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ADDATALINE - Transfer structure for initial duplicate index

ADDBEPP - Additional information on VDBEPP

ADDBEPP_ADD - Additionl Information for VDBEPP

ADDELIVER - Transfer Structure for Reason for Non-Delivery

ADDFIELDS - Additional Fields

ADDIAM_STAT - Additionals: Status flags as values and symbols


ADDISPLAY - Hit list display structure

ADDISTATUS - Additionals: Status indicator

ADDIT_DATA - Structure for passing supplementary data in SO70


ADDONCHECK - Relationship Between Enterprise Add-Ons + Check F. Modules

ADDONUP - Structure for all Add-On Products in the Upgrade

ADDON_ATTR - Attributes for Add-On Patches and CRTs

ADDON_CONF - Structure of Conflicts Between Patches and Add-Ons

ADDON_FIELDSTATUS_ITEM - Structure for Application-Specific Field Status

ADDR - Address editing transfer area

ADDR1_BW - Extractor structure for BW (ADDR_BW_K1 + ADRC_BW )

ADDR1_COMM - Telephone and fax numbers & E-mail in address object 1

ADDR1_DATA - Address transfer structure

ADDR1_DIA - Transfer structure FB ADDR_DIALOG

ADDR1_FIND - Address search parameter

ADDR1_FSEL - Field selection control for address object 1

ADDR1_FTS - Company search term for error-tolerant search

ADDR1_KEYW - Keywords for address object 1

ADDR1_SEL - Address selection parameter

ADDR1_STR - Address Data Category 1

ADDR1_TEXT - Texts for key fields (address object 1)

ADDR1_VAL - Address return structure

ADDR2_BW - Extractor structure for BW (ADDR_BW_K2 + ADRC_BW + ADRP_BW)

ADDR2_COMM - Telephone and fax numbers & E-mail in address object 2

ADDR2_DATA - Transfer structure for person with private address

ADDR2_DIA - Transfer structure FB ADDR_PERSON_DIALOG

ADDR2_FIND - Search parameter for person with private address

ADDR2_FSEL - Field selection control for address object 2

ADDR2_KEYW - Key words for address object 2

ADDR2_SEL - Selection parameter for person with private address

ADDR2_TEXT - Texts for key fields (address object 2)

ADDR2_VAL - Return structure for person with private address

ADDR3_COMM - Telephone and fax numbers & E-mail in address object 3

ADDR3_DATA - Transfer structure for the address of a person in a company


ADDR3_FIND - Search parameter for the address of a person in a company

ADDR3_FSEL - Field selection control for address object 3

ADDR3_KEYW - Key words for address object 3

ADDR3_SEL - Selection parameter for the address of a person in a company

ADDR3_TEXT - Texts for key fields (address object 3)

ADDR3_VAL - Return structure for the address of a person in a company

ADDRC_DELI_SERV - Address Service Types

ADDRC_DELI_SERVT - Text Table for Address Delivery Service Types

ADDRESS2 - Address

ADDRESSEE - Recipient list

ADDRESSNO_S - address no structure

ADDRESS_BD - Transfer Structure for Biller Direct Address

ADDRESS_COMMUNICATION1 - Proxy Structure (generated)

ADDRESS_DATA - Address Data for Product Proposal Service

ADDRESS_OFFICE1 - Proxy Structure (generated)

ADDRESS_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS1 - Proxy Structure (generated)

ADDRESS_PRINTFORM_LINE - Address Lines used in Print Form

ADDRESS_RESULT - Result of determine juridisdiction code using street address

ADDRESS_RESULT_ADDR - US tax interface : Search help result structure for TXJCD

ADDRESS_S - Address details for form F140_CUS_STAT_P1

ADDRESS_STRUCT - Address with address number

ADDRESS_UNDELIVERABLE_CODE - Undeliverable address code, with update indicator


ADDRFC_STR - Communication Type RFC

ADDRML_STR - Communication Type RML

ADDRRFC - Address Structure for RFC Call (Only CL_GEOCODER_CAS)

ADDRSECINCL - Secondary Address (Without ZIP Add-On)

ADDRSECZIPADDON - IS-M: Structure for Enhanced Address Data

ADDRS_ADDRESS - Structure for the address data

ADDRS_ADDRESS_COMPLETE - Structure for the complete data of an address

ADDRS_ADDRESS_KEY - Alternate address key

ADDRS_ADDRESS_REFERENCES - Address references of an address

ADDRS_ADDRESS_WITH_KEY - Structure for the address data with alternate key

ADDRS_ADDR_REF_WITH_KEY - Address references for one address represented by its key

ADDRS_CHANGE_NOTIFICATION - Structure to record changes in an address

ADDRS_COMMUNICATION_DATA - Structure for all the communication data of one address


ADDRS_COMMUNICATION_DATA_READ - Adress Ids with Indicators for the Comm. Types to read

ADDRS_COMMUNICATION_DATA_USAGE - Structure for Communication Usages

ADDRS_COMMUNICATION_PREFERENCE - Communication language and default communication type

ADDRS_COMM_DATA_MAX_VALIDITY - Maximum Validity interval for the comm data of an address

ADDRS_CREATED_ID - Mapping of temporary to final Node Id

ADDRS_CREATE_INFORMATION - Information needed to create an address

ADDRS_DELETE_INFORMATION - Where-used references for the deletion of the address

ADDRS_DELETION_RESULT - Result of the deletion of one address

ADDRS_EMAIL_ADDRESS - Email Address Data

ADDRS_EMAIL_ADDRESSES - Email Addresses of an Address

ADDRS_EMAIL_ADDRESSES_W_KEY - Email addresses with alternate key

ADDRS_ERROR - Error Structure for Class CL_ADDR_MAIN

ADDRS_FACSIMILE_NUMBER - Facsimile Number Data

ADDRS_FACSIMILE_NUMBERS - Facsimile Numbers of an Address

ADDRS_FACSIMILE_NUMBERS_W_KEY - Facsimile Numbers with alternate key

ADDRS_GENDER - Gender for Address

ADDRS_ID_TO_KEY - Structure for the mapping Address Node Id -> Address Key

ADDRS_INSERT_INFORMATION - Information needed to create an address

ADDRS_KEY_TO_ID - Structure for the mapping Address Key -> Address Node Id

ADDRS_KEY_TO_UUID - Link Structure Between Address Key and UUID

ADDRS_LOCATION - Street address and POBox address fields

ADDRS_MAP_TO_WORKPLACE_ID - Output Structure to determine the a workplace address id

ADDRS_NOTE - Remark for an Address

ADDRS_ORGANIZATION_NAME - Name fields of an organization

ADDRS_ORG_TO_ADDRESS_ID - Structure with a Org-ID and an AddressID using that Org

ADDRS_ORG_TO_ADDRESS_KEY - Link between an organization and an address using the org.


ADDRS_PAGER_NUMBERS - Pager Numbers of an Address

ADDRS_PAGER_NUMBERS_W_KEY - Table of X.400 Addresses with alternate key

ADDRS_PERSON_AND_ORG_ID - Input Structure to determine the a workplace address id

ADDRS_PERSON_NAME - Name fields of a Person

ADDRS_PERSON_REFERENCE - Person Use Data Transfer Structure (Business Addr. Service)

ADDRS_PERSON_REFERENCES - Person references of one address

ADDRS_PERSON_TO_ADDRESS_ID - Structure with a personID and an AddressID using that Person

ADDRS_PERSON_TO_ADDRESS_KEY - Link between a Person and an address using the person

ADDRS_PERS_REF_WITH_KEY - Person references for one address represented by its key

ADDRS_PRINTER - Printer Data

ADDRS_PRINTERS - Printers of an Address

ADDRS_PRINTERS_W_KEY - Table of X.400 Addresses with alternate key



ADDRS_RML_ADDRESSES_W_KEY - Table of Remote Mail Addresses with alternate key


ADDRS_SSF_ADDRESSES - SSF Addresses of an Address

ADDRS_SSF_ADDRESSES_W_KEY - Table of X.400 Addresses with alternate key

ADDRS_TELEPHONE_NUMBER - Telephone Number Data

ADDRS_TELEPHONE_NUMBERS - Telephone Numbers of an Address

ADDRS_TELEPHONE_NUMBERS_W_KEY - Table of telephone numbers with alternate key

ADDRS_TELETEX_NUMBER - Teletex Number Data

ADDRS_TELETEX_NUMBERS - Teletex Numbers of an Address

ADDRS_TELETEX_NUMBERS_W_KEY - Table of Teletex numbers with alternate key

ADDRS_TELEX_NUMBER - Telex Number Data

ADDRS_TELEX_NUMBERS - Telex Numbers of an Address

ADDRS_TELEX_NUMBERS_W_KEY - Table of Telex numbers with alternate key

ADDRS_UPDATE_INFORMATION - Information for updating an address

ADDRS_UUID_TO_KEY - Link Structure Between UUID and Address Key

ADDRS_VERSION - Address data for a specific address version

ADDRS_WEB_ADDRESS - Web Address Data

ADDRS_WEB_ADDRESSES - Web Addresses of an Address

ADDRS_WEB_ADDRESSES_W_KEY - Web addresses of an address with alternate key

ADDRS_WORKPLACE - Workplace data

ADDRS_X400_ADDRESS - X.400 Address Data

ADDRS_X400_ADDRESSES - X.400 Addresses of an Address

ADDRS_X400_ADDRESSES_W_KEY - Table of X.400 Addresses with alternate key

ADDR_ADDRNUMBER_LINE - Structure of Selection Tables of Address Numbers

ADDR_ADDR_PERS_CP_LINE - Structure for Selection Tables for Table ADCP

ADDR_ADDR_PERS_LINE - Selection Table Structure with Address and Person Number

ADDR_ALE - ALE - Structure for Address Conversion

ADDR_BOTH - Address fields for delivery addresses and P.O. box addresses

ADDR_BW_K1 - Key fields for BW extract structure (type 1)

ADDR_BW_K2 - Key fields for BW extract structure (type 2)


ADDR_CHCKD - Checked Regional Structure Field Transfer Structure

ADDR_COMM - active communication types

ADDR_COMMD - Telephone Numbers, Fax Numbers, and E-Mail in Address


ADDR_DEL - Address fields exclusively for delivery addresses

ADDR_DELIV - Address fields for delivery addresses

ADDR_ERROR - Transfer structure for error messages in the SZA0

ADDR_FRAME - dynamic texts


ADDR_KEY - Structure with reference key fields and address type

ADDR_KEYHD - Reference handle field structure

ADDR_KEYNR - Structure with reference key fields and address type

ADDR_KEY_2 - Structure with Complete Address Key

ADDR_KEY_3 - Structure with Complete Address Key (Without Handle)

ADDR_KEY_CLNT - Address Key with Client Field and Object Key

ADDR_LOG - log table for bad address data in PD and PO

ADDR_OBJ - Owner Object of Address

ADDR_PCDFORMAT - Customizing table for postal code

ADDR_PERSNUMBER_LINE - Structure for Selection Tables of Person Numbers

ADDR_POB - Address fields exclusively for P.O. box addresses

ADDR_POBOX - Address fields for P.O. box adddresses

ADDR_REF - Transfer structure for the use of addresses

ADDR_REM - Language-dependent notes for all address types

ADDR_S_CREATED_UUID - Mapping Structure Handle -> Final UUID

ADDR_S_MASK - Structure for address masking table

ADDR_S_XPCPT - Address and Person Number with XPCPT flag

ADDR_VERS - Address version name and date

ADDUPERROR - Error in Duplicate Check

ADD_DEST - Global Performance Analysis: Structure for Destinations

ADD_INFO - Proxy Structure (generated)

ADD_INFO_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (generated)

ADD_OMIS - Additional Info Objects CO-OM

ADD_ON_IS_CRM - CRM Service Industries Extension Enhancements

ADD_REC_TRANS - Additional record of a transaction (TITO Format)

ADD_REMARK_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (generated)

ADD_REMARK_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (generated)

ADD_TEST_INFO - GPA: Structure for Information Texts for Performance Tests

ADD_VOLA - Additional Parameters for Volatility

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