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BCABLIMAL2 - ABAP Generation Limits: Local Data (ALV)

BCABLIMALV - ABAP Generation Limits: ALV Structure

BCABLIM_GLOBAL_VALUES - ABAP Generation Limits: Current and Maximum Values

BCABLIM_JUMP_VALUES - ABAP Generation Limits: Table with Jumps

BCABLIM_LOCAL_VALUES - ABAP Generation Limits: Current and Maximum Values

BCACT - Athlets

BCANPROT - Transfer Table: Display Billing Document

BCAREVPO - Original PO and additional POs from currency swap

BCAREVPO_BS - Payment Items and Add. Payment Orders fm Curr. Convers. (AS)

BCA_ALV_ROUTE - Structure for ALV Output of Routing Instructions

BCA_BA_SYSTEM - Bank Analyzer Destination System

BCA_CLASS_BT_REG - Register Class name against Business Transaction Class

BCA_COMPONENTS - Component Definition of Elements

BCA_CONDGROUP - Condition Group

BCA_CONDGROUP_T - Text on Condition Group

BCA_DIM_BL_STR_EXTR_BI_AGGR - Structure type to be sent to BW system

BCA_DIM_BL_STR_EXTR_BI_DETL - Structure type to be sent to BW system for detailed data

BCA_DIM_BL_STR_EXTR_RECON_AGGR - Aggregated Data for Billing Documents Reconciliation

BCA_DIM_BL_STR_EXTR_RECON_DETL - Detailed data used by the extractor

BCA_DIM_BU_PAY_D - Payment Details of a Business Partner

BCA_DIM_CALCDET - Calculation details for billing items


BCA_DIM_POC_S_PARAM_NAME_VALUE - Parameter Name and Value Details

BCA_DIM_POC_S_PRE_BO_EVENT - Previous BO for External Events

BCA_DIM_STR_AGGR_RCN_DATA - Aggregate data to be sent to BaS system

BCA_DIM_STR_BPCA - Internal representation of GDT BusProcChainAssignment

BCA_DIM_STR_BUPA - Ranges Structure for Business Partner

BCA_DIM_STR_CLEAR_AC_LIST - List of Clearing Accounts

BCA_DIM_STR_FIN_INST_BUS_TYP_C - Financial Instrument Business Transaction Type Code

BCA_DIM_STR_MAPPED_CONTRACTS - Contract Data - UKMS Mapped Values

BCA_DIM_STR_RCN_DATA_BL_REFUND - Data to be recieved from BaS in case of billing refunds


BCA_DIM_STR_REF_CL_ACCNT - Proxy GUID of the clearing account

BCA_DIM_STR_RNG_BUSINESS_AREA - Range structure for business area

BCA_DIM_STR_RNG_CONTRACT_INT - Range structure for Contract GUID

BCA_DIM_STR_RNG_RCN_DATE_POST - Range Table for Posting Date

BCA_DIM_STR_RNG_RECONC_SYSTEM - Range Table for Logical System

BCA_DIM_STR_UKMS_BACID - Structure for BAC ID Contract account mapping

BCA_DYN_CONDGROUP - Screen Fields for Condition Group Maintenance

BCA_FKK_ADDRESSINDEPENDENT_BAN - Proxy Structure (generated)

BCA_FKK_ADDRESSINDEPENDENT_BUS - Proxy Structure (generated)

BCA_FKK_ANALYTICAL_VIEW_OF_OP1 - AnalyticalViewOfOperationalBusinessEventFSBulkCreateRequest





BCA_FKK_ANLYTCL_VW_OF_OPL_BU14 - AnlytclVwOfOplBusEvtFSCrteReqOplBusEvtClCharc




BCA_FKK_ATTACHMENT1 - Proxy Structure (generated)

BCA_FKK_BANKING_BUSINESS_TRAN2 - Proxy Structure (generated)

BCA_FKK_BANKING_BUSINESS_TRAN7 - Proxy Structure (generated)

BCA_FKK_BANK_ACCOUNT_BALANCE_1 - Proxy Structure (generated)

BCA_FKK_BANK_ACCOUNT_BALANCE_2 - Proxy Structure (generated)

BCA_FKK_BANK_ACCOUNT_BILLING_2 - Proxy Structure (generated)

BCA_FKK_BANK_ACCOUNT_BILLING_4 - BankAccountBillingEntryRetrievalFSByIdentifyingElementsQuery

BCA_FKK_BANK_ACCOUNT_BILLING_5 - BankAccountBillingEntryRetrievalFSByIdentifyingElementsRespo

BCA_FKK_BANK_ACCOUNT_CONTRACT2 - Proxy Structure (generated)

BCA_FKK_BANK_ACCOUNT_DOCUMENT2 - Proxy Structure (generated)

BCA_FKK_BANK_ACCOUNT_INTERNAL1 - Proxy Structure (generated)

BCA_FKK_BANK_CONTRACT_FINANCI1 - Proxy Structure (generated)

BCA_FKK_BANK_CONTRACT_PAYMENT1 - Proxy Structure (generated)

BCA_FKK_BANK_INTERNAL_ID - Proxy Structure (generated)

BCA_FKK_BINARY_OBJECT1 - A BinaryObject is a finite data stream of any number of char

BCA_FKK_BK_ACCT_BILLG_ENTR_R10 - Proxy Structure (generated)

BCA_FKK_BK_ACCT_BILLG_ENTR_R11 - Proxy Structure (generated)

BCA_FKK_BK_ACCT_BILLG_ENTR_R12 - Proxy Structure (generated)

BCA_FKK_BK_ACCT_BILLG_ENTR_R13 - Proxy Structure (generated)

BCA_FKK_BK_ACCT_BILLG_ENTR_R14 - Proxy Structure (generated)

BCA_FKK_BK_ACCT_BILLG_ENTR_R15 - Proxy Structure (generated)

BCA_FKK_BK_ACCT_BILLG_ENTR_R16 - Proxy Structure (generated)

BCA_FKK_BK_ACCT_BILLG_ENTR_R17 - Proxy Structure (generated)

BCA_FKK_BK_ACCT_BILLG_ENTR_R18 - Proxy Structure (generated)

BCA_FKK_BK_ACCT_BILLG_ENTR_R19 - Proxy Structure (generated)

BCA_FKK_BK_ACCT_BILLG_ENTR_R20 - Proxy Structure (generated)

BCA_FKK_BK_ACCT_BILLG_ENTR_R21 - Proxy Structure (generated)

BCA_FKK_BK_ACCT_BILLG_ENTR_R22 - Proxy Structure (generated)

BCA_FKK_BK_ACCT_BILLG_ENTR_R23 - Proxy Structure (generated)

BCA_FKK_BK_ACCT_BILLG_ENTR_R24 - Proxy Structure (generated)

BCA_FKK_BK_ACCT_BILLG_ENTR_R25 - Proxy Structure (generated)

BCA_FKK_BK_ACCT_BILLG_ENTR_R26 - Proxy Structure (generated)

BCA_FKK_BK_ACCT_BILLG_ENTR_R27 - Proxy Structure (generated)

BCA_FKK_BK_ACCT_BILLG_ENTR_R28 - Proxy Structure (generated)

BCA_FKK_BK_ACCT_BILLG_ENTR_R29 - Proxy Structure (generated)

BCA_FKK_BK_ACCT_BILLG_ENTR_R30 - Proxy Structure (generated)

BCA_FKK_BK_ACCT_BILLG_ENTR_R31 - Proxy Structure (generated)

BCA_FKK_BK_ACCT_BILLG_ENTR_R32 - Proxy Structure (generated)

BCA_FKK_BK_ACCT_BILLG_ENTR_R33 - Proxy Structure (generated)

BCA_FKK_BK_ACCT_BILLG_ENTR_R34 - Proxy Structure (generated)

BCA_FKK_BK_ACCT_BILLG_ENTR_RT1 - Proxy Structure (generated)

BCA_FKK_BK_ACCT_BILLG_ENTR_RT2 - Proxy Structure (generated)

BCA_FKK_BK_ACCT_BILLG_ENTR_RT3 - Proxy Structure (generated)

BCA_FKK_BK_ACCT_BILLG_ENTR_RT4 - Proxy Structure (generated)

BCA_FKK_BK_ACCT_BILLG_ENTR_RT5 - Proxy Structure (generated)

BCA_FKK_BK_ACCT_BILLG_ENTR_RT6 - Proxy Structure (generated)

BCA_FKK_BK_ACCT_BILLG_ENTR_RT7 - Proxy Structure (generated)

BCA_FKK_BK_ACCT_BILLG_ENTR_RT8 - Proxy Structure (generated)

BCA_FKK_BK_ACCT_BILLG_ENTR_RT9 - Proxy Structure (generated)

BCA_FKK_BK_ACCT_BILLG_ENTR_RTR - Proxy Structure (generated)

BCA_FKK_CLOSED_DATE_PERIOD - Proxy Structure (generated)

BCA_FKK_CN_BK_ACCT_BOCOMP_FSI1 - Identifying elements of a bank account supported by bank acc

BCA_FKK_CN_BK_ACCT_BOCOMP_FSID - Identifying elements of the bank where the bank account is h



BCA_FKK_CN_BK_CONTR_PAYT_TRAN3 - Proxy Structure (generated)

BCA_FKK_CN_BK_CONTR_PAYT_TRAN4 - Proxy Structure (generated)

BCA_FKK_CN_BK_CONTR_PAYT_TRAN5 - Component names projection for payment transaction instructi

BCA_FKK_CN_BK_CONTR_PAYT_TRANS - Proxy Structure (generated)

BCA_FKK_CN_MANDATORY_BUS_PROC - Proxy Structure (generated)

BCA_FKK_CODE1 - Code is a character string of letters, numbers, special char

BCA_FKK_COMPANY_ID1 - Proxy Structure (generated)

BCA_FKK_CONT_ACC - Staging Table for Contract Acct/Clearing Acct Int GUID

BCA_FKK_DATA_TYPE_REFERENCE - Proxy Structure (generated)

BCA_FKK_DESCRIPTION - Natural Language Text

BCA_FKK_DIRECT_DEBIT_MANDATE_1 - Proxy Structure (generated)

BCA_FKK_DPD_HIST - Days past due message history details

BCA_FKK_EXTENDED_NAME - Proxy Structure (generated)

BCA_FKK_FINANCIAL_INSTRUMENT_5 - Proxy Structure (generated)

BCA_FKK_FINANCIAL_INSTRUMENT_6 - Proxy Structure (generated)

BCA_FKK_FINANCIAL_INSTRUMENT_8 - FinancialInstrumentPositionCharacteristicValue

BCA_FKK_LANGUAGE_CODE_CONTEXT - Proxy Structure (generated)

BCA_FKK_LOG_ITEM_NOTE_PLACEHO1 - Proxy Structure (generated)

BCA_FKK_LOG_ITEM_NOTE_PLACEHOL - Proxy Structure (generated)

BCA_FKK_LOG_ITEM_NOTE_TEMPLAT1 - Proxy Structure (generated)

BCA_FKK_LOG_ITEM_V1 - Proxy Structure (generated)

BCA_FKK_LOG_V1 - Proxy Structure (generated)

BCA_FKK_LONG_NAME - Proxy Structure (generated)

BCA_FKK_MEASURE1 - Proxy Structure (generated)

BCA_FKK_MEASURE_UNIT_CODE_CONT - Proxy Structure (generated)

BCA_FKK_MSG_DTLS - Message details of History table

BCA_FKK_NAMESPACE_URI - Proxy Structure (generated)

BCA_FKK_NOTE - Proxy Structure (generated)

BCA_FKK_OPERATIONAL_BUSINESS_3 - Proxy Structure (generated)

BCA_FKK_OPTIONAL_BUS_PROC_CHN1 - A BusinessProcessChainAssignment is the assignment of a busi

BCA_FKK_OPTIONAL_PARTYTYPECOD2 - PartyBOComponentFSIdentifyingElements

BCA_FKK_OPTIONAL_PARTYTYPECOD3 - IDT Alternativ Key-Structure of the TO Party

BCA_FKK_O_OBE_AV_CR_BLK_RQL - Internal Type of Request

BCA_FKK_PARTY_BOCOMPONENT_FSI1 - Proxy Structure (generated)

BCA_FKK_PARTY_ID1 - Proxy Structure (generated)

BCA_FKK_PARTY_IDENTIFIER_TYPE3 - Proxy Structure (generated)

BCA_FKK_PDT_BUSINESS_OBJECT_C2 - Proxy Structure (generated)

BCA_FKK_PDT_FINANCIAL_INSTRUM2 - Proxy Structure (generated)

BCA_FKK_PDT_NODE_COMPONENT_TY3 - Proxy Structure (generated)

BCA_FKK_PDT_OPERATIONAL_BUSI10 - Proxy Structure (generated)

BCA_FKK_PDT_OPERATIONAL_BUSI12 - Proxy Structure (generated)

BCA_FKK_PDT_OPERATIONAL_BUSI14 - Proxy Structure (generated)

BCA_FKK_PDT_OPERATIONAL_BUSIN8 - Proxy Structure (generated)

BCA_FKK_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS - Proxy Structure (generated)

BCA_FKK_PLN_BK_ACCT_BOCOMP_FS1 - Identifying elements of a bank account supported by bank acc

BCA_FKK_PLN_BK_ACCT_BOCOMP_FSI - Identifying elements of the bank where the bank account is h

BCA_FKK_PRODUCT_ID - Proxy Structure (generated)

BCA_FKK_PROPERTY_ID1 - Proxy Structure (generated)

BCA_FKK_PROPERTY_VALUE_AMOUNT1 - Proxy Structure (generated)

BCA_FKK_PROPERTY_VALUE_BINARY1 - Proxy Structure (generated)

BCA_FKK_PROPERTY_VALUE_CODE_S1 - Proxy Structure (generated)

BCA_FKK_PROPERTY_VALUE_DATE_S1 - Proxy Structure (generated)

BCA_FKK_PROPERTY_VALUE_DATE_T1 - Proxy Structure (generated)

BCA_FKK_PROPERTY_VALUE_DECIMA1 - Proxy Structure (generated)

BCA_FKK_PROPERTY_VALUE_DURATI1 - Proxy Structure (generated)

BCA_FKK_PROPERTY_VALUE_FLOAT_1 - Proxy Structure (generated)

BCA_FKK_PROPERTY_VALUE_IDENTI1 - Proxy Structure (generated)

BCA_FKK_PROPERTY_VALUE_INDICA1 - Proxy Structure (generated)

BCA_FKK_PROPERTY_VALUE_INTEGE1 - Proxy Structure (generated)

BCA_FKK_PROPERTY_VALUE_MEASUR1 - Proxy Structure (generated)

BCA_FKK_PROPERTY_VALUE_NAME_S1 - Proxy Structure (generated)

BCA_FKK_PROPERTY_VALUE_PERCEN1 - Proxy Structure (generated)

BCA_FKK_PROPERTY_VALUE_QUANTI1 - Proxy Structure (generated)

BCA_FKK_PROPERTY_VALUE_RATIO_1 - Proxy Structure (generated)

BCA_FKK_PROPERTY_VALUE_TIME_S1 - Proxy Structure (generated)

BCA_FKK_PROPERTY_VALUE_V11 - Proxy Structure (generated)

BCA_FKK_QUANTITY1 - Proxy Structure (generated)

BCA_FKK_QUANTITY_GROUP_CODE - Proxy Structure (generated)

BCA_FKK_QUANTITY_TYPE_CODE - Proxy Structure (generated)

BCA_FKK_QUANTITY_TYPE_CODE_CO1 - Proxy Structure (generated)

BCA_FKK_REFERENCE_INTEREST_RA3 - Proxy Structure (generated)

BCA_FKK_REGIONDEPENDENTLANGUA1 - Proxy Structure (generated)

BCA_FKK_REGION_CODE - Proxy Structure (generated)

BCA_FKK_REGION_CODE_CONTEXT_EL - Proxy Structure (generated)

BCA_FKK_STR_BABE - Structure of Bank Account Billing Entry

BCA_FKK_STR_BABER_BANK_ACT_EXT - BankAccountBillingEntryRetrieval Loan Account

BCA_FKK_STR_BABER_CLEARING_ACT - Bank account Billing Entry Retrieval Clearing Accts

BCA_FKK_STR_BABER_RETR_QRY - Input structure for Bank Account Billing Entry for Retrieval

BCA_FKK_STR_BABER_RETR_RSP - Structure for Bank Account Billing Entry Response

BCA_FKK_STR_CN_ACCT_BAC_ST_ID - External Account Identification

BCA_FKK_STR_CODE_3SC - Code GDT incl. 3 supplementary components

BCA_FKK_STR_CODE_3SC_NAME_V1 - Code GDT incl. 3 supplementary components & name

BCA_FKK_STR_DPD_HIST_MSG - Data to be sent to service

BCA_FKK_STR_DUE_BILL_ITEMS - Structure for Due Billing Items of a Contract/Clearing Acct

BCA_FKK_STR_GDT_DATA_TYPE_REF - Representation of GDT DataTypeReference

BCA_FKK_STR_GDT_LG_ITN_PHSB_V1 - Representation of LogItemNotePlaceholderSubstitutionList_V1

BCA_FKK_STR_GDT_LG_IT_NTTXT_V1 - Representation of GDT LogItemNoteTemplateText_V1

BCA_FKK_STR_GDT_LOG_ITEM_V1 - Representation of GDT LogItem_V1

BCA_FKK_STR_GDT_LOG_ITM_CAT_CD - Representation for GDT Log Item CategoryCode

BCA_FKK_STR_GDT_LOG_V1 - Representation for GDT Log_V1

BCA_FKK_STR_GDT_NAMESPACE_URI - Representation of GDT NamespaceURI

BCA_FKK_STR_GDT_NOTE - Representation of GDT Note

BCA_FKK_STR_GDT_SYS_MG_TYP_REF - Representation of GDT SystemMessageTypeReference

BCA_FKK_STR_GDT_SYS_MSTY_GR_RE - Representation of GDT SystemMessageTypeGroupReference

BCA_FKK_STR_ID_2SC - ID GDT incl. 2 supplementary components

BCA_FKK_STR_RNG_BL_STATUS - BL: Range Structure for Billing Status

BCA_FKK_STR_SBL_BANK_ACCT_ID - External Account Indentification with Scheme ID


BCA_FKK_SYSTEM_MESSAGE_TYPE_GR - Proxy Structure (generated)

BCA_FKK_SYSTEM_MESSAGE_TYPE_RE - Proxy Structure (generated)

BCA_FKK_UPPEROPEN_UNBOUNDED_DA - Proxy Structure (generated)

BCA_FKK_USER_ACCOUNT_ID - Proxy Structure (generated)

BCA_F_CONFIG - Configuration for Archiving Factory


BCA_F_DATA - Data Table

BCA_MIG_CONT_ACC - Migration group details for contract account

BCA_PAR_INTRVL_Y - Assigned Intervals

BCA_POB_SYST - Logical System where Process Observer is Active

BCA_PO_CHEQ_REL - Payment order and Cheque relationship for Banking

BCA_PUBLIC_CONT_SND - Customer Fields for Ordering Party Data of Automatic Fwd Ord

BCA_RCN_SUMSIN - Aggregated data for reconciliation

BCA_REL_LOG_D - Detail Data of Log Table for Release

BCA_REL_LOG_H - Header Data of Log Table for Release

BCA_REL_STR_BTE_FBS - Line Category: Function Module for BTE

BCA_RULE_PARAMETER - Parameter Structure for Rule Generation

BCA_STR_ACC_BL - Structure Table Dialog Box Payment Transaction Blocks


BCA_STR_AR_RELEASELOG_ARCHIVE - Structure for Determination of Release Log to be Archived

BCA_STR_BAPI_EXTDOC_H - Headers in External Billdocs - Banking industry specific

BCA_STR_BAPI_EXTDOC_I - Items in External Billing system - Banking industry specific

BCA_STR_BA_SERVICE_INPUT - Structure for service input for BA

BCA_STR_BL_DOC_PPF - Parameter Parallel Processing for application BCA_BL_DOC

BCA_STR_BL_DOC_PP_PARAM_TECH - Technical parameters for Bill Doc Creation in PPF

BCA_STR_BP_COMPCODE - Structure to hold BP, Cont Acct and Company code

BCA_STR_CONDGROUP - Condition Group Maintenance (Object, API)

BCA_STR_CONDGROUPT - Description Condition Group (API, Object)

BCA_STR_CONDGROUPT_DATA - Description Condition Group (Text)

BCA_STR_CONDGROUPT_DB - Description Condition Group (Database)

BCA_STR_CONDGROUPT_KEY - Key Condition Group + Language

BCA_STR_CONDGROUPT_KEY_DB - Description Condition Group (Key, Database)

BCA_STR_CONDGROUP_DATA - Condition Group Maintenance (Data)

BCA_STR_CONDGROUP_DB - Condition Group Maintenance (DB)

BCA_STR_CONDGROUP_KEY - Condition Group Maintenace (Key Object, API)

BCA_STR_CONDGROUP_KEY_DB - Condition Group Maintenance (Key, Database)

BCA_STR_CONDGROUP_LIST - Condition Group List

BCA_STR_CONDGROUP_OV - Condition Group Maintenance (Key Obj. API) W/out Search Help

BCA_STR_CONDGROUP_SOURCE - Condition Groups Copy Source

BCA_STR_CONDGROUP_TARGET - Condition Groups Copy Target

BCA_STR_CUST_FIELDS - Structure Container Field

BCA_STR_DFKKCOH - Structure for Correspondence

BCA_STR_DIM_ACCT_CHNG_DETAILS - Account Change Details


BCA_STR_DIM_ACCT_INT - Account Details - Internal GUID's

BCA_STR_DIM_ADDR1_VAL - Address Structure For Payref Details

BCA_STR_DIM_ADMIN - Administrative Data

BCA_STR_DIM_ALTER_PAYER - Alternative payer

BCA_STR_DIM_APPLOG_CONTEXT - Application log context

BCA_STR_DIM_BACID - Structure for BAC ID and clearing account

BCA_STR_DIM_BAC_ID - BAC Id Details of Account from TRBK system

BCA_STR_DIM_BANKDETAILS - Business partner payment details


BCA_STR_DIM_BAPIDFKKCL_BACID - structure for open items

BCA_STR_DIM_BAPIDFKKOP - Business Partner Items for Wrapper RFC

BCA_STR_DIM_BAPIDFKKOPW - Repetition Items in Wrapper RFC

BCA_STR_DIM_BAPIDFKKZP - Payment Data for Wrapper RFC

BCA_STR_DIM_BAPI_EXTADJDOC_H - Header structure for wrapper RFC

BCA_STR_DIM_BAPI_EXTDOC_H - Header structure for wrapper RFC

BCA_STR_DIM_BAPI_EXTDOC_I_V1 - Items for Wrapper RFC

BCA_STR_DIM_BAPI_EXTDOC_I_V2 - Items for Wrapper RFC

BCA_STR_DIM_BAPI_INTADJDOC_H - Header structure for wrapper RFC



BCA_STR_DIM_BEFORE_BILLING_BW - Before Billing Error Capturing Structure

BCA_STR_DIM_BILLDOC_BAC_ID - Structure for creating billdoc using BAC-ID

BCA_STR_DIM_BILLDOC_REV - Reversal of bill documents for TRBK

BCA_STR_DIM_BUS1006_BANKDETAIL - Structure for Bank Details

BCA_STR_DIM_BUSP_BANKDETAILID - Structure for Fi-CA bank details id

BCA_STR_DIM_BU_PAYREF - Payment details for a business partner

BCA_STR_DIM_CALCDET_H0 - Help structure for calculation details - key fields

BCA_STR_DIM_CALCDET_H1 - Help structure for calculation details - Character fields

BCA_STR_DIM_CALCDET_H2 - Help structure for calculation details - Character mapping

BCA_STR_DIM_CLEAR_AC - Ranges Structure of Clearing Account No.

BCA_STR_DIM_CLEAR_ACCOUNT_DET - AM Clearing Account detail

BCA_STR_DIM_CLEAR_ACCT - Clear Account Details

BCA_STR_DIM_CLEAR_TRIV_AMNTS - Clearing of Trivial Amounts

BCA_STR_DIM_CLR_EXTENSIONIN - Customer Enhancements for each Clearing Account

BCA_STR_DIM_CLR_FROM_CR - Clear from credit

BCA_STR_DIM_CLR_FROM_CR_ERMSG - Clear From credit with Keys

BCA_STR_DIM_CLR_FROM_CR_KEYS - Clear From credit with Keys

BCA_STR_DIM_CONTRACT_IDENT - External Identification of contract

BCA_STR_DIM_CONT_ACCT - Contract account Number

BCA_STR_DIM_CONT_PART_DETAILS - Contract partner details

BCA_STR_DIM_DPD_COMP_OI_DTLS - store details of company code and corresponding open items

BCA_STR_DIM_DUE_ITEMS - Loans Due items structure

BCA_STR_DIM_ERROR_MAPPING - Maps the error category to error number, msg class, api name

BCA_STR_DIM_EXT_REVERSED_DOC - External Billing Document to be Reversed


BCA_STR_DIM_FKKVKCI - Basic Data for Contract Account

BCA_STR_DIM_FKKVKPI1 - Input Structure for Borrower


BCA_STR_DIM_MIG_GRP - Migration Group

BCA_STR_DIM_MIG_GRP_RNG - Range Structure for Migration Group

BCA_STR_DIM_OI_KEYS - Open Item Key Columns

BCA_STR_DIM_OI_TRANSFER_PARAM - Parameters for Transfer of Open Items

BCA_STR_DIM_OPEN_ITEM - Open items including the locked items for direct debit

BCA_STR_DIM_OPEN_ITEM_BACID - Structure for All Open items including locks

BCA_STR_DIM_OPEN_ITEM_MIG - Structure for open items includes locked for DD during mig.

BCA_STR_DIM_PAYADV_DETAILS - Additional Payment Advice Details

BCA_STR_DIM_PAYMENT_LOT_DET - Structure for payment lot and position

BCA_STR_DIM_PAYMENT_LOT_POSNO - Payment Lot ID and Position Number

BCA_STR_DIM_PAYMENT_LOT_STAT - Structure for paymet lot id and status

BCA_STR_DIM_PAYMLOT_ERROR - Structure for error message

BCA_STR_DIM_PAYMLOT_RESP - Response data type for payment order data


BCA_STR_DIM_PAYREF_DATA - Payment Details (Fields)

BCA_STR_DIM_PAYREF_ITEM_DATA - Payref Details Added For Billing Payment Methods

BCA_STR_DIM_PAY_ITEMS - Payment items structure

BCA_STR_DIM_RECONC_UNIT - Reconciliation Unit

BCA_STR_DIM_REF_REVERSAL - Reversal of open items

BCA_STR_DIM_REF_REVERSAL_ERMSG - Reversal of open items

BCA_STR_DIM_REF_REVERSAL_KEYS - Reversal references with keys


BCA_STR_DIM_RNG_CONCAT_KEY - Range structure for concatenated reconciliation key

BCA_STR_DIM_RNG_RECONC_NUMBER - Range Structure for Reconciliation Number

BCA_STR_DIM_SUB_TXN_TYPE - Structure to contain the main transaction type and error flg

BCA_STR_DIM_TXN_TYPS - DIM Transaction Types


BCA_STR_DIM_WAIVER_ACTIVAT - Parameters for Waiver Order

BCA_STR_DIM_WAIVER_ITEM - Open items for waiver order

BCA_STR_DIM_WRITE_OFF_DOC_NOS - Write Off Document numbers

BCA_STR_DPD_HIST_MOD - Structure: To store details for modified history entries

BCA_STR_DPD_MSG_DTLS_MOD - Structure : To store details for modified message entries

BCA_STR_EXT_IN_BILL_CANCEL - External inbound type for Cancellation of Billing Document

BCA_STR_EXT_IN_BILL_CHANGE - External inbound type for Creation of Billing Document

BCA_STR_EXT_IN_BILL_CHANGE_V1 - External inbound type for Creation of Billing Document

BCA_STR_EXT_IN_BILL_CHANGE_V2 - External inbound type for Creation of Billing Document

BCA_STR_EXT_IN_BILL_CREATE - External inbound type for Creation of Billing Document

BCA_STR_EXT_IN_BILL_CREATE_V1 - External inbound type for Creation of Billing Document

BCA_STR_EXT_IN_BILL_CREATE_V2 - External inbound type for Creation of Billing Document

BCA_STR_EXT_IN_CLEAR_CREDIT - External inbound type for Clear from Credit

BCA_STR_EXT_IN_CONTRACT_CHANGE - Internal inbound type for Change of Contract

BCA_STR_EXT_IN_CONTRACT_CREATE - Internal inbound type for Creation of Contract

BCA_STR_EXT_IN_OI_TRANSFER - External Structure for Open item transfer to new contract

BCA_STR_EXT_IN_PAYMENT_LOT - External inbound type for Payment Lot

BCA_STR_EXT_IN_PAYM_ORDER_LOT - External inbound type for Payment Lot

BCA_STR_EXT_IN_WRITE_OFF - External inbound type for Write off

BCA_STR_FKKVKP_EXTENSION - Structure containing Legal Entity and Account Product

BCA_STR_FSL_ECH_DATA - Data for Error and Conflict Handling

BCA_STR_FSL_LOG_ITEM_CAT_CODE - Representation for GDT Log Item Categor yCode

BCA_STR_IND_COND_KEY - Key Objects Individual Condition

BCA_STR_INT_IN_BILL_CANCEL - Internal inbound type for Cancellation of Billing Document

BCA_STR_INT_IN_BILL_CANCEL_PPO - Internal inbound type for Cancellation of Billing PPO

BCA_STR_INT_IN_BILL_CHANGE - Internal inbound type for Change of Billing Document

BCA_STR_INT_IN_BILL_CREATE - Internal inbound type for Creation of Billing Document

BCA_STR_INT_IN_CLEAR_CREDIT - Internal inbound type for Clear from credit

BCA_STR_INT_IN_CONTRACT_CHANGE - Internal inbound type for Change of Contract

BCA_STR_INT_IN_CONTRACT_CREATE - Internal inbound type for Creation of Contract

BCA_STR_INT_IN_OI_TRANSFER - External Structure for Open item transfer to new contract

BCA_STR_INT_IN_WRITE_OFF - Internal inbound type for Write off

BCA_STR_INT_IN_WRITE_OFF_ERROR - Internal inbound type for Write off with error message

BCA_STR_INT_OUT_OI_TRANSFER - External Structure for Open item transfer to new contract

BCA_STR_ITEM_NODE - Structure for item node


BCA_STR_POST_ON_ACC - Post on account

BCA_STR_PROPERTY - Structure type for property

BCA_STR_PUBLIC_CONT - Public Container Structure for BCA Item Table

BCA_STR_REG_CLASS_INSTANCE - Reference to registered Class instances.

BCA_STR_RELPROC_CUST_DISPLAY - Customizing Release Procedure: Display Screen

BCA_STR_RELPROC_DISPLAY - Structure of Screen Fields

BCA_STR_RELPROC_EXP - Release Procedure Customizing: Expression Table

BCA_STR_RELPROC_EXP_DATA1 - Customizing Release Procedure: Expression Table (Data)

BCA_STR_RELPROC_EXP_DATA2 - Customizing Release Procedure: Expression Table (Data)

BCA_STR_RELPROC_EXP_DATA3 - Customizing Release Procedure: Expression Table (Data)

BCA_STR_RELPROC_EXP_DB - Customizing Release Procedure: Expression Table (DB)

BCA_STR_RELPROC_EXP_KEY - Customizing Release Procedure: Expression Table (Key)

BCA_STR_RELPROC_EXP_KEY_DB - Customizing Release Procedure: Expression Table (Key, DB)

BCA_STR_REL_ACT - Release Tool: Release Activity

BCA_STR_REL_ACTT - Release Tool: Release Activity (Text)

BCA_STR_REL_ACTT_DATA - Release Tool: Release Activity (Text) (Data)

BCA_STR_REL_ACTT_KEY - Release Tool: Release Activity (Text) (Key)

BCA_STR_REL_DISPLAY_DATA - Display Data for Release

BCA_STR_REL_DLT_TXT_STRUCT - Output Table of Text for Delta Display

BCA_STR_REL_FM - Release Tool: Object Category for Module Assignment (Key)

BCA_STR_REL_FM_DATA - Release Tool: Object Category for Module Assignment (Key)

BCA_STR_REL_FM_KEY - Release Tool: Object Category for Module Assignment (Key)

BCA_STR_REL_GRAPH - Release Tool: Status Graph

BCA_STR_REL_GRAPH_DATA1 - Release Tool: Status Graph (Data)

BCA_STR_REL_GRAPH_KEY - Release Tool: Status Graph (Key)

BCA_STR_REL_ITEMTXT_DATA - Release Tool: Workitem Text (Data)

BCA_STR_REL_LOG_D - Release Tool: Detail Data

BCA_STR_REL_LOG_D_DATA1 - Release Tool: Detail Data (Data)

BCA_STR_REL_LOG_D_DB - Release Tool: Detail Data (DB)

BCA_STR_REL_LOG_D_KEY - Release Tool: Detail Data (Key)

BCA_STR_REL_LOG_D_KEY_DB - Release Tool: Detail Data (Key)

BCA_STR_REL_LOG_H - Release Tool: Header Data (OL, API)

BCA_STR_REL_LOG_H_DATA1 - Release Tool: Header Data (Semantic Key)

BCA_STR_REL_LOG_H_DATA2 - Release Tool: Header Data (Data)

BCA_STR_REL_LOG_H_DATA3 - Release Tool - Transient Data

BCA_STR_REL_LOG_H_DB - Release Tool: Header Data (DB)

BCA_STR_REL_LOG_H_KEY - Release Tool: Header Data (Key, API, OL, DB)

BCA_STR_REL_LOG_H_KEY_CONV - Release Tool: Structure for Key Conversion

BCA_STR_REL_LOG_H_KEY_DB - Release Tool: Header Data (Key, API, OL, DB)

BCA_STR_REL_MESSAGE - Message Structure of Release

BCA_STR_REL_OBJ_CAT - Release Tool: Object Categories

BCA_STR_REL_OBJ_CATT - Release Tool: Object Categories (Text)

BCA_STR_REL_OBJ_CATT_DATA - Release Tool: Object Categories (Text) (Data)

BCA_STR_REL_OBJ_CATT_KEY - Release Tool: Object Categories (Text) (Key)

BCA_STR_REL_OBJ_CAT_DATA - Release Tool: Object Categories (Data)

BCA_STR_REL_OBJ_CAT_KEY - Release Tool: Object Categories (Key)

BCA_STR_REL_PROC - Release Tool: Release Procedure

BCA_STR_REL_PROCT - Release Tool: Release Procedure (Text)

BCA_STR_REL_PROCT_DATA - Release Tool: Release Procedure (Text) (Data)

BCA_STR_REL_PROCT_KEY - Release Tool: Release Procedure (Text) (Key)

BCA_STR_REL_RANDOM - Customizing Release Procedure: Chance Release

BCA_STR_REL_REL_FM - MDM Release Call Back Function Module List

BCA_STR_REL_RULE - Release WF: Rule Assignment

BCA_STR_REL_RULE_DATA - Release WF: Rule Assignment (Data)

BCA_STR_REL_RULE_KEY - Release WF: Rule Assignment (Key)

BCA_STR_REL_STATUS - Release Tool: Status

BCA_STR_REL_STATUST - Release Tool: Status (Text)

BCA_STR_REL_STATUST_DATA - Release Tool: Status (Text) (Data)

BCA_STR_REL_STATUST_DB - Release Tool: Status (Text) (DB)

BCA_STR_REL_STATUST_KEY - Release Tool: Status (Text) (Key)

BCA_STR_REL_STATUST_KEY_DB - Release Tool: Status (Text) (Key)

BCA_STR_REL_STEP_ACTOR - Release Tool: Users for Release Levels

BCA_STR_REVPO - Help Structure for Output of Incorrect Orders

BCA_STR_REVPO_BS - Internal Structure for Displaying Orders (Bank Statement)

BCA_STR_RNG_CAG_GUIDS - CMSCAG: Range Structure for CAG Guids

BCA_STR_RNG_INS_GUIDS - CMSINS: Range Structure for INS Guids

BCA_STR_RNG_MOV_GUIDS - CMSMOV: Range Structure for MOV Guids

BCA_STR_RNG_RBL_GUIDS - CMSRBL: Range Structure for RBL Guids

BCA_STR_RNG_REOBJ_GUIDS - CMS_RE_OBJ: Range Structure for RE OBJ Guids

BCA_STR_RNG_RIG_GUIDS - CMSRIG: Range Structure for RIG Guids

BCA_STR_RNG_SEC_GUIDS - CMSSEC: Range Structure for SEC Guids

BCA_STR_RNG_SHP_GUID - CMSSHP: Range table for SHP Guids

BCA_STR_ROUTE - Structure for Routing Instructions

BCA_STR_RTW_API_REL_PROC - Structure for Release Process Instance (Used in RTW APIs)

BCA_STR_RTW_API_RETURN - Return Code Structure (Used in API Modules)

BCA_STR_RTW_RELPROC - Structure for Release Process Instance (used in BOR Object)

BCA_STR_STND_COND_KEY - Key Fields Normal Condition

BCA_STR_UKMS_MAPPING - UKMS Mapping:Loan Act-Contract Clearing Act-Contract account

BCA_STR_VKONT_CLEARING - Contract Account and Bank Clearing Account

BCA_US_BANK_CHQ_REPORT - Bank Cheque Report Structure

BCA_US_BANK_CHQ_REPORT_PRINT - Bank Cheque Report Struct For Print Report

BCA_US_BC_ADDR - Addresses Associated with Bank Cheques

BCA_US_BKK44A - Current account master data: Amount-dependent blocks

BCA_US_BKKIT - Append to Table BKKIT for US Specific Data

BCA_US_BKKITENQ - US specific fields for Blocked payment items


BCA_US_BKKITMP_DEL - US specific fields for Planned payment items - completed

BCA_US_BKKITPRE - US specific fields for parked payment items

BCA_US_BKKITPRE_MEMO - Fields for memo items

BCA_US_BKKITTMP - US specific fields for planned items

BCA_US_BKKITTMP_DEL_MEMO - Fields for memo items

BCA_US_BKKITTMP_MEMO - Fields for memo items

BCA_US_BKKIT_MEMO - Fields for memo records

BCA_US_BKKPOHD_MEMO - Fields for memo records

BCA_US_BKKPOIT - US specific fields for payment order items

BCA_US_BKKPOIT_MEMO - Fields for memo records

BCA_US_BKKSO - BCA US append structure for US specific fields

BCA_US_BKK_TD - BCA: Time deposit account data

BCA_US_BKK_TD_CERTIFICATE - BCA: Time Deposit Certificate

BCA_US_BUS000O - BCA US: BP Incorporporation Data

BCA_US_BUS000O_DI - BCA US: BP Incorporporation Data

BCA_US_BUT000 - US Specific Enhancements to BP

BCA_US_BUT000_DI - Append for BP Incorporation Data: DI

BCA_US_COMP - BCA US specific settings

BCA_US_DEA_ESCH - Escheat Accounts Data

BCA_US_DEA_HIST - Correspondence History

BCA_US_ESCHEAT - Fields for Dormancy and Escheat Procedures

BCA_US_HLD2REL - Hold Records which have not been released - Dual Control

BCA_US_HOLD - Hold Amounts Which Affect Available Balance

BCA_US_IBKK44A - Bank current accounts: Amount-dependent blocks

BCA_US_IBKK44A_DI - Bank current accounts: Amount-dependent blocks

BCA_US_IBKK53 - Structure for amt-dependent block overview (table control)

BCA_US_IBKKAPIEXP - US specific fields for Payment item data

BCA_US_IBKKAPIIMP - US specific fields for Payment item data

BCA_US_IBKKAPIIMP_MEMO - Fields for memo items

BCA_US_IBKKBAPISSO1 - Append structure for US specific fields

BCA_US_IBKKG31_MEMO - Fields for memo items

BCA_US_IBKKITDIEX - Retirement planning

BCA_US_IBKKRFCPORCV - Retirement plan - Payment order, recipient party information

BCA_US_IBKKRFCPOSND - Retirement plan - Payment order, Ordering party information

BCA_US_IBKKSO_DI_S1 - Append structure for US specific fields

BCA_US_IBKK_ITEM - Append to structure IBKK_ITEM for US specific data

BCA_US_IBKK_ITEM_MEMO - Fields for memo items

BCA_US_IBKK_PSTBK - US specific fields for payment item interface

BCA_US_IBKK_PSTCL - Retirement plan for clearing item

BCA_US_IBKK_PSTPI - Retirement plan - Payment item data for interface

BCA_US_IBKK_PSTRC - Retirement plan for receiver

BCA_US_IBKK_PSTSD - Retirement plan for sender item

BCA_US_IBKK_SO3 - BCA US append structure for US specific fields

BCA_US_IBKK_SO_DYN_ACCNT - BCA US Append structure for US specific fields

BCA_US_MEMO_ITEM - Fields for memo items

BCA_US_MEM_ITEMS - Memo item table

BCA_US_OD_PLAN - Account master data: Overdraft plan

BCA_US_OD_REL - Accounts - US specific overdraft relation details

BCA_US_OD_TRANS - Transaction details for Overdraft protection

BCA_US_SBKKRS - Stucture for Bankarea

BCA_US_STR_BANK_CHQ_ITEM - Structure Used Hold Information about a single Bank Check

BCA_US_STR_BUT000_UPDATE - BP Incorporation Data update structure

BCA_US_STR_CHANGE_ITEM - Change structure used for memo item change table type

BCA_US_STR_CORR_REP_DISP - Report struct. for Dormancy and Escheat Corres. History

BCA_US_STR_DEA_ADD_PROP_REC - Escheat Additional Property Record


BCA_US_STR_DEA_HOLDER_REC - Escheat Holder Record

BCA_US_STR_DEA_PROPERTY_REC - Escheat Property Record

BCA_US_STR_DEA_REP_DISP - Report structure for Dormancy and Escheat Accounts

BCA_US_STR_DEA_SUMMARY_REC - Escheat Summary Record

BCA_US_STR_DEA_SUMMARY_TOTALS - Escheat Summary Record Totals

BCA_US_STR_HOLD_ARCH01 - Log Display for Hold Archiving

BCA_US_STR_HOLD_DISP - Include Structure for BCA_US_HOLD

BCA_US_STR_HOLD_KEY - Key Fields for Hold

BCA_US_STR_HOLD_REP_DISP - Include Structure for BCA_US_HOLD

BCA_US_STR_ITEM_NUMBERS - Item number structure for payment items

BCA_US_TBKKG3 - US Specific Enhancements

BCA_V_BA_SYSTEM - Generated Table for View

BCA_V_CLS_BT_REG - Generated Table for View

BCA_V_POB_SYST - Generated Table for View

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