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DB2TABHIST - DB02 Table History

DB2TABIXS - info on index structure

DB2TABLIST - DB02 Table List

DB2TABONL - DB2/390: Screen for Online Space Info on a Table (DB15)

DB2TABSTAT - DB2/390: Screen for Statistical Space Info on a Table (DB15)

DB2TABSTOR - Table parameters for DB2/MVS

DB2TABSTRUC - info on table structure

DB2TBCOLS - DB2/390: Column Definition of a Database Table

DB2TBDETL - Detailed Information on a Table from the DB2 Catalog

DB2TBIXSUM - DB2/390: Initial Screen for Table and Index Monitor (DB02)

DB2TBLIST - DB2/390: List of Tables

DB2TBLX - RFC - Table Extents

DB2TBTAB - Structure for tables that hold tablespace information

DB2TDUMMY - Dummy Structure for Internal Use


DB2THREADS - DB2 Performance Monitor: Thread List

DB2TIMEG - DB2 for OS/390 Times over all Threads

DB2TIMEGC - DB2 for OS/390 Times over all Threads

DB2TIMES - DB2 Times


DB2TIMESC1 - DB2 Times

DB2TIMESD - Thread Activity: Times Distribution

DB2TIMSEL - Structure for TimeSelection

DB2TIOUTHC - Timeout Structure (Holder and Waiter)

DB2TIOUTHW - Timeout Structure (Holder and Waiter)

DB2TIOUTRC - Timeout Structure (Resource and Victim)

DB2TIOUTRS - Timeout Structure (Resource and Victim)

DB2TIOUT_TREE - Structure for Timeouts ALV Tree

DB2TOPSTMTS - Structure for DB2 Subsystem Summary (Top SQL Stmts)

DB2TREORG - Information for Database reorgcheck: Tables

DB2TSBACK - List of tablespaces that need a backup

DB2TSBACKN - Generated Table for View

DB2TSDETL - Detailed Information on a DB2 Tablespace

DB2TSDETLP - Detailed Information on a Partition of a DB2 Tablespace

DB2TSDYN - Dynamics of the Size of Tablespaces

DB2TSDYNO - Dynamics of the size of tablespaces

DB2TSDYNT - Template for List Output: Dynamics of Size of Tablespaces

DB2TSHIS - DB2/390: Storage Information on R/3 Tablespaces

DB2TSHISRG - Time Range of the History of Tablespace Sizes

DB2TSHIS_O - DB2/390: Storage information on R/3 tablespaces

DB2TSINFO - info on ts

DB2TSSIZE - DB2/390: Storage Information on R/3 Tablespaces

DB2TSSIZED - DB2/390: Storage Information on Datasets of Tablespaces

DB2TSSIZEO - DB2/390: Storage information on R/3 tablespaces

DB2TSSIZEP - DB2/390: Storage Information on Partitions of Tablespaces

DB2TSSIZEV - DB2/390: Storage Information on R/3 Tablespaces

DB2TSSIZE_T - DB2/390: Storage Information on R/3 Tablespaces

DB2TSTAB - Structure for tablespace lists that hold DB/TS name

DB2TSVOL - List of Volumes on which the Datasets of a Tablespace Reside

DB2TS_SIZE - DB2/390: Type for int. table of size info of tablespaces

DB2TS_SIZP - DB2/390: Type for int. table of size info of tablespaces

DB2TTLTMS - DB2 for OS/390: Stucture for System Times

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