Select data from sap tables BUS0

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BUS000 - BP: General Data I (Read)

BUS000A - CBP: General data (independent of partner cat.)

BUS000ADAT - CBP: General Data (not dep. on Part. Cat.), Data Screens

BUS000AINI - CBP: General Data (not dep. on Part. Cat.), Initial Screen

BUS000AINT - CBP: Internal general data (not dependent on partner cat.)

BUS000CUAF - CBP: GUI additional functions

BUS000CUAP - BP: Variable GUI Function Texts

BUS000CUAP1 - BDT: Variable GUI Functions

BUS000CUAS - CBP: GUI standard functions

BUS000EMPL - Business Partner: Work and Screen Fields Employee

BUS000FLDS - CBP: Work fields and screen fields

BUS000G - CBP: General data (group of people)

BUS000ICOMM - CBP: Address-Independent Communication Types

BUS000MC - CBP: Structure for transferring from matchcode fields

BUS000MSG - CBP: Structure for message handler

BUS000MSG_BAL - BDT Message Handler - Context Data for BAL

BUS000N - CBP: General Data, Person

BUS000NR - CBP: Partner number (hierarchy levels)

BUS000N_CHAR - CBP: General Data, Person (CHAR Fields)

BUS000N_DI - CBP: General Data, Person (Direct Input)

BUS000N_NCHR - CBP: General Data, Person (Non CHAR Fields)

BUS000N_NCHR_DI - CBP: General Data, Person (Non CHAR Fields, DI)

BUS000O - CBP: General data (Organization)

BUS000O_CHAR - CBP: General Data, Organization (CHAR Fields)

BUS000O_DI - CBP: General Data, Organization (Direct Input)

BUS000O_NCHR - CBP: General Data, Organization (Non CHAR Fields)

BUS000O_NCHR_DI - CBP: General Data, Organization (Non CHAR Fields, DI)

BUS000REQ - CBP: Structure for required field checks

BUS000SEARCH - Structure for New Search Help 'Partner Acc. to Address'

BUS000TBFL - CBP: Table field (table name - field name)

BUS000_ADR - BP: Address Data (Read)

BUS000_ADR_ISO - IS-T -> EBS Interface: ISO-Compatible Address Data

BUS000_BW - SAP BP: Extraction Structure for BUT000

BUS000_DAT - BP: General Data I (Data Fields - External)

BUS000_DAT_ISO - IS-T -> EBS Interface: ISO-Compatible Name Data

BUS000_DI - BP: General data (direct input)

BUS000_DIX - CBP: General Data Update Bar

BUS000_EEW - SAP BP: Transfer Structure for CI Include Extension of BP

BUS000_EEW_S - SAP BP: Search-Relevant Fields of CI Include in BUT000

BUS000_EEW_X - SAP BP: X Flag Bar for BP CI Include of the BUT000

BUS000_EXT - CBP: Read general data plus standard address

BUS000_GLB - BP: All General Data (Read)

BUS000_GP - BP Structure Business Partner: Range

BUS000_GP_GUID - BP Structure Business Partner GUID: Range

BUS000_INT - BP: General Data I (Data Fields - Internal)

BUS000_INT_TD - BP: General Data I (Internal Data Fields) with Validity

BUS000_NAM - CBP: Name fields combined (lower case)

BUS000_TD - BP: General Data I (Read) with Validity Interval

BUS000_VALIDITY - BP: General Data, Validity

BUS000___I - CBP: General data plus status information

BUS001 - BP: General Data II (Read)

BUS001STAT - BP: Status information on BUT001

BUS001UPDT - BP: General data II (update)

BUS001_DAT - BP: General data II

BUS001_DAT_CHAR - BP: General Data II (CHAR Fields)

BUS001_DAT_DI - BP: General Data II

BUS001_DAT_NCHR - BP: General Data II (Non CHAR Fields)

BUS001_DAT_NCHR_DI - BP: General Data II (Non CHAR Fields, DI)

BUS001_DI - BP: General data II (direct input)

BUS001_DIX - BP: General Data II Update Bar

BUS010 - BP: old, do not use ==> BUS020_EXT

BUS010F4BK - CBP: Auxiliary structure for F4-Help (bank data)

BUS010F4CC - CBP: Help Structure for F4 Help (Payment Cards)

BUS010F4ID - CBP: Help Structure for F4 Help (ID Numbers)

BUS010F4IS - CBP: Help Structure for F4 Help (ID Numbers)

BUS020 - BP: Addresses (Read)

BUS020_ADDR1_VERS - Structure Address Type 1 Name

BUS020_ADDR2_VERS - Structure Address Type 2 Name

BUS020_ADDR_VERS - BP: Transfer Structure Address Versions (Direct Input)

BUS020_ADR - SAP BP: Structure Address GUID (RANGE)

BUS020_ADRCOM - SAP BP: Structure BP Communication Data (Range)

BUS020_CHAR - BP: Addresses (CHAR Data Fields External)

BUS020_DAT - BP: Addresses (Data Fields Ext.)

BUS020_DI - BP: Address data transfer structure (direct input)

BUS020_DIX - BP: Transfer Structure Address Data Update Bar

BUS020_EXT - BP: Addresses with Addr. Data (Read)

BUS020_EXTSE - Structure for BP Addresses with Addr. Data for Ent. Services

BUS020_EXTX - X fiels for BP Addresses with Address Data

BUS020_NCHR - BP: Addresses (Non-CHAR Data Fields External)

BUS020_SEARCH_RESULT - Return Structure for Business Partner Search Modules

BUS020___I - BP Addresses: Transport Structure for BUT020

BUS021 - BP: Address Usages (Read)

BUS021FSA_DI - Append for Structure BUS021FS_DI BDT

BUS021FS_DI - BP: Address usage transfer structure (direct input)

BUS021FS_DI_DKI - BP: Transfer Structure for Address Usage (Direct Input) CVI

BUS021_DAT - BP: Address Usages (Data Fields - External)

BUS021_DI - BP: Address usage transfer structure (direct input)

BUS021_DIX - CBP: Transfer Structure Address Usage Update Structure

BUS021_FS_DI - BP: Address usage transfer structure (direct input)

BUS021_FS_I - BP Addresses: Transport Structure for BUT021

BUS021___I - BP Addresses: Transport Structure for BUT021

BUS022___I - BP Addresses: Transport Structure for BUT022

BUS050DFLD - BPR: BP relationship screen fields

BUS050FLDS - BPR: BP relationship work fields

BUS050POPC - BPR: Screen Fields to Confirm IMG Activities

BUS050_BT - BPR: Relationship cat. structure

BUS050_BTR - CBP: Relationship cat. structure (RANGE)

BUS050_BW - BW Extraction: Enhanced BUT050

BUS050_CD___I - BPR: Index Table for BUT050 for Reading Change Documents

BUS050_DAR - CBP: Date structure (RANGE)

BUS050_DAT - SAB BP: General Management Data for BP Relationship

BUS050_DAT_RFC - BP Relationships: General Administrative Data (RFC)

BUS050_DI - BPR: General Data (Direct Input)

BUS050_DTV - CBP: Structure of diff.type characteristic (range)

BUS050_EXT - BPR: General data + attribute maintenance indic. (BP rel.)

BUS050_GP - BPR: Business partner structure (RANGE)

BUS050_REL - BPR: BP Relationship Structure for Hierarchy Formatting

BUS050_RNR - BPR: Relationship number structure (RANGE)

BUS050_RTR - BPR: Structure BP Roles (RANGE)

BUS050_SEARCH_RESULT - Return Structure for Business Partner Search Modules

BUS050_TNR - BPR: Allocate temporary number -> relationship number

BUS050_VTP - BPR: Validity/Time Dependency

BUS050_XRF - BPR: Role definition indicator (RANGE)

BUS050___I - BPR: BP relationship general data and status information

BUS051FLDS - BPR: Work Fields for BP Relationship Attributes (w/o DifTyp)

BUS051_DI - BPR: Attribute Table Without Differentiation (Direct Input)

BUS051___I - BPR: Attribute table (w/o diff.type) with status information

BUS052_DAT - BPR: Addresses (Ext. Data Fields)

BUS052_DI - BPR: Addresses (Direct Input)

BUS052_EXT - BPR: Addresses with Address Data (Read)

BUS052_KEY - BPR: Table Key for Addresses in BP Relationships

BUS052___I - BPR: BP Relationship Addresses and Status Info?

BUS05X_DAT - BPR: General Data in Relationship/Role Definition Tables

BUS05X_KEY - BPR: Table Key for BP Relationships/Role Definitions

BUS05X_SCHED - BPR: Rule IDs for Calling Rules

BUS0ABFLDR - CBP: Table field for change document evaluation (RANGE)

BUS0ABSNR - CBP: Sections

BUS0ADFAX - CBP: Fax data (transfer structure)


BUS0ADTEL - CBP: Telephone data (transfer structure)

BUS0ADTLX - CBP: Telex number (transfer structure)

BUS0ADTTX - CBP: Teletex number (transfer structure)

BUS0AEND - CBP: Change document object and object value for evaluation


BUS0APPLI - CBP: Transfer from applications

BUS0BK - BP: Bank details (Read)

BUS0BKU - BP: Bank Detail Usages (Read)

BUS0BKU_CHAR - BP: Bank Detail Usages (CHAR Data Fields External)

BUS0BKU_DAT - BP: Bank Details Usages (External Data Fields)

BUS0BKU_DI - BP: Address usage transfer structure (direct input)

BUS0BKU_NCHR - BP: Bank Details Usages (External Non-CHAR Fields)

BUS0BK_ALIAS - BP: Bank Alias Details

BUS0BK_BANK - BP: Bank Details (External Bank Data)

BUS0BK_BW - SAP BP: Extraction Structure for BUT0BK

BUS0BK_CHAR - BP: Bank Details (CHAR Data Fields External)

BUS0BK_DAT - BP: Bank Details (Data Fields - External)

BUS0BK_DI - BP: Bank details (direct input)

BUS0BK_DIX - CBP: BP: Bank Details Update Bar

BUS0BK_IBAN - BP: Bank Details (IBAN)

BUS0BK_IBAN_F4 - For shifting the IBAN left side of the F4 result

BUS0BK_ISO - IS-T -> EBS Interface: ISO-Compatible Bank Data

BUS0BK_NCHR - BP: Bank Details (Non-CHAR Data Fields External)

BUS0BNKA - BP: Bank master data (transfer structure)

BUS0CC - BP: Read Payment Card Details

BUS0CC_BW - SAP BP: Extraction Structure for BUT0CC

BUS0CC_DAT - BP: Payment Cards (External Data)

BUS0CC_DI - BP: Payment Cards (Direct Input)

BUS0CC_DIX - CBP: Payment Cards Update Bar

BUS0CHDOC - CBP: Work structure for change documents; event: CHDOC

BUS0D021S - CBP: Screen Fields

BUS0D022S - CBP: Screen Fields

BUS0D023S - CBP: Screen Matchcode Subkeys

BUS0DATER - CBP: Date for change document evaluation (RANGE)

BUS0DFTYP - CBP: Differentiation Cat.

BUS0DI1 - BP: Direct input, session record (record type 1)

BUS0DI2 - BP: Direct input, header record (record type 2)

BUS0DIDAT1 - BP: Direct input, data for a table for applications


BUS0DIHDR - SAP BP: BP Role, BP Role Category and Validity

BUS0DIINIT - BP: Initial data (direct input)

BUS0DTE - CBP: Differentiation type elements

BUS0DYNID - CBP: Screens

BUS0DYNP - CBP: Screen Cont. Work Fields



BUS0FKTXT - Texts for Tab Strips


BUS0FLDGR - CBP: Field groups

BUS0FLDLST - CBP: Field status definition(s) for field grouping

BUS0FLDLST_2 - CBP: Field status definition(s) for field grouping

BUS0FLDNWS - CBP: Output structure of field statement (Cust.fld.grouping)

BUS0FLDVAL - CBP: Table field with field value


BUS0FNAME - CBP: Function Module Name

BUS0ID_BW - BP: Identification Numbers for SAP BW

BUS0ID_DAT - BP: Identification Numbers (External Data Fields)

BUS0ID_DI - BP: ID Numbers (Direct Input)

BUS0ID_INT - BP: ID Numbers (Internal Data Fields)

BUS0ID_NCHR - BP: Identification Numbers (External Non-CHAR Data Fields)

BUS0ID___I - SAP BP: ID Numbers (Update)

BUS0INTRVL - CBP: Interval of partners

BUS0ISSTAT - SAP BP: Status Information for BUT0IS

BUS0IS_BW - SAP BP: Extraction Structure for Industries

BUS0IS_DAT - BP: Industries (External Data Fields)

BUS0IS_DI - BP: Industry Numbers (Direct Input)

BUS0IS___I - SAP BP: Industry Data (Update)



BUS0MSG1 - CBP: Message for each object

BUS0NAMER - CBP: Name for change document evaluation (RANGE)



BUS0PARTNERR - CBP: Partner Interval (RANGE)

BUS0RANGE - CBP: Value range for value transfer of change doc. objects

BUS0RANGED - CBP: Value range for transferring diff.type values(chng.doc)

BUS0RLTGR - CBP: BP Role Groupings

BUS0RLTYP - BP: BP Role Structure

BUS0SCRSEL - CBP: Screen selection

BUS0SETID - BDT: Data Sets


BUS0SICHTR - CBP: Views for change document evaluation (RANGE)

BUS0TABBEZ - CBP: Table name (change doc.evaluation)

BUS0TABKEYR - Change Documents: Table Key (Range)

BUS0TEXT - CBP: Text fields for text tables

BUS0TIMER - Time for change document evaluation (RANGE)

BUS0TP_DI - BP: Template Assignments (Direct Input)

BUS0TRDYN - CBP: Screen Conts

BUS0USER - CBP: Entered by/changed by data

BUS0VARNR - CBP: Screen sequence variants

BUS0VP_DI - BP: Assignment and Links Business Partners and Systems

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