPR_TS_CHECKLIST_IMP - Modifiable Attributes of Checklist Header

DPR_TS_CHECKLIST_INT - Checklist Header in Internal Display

DPR_TS_CHECKLIST_ITEM_ADM - Checklist Item Attributes (Admin. Data/Internal Data)

DPR_TS_CHECKLIST_ITEM_ATTR - Include for Checklist Item Attributes

DPR_TS_CHECKLIST_ITEM_CHG - Modifiable Attributes of Checklist Item


DPR_TS_CHECKLIST_ITEM_DIS - Non-Modifiable Attributes of Checklist Item

DPR_TS_CHECKLIST_ITEM_DTS - Checklist Item Data (Only Attribute and Status)

DPR_TS_CHECKLIST_ITEM_DTS_PRT - Checklist Item Data (Only Attribute and Status)

DPR_TS_CHECKLIST_ITEM_EXT - Checklist Item Attributes (External)

DPR_TS_CHECKLIST_ITEM_EXT_PS - Persistency Structure for Extensibility for Checklist Item

DPR_TS_CHECKLIST_ITEM_EXT_TR - Transient Structure for Extensibility for Checklist Item

DPR_TS_CHECKLIST_ITEM_EXT_X - Change Structure for Extensibility for Checklist Item

DPR_TS_CHECKLIST_ITEM_IMP - Modifiable Attributes of Checklist Item

DPR_TS_CHECKLIST_ITEM_INT - Checklist Item in Internal Display



DPR_TS_CHECKLIST_REFERENCE_ADM - Checklist Reference Attributes (Admin. Data/Internal Data)

DPR_TS_CHECKLIST_REFERENCE_CHG - Modifiable Attributes of Checklist Reference


DPR_TS_CHECKLIST_REFERENCE_DIS - Non-Modifiable Attributes of Checklist Reference

DPR_TS_CHECKLIST_REFERENCE_EXT - Checklist Reference Attributes (External)

DPR_TS_CHECKLIST_REFERENCE_INT - Checklist Reference Attributes (Internal)


DPR_TS_CHECKLIST_REF_ATTR - Include for Checklist Reference Attributes

DPR_TS_CHECKLIST_TEXT - Texts for Checklist

DPR_TS_CHECK_REF_EXT_COMP_EXCL - Checklist Item Attributes (External, not for Comparison)

DPR_TS_CI_FGROUPS_WITH_FIELDS - cPro: Field Groups per Proj. Element of Current Proj. Type

DPR_TS_CI_FGROUPS_WITH_LABEL - cProjects: Field Groups with Language-Dependent Field Label

DPR_TS_CI_FGRP_FLD_ALL_BUF - Assignments of fields to group names for each object type

DPR_TS_CI_FGRP_FLD_BUF - Cust. Fields for Field Groups: Buffer for Obj.Cat/Field Grp

DPR_TS_CI_FGRP_FLD_T - Enhancement of dpr_ci_fgrp_fld to Include Language-Dep. Name

DPR_TS_CI_FIELDS_WITH_LABEL - cProjects: Customer Fields w. Language-Dependent Field Label

DPR_TS_CI_FIELDS_WITH_LABEL_EX - cProjects: Cust. Fields with Language Dep. Label and Tag IDs

DPR_TS_CI_LISTBOX_VALUES - cProjects: Buffer for Content of Dropdown Listboxes

DPR_TS_CI_SHLP_DEFINITIONS - cProjects: Structure for Buffer of Determined Search Helps

DPR_TS_CI_SHOW_FGROUPS - Buffer for Customer Field Display (TRUE/FALSE) per Element

DPR_TS_CI_STR_OTYP - cProjects: Project Elements with Customer Fields

DPR_TS_CI_STR_OTYPT - cProjects: Texts for Obj. Cats (Proj. Element w. Cust.Field)

DPR_TS_CLH_TYPE - Checklist Header Customizing

DPR_TS_CNFL_MESSAGES - Messages raised by Conflict Framework

DPR_TS_CNFL_ROLE_ASSGNMNT_TYPE - Complex Data Type RoleAssignmentType

DPR_TS_COLLABORATION_COMPARE - Collaboration Key + Structure for Field Comparison

DPR_TS_COLLECTED_NOTES - Single Note for a Project Element for Printing

DPR_TS_COLLECTOR_PARAMETERS - Parameter for Controlling DataCollector

DPR_TS_COLL_ADMINISTRATION - Collaboration Folders: Administration Data (for CFX-BAPI)

DPR_TS_COLL_ATTRIBUTE - Structure for Field Attributes

DPR_TS_COLL_CFX_AUTH - Access Authorization for CFX

DPR_TS_COLL_EDMS_CFX_REF - Equivalent of EDMS Model/CFX Model

DPR_TS_COLL_EDMS_W_SUBAPPL - EDMS Documents per Subapplication

DPR_TS_COLL_FIELDNAME - Structure with Field Name

DPR_TS_COLL_FOLDER - cFolders Folder for Collaboration

DPR_TS_COLL_LINK - DPR Application Object Link - Collaboration


DPR_TS_COLL_LINK_ADM - Collaboration Link Attributes (Admin. Dat/Internal Data)

DPR_TS_COLL_LINK_ATTR - Include for Attribute Collaboration Link

DPR_TS_COLL_LINK_ATTR_NO_STRG - Include for Collaboration Link Attribute Without Strings

DPR_TS_COLL_LINK_ATTR_STRG - Include for Collaboration Link Attribute with String

DPR_TS_COLL_LINK_CHG - Modifiable Collaboration Links Attributes

DPR_TS_COLL_LINK_DAT - Collaboration Link Data

DPR_TS_COLL_LINK_DIS - Collaboration Links Non-Modifiable Attributes (External)

DPR_TS_COLL_LINK_EXT - Collaboration Links Attributes (External)

DPR_TS_COLL_LINK_EXT_COMP_EXCL - Attributes of Object Link (External, not for Comparison)

DPR_TS_COLL_LINK_INT - Collaboration Link Attributes (Intern)

DPR_TS_COLL_LINK_PRT - Collaboration Link Data

DPR_TS_COLL_LINK_TEMPLATE_D - Collaboration Links Attributes (External w.Templ.f. Dialog)

DPR_TS_COLL_OBJ - Assignment of Root Node Instance

DPR_TS_COLL_PROXY - Link GUID with Proxy Instance

DPR_TS_COLL_RFCDEST - RFC Destinations for cFolders Systems with Short Text

DPR_TS_COMPARE_FIELD - Structure for Field Comparison with Traffic Light

DPR_TS_COMPARISON_FOR_TABS - Traffic Lights for Version Comparison at Tab Title Level

DPR_TS_CONFLICT_ACTION - Structure for Conflict Action

DPR_TS_CONFLICT_DATA - Data Structure for Conflicts in Conflict Framework

DPR_TS_CONFLICT_RESSOURCE - Ressource Conflict Structure

DPR_TS_CONF_DET - Project Management Confirmation: Detail Fields of Tasks

DPR_TS_CONF_TRANSF_LOG - Project Management Confirmation: Log Structure

DPR_TS_CONSTRAINT_DATA - Data for Date Constraints (Check)

DPR_TS_COPY_LINK - Connection Between New and Old Object

DPR_TS_CO_ATTRIBUTE - ERP System Accounting: Attribute - Name/Value Pair

DPR_TS_CO_ATTRIBUTE_CO - Accounting: Attributes - Name/Value Pair

DPR_TS_CO_CALC_BUPA_LINK - ERP System Accounting: Resource Costing

DPR_TS_CO_CALC_COSTS_MANUAL - ERP System Accounting: Costing - Deviating/Manual Costs

DPR_TS_CO_CALC_PART - ERP System Accounting: Project Participant/Role Costing

DPR_TS_CO_CALC_PART_LINK - ERP System Accounting: Costing for Role Link

DPR_TS_CO_CALC_PROJECT - ERP System Accounting: Project Costing

DPR_TS_CO_CALC_RESULT - ERP System Accounting: Costing Result

DPR_TS_CO_CALC_REVENUE_MANUAL - ERP System Accounting: Costing - Deviating/Manual Revenues

DPR_TS_CO_CALC_TASK - ERP System Accounting: Task Costing

DPR_TS_CPT_EVENT - Identify Control Plan Template (External)

DPR_TS_CP_GENERATED_OBJECTS - Control Plan: Table for Created Objects (BAdI)

DPR_TS_CP_HEADER_ATTR - CP: Links with a Role

DPR_TS_CP_ID_EXT - Project Definition

DPR_TS_CP_ID_GUID_INT - Project Definition with External Id and GUID

DPR_TS_CP_ID_INT - Internal Project Definition

DPR_TS_CP_ITEM_EXTENDED_ATTR - Include for Extended Attributes for Control Plan Item

DPR_TS_CP_ITEM_T - Master Data Table for Control Plan Characteristics

DPR_TS_CP_PLANTS - Plants/subsidiaries

DPR_TS_CP_PROC_STATUS - Include for Processing Status

DPR_TS_CP_PROJECTS - Project Definitions

DPR_TS_CP_QM_CHARACTERISTIC - Control Plan: (Master Inspection Characteristics from QM)

DPR_TS_CP_VERS_EXTENDED_ATTR - Include for Extended Attributes for Control Plan Version

DPR_TS_CREATE_VERSION - Fields for Creating a Version

DPR_TS_CTRLPLAN_H_ADM - Control Plan Attribute Definition (Admin.Data/Internal Data)

DPR_TS_CTRLPLAN_H_ATTR - CP: Links with a Role

DPR_TS_CTRLPLAN_H_CHG - Control Plan Header Attributes (Modifiable)

DPR_TS_CTRLPLAN_H_DAT - Control Plan Data

DPR_TS_CTRLPLAN_H_DIS - Control Plan Def. Attributes (Not Modifiable Externally)

DPR_TS_CTRLPLAN_H_EXT - Control Plan Header Attributes (External)

DPR_TS_CTRLPLAN_H_INT - Control Plan Definition Attributes (Internal)

DPR_TS_CTRLPLAN_I_ADM - Control Plan Element Attributes (Admin./Internal Data)

DPR_TS_CTRLPLAN_I_ATTR - Control Plan: Items

DPR_TS_CTRLPLAN_I_ATTR_NO_STRG - Control Plan Include: Items Without Strings

DPR_TS_CTRLPLAN_I_ATTR_STRG - Control Plan: Include Items with Strings

DPR_TS_CTRLPLAN_I_CHA_VALUES - Control Plan Include: Characteristic Values

DPR_TS_CTRLPLAN_I_CHG - Control Plan Characteristic Attributes (Extern. Modifiable)

DPR_TS_CTRLPLAN_I_DAT - Control Plan Element Data

DPR_TS_CTRLPLAN_I_DIS - Attributes for Control Plan Char.(Not Modifiable Externally)

DPR_TS_CTRLPLAN_I_EXT - Control Plan Characteristics Attributes (External)

DPR_TS_CTRLPLAN_I_INT - Attributes of Characteristic Def. in Control Plan (Internal)

DPR_TS_CTRLPLAN_L_ADM - Attributes of Control Plan Link (Admin./Internal Data)

DPR_TS_CTRLPLAN_L_ATTR - Control Plan: Links with Project

DPR_TS_CTRLPLAN_L_DAT - Control Plan Link Data

DPR_TS_CTRLPLAN_L_DIS - Control Plan Link Data (Not Modifiable Externally)

DPR_TS_CTRLPLAN_L_EXT - Control Plan Data (External)

DPR_TS_CTRLPLAN_L_INT - Control Plan Link Data (Internal)

DPR_TS_CTRLPLAN_L_PRT - Control Plan Link Data

DPR_TS_CTRLPLAN_V - Control Plan: Structure Versions

DPR_TS_CTRLPLAN_V_ADM - Control Plan Version Attributes (Admin./Internal Data)

DPR_TS_CTRLPLAN_V_ATTR - Control Plan: Structure Versions

DPR_TS_CTRLPLAN_V_CHG - Control Plan: Version Attributes (Externally Modifiable)

DPR_TS_CTRLPLAN_V_DAT - Control Plan Version Data

DPR_TS_CTRLPLAN_V_DIS - Control Plan Version Attributes (Not Modifiable Externally)

DPR_TS_CTRLPLAN_V_EXT - Control Plan: Version Attributes (External)

DPR_TS_CTRLPLAN_V_INT - Attributes for Version Definition in Control Plan (Internal)

DPR_TS_CTXT_EXT_CONTAINER - Structure for Context of Extension Container

DPR_TS_CUSTOM_DATA - Customer Data


DPR_TS_CUSTOM_DATA_UPD - Customer Data with Update Indicator

DPR_TS_CUST_EXT_TABC_INPUT - Entry Data for Customer-Defined Tab Page

DPR_TS_DASHBOARD - Structure Type Dashboard (Internal Display)

DPR_TS_DASHBOARD_ATTR - Data Fields of Dashboard

DPR_TS_DASHBOARD_ATTR_ICON - Structure Type Dashboard (External Display with Values)

DPR_TS_DASHBOARD_EXT - Structure Type Dashboard (External Display)

DPR_TS_DASHBOARD_ID - External IDs of Dashboards

DPR_TS_DASHBOARD_TASK_ATTR - Additional task attributes for dashboard My Tasks

DPR_TS_DASHBOARD_TECH - Technical Fields of Dashboard

DPR_TS_DASHBOARD_TXT - Text Fields of Dashboard

DPR_TS_DATE_FL - DPR: Date Fields

DPR_TS_DETAIL_FIELDS - Additional Fields That Can Be Displayed in CATS

DPR_TS_DIST_ADVANCED - Data for Enhanced Distribution Functions

DPR_TS_DIST_STATE - Data for Status of Distribution

DPR_TS_DIST_VAL - Settings for Distribution

DPR_TS_DMS_NODE - Data for a Node in the DMS Document Structure Tree


DPR_TS_DOCUMENT_ADM - Document Attributes (Administration Data/Internal Data)

DPR_TS_DOCUMENT_ATTR - Attributes for Document Assignment

DPR_TS_DOCUMENT_COMPARE - Document Key + Structure f. Field Compar. with Traffic Light



DPR_TS_DOCUMENT_DATA_COMP_EXCL - Document Attributes (External, not for Comparison)

DPR_TS_DOCUMENT_DIS - Non-Modifiable Document Attributes

DPR_TS_DOCUMENT_EXT - Document in External Display

DPR_TS_DOCUMENT_INT - Document Attributes (Internal)


DPR_TS_DOC_FILE_DATA - Document or File Data

DPR_TS_DOC_FILE_DATA_W_CONTENT - Document or File Data

DPR_TS_DOC_NODE - Data for a Node in the Document Structure Tree

DPR_TS_DX_APPLICATION_LOG - DPR: Structure for DX Application Log Context

DPR_TS_DX_CHECKLIST - Excel Upload: Checklist Data

DPR_TS_DX_CHECKLIST_ITEM - Excel Upload: Checklist Item Data

DPR_TS_DX_MESSAGE_CONTEXT - DPR: Structure for DX Message Context

DPR_TS_DX_PHASE - Excel Upload: Phase Data

DPR_TS_DX_PROJECT - Excel Upload: Project Data

DPR_TS_DX_PROJECT_STRUCTURE - Excel Upload: Project Structure

DPR_TS_DX_ROLE - Excel Upload: Role Data

DPR_TS_DX_STAFFING - Excel Upload: Staffing Data

DPR_TS_DX_TASK - Excel Upload: Task Data


DPR_TS_ENTITY_DELTA - Delta table for reloading of CGPL objects

DPR_TS_ENTITY_IMP - Attributes of Entity Links with Role

DPR_TS_ENTITY_LINK_ADM - Entity Link Attributes (Admin./Internal Data)

DPR_TS_ENTITY_LINK_CHG - Attributes of Entity Links with Role

DPR_TS_ENTITY_LINK_DAT - Data for Entity Link of a Role

DPR_TS_ENTITY_LINK_DIS - Attributes of Entity Links with Role

DPR_TS_ENTITY_LINK_EXT - Attributes of Entity Link to Role (External)

DPR_TS_ENTITY_LINK_INT - Attributes of Entity Links to Role (Internal)

DPR_TS_ENTITY_LINK_PRT - Data for Entity Link of a Role

DPR_TS_ENTITY_REF_ATTR - Attributes of Entity Links with Role

DPR_TS_ENTITY_REF_ATTR_NS - Attribute of Entity Links with a Role (No String)

DPR_TS_ENTITY_REF_ATTR_S - Attribute of Entity Links with a Role (String)

DPR_TS_ENTITY_TIMESTAMP - Timestamps of Entities

DPR_TS_ENTT_REF_EXTENDED_ATTR - Include for Enhances Attributes: Entity Link

DPR_TS_ERROR_LOG - Row for log

DPR_TS_EVAL_CUST_ATTRIBUTES - Customizing Attributes for Project Type Evaluations

DPR_TS_EXTENSION - Poject Management Excention displayed as a tabstrip

DPR_TS_EXTENSION_TABSTRIP - Project Mgmt. Excention displayed as a tabstrip

DPR_TS_EXTERNAL_ID - Structure for External ID of Entities (GUID and External ID)

DPR_TS_EXTERNAL_ID_TEXT - Structure for External ID and Short Text of Entities

DPR_TS_EXTID_SELECT_OPTIONS - Structure for Select Options for External ID

DPR_TS_EXTRACTION_LOG_DPO - Row for Project Extraction of Log Output


DPR_TS_FAVOURITES - Favorites Selected by User

DPR_TS_FAVOURITES_D - Display Structure for Favorites Lists





DPR_TS_FC_ASSO_PROPERTIES - Association Property

DPR_TS_FC_CONDITIONS - Conditions for Field Control


DPR_TS_FC_MAP - Field Control: Map Internal Fields to External Fields

DPR_TS_FC_MAP_NEW - Field Control: Map Internal Fields to External Fields (New)


DPR_TS_FC_PROPERTY_EXT - Field Properties in List Display

DPR_TS_FC_UI - General UI Description (Attributes)

DPR_TS_FIELD_MAP - Mapping of BPS Object field to PPM object field

DPR_TS_FILTER - Structure with Reference to Filter

DPR_TS_FILTERS - Structure with Reference to CL_DPR_FILTERS

DPR_TS_FILTER_ATTR - Structure with Filter Conditions for Attribute Filter

DPR_TS_FILTER_EXTENDED_ATTR - Filter Conditions in Table View: Extended Attributes

DPR_TS_FILTER_HIER - Structure with Filter Conditions for Hierarchical Filter

DPR_TS_FILTER_SELOPT - Structure with Selection Options for Attribute Filter

DPR_TS_FIN_CALC_RESULT - Proj. Mgmt Accounting Integration: Costing Results

DPR_TS_FIN_GECCO_ACC_ASSIGNMNT - ERP System Acc.: Account Assignment for an External Object

DPR_TS_FIN_GECCO_CALC_RESULT - ERP System Accounting: Costing Result with User and Date

DPR_TS_FIN_GECCO_COMMON_CATS - General Data for CATS/CO Transfer

DPR_TS_FIN_GECCO_MESSAGE - Accounting Integration with Gecco: Message

DPR_TS_FIN_GECCO_MESSAGE_BADI - Acc. Integration with GECCO: Message for BAdI with Object

DPR_TS_FIN_GECCO_PROJ_ELEMENT - ERP System Acc.: Proj. Mgmt Project Element for Calling BAdI

DPR_TS_FIN_INT_SCENARIO - Accounting Integration Scenario

DPR_TS_FIN_XML_PERSISTENCY_DB - Futher DB Fields for XML Persistence Table

DPR_TS_FIN_XML_PERS_DB - Futher DB Fields for XML Persistence Table

DPR_TS_FIN_XML_PERS_DB_ADMIN - XML Persistence: Administration Fields

DPR_TS_FIN_XML_PERS_DB_KEY - DB Key Fields for XML Persistence Table

DPR_TS_FIN_XML_PERS_DB_UPDATE - XML Persistence: Structure with Update Data

DPR_TS_FORM_ADDRESS_DATA - Address and User Data for Project

DPR_TS_FORM_BUPA_DATA - Enhanced Data for Business Partner for Project Printing

DPR_TS_FORM_CTRLPLAN_TEXTS - Texts from Customizing for Control Plan Element

DPR_TS_FORM_ELEMENT - Structure with Reference to Form Element

DPR_TS_FORM_ELEMENT_PATH - Level of Form Element Path (with Data)

DPR_TS_FORM_IMAGE_DATA - Image Data for Form Processing

DPR_TS_FORM_MODEL - Structure with Reference to Form Model


DPR_TS_FORM_OPTION - Options (Name/Value Pair)

DPR_TS_FORM_OPTION_CLASS - Option (Name/Class Name)


DPR_TS_FORM_OPTION_VALUE - Option (Value/Text Pair)

DPR_TS_FORM_TITLE_DATA - Object header data

DPR_TS_FREEDAYS - Non-Working Days per Factory Calendar

DPR_TS_GEODATA_LOCATION - Geodata of Location

DPR_TS_GUID - GUID Structure

DPR_TS_GUIDS_PATH_NON_SORTED - Line of the table GUID/Superior GUIDs

DPR_TS_GUID_APPENDAGE - Structure for Application Obj. (Appendage) (GUID + Referenz)

DPR_TS_GUID_APPL_OBJECT - Structure for Application Object (GUID and Reference)

DPR_TS_GUID_APPROVAL - Approval Structure (GUID and Reference)


DPR_TS_GUID_CHECKLIST - Structure for Checklist (GUID and Reference)

DPR_TS_GUID_CHECKLIST_ITEM - Structure for Checklist Item (GUID and Reference)

DPR_TS_GUID_CHECKLIST_REF - Structure for Checklist Reference (GUID and Reference)

DPR_TS_GUID_CHECKLIST_TEMPL - Structure for Checklist Template (GUID and Reference)

DPR_TS_GUID_COLLABORATION - Structure for Collaboration (GUID and Reference)

DPR_TS_GUID_CONTROL_PLAN - Structure for (Abstract) Control Plan (GUID and Reference)

DPR_TS_GUID_CONTROL_PLAN_O - Structure for Control Plan (GUID and Reference)

DPR_TS_GUID_CONTROL_PLAN_T - Structure for Control Plan Template (GUID and Reference)


DPR_TS_GUID_CP - Structure for (Abstract) Control Plan (GUID and Reference)

DPR_TS_GUID_CP_DEF - Structure for Control Plan Definition (GUID and Reference)

DPR_TS_GUID_CP_TEMPLATE - Structure for Control Plan Template (GUID and Reference)

DPR_TS_GUID_DATA - Structure with GUID and Data Reference

DPR_TS_GUID_DOCUMENT - Structure for Document (GUID and Reference)

DPR_TS_GUID_ENTITY - Structure for Application Object (Entity) (GUID + Reference)

DPR_TS_GUID_EXT - Structure with External GUID (32 CHAR)


DPR_TS_GUID_IND_APPROVAL - Individual Approval Structure (GUID and Reference)

DPR_TS_GUID_OBJECT_LINK - Structure for Object Link (GUID and Reference)

DPR_TS_GUID_PARTICIPANT - Structure for Project Participant(s) (GUID and Reference)

DPR_TS_GUID_PHASE - Structure for Phase (GUID and Reference)

DPR_TS_GUID_PROJECT - Structure for (Abstract) Project (GUID and Reference)

DPR_TS_GUID_PROJECT_DEF - Structure for Project Definition (GUID and Reference)

DPR_TS_GUID_PROJECT_TEMPLATE - Structure for Project Template (GUID and Reference)

DPR_TS_GUID_PROJECT_TYPE - Structure for GUID and Project Type

DPR_TS_GUID_SORT_NUMBER - Sort number of an entity (represented by its GUID)

DPR_TS_GUID_TASK - Structure for Task (GUID and Reference)


DPR_TS_GUID_W_OTYPE - GUID with Corresponding Object Type

DPR_TS_GUID_W_OTYPE_EXT - GUID with Corresponding Object Type (ext)

DPR_TS_HAS_AUTHORITY_PTYPE - buffer for has authority for project type

DPR_TS_HAS_AUTHORIZATION - buffer authorization for activity

DPR_TS_IAOM_ACCOUNT_ASSIGNMENT - ERP System Acc.: Account Assignment for an External Object

DPR_TS_IAOM_ACCOUNT_REQUEST - ERP System Accounting: Account Assignment Request

DPR_TS_IAOM_ACC_REQUEST_DEBUG - ERP System Acc: Accounting Requirement (Debugging Structure)

DPR_TS_IAOM_ADD_ACC_INFO - ERP System Acc.: Additional Account Assignment Information

DPR_TS_IAOM_ADD_FOR_FETCH_ACC - ERP System Acc.: Extras for Account Assignment Determination

DPR_TS_IAOM_DESCRIPTION_OF_OBJ - ERP System Accounting: Object Description

DPR_TS_IAOM_GUID_OBJNR - Proj. Mgmt GUID and Assigned Account Assignment Object

DPR_TS_IAOM_MESSAGE - ERP System Accounting: Message

DPR_TS_IAOM_OBJECT_ATTRIBUTE - ERP System Acc.: Characteristic of a Controlling Object

DPR_TS_IAOM_RESULT_OF_REQUEST - ERP System Acc.: Result of Calling Account Assignmt Manager

DPR_TS_IAOM_SUB_OBJECT_ATTRIBU - ERP System Accounting: Charac. for Identifying Subobject

DPR_TS_INCORRECT_FIELD - Incorrect Fields Including Incorrect and Old Value

DPR_TS_INDIVIDUAL_APPROVAL_ADM - Individual Approval Attributes (Admin. Data/Internal Data)

DPR_TS_INDIVIDUAL_APPROVAL_CHG - Modifiable Individual Approval Attributes


DPR_TS_INDIVIDUAL_APPROVAL_DIS - Non-Modifiable Individual Approval Attributes

DPR_TS_INDIVIDUAL_APPROVAL_EXT - Individual Approval Attributes (External)

DPR_TS_INDIVIDUAL_APPROVAL_INT - Individual Approval Attributes (Internal)


DPR_TS_IND_APPROVAL_ATTR - Include for Individual Approval Attributes

DPR_TS_IND_APPROVAL_ATTR_NSTRG - Attribute for Individual Approval Without Strings (w/o Sig.)

DPR_TS_IND_APPROVAL_ATTR_STRG - Attribute for Ind. Approval with Strings(w/o Signature Data)

DPR_TS_IND_APPR_EXTENDED_ATTR - Include for Enhanced Attributes for Individual Approval

DPR_TS_INTEGRATION_PARAMETERS - Project Integration Parameters

DPR_TS_INT_AUTHORIZATION - Authorization for project


DPR_TS_INT_PROJ_ROLE_DIST - Distribution of role demand data

DPR_TS_INT_RESMAN_DIST - Single Distribution Information for Resource Management Data

DPR_TS_INT_RES_ASSIGN_DIST - Distribution of role demand data

DPR_TS_INT_RES_MAN_DIST - Resource Management Distribution Data

DPR_TS_INT_STAKEHOLDER - Authorization for project

DPR_TS_INT_TEXT - Structure for entity texts

DPR_TS_INVALID_ATTRIBUTES - Invalid Fields in Object Attributes

DPR_TS_INVALID_EXT_ATTRIBUTES - Invalid Fields in Extended Attributes

DPR_TS_IO_LIST - BAPI Structure IO Element List

DPR_TS_ITERATOR - Structure with Reference to Iterator

DPR_TS_ITERATOR_ELEMENT - Structure with Reference to Iteratable Element

DPR_TS_KEY_VALUE_MENU_LIST - BADI - Menu items for the selected element in Gantt

DPR_TS_KEY_WITH_VALUE - Key (132) with Value (132)

DPR_TS_LANGU - Language Supported in Project Management

DPR_TS_LANGU_WITH_TEXT - Language Supported in Proj. Mgmt. with Language-Depend. Text


DPR_TS_LOCATION_AREA - Location and Area with Text

DPR_TS_LOCATION_WITH_TEXT - Location with Text

DPR_TS_LOCATOR_DATA - External Element Key Data of Locator



DPR_TS_MAIN_FILE_DAT_COMP_EXCL - Document Attributes (External, not for Comparison)

DPR_TS_MAP_BO_INT_EXT - Structure Combination Mapping BO Internal<->External Fields

DPR_TS_MAP_BUPA_AVAILABILITY - Assignment of Bupa_Guid and Bupa_Availability Reference

DPR_TS_MASKED_BP - structure to buffer for masked business partners

DPR_TS_MEMBER - Project Team Member

DPR_TS_MESSAGE_HEADER - Notification Header

DPR_TS_METADATA_COMPARE - Metadata: Structure for Field Comparison with Traffic Light

DPR_TS_MPM_ASSIGNED_PHASES - Assignment of Program Phase GUID to Project Phase GUID

DPR_TS_MPM_ASSIGNED_TASKS - Assigned Task (MPM Mirrored/Master Task)


DPR_TS_MSPS_EXT - Project Definition

DPR_TS_MSPS_ID_EXT - Project Definition

DPR_TS_MSPS_ID_INT - internal Project Definition

DPR_TS_MSPS_PROJECTS - Project Definitions

DPR_TS_MSP_EXT_ATTR_DETAILS - Structure for extended attributes field name and field id

DPR_TS_MSP_TASK_PREDECESSOR - MS Project Task Predecessor Link

DPR_TS_MTA_DATA_OF_SNAP - Data for MTA analysis

DPR_TS_MY_OBJECTS_REF - Structure for References to CL_DPR_MY_OBJECTS

DPR_TS_NAME - Name Structure


DPR_TS_NODE_FC_UI - Context: Field Control Information per Node

DPR_TS_NODE_LINK - Old - New Assignment for CGPL Nodes

DPR_TS_NOTE_EXT - Note Structure for use in external applications

DPR_TS_NOTE_EXT_API - Note Structure for use in external applications

DPR_TS_NO_WORKDAYS_PER_PERIOD - Puffer Arbeitstage pro Periode


DPR_TS_OBJECT_LINK_ADM - Object Link Attributes (Admin./Internal Data)

DPR_TS_OBJECT_LINK_COMPARE - Object Link Key + Structure for Field Comparison with

DPR_TS_OBJECT_TYPE - Object Type with Description

DPR_TS_OBJECT_TYPE_TEXT - Object specific Element Type Texts (Pro Type Text,...)

DPR_TS_OBJLINK - External Structure + Reference

DPR_TS_OBJLINK_ATTR - Include Structure: Object Link Attributes

DPR_TS_OBJLINK_ATTR_NO_STRING - Object Link Attribute Without Strings

DPR_TS_OBJLINK_ATTR_STR2CHAR - Attributes Object Link with Strings (Converted into Characs)

DPR_TS_OBJLINK_ATTR_STRING - Object Link Attribute with Strings

DPR_TS_OBJLINK_DAT - Object Link Data

DPR_TS_OBJLINK_DETAIL - Object link with linked object data

DPR_TS_OBJLINK_EXT - Object Link Attributes (External)

DPR_TS_OBJLINK_EXT_COMP_EXCL - Attributes of Object Link (External, not for Comparison)

DPR_TS_OBJLINK_PRT - Object Link Data


DPR_TS_OBJ_EVENT - Identification of Object

DPR_TS_OBJ_EVENT_CREATE - Project Management create fields for OBN

DPR_TS_OBJ_EVENT_CREATE_STRING - PM create fields for OBN - string fields for UTF-8 conv

DPR_TS_OBJ_EVENT_OBN - Identification of Object

DPR_TS_OBJ_FC_UI - Objects with Field Control

DPR_TS_OBJ_RESPONSIBLE_DATA - Object-Dependent Responsible Data

DPR_TS_OBL_FIELD_DEF - Field Description

DPR_TS_OBL_GROUPING - Group of Object Types with Name

DPR_TS_OBL_LINKS - Object Link - Structure with Logsys and Description

DPR_TS_OBL_OBJECT_TYPE - Object Link - Structure with Object Type and Description

DPR_TS_OBL_OOL - Operative Object Link

DPR_TS_OBL_SEARCH_CRITERIUM - Structure for Criteria of Search for Linked Objects

DPR_TS_OBL_SEARCH_RESULT - Structure for Results of Search for Linked Objects

DPR_TS_OLMPM_INT_ID - Fields for Internal Key of Linked Project Element

DPR_TS_OLR3_IAOM_DESC - Field for Description of Generic Cost Collector

DPR_TS_OLR3_IAOM_EXT_ID - Fields: External Key of Generic Cost Collector

DPR_TS_OLR3_IAOM_INT_ID - Fields: Internal Key of Generic Cost Collector

DPR_TS_OLSRM_SC_EXT_ID - Fields for Internal Key of Linked Project Element

DPR_TS_OLSRM_SC_INT_ID - Fields for Internal Key of Linked Project Element

DPR_TS_ORG_RELATION - Relationship Between Organizational Units and Validity

DPR_TS_PART - All Role Attributes

DPR_TS_PARTICIPANT - Participant guid

DPR_TS_PARTICIPANT_ADM - Project Participant Attributes (Admin./Internal Data)

DPR_TS_PARTNER_SORT - Partner Information with Sort number

DPR_TS_PART_ATTR - Role Attributes

DPR_TS_PART_CHG - Role Attributes

DPR_TS_PART_COPY - Role Attributes (External)

DPR_TS_PART_DAT - Project Participant Data

DPR_TS_PART_DIS - Role Attributes

DPR_TS_PART_DIST_ADM - Attributes of Distributing to the Role (Admin. Data)

DPR_TS_PART_DIST_ADT_DATA - Distribution of a Role: Include for Abstract Data Type

DPR_TS_PART_DIST_ASGMNT - Distribution of Role (Attributes of Assignment)

DPR_TS_PART_DIST_ATTR - Attributes for Distributing a Role

DPR_TS_PART_DIST_ATTR_NO_TABLE - Attributes for Distributing a Role (Independent of Time)

DPR_TS_PART_DIST_ATTR_TABLE - Attributes for Distributing a Role (Time-Dependent)

DPR_TS_PART_DIST_CHG - Distribution of Role

DPR_TS_PART_DIST_DAT - Data for Distribution of Role

DPR_TS_PART_DIST_DIS - Distribution of Role

DPR_TS_PART_DIST_EXT - Distribution of Role (External Attributes)

DPR_TS_PART_DIST_INT - Distribution of Role (Internal Attributes)

DPR_TS_PART_DIST_PRT - Data for Distribution of Role

DPR_TS_PART_EXT - Role Attributes (External)

DPR_TS_PART_EXTENDED_ATTR - Include for Enhanced Attribute: Role (Participant)

DPR_TS_PART_IMP - Modifiable Role Attributes

DPR_TS_PART_INT - Role Attributes (Internal)

DPR_TS_PART_PRT - Project Participant Data

DPR_TS_PC_ADM - Attributes of Project Charter (Administrative/Internal Data)

DPR_TS_PC_ATTR - Include for Project Charter Attributes

DPR_TS_PC_CHG - Changeable Project Charter Attributes

DPR_TS_PC_DIS - Project Charter Display Attributes

DPR_TS_PC_EXT - Project Charter Attributes (External)

DPR_TS_PC_INT - Project Charter Attributes (Internal)

DPR_TS_PERIOD - Structure: Period

DPR_TS_PERIOD_AVAILABILITY - Availability Dates of a Resource in a Time Frame

DPR_TS_PERIOD_AVAIL_BUPA - Availability Information for Business Partner in Periods

DPR_TS_PERIOD_TYPE - Period Type of Distribution

DPR_TS_PHASE_ADM - Phase Attributes (Administration Data/Internal Data)

DPR_TS_PHASE_ATTR - Include for Phase Attributes

DPR_TS_PHASE_CHG - Modifiable Phase Attributes


DPR_TS_PHASE_DIS - Non-Modifiable Phase Attributes

DPR_TS_PHASE_EXT - Phase in External Display

DPR_TS_PHASE_EXTENDED_ATTR - Include for Extended Attributes of Phase

DPR_TS_PHASE_EXT_COMP_EXCL - Task Attributes (External, not for Comparison)

DPR_TS_PHASE_IMG - Modifiable Phase Attributes

DPR_TS_PHASE_IMP - Modifiable Phase Attributes

DPR_TS_PHASE_INT - Phase Attributes (Internal)


DPR_TS_PLAC_CONF - Planned and Actual Data for a Task or a Role

DPR_TS_PLAN_ATTR - Project Planning: Resources, Task Assign. Include Structure

DPR_TS_PREDEC_SUCC - Predecessor and Successor of a Rel. as DPR_TASK References

DPR_TS_PRINT_NOTES_DAT - Data for Note to Be Printed

DPR_TS_PRIORITY_WITH_TEXT - Priority with Text

DPR_TS_PROC_STATUS - Include for Processing Status

DPR_TS_PROC_STATUS_OWN_RANGE - Range Object Processing Status

DPR_TS_PROD_CAT_WITH_TEXT - SRM Product Categories with Text

DPR_TS_PROFICIENCY - Proficiency Scale, ID, and Text

DPR_TS_PROGPHASE_ASSIGNMENT - Assignment of Program Phase - Phase of an Assigned Project

DPR_TS_PROGR_ASSIGNED_OBJECTS - Program: Assigned Projects/Programs or Phases

DPR_TS_PROJECT_ADM - Project Definition Attributes (Admin. Data/Internal Data)

DPR_TS_PROJECT_ATTR - Include for Project Definition Attributes

DPR_TS_PROJECT_CHG - Modifiable Project Definition Attributes

DPR_TS_PROJECT_COMMENTS - Project data - Comments


DPR_TS_PROJECT_DAT_FLAT - Project Data in List Form

DPR_TS_PROJECT_DIS - Non-Modifiable Project Definition Attributes

DPR_TS_PROJECT_EXT - Project Definition Attributes (External)

DPR_TS_PROJECT_EXTENDED_ATTR - Include for Extended Attributes of Project Definition

DPR_TS_PROJECT_EXT_COMP_EXCL - Project Attributes (External, not for Comparison)

DPR_TS_PROJECT_ID_RANGE - Range Table for Project ID

DPR_TS_PROJECT_IMP - Modifiable Project Definition Attributes

DPR_TS_PROJECT_INT - Project Definition Attributes (Internal)

DPR_TS_PROJECT_MEMBER - Project Member in a Project

DPR_TS_PROJECT_PROXY_EXT_ID - Fields for Project Defintion Internal Key

DPR_TS_PROJECT_PROXY_INT_ID - Fields for Project Defintion Internal Key

DPR_TS_PROJECT_PROXY_SHLP_FLDS - Search Help Field for Project As Object Link


DPR_TS_PROJECT_TYPE_RANGE - Range Table for Project Type

DPR_TS_PROJ_CONF - Project based Confirmation Data for Objects

DPR_TS_PROJ_CONF_SORT - Project based Confirmation Data for Objects with sort info

DPR_TS_PROJ_DIST_DATA - Period Category and Distribution Unit of a Project Instance

DPR_TS_PRO_INVOLVEMENT - EoP: Business Partner Invovement

DPR_TS_PRO_TYPE - Project Types

DPR_TS_PSR_COMMENTS - Comment for Status Report

DPR_TS_PSR_CONTROLLER_INSTANCE - Controller Instances for Project Status Report

DPR_TS_PSR_RECIPIENT - Recipient Status Report

DPR_TS_PSS_POWL_CHKLI - PSS: Structure for Checklists and Open Items in the POWL

DPR_TS_PSS_POWL_KPI - PSS: Structure for Project KPIs in the POWL

DPR_TS_PSS_POWL_PRJ - PSS: Structure for Projects in the POWL

DPR_TS_PSS_POWL_PRJ_NOACCASSGN - PSS: Structure for Projects in POWL Controlling

DPR_TS_PSS_POWL_SETTINGS - Settings for POWL for cProjects

DPR_TS_PSS_POWL_TSK - PSS: Structure for Tasks in the POWL

DPR_TS_PS_ACT_MILESTONE_INT - PS Milestones under Network Activity


DPR_TS_PS_NAE_INT - PS Network Activity Element with assignments

DPR_TS_PS_NA_INT - Network Activity with task role assignment


DPR_TS_PS_NET_ACT_INT - PS Network Activity Structure

DPR_TS_PS_ROLERES_ASSGN_INT - Complex Data Type ResourceAssignmentType from XML Procedure



DPR_TS_PS_WBS_ELEMENT_EXP - BAPI Structure WBS Elements (Export)


DPR_TS_PS_WBS_HIERARCHY - BAPI transfer structure: WBS hierarchy

DPR_TS_PTC_FU_STATE - Status of Popup for Saving


DPR_TS_QUERY_OPTIONS - Proj. Mgmt API: Query Options

DPR_TS_QUERY_OPTIONS_COMM - Proj. Mgmt API: Query Options




DPR_TS_RANGE_YEAR - RANGES Structure for Fiscal Year (GJAHR)

DPR_TS_RATES - Structure: Cost/Revenue Rates for Project Roles

DPR_TS_RATES_CALC_CO_CS - Customizing: Mapping of Cost/Revenue Rates for Roles

DPR_TS_RATES_CALC_CS - Customizing: Mapping of Cost/Revenue Rates for Roles

DPR_TS_RATES_INDX_RATES - Index for Cost-/Revenue rates table

DPR_TS_RATES_MAP_CO - Customizing: Validity of Cost/Revenue Rate for Roles

DPR_TS_RATES_MAP_CO_CS - Customizing: Validity of Cost/Revenue Rate for Roles

DPR_TS_RATES_TO_ORGUNIT_ID - Buffer Cost-/Revenue Rates assigned to OrgUnits

DPR_TS_RELATE_ALLOCATION - Structure: Relationship Attributes

DPR_TS_RELATE_ALLOCATION_ATTR - Structure: Assignment Betw. Objects According to Time Frame

DPR_TS_RELATE_ALLOC_WITH_ENDDA - Relationship Attributes with Finish Date

DPR_TS_RELATION - Relationship Structure

DPR_TS_RELATIONSHIP_CHG - Modifiable Relationship Attributes

DPR_TS_RELATIONSHIP_DIS - Non-Modifiable Relationship Attributes

DPR_TS_RELATIONSHIP_EXT - Relationship in External Display

DPR_TS_REL_DAY_WEEK - Buffer for day - week assignment

DPR_TS_REL_PERIOD_NEXT_PERIOD - Buffer for current period - next period assignment

DPR_TS_REPLACE_OBJ_DETAIL - Object details for User/Bupa replacement

DPR_TS_RESOURCE_DATES_EXT - Date Fields of Roles, Entity and Link to External Display

DPR_TS_RESOURCE_DATES_INT - Date Fields of Roles, Entity and Link to Internal Display

DPR_TS_RESPONSIBLE_DAT - Data for Responsible Resources of an Object

DPR_TS_RESP_GUID - Relationship between project and responsible partner

DPR_TS_RESP_ORGANIZATION_RANGE - PPM: Ranges - Organization Responsible

DPR_TS_RESP_ORG_KEY - Key Combination for Responsible Organization

DPR_TS_RESP_ORG_TEXT - ID and Description of Reponsible Organization

DPR_TS_RESULT_SHLP_RESPONSIBLE - Fields for Results List for Person Responsible Search

DPR_TS_RES_ENTITY_IMP - Attributes of Business Partner Links to a Role

DPR_TS_RES_SRCH_CUST - Cust.Struc. for Search Crit. for Resource Search (f. Enhcmt)

DPR_TS_RES_SRCH_GEN_SEL - Criteria with General Data for a Resource Search

DPR_TS_RLTYP_AUGRP - BP Role and Authorization Group


DPR_TS_ROLE_IMP - Project Management role related attributes

DPR_TS_ROLE_RATES - Attributes of Cost and Revenue Rate of a Role

DPR_TS_ROLE_STAFF_PERIOD - Role and Staffing Data in Periods



DPR_TS_SCHEDULE_IND - Structure: Status of Scheduling Data

DPR_TS_SCHEDULE_IND_OF_PROJ - Status of Scheduling Data for All Elements in a Project

DPR_TS_SCHEDULING_OBJECT - Structure for Object with Scheduling Function

DPR_TS_SC_ATTR - Internal Attributes of a Shopping Cart Without Key Fields

DPR_TS_SC_EXT - External Fields of a Shopping Cart

DPR_TS_SC_INT - Internal Fields of a Shopping Cart


DPR_TS_SC_I_ATTR - Internal Attributes of Shopping Cart Item Without Key Fields

DPR_TS_SC_I_EXT - External Fields of a Shopping Cart Item

DPR_TS_SC_I_INT - Internal Fields of a Shopping Cart Item

DPR_TS_SC_PO - Structure for SRM Purch.Order and Purch.Order Item for S.C.

DPR_TS_SC_UI - Shopping Cart Data for UI

DPR_TS_SEARCH_FIELDS_CHKLIST - Fields for Checklist Header Search (per Visitor)

DPR_TS_SEARCH_FIELDS_CHKLIST_I - Fields for Checklist Item Search (per Visitor)

DPR_TS_SEARCH_FIELDS_CHKL_REF - Fields for Checklist Header Search (per Visitor)

DPR_TS_SEARCH_FIELDS_DOCUMENT - Fields for Document Search (per Visitor)

DPR_TS_SEARCH_FIELDS_PHASE - Fields for Phase Search (per Visitor)

DPR_TS_SEARCH_FIELDS_TASK - Field for Task Search (per Visitor)

DPR_TS_SELECTION_PARAMETER - Structure for Describing Selections



DPR_TS_SHLP_CGPL_ENTITY_TEXT - Field String for Search Helps by Text

DPR_TS_SHLP_ENTITY_TEXT - Field String for Search Helps by Text

DPR_TS_SHLP_PHASE - Field string for search helps of phase

DPR_TS_SHLP_PHASE_TEXT - Field string for search helps of phase text

DPR_TS_SHLP_PHA_STAT - Field string for search helps of phase status

DPR_TS_SHLP_PHA_STAT_N - Field string for search helps of phase status

DPR_TS_SHLP_PROJECT - Field String for Search Helps Project

DPR_TS_SHLP_PROJECT_ARCHIVE - Field String for Search Helps Project Archive

DPR_TS_SHLP_PROJECT_STATUS - Field String for Search Helps Project

DPR_TS_SHLP_TASK_GEN - Field String for Search Helps by Task Text

DPR_TS_SHLP_TASK_STAT - Field String for Search Helps by Task Text

DPR_TS_SHLP_TASK_STAT_N - Field String for Search Helps by Task Text

DPR_TS_SHLP_TASK_TEXT - Field String for Search Helps by Task Text

DPR_TS_SIGNATURE - Include for Signature Data

DPR_TS_SIGNATURE_ADMIN_DATA - Administrative Data Signature

DPR_TS_SIGNATURE_COMMENTARY - Structure Comment in Signature


DPR_TS_SIGNATURE_STEP - Step in Signature Process

DPR_TS_SIGNATURE_TIME - Date and Time of Signature


DPR_TS_SKILL - Qualification ID and Text

DPR_TS_SKILL_ADM - Skill Attributes (Admin./Internal Data)

DPR_TS_SKILL_ATTR - Attributes of Role Qualification Requirements

DPR_TS_SKILL_CHG - Qualification Requirements

DPR_TS_SKILL_DAT - Qualification Requirements Data

DPR_TS_SKILL_DIS - Qualification Requirements

DPR_TS_SKILL_EXT - Qualification Requirements

DPR_TS_SKILL_EXTENDED_ATTR - Include for Enhanced Attribute: Role Qualifications

DPR_TS_SKILL_INT - Skill Attributes (Internal)

DPR_TS_SKILL_PRT - Qualification Requirements Data

DPR_TS_SRM_DATA - Project Managemnt-Relevant Fields from the SRM Shopping Cart

DPR_TS_SRM_TIMES - Data for Time Confirmation from the Shopping Cart

DPR_TS_SRT_LP - Logical Ports

DPR_TS_SRT_LP_T - Text Table for SRT_LP

DPR_TS_STAFFING_FIELDS - Fields of View StaffingFields.bsp Ready for Input

DPR_TS_STATUS_COMPARE - Status Key + Structure for Field Comparison


DPR_TS_STATUS_DATA_COMP_EXCL - Document Attributes (External, not for Comparison)

DPR_TS_STATUS_EXT - Development Projects: Status (External)


DPR_TS_STATUS_REPORT_COMMENT - Structure Comment in Signature

DPR_TS_STRING - Proj. Mgmt API: Structure with only one String Field

DPR_TS_STRING_DATA - Structure with String and Data Reference

DPR_TS_SUBORDINATE_GUIDS - GUID with Subordinate GUID for My Objects

DPR_TS_SUP_OBJ - GUID Structure: Objects in Path Upwards

DPR_TS_SWFM_CUSTOMER_RANGE - Structure Range Table for Customer

DPR_TS_SWFM_LOCATION_RANGE - Structure Range Table for Location

DPR_TS_SWFM_PROJECT_ID_RANGE - Structure Range Table for Project ID

DPR_TS_SWFM_QUALIFICATION_REQ - Qualification Requirement

DPR_TS_SWFM_RATE_RANGE - Structure Range Table for Cost/Revenue Rate


DPR_TS_SWFM_ROLE_GUID_RANGE - Structure Range Table for Role GUID

DPR_TS_SWFM_ROLE_ID_RANGE - Structure Range Table for Role ID

DPR_TS_SWFM_ROLE_TYPES_RANGE - Structure Range Table for Staffing Status/Percent Staffed

DPR_TS_SWFM_ROLE_TYPE_RANGE - Structure Range Table for Role Type

DPR_TS_SWFM_STAFF_PCENT_RANGE - Structure Range Table for Staffing Status/Percent Staffed

DPR_TS_SWFM_STAFF_STATE_RANGE - Structure Range Table for Staffing Status/Percent Staffed

DPR_TS_TABS_TO_HIDE - Tabstrips shown for all object types, that can be hidden


DPR_TS_TASK_ADM - Task Attributes (Administration Data/Internal Data)

DPR_TS_TASK_ATTR - Include for Task Attributes

DPR_TS_TASK_ATTRIBUTES - Task and task atrributes: actual dates and comletion

DPR_TS_TASK_CHG - Modifiable Task Attributes


DPR_TS_TASK_DAT_FLAT - Task Data (Flat List)

DPR_TS_TASK_DIS - Non-Modifiable Task Attributes

DPR_TS_TASK_DTS - Task Data (Only Attribute and Status)

DPR_TS_TASK_DTS_PRT - Task Data (Only Attribute and Status)

DPR_TS_TASK_EXT - Task in External Display

DPR_TS_TASK_EXTENDED_ATTR - Include for Extended Attributes for Task

DPR_TS_TASK_EXT_COMP_EXCL - Task Attributes (External, not for Comparison)

DPR_TS_TASK_IMP - Modifiable Task Attributes

DPR_TS_TASK_INT - Task Attributes (Internal)

DPR_TS_TASK_OF_ROLE - Data of Tasks for Role



DPR_TS_TASK_PRT_FLAT - Task Data (Flat List)


DPR_TS_TECH_SIGNATURE - Include for Signatory Technical Data

DPR_TS_TEXT - Text with Language

DPR_TS_TEXT_EXT - Text in External Display

DPR_TS_TIME_UNITS - Project Management: Time Unit with Texts


DPR_TS_TREE_OBJECTS - Objects Grouped by Object Category

DPR_TS_UI5_CONTEXT_MENU - Context Menu Items for UI5 Gantt in Edit mode

DPR_TS_UI5_GANTT_DATA - Tree for Gantt Chart: Project Element Data

DPR_TS_UI5_MPMON_DATA - Tree for Mpmon: Project Element Data

DPR_TS_UI_ACC_BUTTON_ATTR - Properties of Buttons on Accounting Tab

DPR_TS_UI_ACC_CALC_BUTTON_ATTR - Properties of Costing Buttons on the Accounting Tab

DPR_TS_UI_ACC_HC_BUTTON_ATTR - Properties of Buttons on the Accounting Tab (Assignment)

DPR_TS_UI_ACC_PS_TREE_DATA - Tree: Project Element Data

DPR_TS_UI_ACC_TREE_DATA - Tree: Project Elements with Accounting Information

DPR_TS_UI_ACTION - General Information About Actions


DPR_TS_UI_ACTION_CTRL - Action Property

DPR_TS_UI_APPR_DATA - Approvals Attributes - External Display

DPR_TS_UI_APPR_DATA_T - Approval Data (Template)

DPR_TS_UI_ATTR_PROPERTY - Attribute Properties

DPR_TS_UI_AUTHORIZATION - Authorizations for WebDynpro UI

DPR_TS_UI_AUTH_OBJ_DATA - Authorizations: Object Data (Add)

DPR_TS_UI_BREAD_CRUMB - Breadcrumb Data Web Dynpro UI


DPR_TS_UI_CANDIDATES - UI Data for Role Staffing

DPR_TS_UI_CHANGE_ATTR - Changed Attributes

DPR_TS_UI_CHECKLIST_DATA - Detailed Data for Checklist: External Display

DPR_TS_UI_CHECKLIST_DATA_T - Checklist Template Detail Data: External Display

DPR_TS_UI_CKLITEM_DATA - Detailed Data for Checklist Item: External Display

DPR_TS_UI_CKLITEM_DATA_T - Checklist Item Template Detail Data: External Display

DPR_TS_UI_CKL_REF_DATA - Checklist Reference Detail Data: External Display


DPR_TS_UI_CONCRETE_ROLE - Structure for Selecting Resources (Concrete Roles)

DPR_TS_UI_CONFIRMATION_CKLITEM - Checklist Item Confirmation UI Data


DPR_TS_UI_CREATE - Generic Info for Create

DPR_TS_UI_CTRL_PLAN_H_DATA - Control Plan Header Detail Data: External Display

DPR_TS_UI_CTRL_PLAN_I_DATA - Control Plan Version Item Data; External Format

DPR_TS_UI_CTRL_PLAN_OVERVIEW - Data for Control Plan Views in Table

DPR_TS_UI_CTRL_PLAN_V_DATA - Control Plan Version Detail Data: External Display

DPR_TS_UI_DECISION_MAKER - Project Approval: Decision Maker

DPR_TS_UI_DELETE - Generalized Information for a Delete

DPR_TS_UI_DET_DATA - General Fields for Detailed Data Views

DPR_TS_UI_DET_EXTENDED_TABS - Information for Extension Framework Tabs (naming important)

DPR_TS_UI_DET_TABITEMS - Visibility of Tab Strip Items in Detail View

DPR_TS_UI_DET_TABSTRIP - Tab Strip Control for Detailed Data

DPR_TS_UI_DISTRIBUTION - Table Columns of Distribution (all STRING)

DPR_TS_UI_DIST_BUPA_LINK - Table Columns of Distribution (all STRING)


DPR_TS_UI_DO_ACTION - Save Actions in Controller

DPR_TS_UI_EVA_ATTRIBUTES - Evaluation Attributes

DPR_TS_UI_EVA_FAVORITES - Evaluations of Favorites

DPR_TS_UI_EVA_TREE - Table Structure for Evaluations


DPR_TS_UI_FC_TABLE - Project Table View - Field Control

DPR_TS_UI_FIELD_VALUES - Default Values for DropDownByKey

DPR_TS_UI_FILTER_GUIDS - Project Management: GUIDs of Elements to Be Filtered

DPR_TS_UI_GANTT_AGG_BAR - Aggregation Bar in MPMon

DPR_TS_UI_GANTT_ATTR - Attributes for Table Part in Gantt Chart

DPR_TS_UI_GANTT_BAR - Time Bar in Gantt Chart

DPR_TS_UI_GANTT_CALITEMS - Calendar Items for Gantt Chart

DPR_TS_UI_GANTT_COL_DEF - Column Definition in Gantt Chart

DPR_TS_UI_GANTT_COL_DEF_ADD - Additional fields for display in Gantt

DPR_TS_UI_GANTT_COL_DEF_FIELDS - Field names for column definition in Gantt

DPR_TS_UI_GANTT_COMBO_DEF_ADD - key value pairs for additional dropdown columns in Gantt

DPR_TS_UI_GANTT_CONSTR - Context Structure for Time Constraints in Gantt Chart


DPR_TS_UI_GANTT_FUNCTIONS - Tree: Attributes for Functions

DPR_TS_UI_GANTT_GRIDS - Grids for Gantt

DPR_TS_UI_GANTT_HEADER_FOOTER - Header and Footer for printing in Gantt

DPR_TS_UI_GANTT_LINK - Relationships in Gantt Chart

DPR_TS_UI_GANTT_LINKS - Relationships in Gantt Chart

DPR_TS_UI_GANTT_PARA - Parameters for Gantt Chart

DPR_TS_UI_GANTT_PRINT_SETTINGS - Print Settings for the Gantt

DPR_TS_UI_GANTT_ROW_ID - row id for gantt chart

DPR_TS_UI_GANTT_TARGET_BAR - Target Time Bar in Gantt Chart Compare

DPR_TS_UI_GANTT_TREE_DATA - Tree for Gantt Chart: Project Element Data

DPR_TS_UI_GANTT_VERSION - Version Data in Gantt Chart

DPR_TS_UI_GANTT_XML_UPDATE - Changes in Object that Are Relevant to XML

DPR_TS_UI_INCLUDE_TREE - Include Project Element Data

DPR_TS_UI_IND_APPROVAL - UI Fields Individual Approval

DPR_TS_UI_IND_APPROVAL_T - Individual Approvals (Template)

DPR_TS_UI_MIRR_TASK - Additional Data for Mirrored Task

DPR_TS_UI_MPMON_FILTER_TREE - Tree Data for Multi-Project Monitor Filter

DPR_TS_UI_MPMON_FIL_TREE_STATE - Status of Filter Tree of Multi-Project Monitor

DPR_TS_UI_MPMON_LINKS - Relationships in MPMON Gantt Chart

DPR_TS_UI_MPMON_TABLE - Data for the table

DPR_TS_UI_MPMON_TREE - Tree Data for Multi-Project Monitor

DPR_TS_UI_MSG_LINE - Lines in Message Log

DPR_TS_UI_MSG_LINE_REFOBJ - Details of Object that Causes Message


DPR_TS_UI_OBJECT_LINK - UI: Object Link Attributes

DPR_TS_UI_OBJ_ATTR_PROPERTY - Field Properties of Attributes for Several Objects

DPR_TS_UI_OBJ_GANTT_ATTR - Objects and Attributes in Gantt Chart

DPR_TS_UI_OBJ_TABLE_ATTR - Objects and Attributes in table of MPMON when accessible

DPR_TS_UI_ORG_CM - Structure for Organizational Unit for Staffing Management

DPR_TS_UI_ORG_SM - Structure for Organizational Unit for Staffing Management

DPR_TS_UI_PART_DATA - Role Data - External Display

DPR_TS_UI_PC - Fields for Project Charter View

DPR_TS_UI_PHASE_DATA - Detailed Data for Phase: External Display

DPR_TS_UI_PHASE_DATA_T - Phase Template Detail Data: External Display

DPR_TS_UI_PRGPH_ASSGN - Assigned Program Phases

DPR_TS_UI_PRG_ASSGN - Assigned Programs

DPR_TS_UI_PRJ_CTRL - Project Definition: General UI Elements

DPR_TS_UI_PRJ_DATA - Detailed Data for Project Definition - External Display

DPR_TS_UI_PROJECTS_HEADER - Project Management WD: Header UI Control Data

DPR_TS_UI_PROJECTS_STRUCTURE - Project Management WD: Project Structure Control Data

DPR_TS_UI_PROJECT_T_DATA - Detailed Data for Project Definition Template - Ext. Display

DPR_TS_UI_PROJECT_VERSION - Versions for a Project

DPR_TS_UI_PROJ_VERS_CTRL - Versions for Projects

DPR_TS_UI_PROPERTY_EXT - Field Properties in List Display

DPR_TS_UI_PSR_RECIPIENTS - Recipient List for UI

DPR_TS_UI_RESOURCE_CONFLICT - resource conflicts

DPR_TS_UI_RESPONSIBLE - UI: Attributes of Person Responsible

DPR_TS_UI_RESPONSIBLE_DATA - UI: Attributes of Person Responsible

DPR_TS_UI_RES_DATES - UI structure for Resource view Dates

DPR_TS_UI_RES_DIST - UI structure for Resource view Distribution

DPR_TS_UI_RES_RECUR - UI Data for Periodic Time Description

DPR_TS_UI_RES_SRCH_AVAIL - Criteria with Availability Data for Resource Search

DPR_TS_UI_RES_SRCH_GEN - Criteria with General Data for a Resource Search

DPR_TS_UI_RES_SRCH_SMPL - Criteria of a Simple Resource Search

DPR_TS_UI_RES_TAB_CONTROL - UI Control for Resources Tab

DPR_TS_UI_ROLETASK_LINK - Data for Assigning Role to Task

DPR_TS_UI_ROLETASK_TREE - Tree Role-Task Assignment: Project Element Data

DPR_TS_UI_ROLE_DATA - Role: Attributes and Fields in UI

DPR_TS_UI_ROLE_NAVIGATOR - Role Navigator Structure

DPR_TS_UI_ROLE_OVERVIEW - Data for Role Views in Table

DPR_TS_UI_ROLE_TASK_INFO - Information Data for Role-Task Assignment



DPR_TS_UI_SEARCH_HELP - Search: Name of a Search Help

DPR_TS_UI_SEARCH_SUBST_RESULTS - Search Result when Specifying Substitute

DPR_TS_UI_SELECTED_VIEW - Selected View for UI (Top-Level + Subtype)

DPR_TS_UI_SETTINGS_CTRL - Settings (Project Management) UI Control Data

DPR_TS_UI_SHLP_BREAD_CRUMB - Breadcrumb for Search History

DPR_TS_UI_SIM_PROJECT - Simulation Project: Version + Number

DPR_TS_UI_SNA_PROJECT - Snapshot Project: Version + Number

DPR_TS_UI_SRCH_INPUT - Use Internally: Help Structure for Input Fields of Search

DPR_TS_UI_SRCH_LISTBOX - Use Internally: Listbox Value Help for Search Criteria

DPR_TS_UI_SRCH_RESULT_INFO - Information for Results from F4IF_SELECT_VALUES Fnction Mod.

DPR_TS_UI_STAFFING - UI Data for Role Staffing

DPR_TS_UI_STATUS - Status Information


DPR_TS_UI_SUBSTITUTE_USER - Projects with Substitutes for a User

DPR_TS_UI_SUBST_DETAIL - Dialog Struct.for Det. Screen 'Specify Substitute'

DPR_TS_UI_SUBST_TYPE - Specify Dialog Struct.for 'Substitute for ...' Detail Screen

DPR_TS_UI_SUB_OBJECT_DATA - Project Management: Project Data of Subobjects

DPR_TS_UI_SUB_OBJECT_VIS - Visibility of Table Columns of Subobjects

DPR_TS_UI_TABLE_DATA - Project Management: Project Data in Table View

DPR_TS_UI_TABLE_DATA_ADD - Project Management: Project Data in Table View

DPR_TS_UI_TABLE_DATA_DATES - Project Table View: Start / Finish Data

DPR_TS_UI_TABLE_DATA_EXT - Project Management Table View: Data in External Form

DPR_TS_UI_TABLE_DATA_RESULT - Table Data Search Result of Filter

DPR_TS_UI_TABLE_DATA_TAB_VALS - Listbox Values for ALV Filter Result of Table View

DPR_TS_UI_TABLE_DATA_VIS - Visibility of Table Columns

DPR_TS_UI_TABLE_FILTER_CRIT - Filter Conditions for Data Search in Table View

DPR_TS_UI_TABLE_FILTER_CRIT_PC - Filter Conditions for Data Search in Table View Pers.Context

DPR_TS_UI_TAB_CHANGEDOCS - Control Tab for Change Documents

DPR_TS_UI_TASK_DATA - Detailed Data for Task: External Display

DPR_TS_UI_TASK_DATA_T - Task Template Detail Data: External Display

DPR_TS_UI_TREE_DATA - Tree: Project Element Data

DPR_TS_UI_TREE_FUNCTIONS - Tree: Attributes for Functions

DPR_TS_UI_TREE_MASTER - Master fields in Tree UIBB

DPR_TS_UI_TREE_ORDER_CHANGE - Changes to the Order of Tree Elements

DPR_TS_UI_UPDATE - General Information About Update

DPR_TS_UI_USERGROUPS - User Groups Web Dynpro UI

DPR_TS_UI_USERGROUP_MEMBER - Members of a User Group


DPR_TS_UI_USER_GROUP - UI User Group (for Search Help)

DPR_TS_UI_VERSION_SELECT - Version Attributes used for selection

DPR_TS_UI_VIOLATION_DISPLAY - Display Fields for Threshold Value Violations

DPR_TS_UI_VI_AUTHORIZATION - Authorizations for UI Control Data

DPR_TS_UI_VI_AUTH_ACTIVITY - Authorizations UI Control Data for Activity

DPR_TS_UI_VI_CTRL_PLAN_OV - Overview Screen UI Control Data

DPR_TS_UI_VI_DMS_OVERVIEW - Initial Screen UI Control Data

DPR_TS_UI_VI_ENTRY - Initial Screen UI Control Data

DPR_TS_UI_VI_ENTRY_COMPARE - Initial Screen UI Control Data

DPR_TS_UI_VI_ENTRY_CREATE - Initial Screen UI Control Data

DPR_TS_UI_VI_ENTRY_EXPORT - Initial Screen UI Control Data

DPR_TS_UI_VI_ENTRY_IMPORT - Initial Screen UI Control Data

DPR_TS_UI_VI_ENTRY_OPEN - Initial Screen UI Control Data

DPR_TS_UI_VI_ENTRY_RECONSILE - Initial Screen UI Control Data

DPR_TS_UI_VI_IND_APPROVAL - UI Control for Individual Approval View

DPR_TS_UI_VI_LOCATOR - Dashboard UI Control Data

DPR_TS_UI_VI_LOCATOR_FUNCTIONS - Non-Standard Functions for Dashboard

DPR_TS_UI_VI_OBL_CREATE - Initial Screen UI Control Data

DPR_TS_UI_VI_OBL_EDIT - Initial Screen UI Control Data

DPR_TS_UI_VI_OBL_OVERVIEW - Initial Screen UI Control Data

DPR_TS_UI_VRSN - Project Management - Version Comparison Differences

DPR_TS_UI_VRSN_DATA - Project Management Version Comparison - Detailed Data

DPR_TS_UI_VRSN_GUIDS - Project Management Version Comparison - Project GUIDs

DPR_TS_UI_VRSN_HDR - Version Header

DPR_TS_UI_WDHEADER - Complete Header Description

DPR_TS_UNIT - Unit of Measure

DPR_TS_UNIT_CONVERSION - Buffer to convert units of measure

DPR_TS_UPDATE_DETAIL_FIELDS - Enhancement for CATS Confirmation

DPR_TS_UPDATE_FIELDS - Proj. Mgmt API: List of Fields to Be Updated

DPR_TS_UPDATE_LOG - log for update function

DPR_TS_URGENCY - Urgency with Text

DPR_TS_USAGE_PER_ENTITY - Proj Mgm Extension for a certain Entity (Project/Task/Phase)

DPR_TS_USED_FIELD_IN_MAPPING - Mapping of SAP Field with MS Project Attribute

DPR_TS_USER_GROUP_REF - Manage User Group Instance


DPR_TS_USER_SPEC_NO_STRINGS - User-Specific Settings (No Strings)

DPR_TS_USER_SPEC_STRINGS - User-Specific Settings (Strings Only)

DPR_TS_USER_TEMP_SETTINGS - User-Specific Settings

DPR_TS_VACANT_ROLES_CRITERIA - Selection Criteria for Vacant Role Search



DPR_TS_WBS_LIST - BAPI Structure for List of WBS Elements

DPR_TS_WFM_ASSIGNMENT - Resource Dates from WFM Core

DPR_TS_WFM_RULE_ASSIGNMENT - Rule for a Concrete Assignment

DPR_TS_WORKLIST - Worklist Control

DPR_TS_WORK_BY_PERIODS - Required Capacity per Period

DPR_TS_XML - Field String for Generating XML Data

DPR_TS_XML_CHECKLISTITEM_TYPE - Complex Data Type ChecklistItemType from XML Procedure

DPR_TS_XML_CHECKLISTREF_DATA_T - Complex Data Type for XML Procedure: Checklist Reference

DPR_TS_XML_CHECKLISTREF_TYPE - Complex Data Type for XML Procedure: Checklist Reference

DPR_TS_XML_CHECKLIST_DATA_TYPE - Complex Data Type ChecklistDataType from XML Procedure

DPR_TS_XML_CHECKLIST_TYPE - Complex Data Type ChecklistType from XML Procedure

DPR_TS_XML_CHKLIST_I_DATA_TYPE - Complex Data Type ChecklistItemDataType from XML Procedure

DPR_TS_XML_EXT - Fields for cProjects XML File

DPR_TS_XML_EXTRA_FIELDS_CHG - Additional Fields to Be Included in DPR_TS_XML_EXT_CHG

DPR_TS_XML_EXTRA_FIELDS_DIS - Additional Fields to Be Included in DPR_TS_XML_EXT_DIS

DPR_TS_XML_EXT_ATTR_TYPE - Complex Data Type ExtendedAttributeType from XML Procedure

DPR_TS_XML_EXT_CHG - Modifiable cProjects Attributes

DPR_TS_XML_EXT_DIS - Non-Modifiable cProjects Attributes

DPR_TS_XML_FIELD - Charact. Value Restrictions for Project Management XML Proce

DPR_TS_XML_MULTILANGU - Multilanguage Text

DPR_TS_XML_PHASE_DATA_TYPE - Complex Data Type PhaseDataType from XML Procedure

DPR_TS_XML_PHASE_TYPE - Complex Data Type PhaseType from XML Procedure

DPR_TS_XML_PROJECT_DATA_TYPE - Complex Data Type ProjectDataType from XML Procedure

DPR_TS_XML_PROJECT_ROLE_TYPE - Complex Data Type ProjectRoleType from XML Procedure

DPR_TS_XML_PROJECT_TYPE - Complex Data Type ProjectType from XML Procedure

DPR_TS_XML_PROJ_ROLE_DATA_TYPE - Complex Data Type ProjectRoleDataType from XML Procedure

DPR_TS_XML_RESOURCE_TYPE - Complex Data Type ResourceType from XML-Schema

DPR_TS_XML_RES_ASSGNMNT_TYPE - Complex Data Type ResourceAssignmentType from XML Procedure

DPR_TS_XML_ROLE_ASSGNMNT_TYPE - Complex Data Type RoleAssignmentType from XML Proc.

DPR_TS_XML_TASK_DATA_TYPE - Complex Data Type TaskDataType from XML Procedure

DPR_TS_XML_TASK_TYPE - Complex DatentypTaskType from XML Procedure

DPR_TS_XML_VALUE_RESTRICTION - Charact. Value Restrictions for Project Management XML Proce

DPR_TT_IAOM_CONTROL_OF_ACTIONS - ERP System Accounting: Activity Control

DPR_T_0200_FIELDS - Screen Struct.for Generating Deltasource(s) for Status Texts

DPR_UI_BSP_CUST - Customizing for General Interface Settings

DPR_VPART_PROF_P - Generated Table for View

DPR_VPART_ROLE_1 - Generated Table for View

DPR_VPART_ROLE_A - Generated Table for View

DPR_VPART_ROLE_P - Generated Table for View

DPR_WF_TS_RULE_RESULT - Structure for WF Rule result

DPR_XML_TRANS - Table for Transporting Templates

Return Table index