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ARO_AP_REF - ARO Accounting Principles and active references

ARO_ASSIGNMENTS - Table for Object Assignments

ARO_ASSIGNMENTSX - Table for Object Assignments - Update Flags

ARO_CEP_HDR - Cost Estimation Plan Header

ARO_CEP_HDRX - Cost Estimation Plan Header - Update Flags

ARO_CEP_INDEX - Cost Estimation Plan Index Table

ARO_CEP_IT - Cost Estimation Plan Items

ARO_CEP_IT_AP - Obligation Type Specific Cost Estimation Plan Items

ARO_CEP_S_UI_HEADER - Structure for UI Header

ARO_CEP_S_UI_ITEM - Structure for CEP UI items

ARO_CEP_S_UI_OBT_ITEM - Structure for CEP UI items

ARO_HDR - Basic ARO Data (General)

ARO_HDR_AP - Accounting Principle Specific Header Information

ARO_MAS_ADJ - ARO Mass Adjustment Record

ARO_NUMBER - Asset Retirement Obligation

ARO_OBJECTS - ARO Accruals: Accrual Objects


ARO_OBJECT_KEY_INT - Unique Key of Accruals Object in ACAC

ARO_OBLIGATION - Obligation Administrative Data

ARO_OBLIGATIONX - Obligation Administrative Data - Update flags

ARO_OBL_INDEX - Obligation Index Table

ARO_OBL_OBJ - Lock structure for ARO

ARO_OBL_OBJ_AR - Lock structure for ARO archive


ARO_OTP_VALUES - Posting Values for ARO

ARO_PARAMETERS - Accruals for ARO: Customer-Specific Parameters

ARO_PERIOD_ACCR - ARO Periodic Accruals

ARO_REFKEY - Refkey for Manual Accruals

ARO_REF_KEY - Refkey for ARO Accruals

ARO_REF_SUB_KEY - RefSubKey for ARO Accruals

ARO_S_ACC_PR_CONFIG - Configuration of active Accounting Principles

ARO_S_ACTIVE_SCREENS - Active AP-specific Screens

ARO_S_ARO_ALV_DUMMY - ALV List Output Field attributes definition

ARO_S_ARO_ALV_FIELDS - ALV List Output Field attributes definition

ARO_S_ARO_ALV_LAYOUT - ALV List Output Layout definition

ARO_S_ARO_ALV_MAIN - ARO DDIC structure for output lists

ARO_S_ARO_AP_TA - ARO Accounting Principles and active transactions

ARO_S_ARO_ASSET - Link between obligation and assets

ARO_S_ARO_ASSET_LINK - Link of AROs to Assets

ARO_S_ARO_CEP_ALV_IAS - SAP List Viewer field Catalogue for ARO transactions display

ARO_S_ARO_CEP_ALV_USG - SAP List Viewer field Catalogue for ARO transactions display

ARO_S_ARO_CF_USG_FIELDS - Calculation Steps for Processing Transactions

ARO_S_ARO_CF_USG_KEY - Calculation Steps for Processing Transactions

ARO_S_ARO_CHDOCSTRUC - Change Document: Object ID Asset Retirement Obligation GUID

ARO_S_ARO_HDR - ARO Basic Data (General)

ARO_S_ARO_HDR_ACC_PR - Accounting Principle Specific Header Information

ARO_S_ARO_HDR_AP - Accounting Principle Specific Header Information

ARO_S_ARO_HDR_APX - Accounting Principle Specific Header Info (Update Info)

ARO_S_ARO_HDR_BASIC - ARO Basic Data (General)

ARO_S_ARO_HDR_BASICX - ARO Basic Data (General) Update Info

ARO_S_ARO_HDR_IAS - IAS specific specific data at ARO header level

ARO_S_ARO_HDR_LDB - Structure of ARO Header for logical DB

ARO_S_ARO_HDR_USG - USG specific data at ARO header level

ARO_S_ARO_LAY_ALV - SAP List Viewer field Catalogue for USG layer display

ARO_S_ARO_MASS_TRANS_ALV - SAP List Viewer field Catalogue for ARO transactions display

ARO_S_ARO_OBLIGATION - General Obligation structure

ARO_S_ARO_OBLIGATIONX - General Obligation structure Update Info

ARO_S_ARO_OTP_LDB - Structure of OTP for logical DB


ARO_S_ARO_REP_DUE_SETTLEMENT - ARO: Output List, Due settlement

ARO_S_ARO_REP_DUE_SETT_HDR - ARO: Output List, Due settlement

ARO_S_ARO_REP_EVALUATE_AP - ARO: Output List, Evaluation

ARO_S_ARO_REP_EVALUATE_HDR - RR: Output List, Evaluation header details

ARO_S_ARO_REP_EVALUATE_HEADR - RR: Output List, Evaluation header details

ARO_S_ARO_REP_EVALUATE_IAS - ARO: Output List, Evaluation IAS

ARO_S_ARO_REP_EVALUATE_USG - ARO: Output List, Evaluation USG

ARO_S_ARO_REP_FORECAST_AP - ARO: Output List, Forecast

ARO_S_ARO_REP_FORECAST_HDR - RR: Output List, Evaluation header details

ARO_S_ARO_REP_FORECAST_IAS - ARO: Output List, Forecast for IAS

ARO_S_ARO_REP_FORECAST_USG - ARO: Output List, Forecast for USG

ARO_S_ARO_REP_PSDOCITEMS - RR: Output List, Line Items in the Accrual Engine

ARO_S_ARO_REP_SLOP_AP - ARO: Output List, Sorted List of Provision

ARO_S_ARO_REP_SLOP_HDR - ARO: Output List, Sorted List of Provision header details

ARO_S_ARO_REP_SLOP_IAS - ARO: Output List, Sorted List of Provision for IAS

ARO_S_ARO_REP_SLOP_REGROUP - ARO: Sorted List of Provision Regrouping

ARO_S_ARO_REP_SLOP_USG - ARO: Output List, Sorted List of Provision for USG

ARO_S_ARO_REP_SLOP_VAL - ARO: internal used for dynamic generation of value fields

ARO_S_ARO_TA - ARO Transactions (General)

ARO_S_ARO_TA_AP - Accounting Principle Specific Amounts per process

ARO_S_ARO_TA_AP_COM - Common fields for ARO_TA_AP structures

ARO_S_ARO_TA_AP_KEY - Keyfields of ARO_TA_AP

ARO_S_ARO_TA_AP_LDB - Structure of ARO_TA_AP for logical DB (join of TA and TA_AP)

ARO_S_ARO_TA_BASIC - ARO Transactions (General)

ARO_S_ARO_TA_BASICX - ARO Transactions (General) Upd

ARO_S_ARO_TA_CALC - Calculation steps at cost estimation level

ARO_S_ARO_TA_CF_FIELDS - Calculation Steps for Processing Transactions

ARO_S_ARO_TA_CF_KEY - Calculation Steps for Processing Transactions - Key fields

ARO_S_ARO_TA_IAS - IAS specific data at ARO transaction level

ARO_S_ARO_TA_LAY - Acc. principle specific data at cost estimation layer level

ARO_S_ARO_TA_PLAN - Settlement Plan at ARO transaction level

ARO_S_ARO_TA_SMALL - Processing Transactions - short structure for processes

ARO_S_ARO_TA_USG - USG specific data at ARO transaction level

ARO_S_ARO_TRANS_ALV - SAP List Viewer field Catalogue for ARO transactions display

ARO_S_ARO_TRANS_AP - Processing Transactions

ARO_S_ARO_TRANS_IAS - Financial Obligation Processing Transactions (IFRS)

ARO_S_ARO_TRANS_USG - Financial Obligation Processing Transactions (US-GAAP)

ARO_S_ASS_CUST - Object Assignment Customizing

ARO_S_CALC_STEP - Calculation step

ARO_S_CEP_HDR - Cost Estimation Plan Header

ARO_S_CEP_IT - Cost Estimation Plan Items

ARO_S_COMMON_COMPANY_DATA - CC Company Code related data

ARO_S_COMP_CODE_RANGE - Structure for company code range

ARO_S_CONFIG - Configuration of Obligation Types

ARO_S_CREATION_INFO - Obligation Creation Information

ARO_S_DT_UO_HDR - ARO Data Takeover: Underlying Object Header Data

ARO_S_DT_UO_LNK - ARO Data Takeover: Underlying Object Asset Link Info

ARO_S_ENTRY_INFO - Obligation Entry Information

ARO_S_INFLATION_STEP - Inflation Process (Individual Calculation Step)

ARO_S_INT_RATE_SCHEDULE - Interest Rate Specification

ARO_S_LASTCHANGE_INFO - Obligation Information about last changes

ARO_S_OBJECTS - Mass Adjustment for parallel processing

ARO_S_OBJECT_CHANGES - Parameters used for change document creation

ARO_S_OBJ_ASSIGNMENTS - Basic Data - Assignment Objects

ARO_S_OBJ_ASS_OBJECTS - Structure for loaded assignment objects

ARO_S_OBL_STATUS_RANGE - Range structure for obligation status

ARO_S_OBL_TYPE_RANGE - Range structure for obligation type

ARO_S_RANGE_ACC_PR - Selection Range for Accounting Principles

ARO_S_RELEASE_INFO - Obligation Release Information

ARO_S_RETAIN_PERIOD - Retaining period structure

ARO_S_REVERSE_INFO - Obligation Reversal Information

ARO_S_UNDL_ASSET_ALV - Screen structure for UNDL Object related fixed assets

ARO_S_UNDL_CHDOCSTRUC - Change Document: Object ID Underlying Object GUID

ARO_S_UNDL_OBJ_SCREEN - Screen structure for Underlying object header

ARO_S_UO_HDR - Underlying Object Basic Header Data

ARO_S_UO_HDRX - Underlying Object Basic Header Data Upd

ARO_S_VARO_HDR - Change document Provision Header Information

ARO_S_VARO_HDR_AP - Accounting Principle Specific Header Information

ARO_S_VARO_TA - Change document ARO Processing Transactions

ARO_S_VARO_TA_AP - Change document ARO AP Processing Transactions

ARO_S_VASSIGNMENTS - Changedocument Account Assignment Manager Information

ARO_S_VCEP_HDR - Table type for Change documents for CEP header

ARO_S_VCEP_IT - Change Documents Cost Estimation Plan Items

ARO_S_VCEP_IT_AP - Change Documents AP-specific Cost Estimation Plan Items

ARO_S_VOBLIGATION - Change document Obligation Header Information

ARO_S_VUO_HDR - Table type for Underlying Object header

ARO_S_VUO_LNK - Link between underlying object and mass assets

ARO_TA - Asset Retirement Obligations: Processes/Transactions

ARO_TA_AP - Accounting principle specific amounts per process

ARO_TA_CALC - Calculation steps at cost estimation level

ARO_TA_CF - Accounting principle specific data at ARO transaction level

ARO_TA_LAY - Acc. principle specific data at cost estimation layer level

ARO_TA_PLAN - Settlement Plan at ARO transaction level

ARO_TA_SCAL - Simulated calculation steps at cost estimation level

ARO_TA_SCF - Simulated cash flow data at ARO transaction level

ARO_TA_SLAY - Simulated data at cost estimation layer level

ARO_TC_AP_CUST - Assign Customizing Sets to Accounting Principles

ARO_TC_CLC_METH - Calculation Method

ARO_TC_CLC_MT_T - Calculation Method Text

ARO_TC_COMPTXT - Component text of lease

ARO_TC_CONFIG - General Obligation specific configuration

ARO_TC_COTYPE - Cost types in a cost estimation plan

ARO_TC_COTYPET - Cost type description

ARO_TC_COT_AP - Active cost types per Accounting Principles

ARO_TC_CUSTSET - Customizing for Dynpro Registration

ARO_TC_C_SET_T - Obligation Types Texts

ARO_TC_INF - Inflation Index - Definition and Short Description

ARO_TC_INF_D - Inflation Rates/Interest Rates

ARO_TC_INF_T - Names for Price Increase Processes/Indexes

ARO_TC_INT - Interest Variants/Interest Index - Definition & short desc.

ARO_TC_INT_D - Management of (Capital Market) Interest Rates

ARO_TC_INT_T - Names for Discounting Interest Rate Variants

ARO_TC_OBJ_T - Customizing for underlying object type

ARO_TC_OBJ_T_T - Object type texts

ARO_TC_OBL_T - Obligation Types

ARO_TC_OBL_T_T - Obligation Types Texts

ARO_TC_SLVRS - Sorted List of Provision Version

ARO_TC_SLVRST - Sorted List of Provision Version Text

ARO_TC_SLVRS_C - Assign Cell to Sorted List of Provision Version

ARO_TC_SLVRS_CT - Sorted List of Provision Version Cell Text

ARO_TC_SLV_ACRT - Assign Accrual Type to Sorted List Version of Provision

ARO_TC_SLV_AT_C - Sorted List of Provision Accrual Type Decreasing Indicator

ARO_TC_SLV_DG_C - Sorted List of Provision Doc. Group Decreasing Indicator

ARO_TC_SLV_OTP - Assign OTP to Sorted List of Provision Version

ARO_TREE_STRUCTURE - Tree for User Interaction in Accrual Accounting ARO

ARO_TS_EXTERNAL_ID - Text Structure for External ID

ARO_T_ASS_CUST - Account Assignment Scenarios

ARO_T_SCEN_T - Asssignment Scenario

ARO_T_SCEN_T_T - Assignment Scenario Texts

ARO_UNDL - Lock structure for underlying object

ARO_UNDL_AR - Lock structure for underlying object archive

ARO_UNDL_INDEX - Index Table for Underlying Objects

ARO_UO_HDR - Table for Underlying Objects

ARO_UO_HDRX - Underlying Objects - Update Flags

ARO_UO_LNK - Link between Underlying Object and mass assets

ARO_UO_LNKX - Link bet. Underlying Object and mass assets - Update Flags

ARO_VARO_TA_CALC - Calculation steps at cost estimation level

ARO_VARO_TA_CF - Cashflow at ARO cost estimation level

ARO_VARO_TA_LAY - Data at cost estimation layer level

ARO_VARO_TA_PLAN - Cost estimation plan at ARO transaction level

ARO_VARO_TA_SCAL - Simulated calculation steps at cost estimation level

ARO_VARO_TA_SCF - Simulated cash flow data at ARO transaction level

ARO_VARO_TA_SLAY - Simulated data at cost estimation layer level

ARO_VASSIGNMENTS - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000

ARO_VCEP_HDR - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000

ARO_VCEP_INDEX - Change Document Structure for Cost Estimation Plan index

ARO_VCEP_IT - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000

ARO_VCEP_IT_AP - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000

ARO_VOBLIGATION - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000

ARO_VOBL_INDEX - Change Document Structure for obligation index

ARO_VUNDL_INDEX - Change Document Structure for Underlying Object Index

ARO_VUO_HDR - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000

ARO_VUO_LNK - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000

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