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CNVACTIVE - Active conversion package

CNVACTIVE_HIST - CNVACTIVE history , activation and phase change

CNVACTIVE_PHASES - Conversion packages and their active phase

CNVA_00006_ALSMEX_TABLINE - Rows for Table with Excel Data

CNVA_00006_DMAIN - Table to Store Domians of Collected Table

CNVA_00006_FIELD - Table to Store Fields of Collected Tables

CNVA_00006_FSO - Table to Store Datatypes Supported for Scan

CNVA_00006_JLIST - Job List table

CNVA_00006_JOBS - Job Status Table

CNVA_00006_NOREC - Generated Table for View

CNVA_00006_OPT - Optimization for search Content base search

CNVA_00006_ORGDM - Organization Domain Information for Content Based Search

CNVA_00006_ORGVL - Organization Value for an Organizational Unit

CNVA_00006_PARAM - CBS Table for storing general parameters

CNVA_00006_RENAME - Structure for rename table

CNVA_00006_RES - Table to store Results of Scan

CNVA_00006_RESHD - table to restore table level hit

CNVA_00006_RES_1 - Results Header( L1 )

CNVA_00006_RES_2 - Results Item 1 ( Fields L2)

CNVA_00006_RES_3 - Results Item 2 ( Fields L3)

CNVA_00006_RES_N - Table to store Results of Scan - (OLD)

CNVA_00006_RUNID - Search Run HeaderTable

CNVA_00006_RUNST - Table to Store Search Strings

CNVA_00006_SIZE_STRUCTURE - Structure to reference size table details

CNVA_00006_SRCHP - Table to store Search Run ID Parameters as Range

CNVA_00006_SRCRS - Table to Store Selection Parameters of a Search Run ID

CNVA_00006_STATE - Table status table for scan

CNVA_00006_STMGM - Table to store CBS State Management Data

CNVA_00006_TABLE - Table to Store all the tables Selected for Scan

CNVA_00006_TBSIZ - Category for tables sizes

CNVA_00555_ACT - Active Analysis Id for Run Time Estimation

CNVA_00555_ANA - Analysis details for Run Time Estimation

CNVA_00555_HDR - Header table for Run Time Estimation package

CNVA_00555_PACK - LT Runtime Estimation: Table to store Conversion packages

CNVA_00555_PACKAGE_INFO - LT: Structure for Conversion Package Information

CNVA_00555_RUNID - Header Information of Run Time Estimation Id

CNVA_00555_SIM - Conversion Cluster for Run Time Estimation

CNVA_00555_STATE - State Table for Run Time Estimation

CNVA_00555_SYS - System details for Run Time Estimation

CNVA_00555_TABLE - 50 Largest tables for Run Time Estimation

CNVA_00555_TRANSFORMATION_SOL - Work Center Transformation Solution

CNVA_10940_PACKIDS - Conversion target packages (Active / inactive)

CNVA_10993_PACKIDS - Conversion target packages (Active / Inactive)

CNVA_20000_CHECK_S_ACCT_DOC - Consistency Check for Accounting Documents

CNVA_20000_CHECK_S_ARCH_OBJ - Unknown Objects in Archive Tables

CNVA_20000_CHECK_S_AWTYP - Unknown Types in AWTYP Fields

CNVA_20000_CHECK_S_BSEG_ZUONR - Fiscal Year Information in Field BSEG-ZUONR

CNVA_20000_CHECK_S_COD_BUKRS - Charts of Depreciation of Participating Company Codes

CNVA_20000_CHECK_S_COPA - Consistency Check for Participating Operating Concerns

CNVA_20000_CHECK_S_FM_AREAS - Analyze FM Areas

CNVA_20000_CHECK_S_GJAHR_SHIFT - Fiscal Year Shift

CNVA_20000_CHECK_S_IGNOREBUKRS - Ignored Company Codes

CNVA_20000_CHECK_S_INDX_SERIES - Index Series for Replacement Values

CNVA_20000_CHECK_S_INVEN_DATA - Period overlap in the number ranges in subsequent years

CNVA_20000_CHECK_S_NONPARBUKRS - Non-Participating Company Codes

CNVA_20000_CHECK_S_NR_CONFLICT - Number Range Conflict in Non-leading Ledgers

CNVA_20000_CHECK_S_OBJTYP - Unknown Types in OBJTYP Fields

CNVA_20000_CHECK_S_OPT_ARCHIVE - Unknown Objects in Optical Archives

CNVA_20000_CHECK_S_OPVAR_DATA - Posting Period Variant in Table T001B

CNVA_20000_CHECK_S_PARTI_BUKRS - Participating company codes

CNVA_20000_CHECK_S_PERIV - Structure for PERIV

CNVA_20000_CHECK_S_PERIV_FI_AA - Separate Fiscal Year Variants for FI-AA

CNVA_20000_CHECK_S_SHORTFY - Shortened Fiscal Year

CNVA_20000_CHK_S_ZTABL - Totals Table

CNVA_20290_CHECK_S_ADDT_FIELDS - Structure for additional fields of table T001

CNVA_20290_CHECK_S_ALE - Check usage of ALE

CNVA_20290_CHECK_S_ARCH_FI_DOC - Structure for archived FI doc

CNVA_20290_CHECK_S_ARCH_OBJ - Structure for archiving objects

CNVA_20290_CHECK_S_BUKRS_INFO - Structure with relevant company code information (T001)

CNVA_20290_CHECK_S_BUKRS_LIFNR - Structure for company code - vendor data information

CNVA_20290_CHECK_S_BUKRS_XPROD - Structure for company codes not flagged as productive

CNVA_20290_CHECK_S_CRIT_VAL - Structure: Number range objects with critical numeric values

CNVA_20290_CHECK_S_CUST - Structure for analysis of customizing tables

CNVA_20290_CHECK_S_DIFF_EXTIND - Str:Number Range Intervals with Different External Indicator

CNVA_20290_CHECK_S_EKORG - Structure for company code - purchasing area information

CNVA_20290_CHECK_S_FILL_NRRAN - Stru:Nr Range intervals with extl indicator& filled Nr Range

CNVA_20290_CHECK_S_GSBER_1 - Structure for company code - business area information

CNVA_20290_CHECK_S_GSBER_2 - Structure for company code - business area information

CNVA_20290_CHECK_S_GSBER_3 - Structure for company code - business area information

CNVA_20290_CHECK_S_HIGHNUMRAN - Structure:Number range Higher than Highest Val in Header Tab

CNVA_20290_CHECK_S_KNB5 - Struct for customer master data(dunning) critical differen

CNVA_20290_CHECK_S_KOND - Structure for relevant domains check in condition tables

CNVA_20290_CHECK_S_LFB5 - Structure for vendor master data (dunning) critical differen

CNVA_20290_CHECK_S_LOST_NUMS - Lost numbers without number range interval in table NRIV

CNVA_20290_CHECK_S_LOW_NUMRAN - Structure: Number range Lower than Highest Val in Header Tab

CNVA_20290_CHECK_S_NRALPHA - Alphanumeric values in a numeric number range

CNVA_20290_CHECK_S_NROBJ - Structure for NROBJ

CNVA_20290_CHECK_S_PRCTR - Structure for usage of profit center

CNVA_20290_CHECK_S_SEGMENT - Structure for usage of segments

CNVA_20290_CHECK_S_TEXTINFO - Structure for language-dependent text information

CNVA_20290_CHECK_S_VBUKR - Structure for cross company postings

CNVA_20290_CHECK_S_VBUKR_KUNNR - Sales org and customer with possible internal clearings

CNVA_20290_CHECK_S_VKORG - Strucuture for company code - sales org information

CNVA_20290_CHECK_S_WERKS - Structure for company code - plants information

CNVA_20290_CHECK_S_XFDIS - Structure for company code - cash management information

CNVA_20290_CHK_S_HIGHVAL_TONUM - Struc:Current Number Range interval is Higher than 'To Numb'

CNVA_20290_CHK_S_LOWVAL_FRMNUM - Struc: Current Number Range interval is Lower than From Numb

CNVA_20290_CHK_S_NRINT_PERCENT - Struc: Num Range Interval which will be filled nearly 100%

CNVA_20290_CUST - Exception table for analysis of additional customizing table

CNVA_20290_NRIV_MISSING - Missing number ranges in target company code.

CNVA_20290_NRIV_OBJ - Structure for company code - NRIV Objects

CNVA_20290_NRIV_S_EXTRACT - NRIV field information

CNVA_20290_NRIV_TMP - Structure for- NRIV Objects , CNV_NCE_NRIV_TMP

CNVA_20290_RSBUKRS - Ranges for company codes

CNVA_20310_CHECK_S_KOSTL - Structur for KOSTL check

CNVA_20310_CHK_S_COST_ELEMENT - Account Assigments( within Cost Elements)

CNVA_20310_CHK_S_KOSTL_SETTING - Cost centre Master Data settings

CNVA_20345_CHK_S_PRCTR_BUKRS - Assignment of Profit Centers to a Company Code

CNVA_20345_CHK_S_PRCTR_SETTING - Profit centre master data settings

CNVA_20400_CHECK_S_ACT_CO_MOD - Structure for activation of CO Module

CNVA_20400_CHECK_S_RCLAC - Struct for controlling area - different company code curr

CNVA_20400_CHECK_S_VALIDATION - Structure for controlling area - substition / validation chk

CNVA_20400_CHECK_S_XWBUK - Struct for controlling area - different company code curr

CNVA_20400_RSKOKRS - Ranges for controlling areas

CNVA_APPLICATION - SHC: Analysis application header

CNVA_APPLICT - SHC Analysis appliction description

CNVA_APPLIC_SEL - SHC: Analysis application step

CNVA_APPLIC_STEP - SHC: Analysis application step


CNVA_CCD_ANA_ACT - Active Analysis ID for CC Delete Analysis Package

CNVA_CCD_ANA_CA - Contolling Area to be partially deleted

CNVA_CCD_ANA_CNT - Count table for the scanned objects in CNVA_CCD_ANA packag

CNVA_CCD_ANA_DOM - List of Domains supported by CNVA_CCD_ANA package

CNVA_CCD_ANA_HDR - Header table for CC Deletion Analysis Package

CNVA_CCD_ANA_HELP_STRUCTURE - Internal structure for upload

CNVA_CCD_ANA_OBJ - Scanned Objects relevant for deletion by CNVA_CCD_ANA

CNVA_CCD_ANA_PRE - Preshipped Table Field Combinations for CC Delete Analysis

CNVA_CCD_ANA_RES - Result table for CC deletion downtime Analysis

CNVA_CCD_ANA_SHD - Header table for CC Deletion Analysis Package in SolMan

CNVA_CCD_ANA_STA - State Table for CC Deletion Analysis Package

CNVA_CCD_ANA_TMP - State Table Template for CC Deletion Analysis Package

CNVA_CCD_ANA_UPL - Structure for uploading a table

CNVA_COA_CONV_ANA - Chart of Accounts to conversion analysis

CNVA_COA_CONV_CA - Chart of Accounts to conversion analysis

CNVA_COA_CONV_CC - CoA and Comp.Code to conversion analysis

CNVA_COA_CONV_RESULT - Result of determining basic scenarios

CNVA_COA_CONV_SCEN - Elementary scenarios for chart of accounts conversion

CNVA_COA_CONV_S_STATUS - CoA conversion analyze status


CNVA_COA_CONV_VS - Chart of Accounts to conversion analysis

CNVA_COA_MAPPING - Structure for mapping comparisons (G/L, costele and Others)

CNVA_COA_T001 - Company Codes

CNVA_COA_T004 - Company Codes

CNVA_COA_TREE_ITEM - Tree Control Item for CNVA_COA


CNVA_MD_CHK_MAP - Table for module - check class mapping

CNVA_PCREA_AA_C - PC Reorg Analysis: FI-AA Profit Center assignments

CNVA_PCREA_AA_O - LT PC Reorg Analysis: Asset Reconciliation results (Level 2)

CNVA_PCREA_AA_P - PC Reorg Analysis: Parameters for Fixed Asset Recon

CNVA_PCREA_AA_R - LT PC Reorg Analysis: Asset Reconciliation results (Level 1)

CNVA_PCREA_GRIRO - GR/IR Items - Results (Level 2)

CNVA_PCREA_GRIRP - PC Reorg Analysis: Parameters for GRIR Recon

CNVA_PCREA_GRIRR - GR/IR Header - Reconciliation results (Level 1)


CNVA_PCREA_MM_P - PC Reorg Analysis: Parameters for MM Recon

CNVA_PCREA_MM_R - LT PC Reorg Analysis: MM Reconciliation results Log

CNVA_PCREA_PARAM - n LT PC Reorg Analysis: Parameters

CNVA_PCREA_RUNID - Header Information of Profit Center Reorganization



CNVA_PCREA_WIP_O - LT PC Reorg Analysis: WIP Reconciliation results (Level 2)

CNVA_PCREA_WIP_P - PC Reorg Analysis: Parameters for WIP/SD Recon

CNVA_PCREA_WIP_R - LT PC Reorg Analysis: WIP Reconciliation results (Level 1)

CNVA_S_APPLIC - SHC Analysis: Application data

CNVA_S_APPLICATION - SAP LT: Application and step name

CNVA_S_APPLIC_SEL - SAP LT: Analysis select options

CNVA_S_APPLIC_STEP - SHC Analysis Application: Step data

CNVA_S_SELOPT - SAP LT : transfer structure for select options

CNVA_S_SYSTEM_DATA - SAP LT: System and connection data

CNVA_TAB_DEF_CHR - Maintain tables for which analysis of usage characteristics

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